53 resultados para Power line interference


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We examine the impact of primary and secondary interference on opportunistic relaying in cognitive spectrum sharing networks. In particular, new closed-form exact and asymptotic expressions for the outage probability of cognitive opportunistic relaying are derived over Rayleigh and Nakagami-m fading channels. Our analysis presents revealing insights into the diversity and array gains, diversity-multiplexing tradeoff, impact of primary transceivers' positions, and the optimal position of relays. We highlight that cognitive opportunistic relaying achieves the full diversity gain which is a product of the number of relays and the minimum Nakagami-m fading parameter in the secondary network. Furthermore, we confirm that the diversity gain reduces to zero when the peak interference constraint in the secondary network is proportional to the interference power from the primary network.


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We propose transmit antenna selection (TAS) in decode-and-forward (DF) relaying as an effective approach to reduce the interference in underlay spectrum sharing networks with multiple primary users (PUs) and multiple antennas at the secondary users (SUs). We compare two distinct protocols: 1) TAS with receiver maximal-ratio combining (TAS/MRC) and 2) TAS with receiver selection combining (TAS/SC). For each protocol, we derive new closed-form expressions for the exact and asymptotic outage probability with independent Nakagami-m fading in the primary and secondary networks. Our results are valid for two scenarios related to the maximum SU transmit power, i.e., P, and the peak PU interference temperature, i.e., Q. When P is proportional to Q, our results confirm that TAS/MRC and TAS/SC relaying achieve the same full diversity gain. As such, the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) advantage of TAS/MRC relaying relative to TAS/SC relaying is characterized as a simple ratio of their respective SNR gains. When P is independent of Q, we find that an outage floor is obtained in the large P regime where the SU transmit power is constrained by a fixed value of Q. This outage floor is accurately characterized by our exact and asymptotic results.


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The European Union has set a target of 20% for the share of renewable energy sources in gross final energy consumption in 2020. These renewable energy targets are priority objectives for the Europe 2020 strategy for inclusive growth. In line with the European Union renewable energy policies, the Northern Ireland Executive has a target to deliver 40% renewable electricity by 2020. Currently, Northern Ireland imports 98% of the energy it uses in the form of fossil fuels. Locally produced energy and electricity is needed to ensure sustainable development. The aim of this research is to develop part of a strategy for the mechanical power take-off system for a flap type wave energy converter. Aquamarine Power Ltd’s Oyster flap was the device used for simulation and testing purposes. In this paper the state-of-the-art of wave energy converters is reviewed and a 40th scale test model was developed and built.


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This paper presents the design and implementation of a low-voltage-stress Class-EF power amplifier (PA) with extended maximum operating frequency, named as ‘third-harmonic-peaking Class-EF PA’. A novel transmission-line load network is proposed to meet the Class-EF impedance requirements at the fundamental, all even harmonics, and third harmonic components. It also provides an impedance matching to a 50 Ω load. A more effective λ/8 open- and shorted-stub network is deployed at the drain of the transistor replacing the traditional λ/4 transmission line. Implemented using GaN HEMTs, the PA delivered 39.2 dBm output power with 80.5% drain efficiency and 71% PAE at 2.22 GHz.


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This study presents a model based on partial least squares (PLS) regression for dynamic line rating (DLR). The model has been verified using data from field measurements, lab tests and outdoor experiments. Outdoor experimentation has been conducted both to verify the model predicted DLR and also to provide training data not available from field measurements, mainly heavily loaded conditions. The proposed model, unlike the direct measurement based DLR techniques, enables prediction of line rating for periods ahead of time whenever a reliable weather forecast is available. The PLS approach yields a very simple statistical model that accurately captures the physical performance of the conductor within a given environment without requiring a predetermination of parameters as required by many physical modelling techniques. Accuracy of the PLS model has been tested by predicting the conductor temperature for measurement sets other than those used for training. Being a linear model, it is straightforward to estimate the conductor ampacity for a set of predicted weather parameters. The PLS estimated ampacity has proven its accuracy through an outdoor experiment on a piece of the line conductor in real weather conditions.


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A new variant of Class-EF power amplifier (PA), the so-called third-harmonic-peaking Class-EF, is presented. It inherits a soft-switching operation from the Class-E PA and a low peak switch voltage from the Class-F PA. More importantly, the new topology allows operations at higher frequencies and permits deployment of large transistors which is normally prohibited since they are always accompanied with high output capacitances. Using a simple transmission-line load network, the PA is synthesized to satisfy Class-EF impedances at fundamental frequency, third harmonic, and all even harmonics as well as to simultaneously provide an impedance matching to 50-Ω load.


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DC line faults on high-voltage direct current (HVDC) systems utilising voltage source converters (VSCs) are a major issue for multi-terminal HVDC systems in which complete isolation of the faulted system is not a viable option. Of these faults, single line-to-earth faults are the most common fault scenario. To better understand the system under such faults, this study analyses the behaviour of HVDC systems based on both conventional two-level converter and multilevel modular converter technology, experiencing a permanent line-to-earth fault. Operation of the proposed system under two different earthing configurations of converter side AC transformer earthed with converter unearthed, and both converter and AC transformer unearthed, was analysed and simulated, with particular attention paid to the converter operation. It was observed that the development of potential earth loops within the system as a result of DC line-to-earth faults leads to substantial overcurrent and results in oscillations depending on the earthing configuration.


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Surface plasmon enhancement of laser ablation of thin Al films is examined with a view to its application in metal film patterning and nano-structuring. Al films, deposited on silica prisms, are first characterized by attenuated total reflection using a broadband UV source and appropriate interference filter. The films are subsequently subjected to excimer laser radiation of wavelength 248 nm under conditions both of direct incidence from the air side of the film, and of surface plasmon excitation in which light is incident through the prism at greater than critical angle. For a given level of ablation damage in a particular film the fluence required using the surface plasmon technique is 3-5 times less than that needed when direct incidence is used. This is roughly in line with the energy absorbed in the film. From a practical standpoint it is clear that ablation of metal films can be achieved with much lower fluences than has hitherto been possible, thus reducing the requirements on laser output and relaxing the power handling constraints on any input optical elements.


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The recently introduced Class-EF power amplifier (PA) has a peak switch voltage lower than that of the Class-E PA. However, the value of the transistor output capacitance at high frequencies is typically larger than the required Class-EF optimum shunt capacitance. Consequently, soft-switching operation that minimizes power dissipation during off-to-on transition cannot be achieved at high frequencies. Two new Class-EF PA variants with transmission-line load networks, namely, third-harmonic-peaking (THP) and fifth-harmonic-peaking (FHP) Class-EF PAs are proposed in this paper. These permit operation at higher frequencies at no expense to other PA figures of merit. Analytical expressions are derived in order to obtain circuit component values, which satisfy the required Class-EF impedances at fundamental frequency, all even harmonics, and the first few odd harmonics as well as simultaneously providing impedance matching to a 50- Ω load. Furthermore, a novel open-circuit and shorted stub arrangement, which has substantial practical benefits, is proposed to replace the normal quarter-wave line connected at the transistor's drain. Using GaN HEMTs, two PA prototypes were built. Measured peak drain efficiency of 91% and output power of 39.5 dBm were obtained at 2.22 GHz for the THP Class-EF PA. The FHP Class-EF PA delivered output power of 41.9 dBm with 85% drain efficiency at 1.52 GHz.


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In this paper, we analyze the performance of cognitive amplify-and-forward (AF) relay networks with beamforming under the peak interference power constraint of the primary user (PU). We focus on the scenario that beamforming is applied at the multi-antenna secondary transmitter and receiver. Also, the secondary relay network operates in channel state information-assisted AF mode, and the signals undergo independent Nakagami-m fading. In particular, closed-form expressions for the outage probability and symbol error rate (SER) of the considered network over Nakagami-m fading are presented. More importantly, asymptotic closed-form expressions for the outage probability and SER are derived. These tractable closed-form expressions for the network performance readily enable us to evaluate and examine the impact of network parameters on the system performance. Specifically, the impact of the number of antennas, the fading severity parameters, the channel mean powers, and the peak interference power is addressed. The asymptotic analysis manifests that the peak interference power constraint imposed on the secondary relay network has no effect on the diversity gain. However, the coding gain is affected by the fading parameters of the links from the primary receiver to the secondary relay network


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Using the Rapid Oscillation in the Solar Atmosphere (ROSA) instrument at the Dunn Solar Telescope we have found that the spectra of fluctuations of the G-band (cadence 1.05 s) and Ca II K-line (cadence 4.2 s) intensities show correlated fluctuations above white noise out to frequencies beyond 300 mHz and up to 70 mHz, respectively. The noise-corrected G-band spectrum presents a scaling range (Ultra High Frequency “UHF”) for f = 25-100 mHz, with an exponent consistent with the presence of turbulent motions. The UHF power, is concentrated at the locations of magnetic bright points in the intergranular lanes, it is highly intermittent in time and characterized by a positive kurtosis κ. Combining values of G-band and K-line intensities, the UHF power, and κ, reveals two distinct “states” of the internetwork solar atmosphere. State 1, with κ ≍ 6, which includes almost all the data, is characterized by low intensities and low UHF power. State 2, with κ ≍ 3, including a very small fraction of the data, is characterized by high intensities and high UHF power. Superposed epoch analysis shows that for State 1, the K-line intensity presents 3.5 min chromospheric oscillations with maxima occurring 21 s after G-band intensity maxima implying a 150-210 km effective height difference. For State 2, the G-band and K-line intensity maxima are simultaneous, suggesting that in the highly magnetized environment sites of G-band and K-line emission may be spatially close together. Analysis of observations obtained with Hinode/SOT confirm a scaling range in the G-band spectrum up to 53 mHz also consistent with turbulent motions as well as the identification of two distinct states in terms of the H-line intensity and G-band power as functions of G-band intensity.


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The applicability of ultra-short-term wind power prediction (USTWPP) models is reviewed. The USTWPP method proposed extracts featrues from historical data of wind power time series (WPTS), and classifies every short WPTS into one of several different subsets well defined by stationary patterns. All the WPTS that cannot match any one of the stationary patterns are sorted into the subset of nonstationary pattern. Every above WPTS subset needs a USTWPP model specially optimized for it offline. For on-line application, the pattern of the last short WPTS is recognized, then the corresponding prediction model is called for USTWPP. The validity of the proposed method is verified by simulations.


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Indoor personnel localization research has generated a range of potential techniques and algorithms. However, these typically do not account for the influence of the user's body upon the radio channel. In this paper an active RFID based patient tracking system is demonstrated and three localization algorithms are used to estimate the location of a user within a modern office building. It is shown that disregarding body effects reduces the accuracy of the algorithms' location estimates and that body shadowing effects create a systematic position error that estimates the user's location as closer to the RFID reader that the active tag has line of sight to.


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This paper investigates the achievable sum-rate of massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems in the presence of channel aging. For the uplink, by assuming that the base station (BS) deploys maximum ratio combining (MRC) or zero-forcing (ZF) receivers, we present tight closed-form lower bounds on the achievable sum-rate for both receivers with aged channel state information (CSI). In addition, the benefit of implementing channel prediction methods on the sum-rate is examined, and closed-form sum rate lower bounds are derived. Moreover, the impact of channel aging and channel prediction on the power scaling law is characterized. Extension to the downlink scenario and multi-cell scenario are also considered. It is found that, for a system with/without channel prediction, the transmit power of each user can be scaled down at most by 1= p M (where M is the number of BS antennas), which indicates that aged CSI does not degrade the power scaling law, and channel prediction does not enhance the power scaling law; instead, these phenomena affect the achievable sum-rate by degrading or enhancing the effective signal to interference and noise ratio, respectively.


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BACKGROUND: Long-term hormone therapy has been the standard of care for advanced prostate cancer since the 1940s. STAMPEDE is a randomised controlled trial using a multiarm, multistage platform design. It recruits men with high-risk, locally advanced, metastatic or recurrent prostate cancer who are starting first-line long-term hormone therapy. We report primary survival results for three research comparisons testing the addition of zoledronic acid, docetaxel, or their combination to standard of care versus standard of care alone.

METHODS: Standard of care was hormone therapy for at least 2 years; radiotherapy was encouraged for men with N0M0 disease to November, 2011, then mandated; radiotherapy was optional for men with node-positive non-metastatic (N+M0) disease. Stratified randomisation (via minimisation) allocated men 2:1:1:1 to standard of care only (SOC-only; control), standard of care plus zoledronic acid (SOC + ZA), standard of care plus docetaxel (SOC + Doc), or standard of care with both zoledronic acid and docetaxel (SOC + ZA + Doc). Zoledronic acid (4 mg) was given for six 3-weekly cycles, then 4-weekly until 2 years, and docetaxel (75 mg/m(2)) for six 3-weekly cycles with prednisolone 10 mg daily. There was no blinding to treatment allocation. The primary outcome measure was overall survival. Pairwise comparisons of research versus control had 90% power at 2·5% one-sided α for hazard ratio (HR) 0·75, requiring roughly 400 control arm deaths. Statistical analyses were undertaken with standard log-rank-type methods for time-to-event data, with hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% CIs derived from adjusted Cox models. This trial is registered at ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT00268476) and ControlledTrials.com (ISRCTN78818544).

FINDINGS: 2962 men were randomly assigned to four groups between Oct 5, 2005, and March 31, 2013. Median age was 65 years (IQR 60-71). 1817 (61%) men had M+ disease, 448 (15%) had N+/X M0, and 697 (24%) had N0M0. 165 (6%) men were previously treated with local therapy, and median prostate-specific antigen was 65 ng/mL (IQR 23-184). Median follow-up was 43 months (IQR 30-60). There were 415 deaths in the control group (347 [84%] prostate cancer). Median overall survival was 71 months (IQR 32 to not reached) for SOC-only, not reached (32 to not reached) for SOC + ZA (HR 0·94, 95% CI 0·79-1·11; p=0·450), 81 months (41 to not reached) for SOC + Doc (0·78, 0·66-0·93; p=0·006), and 76 months (39 to not reached) for SOC + ZA + Doc (0·82, 0·69-0·97; p=0·022). There was no evidence of heterogeneity in treatment effect (for any of the treatments) across prespecified subsets. Grade 3-5 adverse events were reported for 399 (32%) patients receiving SOC, 197 (32%) receiving SOC + ZA, 288 (52%) receiving SOC + Doc, and 269 (52%) receiving SOC + ZA + Doc.

INTERPRETATION: Zoledronic acid showed no evidence of survival improvement and should not be part of standard of care for this population. Docetaxel chemotherapy, given at the time of long-term hormone therapy initiation, showed evidence of improved survival accompanied by an increase in adverse events. Docetaxel treatment should become part of standard of care for adequately fit men commencing long-term hormone therapy.

FUNDING: Cancer Research UK, Medical Research Council, Novartis, Sanofi-Aventis, Pfizer, Janssen, Astellas, NIHR Clinical Research Network, Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research.