65 resultados para Pigmented Rabbit


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The AINT/ERIC/TACC genes encode novel proteins with a coiled coil domain at their C-terminus. The founding member of this expanding family of genes, transforming acidic coiled coil 1 (TACC1), was isolated from a BAC contig spanning the breast cancer amplicon-1 on 8p11. Transfection of cells in vitro with TACC1 resulted in anchorage-independent growth consistent with a more "neoplastic" phenotype. Database searches employing the human TACC1 sequence revealed other novel genes, TACC2 and TACC3, with substantial sequence homology particularly in the C-terminal regions encoding the coiled coil domains. TACC2, located at 10q26, is similar to anti-zuai-1 (AZU-1), a candidate breast tumour suppressor gene, and ECTACC, an endothelial cell TACC which is upregulated by erythropoietin (Epo). The murine homologue of TACC3, murine erythropoietin-induced cDNA (mERIC-1) was also found to be upregulated by Epo in the Friend virus anaemia (FVA) model by differential display-PCR. Human ERIC-1, located at 4p16.3, has been cloned and encodes an 838-amino acid protein whose N- and C-terminal regions are highly homologous to the shorter 558-amino acid murine protein, mERIC-1. In contrast, the central portions of these proteins differ markedly. The murine protein contains four 24 amino acid imperfect repeats. ARNT interacting protein (AINT), a protein expressed during embryonic development in the mouse, binds through its coiled coil region to the aryl hydrocarbon nuclear translocator protein (ARNT) and has a central portion that contains seven of the 24 amino acid repeats found in mERIC-1. Thus mERIC-1 and AINT appear to be developmentally regulated alternative transcripts of the gene. Most members of the TACC family discovered so far contain a novel nine amino acid putative phosphorylation site with the pattern [R/K]-X(3)-[E]-X(3)-Y. Genes with sequence homology to the AINT/ERIC/TACC family in other species include maskin in Xenopus, D-TACC in Drosophila and TACC4 in the rabbit. Maskin contains a peptide sequence conserved among eIF-4E binding proteins that is involved in oocyte development. D-TACC cooperates with another conserved microtubule-associated protein Msps to stabilise spindle poles during cell division. The diversity of function already attributed to this protein family, including both transforming and tumour suppressor properties, should ensure that a new and interesting narrative is about to unfold.


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Maternal vitamin D insufficiency is associated with childhood rickets and longer-term problems including schizophrenia and type 1 diabetes. Whilst maternal vitamin D insufficiency is common in mothers with highly pigmented skin, little is known about vitamin D status of Caucasian pregnant women. The aim was to investigate vitamin D status in healthy Caucasian pregnant women and a group of age-matched non-pregnant controls living at 54–55°N. In a longitudinal study, plasma 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) was assessed in ninety-nine pregnant women at 12, 20 and 35 weeks of gestation, and in thirty-eight non-pregnant women sampled concurrently. Plasma 25(OH)D concentrations were lower in pregnant women compared to non-pregnant women (P < 0·0001). Of the pregnant women, 35, 44 and 16 % were classified as vitamin D deficient (25(OH)D < 25 nmol/l), and 96, 96 and 75 % were classified as vitamin D insufficient (25(OH)D < 50 nmol/l) at 12, 20 and 35 weeks gestation, respectively. Vitamin D status was higher in pregnant women who reported taking multivitamin supplements at 12 (P < 0·0001), 20 (P = 0·001) and 35 (P = 0·001) weeks gestation than in non-supplement users. Vitamin D insufficiency is evident in pregnant women living at 54–55°N. Women reporting use of vitamin D-containing supplements had higher vitamin D status, however, vitamin D insufficiency was still evident even in the face of supplement use. Given the potential consequences of hypovitaminosis D on health outcomes, vitamin D supplementation, perhaps at higher doses than currently available, is needed to improve maternal vitamin D nutriture.


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1. Agri-environment schemes (AESs) are designed to create landscape-scale improvements in biodiversity. While the specific aims of AESs do not always include the enhancement of species of conservation concern, associated conservation strategies, such as the UK Biodiversity Action Plan, often rest on the assumption that AESs enhance environmental conditions and thereby improve the conservation status of target species. However, there is little evidence for the general efficacy of AESs in this respect. 2. To evaluate the effects of the Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA) scheme, a widespread AES in Northern Ireland, a spotlight survey of the relative abundance of three mammal species, Irish hare Lepus timidus hibernicus, European rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus and red fox Vulpes vulpes, was conducted. Of these, the Irish hare is a priority species for conservation action and the focus of a species action plan, while rabbit and fox are commonly considered agricultural pests. The effects of ESA designation and habitat on each species were assessed at 150 ESA and 50 non-ESA sites, matched for landscape characteristics. 3. The ESA scheme had no demonstrable effect on the abundance of Irish hares, and this agri-environment scheme did not target the landscape and habitat variables associated with hares. 4. In contrast, the abundance of rabbits and foxes was significantly greater within ESAs than the wider countryside. Agricultural factors such as reduced livestock stocking density, reduced overgrazing and field boundary enhancements may create more favourable conditions for both species. Aside from the implications for farm economics, the proliferation of rabbit populations within conservation areas may raise issues concerning the grazing of important plant communities, while increases in fox populations may adversely affect ground-nesting birds and other animal species of conservation concern. 5. Synthesis and applications: The abundance of rabbits and foxes corroborates recent work that suggests AESs may benefit common species but can not be relied upon to encourage rarer species. The Irish hare species action plan relies on agri-environment schemes to enhance the species’ status and realize the target of increasing the hare population by 2010 by promoting suitable habitat. However, the ESA scheme is unlikely to help in achieving these objectives. Targeted and evidence-based agri-environment prescriptions are clearly required in order to ensure the realization of species-specific conservation targets.


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The term phacomatosis pigmentovascularis (PPV) refers to the occurrence of vascular nevi with melanocytic or epidermal nevi. We report on monozygotic twins (MZTs) discordant for phacomatosis cesioflammea (PPV type II) providing evidence for the mechanism of twin spotting in the development of PPV. The affected twin had a nevus flammeus on the right arm and the right maxilla, and a pigmented area on the trunk in keeping with a persistent, aberrant Mongolian spot. The affected twin had bilateral ocular melanocytosis with abnormal scleral pigmentation, iris mamillations, increased pigmentation of the trabecular meshwork, and increased fundal pigmentation and secondary glaucoma. DNA testing confirmed monozygosity. This case of MZTs discordant for PPV supports the hypothesis that PPV results from mosaicism due to a post-zygotic mutational event and the concept of twin spotting.


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The spontaneous formation of the neurotoxic carcinogen acrylamide in a wide range of cooked foods has recently been discovered. These foods include bread and other bakery products, crisps, chips, breakfast cereals, and coffee. To date, the diminutive size of acrylamide (71.08Da) has prevented the development of screening immunoassays for this chemical. In this study, a polyclonal antibody capable of binding the carcinogen was produced by the synthesis of an immunogen comprising acrylamide derivatised with 3-mercaptobenzoic acid (3-MBA), and its conjugation to the carrier protein bovine thyroglobulin. Antiserum from the immunised rabbit was harvested and fully characterised. it displayed no binding affinity for acrylamide or 3-MBA but had a high affinity for 3-MBA-derivitised acrylamide. The antisera produced was utilised in the development of an ELISA based detection system for acrylamide. Spiked water samples were assayed for acrylamide content using a previously published extraction method validated for coffee, crispbread, potato, milk chocolate and potato crisp matrices. Extracted acrylamide was then subjected to a rapid 1-h derivatisation with 3-MBA, pre-analysis. The ELISA was shown to have a high specificity for acrylamide, with a limit of detection in water samples of 65.7 mu g kg(-1), i.e. potentially suitable for acrylamide detection in a wide range of food commodities. Future development of this assay will increase sensitivity further. This is the first report of an immunoassay capable of detecting the carcinogen, as its small size has necessitated current analytical detection via expensive, slower, physico-chemical techniques such as Gas or Liquid Chromatography coupled to Mass Spectrometry. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) toxin monitoring in shellfish is currently performed using the internationally accredited AOAC mouse bioassay. Due to ethical and performance-related issues associated with this bioassay, the European Commission has recently published directives extending procedures that may be used for official PSP control. The feasibility of using a surface plasmon resonance optical biosensor to detect PSP toxins in shellfish tissue below regulatory levels was examined. Three different PSP toxin protein binders were investigated: a sodium channel receptor (SCR) preparation derived from rat brains, a monoclonal antibody (GT13-A) raised to gonyautoxin 2/3, and a rabbit polyclonal antibody (R895) raised to saxitoxin (STX). Inhibition assay formats were used throughout. Immobilization of STX to the biosensor chip surface was achieved via amino-coupling. Specific binding and inhibition of binding to this surface was achieved using all proteins tested. For STX calibration curves, 0 - 1000 ng/mL, IC50 values for each binder were as follows: SCR 8.11 ng/mL; GT13-A 5.77 ng/mL; and R895 1.56 ng/mL. Each binder demonstrated a different cross-reactivity profile against a range of STX analogues. R895 delivered a profile that was most likely to detect the widest range of PSP toxins at or below the internationally adopted regulatory limits.


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A rapid and sensitive immuno-based screening method was developed to detect domoic acid (DA) present in extracts of shellfish species using a surface plasmon resonance-based optical biosensor. A rabbit polyclonal antibody raised against DA was mixed with standard or sample extracts and allowed to interact with DA immobilized onto a sensor chip surface. The characterization of the antibody strongly suggested high cross-reactivity with DA and important isomers of the toxin. The binding of this antibody to the sensor chip surface was inhibited in the presence of DA in either standard solutions or sample extracts. The DA chip surface proved to be highly stable, achieving approximately 800 analyses per chip without any loss of surface activity. A single analytical cycle (sample injection, chip regeneration, and system wash) took 10 min to complete. Sample analysis (scallops, mussels, cockles, oysters) was achieved by simple extraction with methanol. These extracts were then filtered and diluted before analysis. Detection limits in the ng/g range were achieved by the assay; however, the assay parameters chosen allowed the test to be performed most accurately at the European Union's official action limit for DA of 20 mu g/g. At this concentration, intra- and interassay variations were measured for a range of shellfish species and ranged from 4.5 to 7.4% and 2.3 to 9.7%, respectively.


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Previous studies have shown that glycation of insulin occurs in pancreatic beta -cells under conditions of hyperglycaemia and that the site of glycation is the N-terminal Phe(1) of the insulin B-chain. To enable evaluation of glycated insulin in diabetes, specific antibodies were raised in rabbits and guinea-pigs by using two synthetic peptides (A: Phe-Val-Asn-Gln-His-Leu-Cys-Tyr, and B: Phe-Val-Asn-Gln-His-Leu-Tyr-Lys) modified by N-terminal glycation and corresponding closely to the N-terminal sequence of the glycated human insulin B-chain. For immunization, the glycated peptides were conjugated either to keyhole limper haemocyanin or ovalbumin using glutaraldehyde, m-maleimidobenzoyl-N-hydroxysuccinimide ester or 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylamino propyl) carbodiimide hydrochloride. Antibody titration curves, obtained using I-125-tyrosylated tracer prepared from glycated peptide A, revealed high-titre antisera in five groups of animals immunized for 8-28 weeks. The highest titres were observed in rabbits and guinea-pigs immunized with peptide B coupled to ovalbumin using glutaraldehyde. Under radioimmunoassay conditions, these antisera exhibited effective dose (median) (ED50) values for glycated insulin of 0.3-15 ng/ml and 0.9-2.5 ng/ml respectively, with negligible cross-reactivity against insulin or other islet peptides. The degree of cross-reaction with glycated proinsulin was approximately 50%. Glycated insulin in plasma of control and hydrocortisone-treated diabetic rats measured using rabbit 3 antiserum (1:10 000 dilution; sensitivity


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The Advanced JAX (TM) Bone Void Filler System (AJBVFS) is a novel bone graft material manufactured by Smith and Nephew Orthopaedics Ltd. and comprises beta tri-calcium phosphate granules with carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) gel as a handling agent. This study investigated the potential, in vitro, of the AJBVFS to function as a delivery system for cell therapy to enhance healing of bone defects. The attachment of rabbit bone marrow stromal cells (rbBMSCs), human BMSCs (hBMSCs) and human bone-derived cells (hBDCs) to JAX (TM) granules and the effect of CMC gel on cell proliferation and differentiation were investigated. There were slight species differences in the number and morphology of cells attached on the JAX (TM) granules with less rbBMSC attachment than human. All cells tolerated the presence of CMC gel and a reduction in cell number was only seen after longer exposure to higher gel concentrations. Low concentrations of CMC gel enhanced proliferation, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) expression and ALP activity in human cells but had no effect on rbBMSC. This study suggests that AJBVFS is an appropriate scaffold for the delivery of osteogenic cells and the addition of CMC gel as a handling agent promotes osteogenic proliferation and differentiation and is therefore likely to encourage bone healing.


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The objectives of this study were to develop a three-dimensional acellular cartilage matrix (ACM) and investigate its possibility for use as a scaffold in cartilage tissue engineering. Bovine articular cartilage was decellularized sequentially with trypsin, nuclease solution, hypotonic buffer, and Triton x 100 solution; molded with freeze-drying process; and cross-linked by ultraviolet irradiation. Histological and biochemical analysis showed that the ACM was devoid of cells and still maintained the collagen and glycosaminoglycan components of cartilage. Scanning electronic microscopy and mercury intrusion porosimetry showed that the ACM had a sponge-like structure of high porosity. The ACM scaffold had good biocompatibility with cultured rabbit bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells with no indication of cytotoxicity both in contact and in extraction assays. The cartilage defects repair in rabbit knees with the mesenchymal stem cell-ACM constructs had a significant improvement of histological scores when compared to the control groups at 6 and 12 weeks. In summary, the ACM possessed the characteristics that afford it as a potential scaffold for cartilage tissue engineering.


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In the digital age, the hyperspace of virtual reality systems stands out as a new spatial notion creating a parallel world to the space we live in. In this alternative realm, the body transforms into a hyperbody, and begins to follow the white rabbit. Not only in real world but also in the Matrix world. The Matrix project of Andy and Larry Wachowski started with a feature film released in 1999. However, The Matrix is not only a film (trilogy). It is a concept, a universe that brings real space and hyperspace together. It is a world represented not only in science fiction films but also in The Animatrix that includes nine animated Matrix films directed by Peter Chung, Andy Jones, Yoshiaki Kawajiri and others, four of which are written by the Wachowskis. The same universe is used in Enter the Matrix, a digital game whose script was written and directed by the brothers and a comic book, The Matrix Comics, which includes twelve different stories by artists like Neil Gaiman and Goef Darrow. The Wachowskis played an active role in the creation and realization of all these “products” of different media. The comic book came last (November 2003), however it is possible to argue that everything came out of comics – the storyboards of the original film. After all the Wachowskis have a background in comics.

In this study, I will focus on the formal analysis of the science fiction world of The Matrix - as a representation of hyperspace - in different media, feature film, animated film, digital game and comic book, focusing on diverse forms of space that come into being as a result of medium differences. To unfold the different formal characters of film, animation, game and comics, concepts and features including framing, flattening, continuity, movement, montage, sound/text, light and color will be discussed. An analysis of these products will help to open up a discussion on the relation of form, media and representation.


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UC781 is a potent and poorly water-soluble nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor being investi- gated as a potential microbicide for preventing sexual transmission of HIV-1. This study was designed to evaluate the in vivo release and pharmacokinetics of UC781 delivered from matrix-type intravaginal ring segments in rabbits. Three polymer matrices (polyurethane, ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer, and silicone elastomer) and two drug loadings (5 and 15 mg/segment) were evaluated in at least one of two independent studies for up to 28 days in vivo. Inter-study comparison of in vivo release, vaginal tissue, and plasma concentrations for similar formulations demonstrated good reproducibility of the animal model. Mean estimates for a 28-day in vivo release ranged from 0.35 to 3.17 mg UC781 per segment. Mean proximal vaginal tissue levels (adjacent to the IVR segment) were 8– 410 ng/g and did not change significantly with time for most formulations. Distal vaginal tissue levels of UC781 were 6- to 49-fold lower than proximal tissue levels. Mean UC781 plasma levels were low for all formulations, at 0.09–0.58 ng/mL. All formulations resulted in similar UC781 concentrations in vaginal tissue and plasma, except the low loading polyurethane group which provided significantly lower levels. Loading dependent release and pharmacokinetics were only clearly observed for the polyurethane matrix. Based on these results, intravaginal ring segments loaded with UC781 led to vaginal tissue concen- trations ranging from below to approximately two orders of magnitude higher than UC781’s EC50 under in vitro conditions (2.8 ng/mL), with little influence by polymer matrix or UC781 loading. Moreover, these findings support the use of rabbit vaginal pharmacokinetic studies in preclinical testing of microbicide intravaginal rings.


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Furazolidone, a nitrofuran antibiotic, is banned from use in food animal production within the European Union. Increasingly, compliance with this ban is monitored by use of analytical methods to detect a stable tissue-bound metabolite, 3-amino-2-oxazolidinone (AOZ). Widespread use of furazolidone in poultry and prawns imported into Europe highlighted the urgent need for development of nitrofuran immunoassay screening tests. The first enzyme-linked immunoabsorbant assay for detection of AOZ residues in prawns (shrimps) is now described. Prawn samples were derivatized with o-nitrobenzaldehyde, extracted into ethyl acetate, washed with hexane and applied to a competitive enzyme immunoassay based on a rabbit polyclonal antiserum. Assay limit of detection (LOD) (mean+3 s) calculated from the analysis of 20 known negative cold and warm water prawn samples was 0.1 mug kg(-1). Intra- and interassay relative standard deviations were determined as 18.8 and 38.2%, respectively, using a negative prawn fortified at 0.7 mug kg(-1). The detection capability (CCbeta), defined as the concentration of AOZ at which 20 different fortified samples yielded results above the LOD, was achieved at fortification between 0.4 and 0.7 mug kg(-1). Incurred prawn samples (n=8) confirmed by liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry detection to contain AOZ concentrations between 0.4 and 12.7 mug kg(-1) were all screened positive by this enzyme-linked immunoabsorbant assay. Further data are presented and discussed with regard to calculating assay LOD based on accepting a 5% false-positive rate with representative negative prawn samples. Such an acceptance improves the sensitivity of an ELISA and in this case permitted an LOD of 0.05 mug kg(-1) and a CCbeta of below 0.4 mug kg(-1).


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19-Nortestosterone (beta-NT) is banned for use as a growth promoter in food animals within the European Union. For regulatory control purposes, urine and bile samples are routinely screened by immunoassay. The aim of the present study was to compare the ability of two immunoassays, using two rabbit polyclonal antibodies raised against two different NT derivatives, to detect NT residues in bovine bile. One antiserum cross-reacted with both alpha-NT and beta-NT (alpha/beta-NT), whereas the other was specific for alpha-NT. Bile samples from 266 slaughtered cattle were deconjugated and analyzed using both antibodies, with all screening positives (>2 ng ml(-1)) confirmed by high resolution gas chromatography mass spectrometry. The alpha/beta-NT and alpha-NT antibody-based ELISAs screened 39 and 44 samples positive, respectively, with NT confirmed in 22 and 39, respectively. The alpha/beta-NT antibody-based ELISA produced a false-negative rate of 44% compared to 0% for the alpha-NT antibody-based ELISA. Supplementary investigations concluded that a matrix effect was a major cause of the marked differences in false-negative rates. This result underlines the necessity to validate immunoassays in the sample matrix.


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Intravascular application of goat anti-rabbit immunoglobulin E (IgE) was used to stimulate parenchymal mast cells in situ in perfused rabbit lungs. Sustained pulmonary arterial pressure rise was evoked in the absence of lung vascular permeability increase and lung edema formation. Early prostaglandin (PG) D2 and histamine release into the perfusate was documented, accompanied by more sustained liberation of cysteinyl leukotrienes (LT), LTB4, and PGI2. The quantities of these inflammatory mediators displayed the following order: histamine > cysteinyl-LT > PGI2 > LTB4 > PGD2. Pressor response and inflammatory mediator release revealed corresponding bell-shaped dose dependencies. Cyclooxygenase inhibition (acetylsalicylic acid) suppressed prostanoid generation, increased LT release, and did not substantially affect pressor response and histamine liberation. BW755 C, a cyclo- and lipoxygenase inhibitor, blocked the release of cysteinyl-LT and markedly reduced the liberation of the other inflammatory mediators as well as the pressor response. The H-1-antagonist clemastine caused a moderate reduction of the anti-IgE-provoked pressure rise. We conclude that intravascular anti-IgE challenge in intact lungs provokes the release of an inflammatory mediator profile compatible with in situ lung parenchymal mast cell activation. Pulmonary hypertension represents the predominant vascular response, presumably mediated by cysteinyl-LT and, to a minor extent, histamine liberation.