131 resultados para Photon propagation


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We examine the computational aspects of propagating a global R-matrix, R, across sub-regions in a 2-D plane. This problem originates in the large scale simulation of electron collisions with atoms and ions at intermediate energies. The propagation is dominated by matrix multiplications which are complicated because of the dynamic nature of R, which changes the designations of its rows and columns and grows in size as the propagation proceeds. The use of PBLAS to solve this problem on distributed memory HPC machines is the main focus of the paper.


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The two-photon resonances of atomic hydrogen (? = 2 × 205.1 nm), atomic nitrogen (? = 2 × 206.6 nm) and atomic oxygen (? = 2 × 225.6 nm) are investigated together with two selected transitions in krypton (? = 2×204.2 nm) and xenon (? = 2×225.5 nm). The natural lifetimes of the excited states, quenching coefficients for the most important collisions partners, and the relevant ratios of the two-photon excitation cross sections are measured. These data can be applied to provide a calibration for two-photon laser-induced fluorescence measurements based on comparisons with spectrally neighbouring noble gas resonances.


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The atmospheric pressure plasma jet is a capacitively coupled radio frequency discharge (13.56 MHz) running with a high helium flux (2m3 h-1) between concentric electrodes. Small amounts (0.5%) of admixed molecular oxygen do not disturb the homogeneous plasma discharge. The jet effluent leaving the discharge through the ring-shaped nozzle contains high concentrations of radicals at a low gas temperature—the key property for a variety of applications aiming at treatment of thermally sensitive surfaces. We report on absolute atomic oxygen density measurements by two-photon absorption laser-induced fluorescence (TALIF) spectroscopy in the jet effluent. Calibration is performed with the aid of a comparative TALIF measurement with xenon. An excitation scheme (different from the one earlier published) providing spectral matching of both the two-photon resonances and the fluorescence transitions is applied.


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The interaction of a 3x10(19) W/cm(2) laser pulse with a metallic wire has been investigated using proton radiography. The pulse is observed to drive the propagation of a highly transient field along the wire at the speed of light. Within a temporal window of 20 ps, the current driven by this field rises to its peak magnitude similar to 10(4) A before decaying to below measurable levels. Supported by particle-in-cell simulation results and simple theoretical reasoning, the transient field measured is interpreted as a charge-neutralizing disturbance propagated away from the interaction region as a result of the permanent loss of a small fraction of the laser-accelerated hot electron population to vacuum.


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Tissue-implanted ultra-high frequency (UHF) radio devices are being employed in both humans and animals for telemetry and telecommand applications, This paper describes the experimental measurement and electromagnetic modeling of propagation from 418-MHz and 916.5-MHz sources placed in the human vagina. Whole-body homogeneous and semi-segmented software models were constructed using data from the Visible Human Project. Bodyworn radiation efficiencies for a vaginally placed 418-MHz source were calculated using finite-difference time-domain and ranged between 1.6% and 3.4% (corresponding to net body losses of between 14.7 and 18.0 dB), Greater losses were encountered at 916.5 MHz, with efficiencies between 0.36% and 0.46% (net body loss ranging between 23.4 and 24.4 dB), Practical measurements were in good agreement with simulations, to within 2 dB at 418 MHz and 3 dB at 916.5 MHz. The degree of tissue-segmentation for whole-body models was found to have a minimal effect on calculated azimuthal radiation patterns and bodyworn radiation efficiency, provided the region surrounding the implanted source was sufficiently detailed.


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Experimental results are presented to show how a planar circuit, printed on a laterally shielded dielectric waveguide, can induce and control the radiation from a leaky-mode. By studying the leaky-mode complex propagation constant, a desired radiation pattern can be synthesized, controlling the main radiation characteristics (pointing direction, beamwidth, sidelobes level) for a given frequency, This technique leads to very flexible and original leaky-wave antenna designs. The experiments show to be in very good agreement with the leaky-mode theory.


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Periodically loaded dipole arrays printed on grounded dielectric substrate are shown to exhibit left-handed propagation properties. In an equivalent transmission line representation, lefthandedness emerges due to the excess series capacitance and shunt inductance. Based on this concept, the authors study the distribution of the modal fields and the variation of series capacitance and shunt inductance as the dipoles are loaded with stubs. Full wave dispersion curves that show the gradual transition from a right-handed to a left-handed medium upon periodically loading the dipoles with stubs are presented. An equivalent circuit is derived that matches to a very good extent the full wave result. The cell dimensions are a small fraction of the wavelength (),15), so the structure can be considered as an equivalent homogeneous surface. The structure is simple, readily scalable to higher frequencies and compatible with low-cost fabrication techniques.