89 resultados para Phasor diagrams


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We present (CO)-C-12(1-0) molecular line and BV CCD observations towards 0311-7651: a region in the Magellanic Bridge where cold atomic Hydrogen has previously been detected by Kobulnicky & Dickey: Additionally, BV images of a comparison held 1 degrees to the South were taken. No CO was detected to a limit of similar to 0.06 Kelvin, and the colour-magnitude diagrams show no evidence for a stellar association in either field.


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A many-body theory approach is developed for the problem of positron-atom scattering and annihilation. Strong electron- positron correlations are included nonperturbatively through the calculation of the electron-positron vertex function. It corresponds to the sum of an infinite series of ladder diagrams, and describes the physical effect of virtual positronium formation. The vertex function is used to calculate the positron-atom correlation potential and nonlocal corrections to the electron-positron annihilation vertex. Numerically, we make use of B-spline basis sets, which ensures rapid convergence of the sums over intermediate states. We have also devised an extrapolation procedure that allows one to achieve convergence with respect to the number of intermediate- state orbital angular momenta included in the calculations. As a test, the present formalism is applied to positron scattering and annihilation on hydrogen, where it is exact. Our results agree with those of accurate variational calculations. We also examine in detail the properties of the large correlation corrections to the annihilation vertex.


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An analysis is presented of VLT-FLAMES spectroscopy for three Galactic clusters, NGC3293, NGC4755 and NGC6611. Non-LTE model atmosphere calculations have been used to estimate effective temperatures (from either the helium spectrum or the silicon ionization equilibrium) and gravities (from the hydrogen spectrum). Projected rotational velocities have been deduced from the helium spectrum (for fast and moderate rotators) or the metal line spectrum (for slow rotators). The origin of the low gravity estimates for apparently near main sequence objects is discussed and is related to the stellar rotational velocity. The atmospheric parameters have been used to estimate cluster distances (which are generally in good agreement with previous determinations) and these have been used to estimate stellar luminosities and evolutionary masses. The observed Hertzsprung-Russell diagrams are compared with theoretical predictions and some discrepancies including differences in the main sequence luminosities are discussed. Cluster ages have been deduced and evidence for non-coeval star formation is found for all three of the clusters. Projected rotational velocities for targets in the older clusters, NGC3293 and NGC4755, have been found to be systematically larger than those for the field, confirming recent results in other similar age clusters. The distribution of projected rotational velocities are consistent with a Gaussian distribution of intrinsic rotational velocities. For the relatively unevolved targets in the older clusters, NGC3293 and NGC4755, the peak of the velocity distribution would be 250 km s(-1) with a full-width-half-maximum of approximately 180 km s(-1). For NGC6611, the sample size is relatively small but implies a lower mean rotational velocity. This may be evidence for the spin-down effect due to angular momentum loss through stellar winds, although our results are consistent with those found for very young high mass stars. For all three clusters we deduce present day mass functions with Gamma-values in the range of -1.5 to -1.8, which are similar to other young stellar clusters in the Milky Way.


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The functional properties of two types of barium strontium titanate (BST) thin film capacitor structures were studied: one set of structures was made using pulsed-laser deposition (PLD) and the other using chemical solution deposition. While initial observations on PLD films looking at the behavior of T-m (the temperature at which the maximum dielectric constant was observed) and T-c(*) (from Curie-Weiss analysis) suggested that the paraelectric-ferroelectric phase transition was progressively depressed in temperature as BST film thickness was reduced, further work suggested that this was not the case. Rather, it appears that the temperatures at which phase transitions occur in the thin films are independent of film thickness. Further, the fact that in many cases three transitions are observable, suggests that the sequence of symmetry transitions that occur in the thin films are the same as in bulk single crystals. This new observation could have implications for the validity of the theoretically produced thin film phase diagrams derived by Pertsev [Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 1988 (1998)] and extended by Ban and Alpay [J. Appl. Phys. 91, 9288 (2002)]. In addition, the fact that T-m measured for virgin films does not correlate well with the inherent phase transition behavior, suggests that the use of T-m alone to infer information about the thermodynamics of thin film capacitor behavior, may not be sufficient. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.


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For interpreting past changes on a regional or global scale, the timings of proxy-inferred events are usually aligned with data from other locations. However, too often chronological uncertainties are ignored in proxy diagrams and multisite comparisons, making it possible for researchers to fall into the trap of sucking separate events into one illusionary event (or vice versa). Here we largely solve this "suck in and smear syndrome" for radiocarbon (14C) dated sequences. In a Bayesian framework, millions of plausible age-models are constructed to quantify the chronological uncertainties within and between proxy archives. We test the technique on replicated high-resolution 14C-dated peat cores deposited during the "Little Ice Age" (c. AD 1400-1900), a period characterized by abrupt climate changes and severe 14C calibration problems. Owing to internal variability in proxy data and uncertainties in age-models, these (and possibly many more) archives are not consistent in recording decadal climate change. Through explicit statistical tests of palaeoenvironmental hypotheses, we can move forward to systematic interpretations of proxy data. However, chronological uncertainties of non-annually resolved palaeoclimate records are too large for answering decadal timescale questions.


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An efficient modelling technique is proposed for the analysis of a fractal-element electromagnetic band-gap array. The modelling is based on a method of moments modal analysis in conjunction with an interpolation scheme, which significantly accelerates the computations. The plane-wave and the surface-wave responses of the structure have been studied by means of transmission coefficients and dispersion diagrams. The multiband properties and the compactness of the proposed structure are presented. The technique is general and can be applied to arbitrary-shaped element geometries.


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Effective collision strengths for forbidden transitions among the five energetically lowest fine-structure levels of O ii are calculated in the Breit-Pauli approximation using the R-matrix method. Results are presented for the electron temperature range 100-100 000 K. The accuracy of the calculations is evaluated via the use of different types of radial orbital sets and a different configuration expansion basis for the target wavefunctions. A detailed assessment of previous available data is given, and erroneous results are highlighted. Our results reconfirm the validity of the original Seaton and Osterbrock scaling for the optical O ii ratio, a matter of some recent controversy. Finally, we present plasma diagnostic diagrams using the best collision strengths and transition probabilities.


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Recent studies exploring the effects of instructional animations on learning compared to static graphics have yielded mixed results. Few studies have explored their effectiveness in portraying procedural-motor information. Opportunities exist within an applied (manufacturing) context for instructional animations to be used to facilitate build performance on an assembly line. The present study compares build time performance across successive builds when using animation, static diagrams or text instructions to convey an assembly sequence for a handheld device. Although an immediate facilitating effect of animation was found, yielding a significantly faster build time for Build 1, this advantage had disappeared by Build 3. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Synchronous islanded operation involves continuously holding an islanded power network in virtual synchronism with the main power system to aid paralleling and avoid potentially damaging out-of-synchronism reclosure. This requires phase control of the generators in the island and the transmission of a reference signal from a secure location on the main power system. Global positioning system (GPS) time-synchronized phasor measurements transmitted via an Internet protocol (IP) are used for the reference signal. However, while offering low cost and a readily available solution for distribution networks, IP communications have variable latency and are susceptible to packet loss, which can make time-critical control applications difficult. This paper investigates the ability of the phase-control system to tolerate communications latency. Phasor measurement conditioning algorithms that can tolerate latency are used in the phase-control loop of a 50-kVA diesel generator. © 2010 IEEE.


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Recent R-matrix calculations of electron impact excitation rates in Ar IV are used to calculate the emission-line ratio: ratio diagrams (R1, R2), (R1, R3), and (R1, R4), where K1 = I(4711 Å)/I(4740 Å), R2 = I(7238 Å)/I(4711 + 4740 Å), R3 = I(7263 Å)/I(4711 + 4740 Å), and R4 = I(7171 Å)/I(4711 + 4740 Å), for a range of electron temperatures (Te = 5000-20,000 K) and electron densities (Ne = 10-106 cm-3) appropriate to gaseous nebulae. These diagrams should, in principle, allow the simultaneous determination of Te and Ne from measurements of the [Ar IV] lines in a spectrum. Plasma parameters deduced for a sample of planetary nebulae from (R1, R3) and (R1, R4), using observational date obtained with the Hamilton echelle spectrograph on the 3 m Shane Telescope at the Lick Observatory, are found to show excellent internal consistency and to be in generally good agreement with the values of Te and Ne estimated from other line ratios in the echelle spectra. These results provide observational support for the accuracy of the theoretical ratios and, hence, the atomic data adopted in their derivation. In addition, they imply that the 7171 Å line is not as seriously affected by telluric absorption as previously thought. However, the observed values of R2 are mostly larger than the theoretical high-temperature and density limit, which is due to blending of the Ar IV 7237.54 Å line with the strong C II transition at 7236 Å. 


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Let X be a quasi-compact scheme, equipped with an open covering by affine schemes U s = Spec A s . A quasi-coherent sheaf on X gives rise, by taking sections over the U s , to a diagram of modules over the coordinate rings A s , indexed by the intersection poset S of the covering. If X is a regular toric scheme over an arbitrary commutative ring, we prove that the unbounded derived category of quasi-coherent sheaves on X can be obtained from a category of Sop-diagrams of chain complexes of modules by inverting maps which induce homology isomorphisms on hyper-derived inverse limits. Moreover, we show that there is a finite set of weak generators, one for each cone in the fan S. The approach taken uses the machinery of Bousfield–Hirschhorn colocalisation of model categories. The first step is to characterise colocal objects; these turn out to be homotopy sheaves in the sense that chain complexes over different open sets U s agree on intersections up to quasi-isomorphism. In a second step it is shown that the homotopy category of homotopy sheaves is equivalent to the derived category of X.


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The effect that breed standards and selective breeding practices have on the welfare of pedigree dogs has recently come under scrutiny from both the general public and scientific community. Recent research has suggested that breeding for particular aesthetic traits, such as tightly curled tails, highly domed skulls and short muzzles predisposes dogs with these traits to certain inherited defects, such as spina bifida, syringomyelia and brachycephalic airway obstruction syndrome, respectively. Further to this, there is a very large number of inherited diseases that are not related to breed standards, which are thought to be prevalent, partly as a consequence of inbreeding and restricted breeding pools. Inherited diseases, whether linked to conformation or not, have varying impact on the individuals affected by them, and affect varying proportions of the pedigree dog population. Some diseases affect few breeds but are highly prevalent in predisposed breeds. Other diseases affect many breeds, but have low prevalence within each breed. In this paper, we discuss the use of risk analysis and severity diagrams as means of mapping the overall problem of inherited disorders in pedigree dogs and, more specifically, the welfare impact of specific diseases in particular breeds.


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A modified abstract version of the Comprehensive Aquatic Simulation Model (CASM) is found to exhibit three types of folded bifurcations due to nutrient loading. The resulting bifurcation diagrams account for nonlinear dynamics such as regime shifts and cyclic changes between clear-water state and turbid state that have actually been observed in real lakes. In particular, pulse-perturbation simulations based on the model presented suggest that temporal behaviors of real lakes after biomanipulations can be explained by pulse-dynamics in complex ecosystems, and that not only the amplitude (manipulated abundance of organisms) but also the phase (timing) is important for restoring lakes by biomanipulation. Ecosystem management in terms of possible irreversible changes in ecosystems induced by regime shifts is also discussed. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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This paper outlines the use of phasor measurement unit (PMU) records to validate models of fixed speed induction generator (FSIG)-based wind farms during frequency transients. Wind turbine manufacturers usually create their own proprietary models which they can supply to power system utilities for stability studies, subject to confidentiality agreements. However, it is desirable to confirm the accuracy of supplied models with measurements from the particular installation, in order to assess their validity under real field conditions. This is prudent due to possible changes in control algorithms and design retrofits, not accurately reflected or omitted in the supplied model. One important aspect of such models, especially for smaller power systems with limited inertia, is their accuracy during system frequency transients. This paper, therefore, assesses the accuracy of FSIG models with regard to frequency stability, and hence validates a subset of the model dynamics. Such models can then be used with confidence to assess wider system stability implications. The measured and simulated response of a wind farm using doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) technology is also assessed.


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The construction industry is inherently hazardous, with a significant number of accidents and incidents occurring, particularly on confined construction sites. This research identifies, clarifies and tabulates the various managerial health and safety issues encountered on confined construction sites, based on a qualitative approach, to aid in the management of the complex health and safety concerns. The methodology is based on qualitative research incorporating case studies, interviews, causal loop diagrams and mind mapping. The key findings in the managerial issues in the management of health and safety on confined construction sites can be summarised as follows; (1) A lack of space, (2) Increased management of site personnel, (3) Overcrowding of the work place. The implication for the industry is that due to the sustained development of urban centres on a global scale, coupled with the increasing complexity of architectural designs, the majority of on-site project management professionals are faced with the onerous task of completing often intricate designs within a limited spatial environment, under strict health and safety parameters. The value of such research is to aid management professionals successfully identify the various managerial issues highlighted, resulting in the successful management of health and safety on a confined construction site.