53 resultados para Pethahiah, of Regensburg, fl. 1175-1190.


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Security devices are vulnerable to Differential Power Analysis (DPA) that reveals the key by monitoring the power consumption of the circuits. In this paper, we present the first DPA attack against an FPGA implementation of the Camellia encryption algorithm with all key sizes and evaluate the DPA resistance of the algorithm. The Camellia cryptographic algorithm involves several different key-dependent intermediate operations including S-Box operations. In previous research, it was believed that the Camellia is stronger than AES due to the additional Whitening phase protecting the S-Box operation. However, we propose an attack that bypasses the Whitening phase and targets the S-Box. In this paper, we also discuss a lowcost countermeasure strategy to protect the Pre-whitening / Post-whitening and FL function of Camellia using Dual-rail Precharged Logic and to protect against attacks of the S-Box using Random Delay Insertion. © 2009 IEEE.


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The C-element logic gate is a key component for constructing asynchronous control in silicon integrated circuits. The purpose of this reported work is to introduce a new speed-independent C-element design, which is synthesised by the asynchronous Petrify design tool to ensure it is composed of sequential digital latches rather than complex gates. The benefits are that it guarantees correct speed-independent operation, together with easy integration in modern design flows and processes. It is compared to an equivalent speed-independent complex gate C-element design generated by Petrify in a 130 nm semiconductor process.


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To assess the significance of glycation, nonenzymatic browning, and oxidation of lens crystallins in cataract formation in elderly diabetic patients, we measured three distinct products of glycation, browning, and oxidation reactions in cataractous lens crystallins from 29 diabetic patients (mean +/- SD age 72.8 +/- 8.8 yr) and 24 nondiabetic patients (age 73.5 +/- 8.3 yr). Compounds measured included 1) fructoselysine (FL), the first stable product of glycation; 2) pentosidine, a fluorescent, carbohydrate-derived protein cross-link between lysine and arginine residues formed during nonenzymatic browning; and 3) N epsilon-(carboxymethyl)lysine (CML), a product of autoxidation of sugar adducts to protein. In diabetic compared with nondiabetic patients, there were significant increases (P less than 0.001) in HbA1 (10.2 +/- 3.1 vs. 7.1 +/- 0.7%), FL (7.6 +/- 5.4 vs. 1.7 +/- 1.2 mmol/mol lysine), and pentosidine (6.3 +/- 2.8 vs. 3.8 +/- 1.9 mumol/mol lysine). The disproportionate elevation of FL compared with HbA1 suggests a breakdown in the lens barrier to glucose in diabetes, whereas the increase in pentosidine is indicative of accelerated nonenzymatic browning of diabetic lens crystallins. CML levels were similar in the two groups (7.1 +/- 2.4 vs. 6.8 +/- 3.0 mmol/mol lysine), providing no evidence for increased oxidative stress in the diabetic cataract. Thus, although the modification of lens crystallins by autoxidation reactions was not increased in diabetes, the increase in glycation and nonenzymatic browning suggests that these processes may acclerate the development of cataracts in diabetic patients.


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N epsilon-(Carboxymethyl)lysine (CML) is formed on oxidative cleavage of carbohydrate adducts to lysine residues in glycated proteins in vitro [Ahmed et al. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 8816-8821; Dunn et al. (1990) Biochemistry 29, 10964-10970]. We have shown that, in human lens proteins in vivo, the concentration of fructose-lysine (FL), the Amadori adduct of glucose to lysine, is constant with age, while the concentration of the oxidation product, CML, increases significantly with age [Dunn et al. (1989) Biochemistry 28, 9464-9468]. In this work we extend our studies to the analysis of human skin collagen. The extent of glycation of insoluble skin collagen was greater than that of lens proteins (4-6 mmol of FL/mol of lysine in collagen versus 1-2 mmol of FL/mol of lysine in lens proteins), consistent with the lower concentration of glucose in lens, compared to plasma. In contrast to lens, there was a slight but significant age-dependent increase in glycation of skin collagen, 33% between ages 20 and 80. As in lens protein, CML, present at only trace levels in neonatal collagen, increased significantly with age, although the amount of CML in collagen at 80 years of age, approximately 1.5 mmol of CML/mol of lysine, was less than that found in lens protein, approximately 7 mmol of CML/mol of lysine. The concentration of N epsilon-(carboxymethyl)hydroxylysine (CMhL), the product of oxidation of glycated hydroxylysine, also increased with age in collagen, in parallel with the increase in CML, from trace levels at infancy to approximately 5 mmol of CMhL/mol of hydroxylysine at age 80.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)


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The Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium 3 anorexia nervosa genome-wide association scan includes 2907 cases from 15 different populations of European origin genotyped on the Illumina 670K chip. We compared methods for identifying population stratification, and suggest list of markers that may help to counter this problem. It is usual to identify population structure in such studies using only common variants with minor allele frequency (MAF) >5%; we find that this may result in highly informative SNPs being discarded, and suggest that instead all SNPs with MAF >1% may be used. We established informative axes of variation identified via principal component analysis and highlight important features of the genetic structure of diverse European-descent populations, some studied for the first time at this scale. Finally, we investigated the substructure within each of these 15 populations and identified SNPs that help capture hidden stratification. This work can provide information regarding the designing and interpretation of association results in the International Consortia. 


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Creep of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete (SFRC) under flexural loads in the cracked state and to what extent different factors determine creep behaviour are quite understudied topics within the general field of SFRC mechanical properties. A series of prismatic specimens have been produced and subjected to sustained flexural loads. The effect of a number of variables (fiber length and slenderness, fiber content, and concrete compressive strength) has been studied in a comprehensive fashion. Twelve response variables (creep parameters measured at different times) have been retained as descriptive of flexural creep behaviour. Multivariate techniques have been used: the experimental results have been projected to their latent structure by means of Principal Components Analysis (PCA), so that all the information has been reduced to a set of three latent variables. They have been related to the variables considered and statistical significance of their effects on creep behaviour has been assessed. The result is a unified view on the effects of the different variables considered upon creep behaviour: fiber content and fiber slenderness have been detected to clearly modify the effect that load ratio has on flexural creep behaviour.


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The char oxidation of a torrefied biomass and its parent material was carried out in an isothermal plug flow reactor (IPFR), which is able to rapidly heat the biomass particles to a maximum temperature of 1400 °C at a heating rate of 104 °C/s, similar to the real conditions found in power plant furnaces. During each char oxidation test, the residues of biomass particles were collected and analyzed to determine the weight loss based on the ash tracer method. According to the experimental results, it can be concluded that chars produced from a torrefied biomass are less reactive than the ones produced, under the same conditions, from its raw material. The apparent kinetics of the torrefied biomass and its parent material are determined by minimizing the difference between the modeled and the experimental results. The predicted weight loss during char oxidation, using the determined kinetics, agrees well with experimental results


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Purpose: Suppressor of cytokine signalling (SOCS) proteins are feedback inhibitors of the JAK/STAT pathway. SOCS3 critically controls STAT3 activation, cytokine signalling and inflammatory gene expression in macrophages and microglia. In this study, we investigated the role of SOCS3/STAT3 in myeloid cells in the initiation and progression of diabetic retinopathy (DR). 
Methods: Mice with a conditional deletion of SOCS3 in myeloid cells (LysMCre-SOCS3 fl/fl) and C57BL/6J (as control) were rendered diabetic by a low-dose multiple intraperitoneal injections of Stroptozocine. Diabetes related retinal changes, including leukostasis, acellular capilliaries, and microglial activation were assessed at different stages of disease. Bone marrow derived macrophages (BMDMs) from LysMCreSOCS3 fl/fl and C57BL/6J mice were cultured in high glucose (HG) medium, and cell activation was evaluated by real-time RT-PCR.
Results: In C57BL/6J diabetic mice the expression of phosphorylated STAT3 (pSTAT3) was increased and SOCS3 was decreased in the retina. Interleukin 6 (IL-6), the main cytokine that stimulates STAT3 activation, was increased in the plamsa in diabetic mice. Although blood glucose levels and Hbac-1 were comparable between LysMCre-SOCS3fl/fl and WT mice after STZ injection, the LysMCreSOCS3 fl/fl diabetic mice developed severe retinal vasculopathy, including increased leukostasis and microglial activation at one month and enhanced acellular capillary formation at 6 months after diabetes induction. 
Conclusions: our study suggests that the JAK/STAT3 pathway is involved in the initiation and progression of DR, and uncontrolled STAT3 activation results in accelerated DR progression. Targeting the STAT3 pathway may be a novel approach for the management of DR.


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A "top-down" approach using a-beam lithography and a "bottom-up" one using self-assembly methods were used to fabricate ferroelelectric Pb(Zr,Ti)O-3, SrBi2Ta2O9 and BaTiO3 nanostructures with lateral sizes in the range of 30 nm to 100 nm. Switching of single sub-100 nm cells was achieved and piezoelectric hysteresis loops were recorded using a scanning force microscope working in piezoresponse mode. The piezoelectricity and its hysteresis acquired for 100 nm PZT cells demonstrate that a further decrease in lateral size under 100 nm appears to be possible and that the size effects are not fundamentally limiting on increase density of non-volatile ferroelectric memories in the Gbit range.


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The accumulation of biogenic greenhouse gases (methane, carbon dioxide) in organic sediments is an important factor in the redevelopment and risk management of many brownfield sites. Good practice with brownfield site characterization requires the identification of free-gas phases and pathways that allow its migration and release at the ground surface. Gas pockets trapped in the subsurface have contrasting properties with the surrounding porous media that favor their detection using geophysical methods. We have developed a case study in which pockets of gas were intercepted with multilevel monitoring wells, and their lateral continuity was monitored over time using resistivity. We have developed a novel interpretation procedure based on Archie’s law to evaluate changes in water and gas content with respect to a mean background medium. We have used induced polarization data to account for errors in applying Archie’s law due to the contribution of surface conductivity effects. Mosaics defined by changes in water saturation allowed the recognition of gas migration and groundwater infiltration routes and the association of gas and groundwater fluxes. The inference on flux patterns was analyzed by taking into account pressure measurements in trapped gas reservoirs and by metagenomic analysis of the microbiological content, which was retrieved from suspended sediments in groundwater sampled in multilevel monitoring wells. A conceptual model combining physical and microbiological subsurface processes suggested that biogas trapped at depth may have the ability to quickly travel to the surface.