130 resultados para Osteoclast precursors


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Highly reactive radicals play an important role in high-temperature gasification processes. However, the effect of radicals on gasification has not been systematically investigated. In the present study, the formation of carbon-radical precursors using atomic radicals such as OH, O, and H and molecules such as H2 and O2 was characterized, and the effect of the precursors on the adsorption step of steam char gasification was studied using quantum chemistry methods. The results revealed that the radicals can be chemisorbed exothermically on char active sites, and the following order of reactivity was observed: O > H2 > H > OH > O 2. Moreover, hydrogen bonds are formed between steam molecules and carbon-radical complexes. Steam molecule adsorption onto carbon-O and carbon-OH complexes is easier than adsorption onto clean carbon surfaces. Alternatively, adsorption on carbon-O2, carbon-H2, and carbon-H complexes is at the same level with that of clean carbon surfaces; thus, OH and O radicals accelerate the physical adsorption of steam onto the char surface, H radical and O2 and H2 molecules do not have a significant effect on adsorption. © 2010 American Chemical Society.


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Geopolymer binders are generally formed by reacting powdered aluminosilicate precursors with alkali silicate activators. Most research to date has concentrated on using either pulverised fuel ash or high purity dehydroxylated kaolin (metakaolin) in association with ground granulated blast furnace slag as the main precursor material. However, recently, attention has turned to alternative calcined clays that are abundant throughout the globe and have lower kaolinite contents than commercially available metakaolins. Due to the lack of clear and simple screening protocols enabling assessment of such geological resources for use as precursors in geopolymer systems, the present paper presents results from experimental work that was carried out to develop a functional binder using materials containing kaolinite taken from the Interbasaltic Formation of Northern Ireland. The influence of mineralogy has been examined, and a screening process, using three Interbasaltic materials as examples, that will assist in the rapid selection of suitable geopolymeric precursors from such materials is outlined.


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A series of acyl phosphonamidates, the synthetic precursors to bisphosphonates, have been readily prepared from phosphoramidite type reagents and a range of acid chlorides. These reactions were performed using solventless conditions, where purification was easily achieved using column chromatography with yields ranging from 71-90%. Furthermore, we have demonstrated that these acyl phosphonamidates could be used for the preparation of unsymmetrical bisphosphonates, which do date are scarcely reported in the literature.


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We present new data for five underluminous Type II-plateau supernovae (SNe IIP), namely SN 1999gn, SN 2002gd, SN 2003Z, SN 2004eg and SN 2006ov. This new sample of lowluminosity SNe IIP (LL SNe IIP) is analysed together with similar objects studied in the past. All of them show a flat light-curve plateau lasting about 100 d, an underluminous late-time exponential tail, intrinsic colours that are unusually red, and spectra showing prominent and narrow P Cygni lines. A velocity of the ejected material below 103 km s-1 is inferred from measurements at the end of the plateau. The 56Ni masses ejected in the explosion are very small (≤10-2 M⊙). We investigate the correlations among 56Ni mass, expansion velocity of the ejecta and absolute magnitude in the middle of the plateau, confirming the main findings of Hamuy, according to which events showing brighter plateau and larger expansion velocities are expected to produce more 56Ni. We propose that these faint objects represent the LL tail of a continuous distribution in parameters space of SNe IIP. The physical properties of the progenitors at the explosion are estimated through the hydrodynamical modelling of the observables for two representative events of this class, namely SN 2005cs and SN 2008in. We find that the majority of LL SNe IIP, and quite possibly all, originate in the core collapse of intermediate-mass stars, in the mass range 10-15 M⊙. 


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The synthesis of [Rh-2(COD)(2)(dppm)(mu(2)-Cl)] BF4 (1) (COD) 1,5-cyclooctadiene, dppm) bis(diphenylphosphino) methane) from simple precursors is reported. This is a rare example of a dirhodium complex with an open [Rh-2(mu(2)-dppm)(mu(2)-Cl)] core. The complex has been used to affect the hydrogenation of styrene and benzo[b] thiophene with total selectivity and competitive rates of reaction. The recycling of the catalyst has been achieved by the entrapment of 1 in silica by a sol-gel method to produce a recyclable solid catalyst.


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Peripheral blood-derived multi-potent mesenchymal stromal cells circulate in low number. They share, though not all, but most of the surface markers with bone marrow-derived multi-potent mesenchymal stromal cells, possess diverse and complicated gene expression characteristics, and are capable of differentiating along and even beyond mesenchymal lineages. Although their origin and physio-pathological function are still unclear, their presence in the adult peripheral blood might relate to some interesting but controversial subjects in the filed of adult stem cell biology, such as systemic migration of bone marrow-derived multi-potent mesenchymal stromal cells and the existence of common hematopoietic-mesenchymal precursors. In this review, current studies/knowledge about peripheral blood-derived multi-potent mesenchymal stromal cells is summarized and the above-mentioned topics are discussed.


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Objective. The use of glucocorticoids (GCs) in the treatment of RA is a frequent cause of bone loss. In vitro, however, this same class of steroids has been shown to promote the recruitment and/or maturation of primitive osteogenic precursors present in the colony forming unit-fibroblastic (CFU-F) fraction of human bone and marrow. In an effort to reconcile these conflicting observations, we investigated the effects of the synthetic GC dexamethasone (Dx) on parameters of growth and osteogenic differentiation in cultures of bone marrow stromal cells derived from a large cohort of adult human donors (n=30). Methods. Marrow suspensions were cultured in the absence and presence of Dx at concentrations between 10 pm and 1 µm. After 28 days we determined the number and diameter of colonies formed, the total number of cells, the surface expression of receptors for selected growth factors and extracellular matrix proteins and, based on the expression of the developmental markers alkaline phosphatase (AP) and the antigen recognized by the STRO-1 monoclonal antibody, the proportion of cells undergoing osteogenic differentiation and their extent of maturation. Results. At a physiologically equivalent concentration, Dx had no effect on the adhesion of CFU-F or on their subsequent proliferation, but did promote their osteogenic differentiation and further maturation. These effects were independent of changes in the expression of the receptors for fibroblast growth factors, insulin-like growth factor 1, nerve growth factor, platelet-derived growth factors and parathyroid hormone/parathyroid hormone-related protein, but were associated with changes in the number of cells expressing the 2 and 4, but not ß1, integrin subunits. At supraphysiological concentrations, the effects of Dx on the osteogenic recruitment and maturation of CFU-F and their progeny were maintained but at the expense of a decrease in cell number. Conclusions. A decrease in the proliferation of osteogenic precursors, but not in their differentiation or maturation, is likely to be a key factor in the genesis of GC-induced bone loss.


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Cybr (also known as Cytip, CASP, and PSCDBP) is an interleukin-12-induced gene expressed exclusively in hematopoietic cells and tissues that associates with Arf guanine nucleotide exchange factors known as cytohesins. Cybr levels are dynamically regulated during T-cell development in the thymus and upon activation of peripheral T cells. In addition, Cybr is induced in activated dendritic cells and has been reported to regulate dendritic cell (DC)-T-cell adhesion. Here we report the generation and characterization of Cybr-deficient mice. Despite the selective expression in hematopoietic cells, there was no intrinsic defect in T- or B-cell development or function in Cybr-deficient mice. The adoptive transfer of Cybr-deficient DCs showed that they migrated efficiently and stimulated proliferation and cytokine production by T cells in vivo. However, competitive stem cell repopulation experiments showed a defect in the abilities of Cybr-deficient T cells to develop in the presence of wild-type precursors. These data suggest that Cybr is not absolutely required for hematopoietic cell development or function, but stem cells lacking Cybr are at a developmental disadvantage compared to wild-type cells. Collectively, these data demonstrate that despite its selective expression in hematopoietic cells, the role of Cybr is limited or largely redundant. Previous in vitro studies using overexpression or short interfering RNA inhibition of the levels of Cybr protein appear to have overestimated its immunological role.


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Although the ancient practice of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) utilizes predominantly herbal ingredients, many of which are now the subject of intense scientific scrutiny, significant quantities of animal tissue-derived materials are also employed. Here we have used contemporary molecular techniques to study the material known as lin wa pi, the dried skin of the Heilongjiang brown frog, Rana amurensis, that is used commonly as an ingredient of many medicines, as a general tonic and as a topical antimicrobial/wound dressing. Using a simple technology that has been developed and validated over several years, we have demonstrated that components of both the skin granular gland peptidome and transcriptome persist in this material. Interrogation of the cDNA library constructed from the dried skin by entrapment and amplification of polyadenylated mRNA, using a "shotgun" primer approach and 3'-RACE, resulted in the cloning of cDNAs encoding the precursors of five putative antimicrobial peptides. Two (ranatuerin-2AMa and ranatuerin-2AMb) were obvious homologs of a previously described frog skin peptide family, whereas the remaining three were of sufficient structural novelty to be named amurins 1-3. Mature peptides were each identified in reverse phase HPLC fractions of boiling water extracts of skin and their structures confirmed by MS/MS fragmentation sequencing. Components of traditional Chinese medicines of animal tissue origin may thus contain biologically active peptides that survive the preparation procedures and that may contribute to therapeutic efficacy.


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During bone development and repair, angiogenesis, osteogenesis and bone remodelling are closely associated processes that share some common mediators. In the present study non-adherent human bone marrow mononuclear cells under the induction of sRANKL and M-CSF, differentiated into osteoclasts with TRAP positive staining, VNR expression, and Ca-P resorptive activity. The effects of various combinations of rhBMP-2 (0, 3, 30, 300 ng/ml) and rhVEGF (0, 25 ng/ml) on osteoclastogenesis potentials were examined in this experimental system. The percentages of TRAP-positive multiple nucleated cells represent osteoclast differentiation potential and the percentages of resorptive areas in the Ca-P coated plates resemble osteoclast resorption capability. The presence of rhBMP-2 at 30 and 300 ng/ml showed inhibitory effects on osteoclast differentiation and their resorptive capability in the human osteoclast culture system. rhVEGF (25 ng/ml) enhanced the resorptive function of osteoclast whenever it was used alone or combined with 3 ng/ml rhBMP-2. However, rhVEGF induced resorptive function was inhibited by 30 ng/ml and 300 ng/ml rhBMP-2 at a dose-dependent manner. Statistical analysis demonstrated that an interactive effect exists between rhBMP-2 and rhVEGF on human osteoclastogenesis. These findings suggested that an interactive regulation may exist between BMPs and VEGF signaling pathways during osteoclastogenesis, exact mechanisms are yet to be elucidated.


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Ground state energy, structure, and harmonic vibrational modes of 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium triflate ([bmim][Tf]) clusters have been computed using an all-atom empirical potential model. Neutral and charged species have been considered up to a size (30 [bmim][Tf] pairs) well into the nanometric range. Free energy computations and thermodynamic modeling have been used to predict the equilibrium composition of the vapor phase as a function of temperature and density. The results point to a nonnegligible concentration of very small charged species at pressures (P ~ 0.01 Pa) and temperatures (T 600 K) at the boundary of the stability range of [bmim][Tf]. Thermal properties of nanometric neutral droplets have been investigated in the 0 T 700 K range. A near-continuous transition between a liquidlike phase at high T and a solidlike phase at low T takes place at T ~ 190 K in close correspondence with the bulk glass point Tg ~ 200 K. Solidification is accompanied by a transition in the dielectric properties of the droplet, giving rise to a small permanent dipole embedded into the solid cluster. The simulation results highlight the molecular precursors of several macroscopic properties and phenomena and point to the close competition of Coulomb and dispersion forces as their common origin.


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Previous peptidomic analyses of the defensive skin secretion from the North American pickerel frog, Rana palustris, have established the presence of canonical bradykinin and multiple bradykinin-related peptides (BRPs). As a consequence of the multiplicity of peptides identified and their diverse primary structures, it was speculated that they must represent the products of expression of multiple genes. Here, we present unequivocal evidence that the majority of BRPs (11/13) identified in skin secretion by the peptidomic approach can be generated by differential site-specific protease cleavage from a single common precursor of 321 amino acid residues, named skin kininogen 1, whose primary structure was deduced from cloned skin secretion-derived cDNA. The organization of skin kininogen 1 consists of a hydrophobic signal peptide followed by eight non-identical domains each encoding a single copy of either canonical bradykinin or a BRP. Two additional splice variants, encoding precursors of 233 (skin kininogen 2) or 189 amino acid residues (skin kininogen 3), were also cloned and were found to lack BRP-encoding domains 5 and 6 or 4, 5 and 6, respectively. Thus, generation of peptidome diversity in amphibian defensive skin secretions can be achieved in part by differential protease cleavage of relatively large and multiple-encoding domain precursors reflecting a high degree of transcriptional economy.


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Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF), one of the first cytokines to be discovered, has recently been localized to the Leydig cells in adult rat testes. In the following study, the response of MIF to Leydig cell ablation by the Leydig cell-specific toxin ethane dimethane sulfonate (EDS) was examined in adult male rats. Testicular MIF mRNA and protein in testicular interstitial fluid measured by ELISA and western blot were only marginally reduced by EDS treatment, in spite of the fact that the Leydig cells were completely destroyed within 7 days. Immunohistochemistry using an affinity-purified anti-mouse MIF antibody localized MIF exclusively to the Leydig cells in control testes. At 7 days post-EDS treatment, there were no MIF immunopositive Leydig cells in the interstitium, although distinct MIF immunostaining was observed in the seminiferous tubules, principally in Sertoli cells and residual cytoplasm, and some spermatogonia. A few peritubular and perivascular cells were also labelled at this time, which possibly represented mesenchymal Leydig cell precursors. At 14 and 21 days, Sertoli cell MIF immunoreactivity was observed in only a few tubule cross-sections, while some peritubular and perivascular mesenchymal cells and the re-populating immature Leydig cells were intensely labeled. At 28 days after EDS-treatment, the MIF immunostaining pattern was identical to that of untreated and control testes. The switch in the compartmentalization of MIF protein at 7 days after EDS-treatment was confirmed by western blot analysis of interstitial tissue and seminiferous tubules separated by mechanical dissection. These data establish that Leydig cell-depleted testes continue to produce MIF, and suggest the existence of a mechanism of compensatory cytokine production involving the Sertoli cells. This represents the first demonstration of a hitherto unsuspected pattern of cellular interaction between the Leydig cells and the seminiferous tubules which is consistent with an essential role for MIF in male testicular function.