48 resultados para Neurobiology


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Aging is characterized by brain structural changes that may compromise motor functions. In the context of postural control, white matter integrity is crucial for the efficient transfer of visual, proprioceptive and vestibular feedback in the brain. To determine the role of age-related white matter decline as a function of the sensory feedback necessary to correct posture, we acquired diffusion weighted images in young and old subjects. A force platform was used to measure changes in body posture under conditions of compromised proprioceptive and/or visual feedback. In the young group, no significant brain structure-balance relations were found. In the elderly however, the integrity of a cluster in the frontal forceps explained 21% of the variance in postural control when proprioceptive information was compromised. Additionally, when only the vestibular system supplied reliable information, the occipital forceps was the best predictor of balance performance (42%). Age-related white matter decline may thus be predictive of balance performance in the elderly when sensory systems start to degrade.


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Oligomers of beta-amyloid (Aß) are implicated in the early memory impairment seen in Alzheimer's disease before to the onset of discernable neurodegeneration. Here, the capacity of a novel orally bioavailable, central nervous system-penetrating small molecule 5-aryloxypyrimidine, SEN1500, to prevent cell-derived (7PA2 [conditioned medium] CM) Aß-induced deficits in synaptic plasticity and learned behavior was assessed. Biochemically, SEN1500 bound to Aß monomer and oligomers, produced a reduction in thioflavin-T fluorescence, and protected a neuronal cell line and primary cortical neurons exposed to synthetic soluble oligomeric Aß1-42. Electrophysiologically, SEN1500 alleviated the in vitro depression of long-term potentiation induced by both synthetic Aß1-42 and 7PA2 CM, and alleviated the in vivo depression of long-term potentiation induced by 7PA2 CM, after systemic administration. Behaviorally, oral administration of SEN1500 significantly reduced memory-related deficits in operant responding induced after intracerebroventricular injection of 7PA2 CM. SEN1500 reduced cytotoxicity, acute synaptotoxicity, and behavioral deterioration after in vitro and in vivo exposure to synthetic Aß and 7PA2 CM, and shows promise for development as a clinically viable disease-modifying Alzheimer's disease treatment. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.


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The presenilins (PSs) were identified as causative genes in cases of early-onset familial Alzheimer's disease (AD) and current evidence indicates that PSs are part of the gamma-secretase complex responsible for proteolytic processing of type I membrane proteins. p75NTR, a common neurotrophin receptor, was shown to be subject to gamma-secretase processing. However, it is not clear if the p75NTR downstream signal is altered in response to gamma-secretase cleavage, and further there is a possibility that AD-related PS mutations may affect this cleavage, resulting in pathogenic alterations in signal transduction. In this study, we confirmed that p75NTR downstream signalling is altered by PS2 mutation or gamma-secretase inhibition in SHSY-5Y cells. The activity of the small GTPase RhoA is strongly affected by these treatments. This study demonstrates that gamma-secretase and PS2 play an important role in regulating neurotrophin signal transduction and either mutation of PS2 or inhibition of gamma-secretase disturbs this function.


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Alzheimer's disease (AD) and age-related macular degeneration (AMD) are both neurodegenerative disorders which share common pathological and biochemical features of the complement pathway. The aim of this study was to investigate whether there is an association between well replicated AMD genetic risk factors and AD. A large cohort of AD (n = 3898) patients and controls were genotyped for single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the complement factor H (CFH), the Age-related maculopathy susceptibility protein 2 (ARMS2) the complement component 2 (C2), the complement factor B (CFB), and the complement component 3 (C3) genes. While significant but modest associations were identified between the complement factor H, the age-related maculopathy susceptibility protein 2, and the complement component 3 single nucleotide polymorphisms and AD, these were different in direction or genetic model to that observed in AMD. In addition the multilocus genetic model that predicts around a half of the sibling risk for AMD does not predict risk for AD. Our study provides further support to the hypothesis that while activation of the alternative complement pathway is central to AMD pathogenesis, it is less involved in AD.


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Genetics plays a crucial role in human aging with up to 30% of those living to the mid-80s being determined by genetic variation. Survival to older ages likely entails an even greater genetic contribution. There is increasing evidence that genes implicated in age-related diseases, such as cancer and neuronal disease, play a role in affecting human life span. We have selected the 10 most promising late-onset Alzheimer's disease (LOAD) susceptibility genes identified through several recent large genome-wide association studies (GWAS). These 10 LOAD genes (APOE, CLU, PICALM, CR1, BIN1, ABCA7, MS4A6A, CD33, CD2AP, and EPHA1) have been tested for association with human aging in our dataset (1385 samples with documented age at death [AAD], age range: 58-108 years; mean age at death: 80.2) using the most significant single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) found in the previous studies. Apart from the APOE locus (rs2075650) which showed compelling evidence of association with risk on human life span (p = 5.27 × 10(-4)), none of the other LOAD gene loci demonstrated significant evidence of association. In addition to examining the known LOAD genes, we carried out analyses using age at death as a quantitative trait. No genome-wide significant SNPs were discovered. Increasing sample size and statistical power will be imperative to detect genuine aging-associated variants in the future. In this report, we also discuss issues relating to the analysis of genome-wide association studies data from different centers and the bioinformatic approach required to distinguish spurious genome-wide significant signals from real SNP associations.


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Nicastrin (NCSTN) is a component of the ?-secretase complex and therefore potentially a candidate risk gene for Alzheimer's disease. Here, we have developed a novel functional genomics methodology to express common locus haplotypes to assess functional differences. DNA recombination was used to engineer 5 bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) to each express a different haplotype of the NCSTN locus. Each NCSTN-BAC was delivered to knockout nicastrin (Ncstn(-/-)) cells and clonal NCSTN-BAC(+)/Ncstn(-/-) cell lines were created for functional analyses. We showed that all NCSTN-BAC haplotypes expressed nicastrin protein and rescued ?-secretase activity and amyloid beta (Aß) production in NCSTN-BAC(+)/Ncstn(-/-) lines. We then showed that genetic variation at the NCSTN locus affected alternative splicing in human postmortem brain tissue. However, there was no robust functional difference between clonal cell lines rescued by each of the 5 different haplotypes. Finally, there was no statistically significant association of NCSTN with disease risk in the 4 cohorts. We therefore conclude that it is unlikely that common variation at the NCSTN locus is a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease.


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Caretakers intuitively use various sources of evidence when judging infant pain, but the relative importance of salient cues has received little attention. This investigation examined the predictive significance for judgements of painful discomfort in preterm and full-term neonates of behavioural (facial activity and body movement), contextual (invasiveness of the procedure), and developmental (gestational age) information. Judges viewed videotapes showing infants varying in the foregoing characteristics undergoing heel incisions for routine blood sampling purposes. Findings indicated all but the contextual information contributed uniquely to judgements of pain, with facial activity accounting for the most unique variance (35%), followed by bodily activity and gestational age, each accounting for 3% and 1% of the judgmental variance, respectively. Generally, 71% of the variance in ratings of pain could be predicted using facial activity alone, compared to 30% of the variance using bodily activity alone, 19% by relying on context alone, and 8% by referring to gestational age alone. Noteworthy was the tendency to judge early preterm infants to be experiencing less pain even though they were subjected to the same invasive procedure as the older infants. This finding also runs counter to evidence from developmental neurobiology which indicates that preterm newborns may be hypersensitive to invasive procedures.


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Birds are capable of true navigation, the ability to return to a known goal from a place they have never visited before. This is demonstrated most spectacularly during the vast migratory journeys made by these animals year after year, often between continents and occasionally global in nature. However, it remains one of the great unanswered questions in science, despite more than 50 years of research in this field. Nevertheless, the study of true navigation in birds has made significant advances in the previous 20 years, in part thanks to the integration of many disciplines outside its root in behavioural biology, to address questions of neurobiology, molecular aspects, and the physics of sensory systems and environmental cues involved in bird navigation, often involving quantum physics. However, true navigation remains a controversial field, with many conflicting and confusing results making interpretation difficult, particularly for those outside or new to the field. Unlike many general texts on migration, which avoid discussion of these issues, this review will present these conflicting findings and assess the state of the field of true navigation during bird migration.


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The detection and assessment of pain in animals is crucial to improving their welfare in a variety of contexts in which humans are ethically or legally bound to do so. Thus clear standards to judge whether pain is likely to occur in any animal species is vital to inform whether to alleviate pain or to drive the refinement of procedures to reduce invasiveness, thereby minimizing pain. We define two key concepts that can be used to evaluate the potential for pain in both invertebrate and vertebrate taxa. First, responses to noxious, potentially painful events should affect neurobiology, physiology and behaviour in a different manner to innocuous stimuli and subsequent behaviour should be modified including avoidance learning and protective responses. Second, animals should show a change in motivational state after experiencing a painful event such that future behavioural decision making is altered and can be measured as a change in conditioned place preference, self-administration of analgesia, paying a cost to access analgesia or avoidance of painful stimuli and reduced performance in concurrent events. The extent to which vertebrate and selected invertebrate groups fulfil these criteria is discussed in light of the empirical evidence and where there are gaps in our knowledge we propose future studies are vital to improve our assessment of pain. This review highlights arguments regarding animal pain and defines criteria that demonstrate, beyond a reasonable doubt, whether animals of a given species experience pain.


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Impairment of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) activity is implicated in the pathogenesis of endothelial dysfunction in many diseases including ischaemic stroke. The modulation of eNOS during and/or following ischaemic injury often represents a futile compensatory mechanism due to a significant decrease in nitric oxide (NO) bioavailability coupled with dramatic increases in the levels of reactive oxygen species that further neutralise NO. However, applications of a number of therapeutic agents alone or in combination have been shown to augment eNOS activity under a variety of pathological conditions by potentiating the expression and/or activity of Akt/eNOS/NO pathway components. The list of these therapeutic agents include NO donors, statins, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, calcium channel blockers, phosphodiesterase-3 inhibitors, aspirin, dipyridamole and ellagic acid. While most of these compounds exhibit anti-platelet properties and are able to up-regulate eNOS expression in endothelial cells and platelets, others suppress eNOS uncoupling and tetrahydrobiopterin (an eNOS stabiliser) oxidation. As the number of therapeutic molecules that modulate the expression and activity of eNOS increases, further detailed research is required to reveal their mode of action in preventing and/or reversing the endothelial dysfunction.