91 resultados para Mutant P53


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Mutant mice where tyrosine 136 of linker for activation of T cells (LAT) was replaced with a phenylalanine (Lat(Y136F) mice) develop a fast-onset lymphoproliferative disorder involving polyclonal CD4 T cells that produce massive amounts of Th2 cytokines and trigger severe inflammation and autoantibodies. We analyzed whether the Lat(Y136F) pathology constitutes a bona fide autoimmune disorder dependent on TCR specificity. Using adoptive transfer experiments, we demonstrated that the expansion and uncontrolled Th2-effector function of Lat(Y136F) CD4 cells are not triggered by an MHC class II-driven, autoreactive process. Using Foxp3EGFP reporter mice, we further showed that nonfunctional Foxp3(+) regulatory T cells are present in Lat(Y136F) mice and that pathogenic Lat(Y136F) CD4 T cells were capable of escaping the control of infused wild-type Foxp3(+) regulatory T cells. These results argue against a scenario where the Lat(Y136F) pathology is primarily due to a lack of functional Foxp3(+) regulatory T cells and suggest that a defect intrinsic to Lat(Y136F) CD4 T cells leads to a state of TCR-independent hyperactivity. This abnormal status confers Lat(Y136F) CD4 T cells with the ability to trigger the production of Abs and of autoantibodies in a TCR-independent, quasi-mitogenic fashion. Therefore, despite the presence of autoantibodies causative of severe systemic disease, the pathological conditions observed in Lat(Y136F) mice unfold in an Ag-independent manner and thus do not qualify as a genuine autoimmune disorder.


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Using RNA interference techniques to knock down key proteins in two major double-strand break (DSB) repair pathways (DNA-PKcs for nonhomologous end joining, NHEJ, and Rad54 for homologous recombination, HR), we investigated the influence of DSB repair factors on radiation mutagenesis at the autosomal thymidine kinase (TK) locus both in directly irradiated cells and in unirradiated bystander cells. We also examined the role of p53 (TP53) in these processes by using cells of three human lymphoblastoid cell lines from the same donor but with differing p53 status (TK6 is p53 wild-type, NH32 is p53 null, and WTK1 is p53 mutant). Our results indicated that p53 status did not affect either the production of radiation bystander mutagenic signals or the response to these signals. In directly irradiated cells, knockdown of DNA-PKcs led to an increased mutant fraction in WTK1 cells and decreased mutant fractions in TK6 and NH32 cells. In contrast, knockdown of DNA-PKcs led to increased mutagenesis in bystander cells regardless of p53 status. In directly irradiated cells, knockdown of Rad54 led to increased induced mutant fractions in WTK1 and NH32 cells, but the knockdown did not affect mutagenesis in p53 wild-type TK6 cells. In all cell lines, Rad54 knockdown had no effect on the magnitude of bystander mutagenesis. Studies with extracellular catalase confirmed the involvement of H2O2 in bystander signaling. Our results demonstrate that DSB repair factors have different roles in mediating mutagenesis in irradiated and bystander cells. (C) 2008 by Radiation Research Society.


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JAK2 V617F, identified in the majority of patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms, tyrosine phosphorylates SOCS3 and escapes its inhibition. Here, we demonstrate that the JAK2 exon 12 mutants described in a subset of V617F-negative MPN cases, also stabilize tyrosine phosphorylated SOCS3. SOCS3 tyrosine phosphorylation was also observed in peripheral blood mononuclear cells and granulocytes isolated from patients with JAK2 H538QK539L or JAY2 F537-K539delinsL mutations. JAK kinase inhibitors, which effectively inhibited the proliferation of cells expressing V617F or K539L, also caused a dose-dependent reduction in both mutant JAK2 and SOCS3 tyrosine phosphorylation. We propose, therefore, that SOCS3 tyrosine phosphorylation may be a novel bio-marker of myeloproliferative neoplasms resulting from a JAK2 mutation and a potential reporter of effective JAK2 inhibitor therapy currently in clinical development.


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Recently several different JAK2 exon12 mutations have been identified in V617F negative polycythaemia vera (PV) or idiopathic erythrocytosis (IE) patients. The patients present with erythrocytosis, ligand-independent cell growth and low serum erythropoietin (EPO) levels. Within this group, a deletion of amino acids 542-543 (N542-E543del) of JAK2 is most prevalent. We have previously shown that in the presence of JAK2(V617F), suppressor of cytokine signalling 3 (SOCS3) is unable to negatively regulate EPO signalling and proliferation of V617F-expressing cells. Here we report a PV patient heterozygous for the somatic JAK2(N542-E543del) mutation and a previously unreported germline mutation within the SH2 domain of SOCS3 (F136L). Interestingly, the SOCS3(F136L) mutation was detected in a Japanese myeloproliferative disorder patient cohort at double the frequency of healthy controls. Cells expressing SOCS3(F136L) had markedly elevated EPO-induced proliferation and extended EPO-induced JAK2 phosphorylation. Additionally, compared to wild-type SOCS3, mutant SOCS3 had an extended half-life in the presence of JAK2 and JAK2(N542-E543del). Our findings suggest that this loss-of-function SOCS3 mutation may have contributed to disease onset by causing deregulated JAK2 signalling in the presence of a constitutively active JAK2(N542-E543del) mutant.


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Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) signaling is strongly associated with cell growth and regulates the rate of synthesis of the rRNA precursor, the first and the key stage of ribosome biogenesis. In a screen for mediators of IGF-I signaling in cancer, we recently identified several ribosome-related proteins, including NEP1 (nucleolar essential protein 1) and WDR3 (WD repeat 3), whose homologues in yeast function in ribosome processing. The WDR3 gene and its locus on chromosome 1p12-13 have previously been linked with malignancy. Here we show that IGF-I induces expression of WDR3 in transformed cells. WDR3 depletion causes defects in ribosome biogenesis by affecting 18 S rRNA processing and also causes a transient down-regulation of precursor rRNA levels with moderate repression of RNA polymerase I activity. Suppression of WDR3 in cells expressing functional p53 reduced proliferation and arrested cells in the G1 phase of the cell cycle. This was associated with activation of p53 and sequestration of MDM2 by ribosomal protein L11. Cells lacking functional p53 did not undergo cell cycle arrest upon suppression of WDR3. Overall, the data indicate that WDR3 has an essential function in 40 S ribosomal subunit synthesis and in ribosomal stress signaling to p53-mediated regulation of cell cycle progression in cancer cells.


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A screen of microRNA (miRNA) expression following differentiation in human foreskin keratinocytes (HFKs) identified changes in several miRNAs, including miRNA 203 (miR-203), which has previously been shown to play an important role in epithelial cell biology by regulating p63 levels. We investigated how expression of human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV16) oncoproteins E6 and E7 affected miR-203 expression during proliferation and differentiation of HFKs. We demonstrated that miR-203 expression is reduced in HFKs where p53 function is compromised, either by the viral oncoprotein E6 or by knockout of p53 using short hairpin RNAs (p53i). We show that the induction of miR-203 observed during calcium-induced differentiation of HFKs is significantly reduced in HFKs expressing E6 and in p53i HFKs. Induction of miR-203 in response to DNA damage is also reduced in the absence of p53. We report that proliferation of HFKs is dependent on the level of miR-203 expression and that overexpression of miR-203 can reduce overproliferation in E6/E7-expressing and p53i HFKs. In summary, these results indicate that expression of miR-203 is dependent on p53, which may explain how expression of HPV16 E6 can disrupt the balance between proliferation and differentiation, as well as the response to DNA damage, in keratinocytes.


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Overexpression of Hoxb4 in bone marrow cells promotes expansion of hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) populations in vivo and in vitro, indicating that this homeoprotein can activate the genetic program that determines self-renewal. However, this function cannot be solely attributed to Hoxb4 because Hoxb4(-/-) mice are viable and have an apparently normal HSC number. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction analysis showed that Hoxb4(-/-) c-Kit(+) fetal liver cells expressed moderately higher levels of several Hoxb cluster genes than control cells, raising the possibility that normal HSC activity in Hoxb4(-/-) mice is due to a compensatory up-regulation of other Hoxb genes. In this study, we investigated the competitive repopulation potential of HSCs lacking Hoxb4 alone, or in conjunction with 8 other Hoxb genes. Our results show that Hoxb4(-/-) and Hoxb1-b9(-/-) fetal liver cells retain full competitive repopulation potential and the ability to regenerate all myeloid and lymphoid lineages. Quantitative Hox gene expression profiling in purified c-KIt(+) Hoxb1-bg(-/-) fetal liver cells revealed an interaction between the Hoxa, b, and c clusters with variation in expression levels of Hoxa4, -a11, and -c4. Together, these studies show a complex network of genetic interactions between several Hox genes in primitive hematopoietic cells and demonstrate that HSCs lacking up to 30% of the active Hox genes remain fully competent.


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Little is known about the origin of basal-like breast cancers, an aggressive disease that is highly similar to BRCA1-mutant breast cancers. p63 family proteins that are structurally related to the p53 suppressor protein are known to function in stem cell regulation and stratified epithelia development in multiple tissues, and p63 expression may be a marker of basal-like breast cancers. Here we report that Delta Np63 isoforms of p63 are transcriptional targets for positive regulation by BRCA1. Our analyses of breast cancer tissue microarrays and BRCA1-modulated breast cancer cell lines do not support earlier reports that p63 is a marker of basal-like or BRCA1 mutant cancers. Nevertheless, we found that BRCA1 interacts with the specific p63 isoform Delta Np63 gamma along with transcription factor isoforms AP-2 alpha and AP-2 gamma. BRCA1 required Delta Np63 gamma and AP-2 gamma to localize to an intronic enhancer region within the p63 gene to upregulate transcription of the Delta Np63 isoforms. In mammary stem/progenitor cells, siRNA- mediated knockdown of Delta Np63 expression resulted in genomic instability, increased cell proliferation, loss of DNA damage checkpoint control, and impaired growth control. Together, our findings establish that transcriptional upregulation of Delta Np63 proteins is critical for BRCA1 suppressor function and that defects in BRCA1-Delta Np63 signaling are key events in the pathogenesis of basal-like breast cancer. Cancer Res; 71( 5); 1933-44. (c) 2011 AACR.


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DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) has been implicated in a variety of nuclear processes including DNA double strand break repair, V(D)J recombination, and transcription. A recent study showed that DNA-PK is responsible for Ser-473 phosphorylation in the hydrophobic motif of protein kinase B (PKB/Akt) in genotoxic-stressed cells, suggesting a novel role for DNA-PK in cell signaling. Here, we report that DNA-PK activity toward PKB peptides is impaired in DNA-PK knock-out mouse embryonic fibroblast cells when compared with wild type. In addition, human glioblastoma cells expressing a mutant form of DNA-PK (M059J) displayed a lower DNA-PK activity when compared with glioblastoma cells expressing wild-type DNA- PK (M059K) when PKB peptide substrates were tested. DNA- PK preferentially phosphorylated PKB on Ser-473 when compared with its known in vitro substrate, p53. A consensus hydrophobic amino acid surrounding the Ser-473 phospho-acceptor site in PKB containing amino acids Phe at position +1 and +4 and Tyr at position -1 are critical for DNA- PK activity. Thus, these data define the specificity of DNA- PK action as a Ser-473 kinase for PKB in DNA repair signaling.