36 resultados para Multi-instance and multi-sample fusion


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The purpose of this research is to identify and assess the opportunities and challenges of implementing a Site Waste Management Plan (SWMP) on projects irrespective of size. In the UK, construction and demolition waste accounts for a third of all UK waste. There are a number of factors that influence the implementation of SWMPs. In order to identify and analyse these factors, 4 unstructured interviews were carried out and a sample of 56 participants completed a questionnaire survey. The scope of the study was limited to UK
construction industry professionals. The analysis revealed that more needs to be done if the industry is to meet government targets of reduction in construction related waste going to landfill. In addition, although SWMP may not yet be legally required on all construction projects, clients and contractors need to realise
the benefits to cut costs and implement best practice by adopting a SWMP. The benefits of implementing a SWMP will not only help to achieve this but also gain significant cost savings on projects and is also extremely beneficial to the environment. This study presents evidence that contractors need to do more to reduce waste and draws a clear link between waste reduction and the implementation of SWMPs. The findings are useful in the ongoing efforts to encourage the industry to find smarter, more efficient and less
damaging ways to operate


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Children who experienced intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) may be at increased risk for adverse developmental outcomes in early childhood. The objective of this study was to carry out a systematic review of neurodevelopmental outcomes from 6 months to 3 years after IUGR.

METHODS: PubMed, Embase, PsycINFO, Maternity and Infant Care, and CINAHL databases were searched by using the search terms intrauterine, fetal, growth restriction, child development, neurodevelopment, early childhood, cognitive, motor, speech, language. Studies were eligible for inclusion if participants met specified criteria for growth restriction, follow-up was conducted within 6 months to 3 years, methods were adequately described, non-IUGR comparison groups were included, and full English text of the article was available. A specifically designed data extraction form was used. The methodological quality of included studies was assessed using well-documented quality-appraisal guidelines.

RESULTS: Of 731 studies reviewed, 16 were included. Poorer neurodevelopmental outcomes after IUGR were described in 11. Ten found motor, 8 cognitive, and 7 language delays. Other delays included social development, attention, and adaptive behavior. Only 8 included abnormal Doppler parameters in their definitions of IUGR.

CONCLUSIONS: Evidence suggests that children are at risk for poorer neurodevelopmental outcomes following IUGR from 6 months to 3 years of age. The heterogeneity of primary outcomes, assessment measures, adjustment for confounding variables, and definitions of IUGR limits synthesis and interpretation. Sample sizes in most studies were small, and some examined preterm IUGR children without including term IUGR or AGA comparison groups, limiting the value of extant studies.


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BACKGROUND: Tumorigenesis is characterised by changes in transcriptional control. Extensive transcript expression data have been acquired over the last decade and used to classify prostate cancers. Prostate cancer is, however, a heterogeneous multifocal cancer and this poses challenges in identifying robust transcript biomarkers.

METHODS: In this study, we have undertaken a meta-analysis of publicly available transcriptomic data spanning datasets and technologies from the last decade and encompassing laser capture microdissected and macrodissected sample sets.

RESULTS: We identified a 33 gene signature that can discriminate between benign tissue controls and localised prostate cancers irrespective of detection platform or dissection status. These genes were significantly overexpressed in localised prostate cancer versus benign tissue in at least three datasets within the Oncomine Compendium of Expression Array Data. In addition, they were also overexpressed in a recent exon-array dataset as well a prostate cancer RNA-seq dataset generated as part of the The Cancer Genomics Atlas (TCGA) initiative. Biologically, glycosylation was the single enriched process associated with this 33 gene signature, encompassing four glycosylating enzymes. We went on to evaluate the performance of this signature against three individual markers of prostate cancer, v-ets avian erythroblastosis virus E26 oncogene homolog (ERG) expression, prostate specific antigen (PSA) expression and androgen receptor (AR) expression in an additional independent dataset. Our signature had greater discriminatory power than these markers both for localised cancer and metastatic disease relative to benign tissue, or in the case of metastasis, also localised prostate cancer.

CONCLUSION: In conclusion, robust transcript biomarkers are present within datasets assembled over many years and cohorts and our study provides both examples and a strategy for refining and comparing datasets to obtain additional markers as more data are generated.


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Purpose: As resident work hours policies evolve, residents’ off-duty time remains poorly understood. Despite assumptions about how residents should be using their postcall, off-duty time, there is little research on how residents actually use this time and the reasoning underpinning their activities. This study sought to understand residents’ nonclinical postcall activities when they leave the hospital, their decision-making processes, and their perspectives on the relationship between these activities and their well-being or recovery.

Method: The study took place at a Liaison Committee on Medical Education–accredited Canadian medical school from 2012 to 2014. The authors recruited a purposive and convenience sample of postgraduate year 1–5 residents from six surgical and nonsurgical specialties at three hospitals affiliated with the medical school. Using a constructivist grounded theory approach, semistructured interviews were conducted, audio-taped, transcribed, anonymized, and combined with field notes. The authors analyzed interview transcripts using constant comparative analysis and performed post hoc member checking.

Results: Twenty-four residents participated. Residents characterized their predominant approach to postcall decision making as one of making trade-offs between multiple, competing, seemingly incompatible, but equally valuable, activities. Participants exhibited two different trade-off orientations: being oriented toward maintaining a normal life or toward mitigating fatigue.

Conclusions: The authors’ findings on residents’ trade-off orientations suggest a dual recovery model with postcall trade-offs motivated by the recovery of sleep or of self. This model challenges the dominant viewpoint in the current duty hours literature and suggests that the duty hours discussion must be broadened to include other recovery processes.


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Objective: To evaluate temporal changes in GCF levels of substance P, cathepsin G, interleukin 1 beta (IL-1&beta), neutrophil elastase and alpha1-antitrypsin (&alpha1AT) during development of and recovery from experimental gingivitis. Methods: Healthy human volunteers participated in a split-mouth study: experimental gingivitis was induced using a soft vinyl splint to cover test teeth during brushing over 21 days, after which normal brushing was resumed. Modified gingival index (MGI), gingival bleeding index (BI) and modified Quigley and Hein plaque index (PI) were assessed and 30-second GCF samples taken from 4 paired test and contra-lateral control sites in each subject at days 0, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 42. GCF volume was measured and site-specific quantification of one analyte per GCF sample was performed using radioimmunoassay (substance P), enzyme assay (cathepsin G) or ELISA (IL-1&beta, elastase, &alpha1AT). Site-specific data were analysed using analysis of repeated measurements and paired sample tests. Results: 56 subjects completed the study. All measurements at baseline (day 0) and at control sites throughout the study were low. Clinical indices and GCF volumes at the test sites increased from day 0, peaking at day 21 (difference between test and control for PI, BI, MGI and GCF all p<0.0001) and decreased again to control levels by day 28. Levels of four inflammatory markers showed a similar pattern, with significant differences between test and control apparent at 7 days (substance P p=0.0015; cathepsin G p=0.029; IL-1&beta p=0.026; elastase p=0.0129) and peaking at day 21 (substance P p=0.0023; cathepsin G, IL-1&beta and elastase all p<0.0001). Levels of &alpha1AT showed no apparent pattern over the course of the study. Conclusion: GCF levels of substance P, cathepsin G, IL-1&beta and neutrophil elastase have the potential to act as early markers of experimentally-induced gingival inflammation.


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Abstract: Psychometric properties of two self-report clinical competence scales for nursing students.
Background: It is important to assess the clinical competence of nursing students to gauge their professional development and educational needs. This can be measured by self-assessment tools. Anema and McCoy (2010) contended that the currently available measures need further psychometric testing.
Aim: To test the psychometric properties of Nursing Competencies Questionnaire (NCQ) and Self-Efficacy in Clinical Performance (SECP) clinical competence scales.

Method: A non-randomly selected sample of n=248 2nd year nursing students completed NCQ, SECP and demographic questionnaires (June and September 2013). Mokken Scaling Analysis (MSA) was used to test the structural validity and scale properties, convergent and discriminant validity and reliability were subsequently tested.

Results: The NCQ provided evidence of a unidimensional scale which had strong scale scalability coefficients Hs =0.581; but limited evidence of item rankability HT =0.367. MSA undertaken with the SECP scale identified two potential unidimensional scales the SECP28 and SECP7, each with adequate evidence of good/reasonable scalablity psychometric properties as a summed scale but no/very limited evidence of scale rankability (SECP28: Hs = 0.55, HT=0.211; SECP7: Hs = 0.61, HT=0.049). Analysis of between cohort differences and NCQ/ SECP scale scores produced evidence of convergent and discriminant validity and good internal reliability: NCQ α = 0.93, SECP28 α = 0.96, and SECP7 α=0.89.

Discussion: The NCQ was verified to have evidence of reliability and validity; however, as the SECP findings are new, and the sample small, with reference to Straat and colleagues (2014), the SECP results should be interpreted with caution and verified on a second sample.

Conclusions: Measurement of perceived self-competence could inform the development of nursing competence and could start early in a nursing programme. Further testing of the NCQ and SECP scales with larger samples and from different years is indicated.

Anema, M., G and McCoy, JK. (2010) Competency-Based Nursing Education: Guide to Achieving Outstanding Learner Outcomes. New York: Springer.
Straat, JH., van der Ark, LA and Sijtsma, K. (2014) Minimum Sample Size Requirements for Mokken Scale Analysis Educational and Psychological Measurement 74 (5), 809-822.