112 resultados para MU(1)-OPIOID RECEPTORS


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Integrated "ICT chromophore-receptor" systems show ion-induced shifts in their electronic absorption spectra. The wavelength of observation can be used to reversibly configure the system to any of the four logic operations permissible with a single input (YES, NOT, PASS 1, PASS 0), under conditions of ion input and transmittance output. We demonstrate these with dyes integrated into Tsien's calcium receptor, 1-2. Applying multiple ion inputs to 1-2 also allows us to perform two- or three-input OR or NOR operations. The weak fluorescence output of 1 also shows YES or NOT logic depending on how it is configured by excitation and emission wavelengths. Integrated "receptor(1)-ICT chromophore-receptor(2)" systems 3-5 selectively target two ions into the receptor terminals. The ion-induced transmittance output of 3-5 can also be configured via wavelength to illustrate several logic types including, most importantly, XOR. The opposite effects of the two ions on the energy of the chromophore excited state is responsible for this behaviour. INHIBIT and REVERSE IMPLICATION are two of the other logic types seen here. Integration of XOR logic with a preceding OR operation can be arranged by using three ion inputs. The fluorescence output of these systems can be configured via wavelength to display INHIBIT or NOR logic under two-input conditions. The superposition or multiplicity of logic gate configurations is an unusual consequence of the ability to simultaneously observe multiple wavelengths.


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The immunolocalization and gene expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and its cognate tyrosine kinase receptors, Flt-1 and KDR, has been studied in ocular melanomas and retinoblastomas using in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry. Tumour-related alterations in VEGF/VEGF-receptor expression have also been examined in separate and uninvolved iris, retina and choroid of the same eyes. Although VEGF immunoreactivity in the normal retina was virtually absent, low-level VEGF expression was evident in the ganglion cell-bodies, Müller cells and in a distinct population of amacrine cells. VEGF gene expression was absent in the iris and choroid of normal eyes. In tumour-bearing eyes, high levels of VEGF protein and gene expression were observed within the vascularized regions of the tumours, while the adjacent retina and choroid showed increased VEGF levels when compared with normals. Flt-1 and KDR gene expression and immunolocalization occurred in VEGF-expressing ganglion, Müller and amacrine cells in normal eyes. Within the intra-ocular tumours, VEGF-receptor gene expression and protein was evident in the endothelial cells and also in cells close to the vessels, while in the adjacent retina, Flt-1 and KDR levels were elevated over normal, especially in the blood vessels. Flt-1 and KDR were both observed at elevated levels in the choroid and iris blood vessels. This study suggests that VEGF, Flt-1 and KDR are expressed by neural, glial and vascular elements within normal human retina. Intra-ocular tumours demonstrate a high level of VEGF and VEGF-receptor expression; within uninvolved, spatially separate retina, choroid and iris in the same eyes, expression is also elevated, especially within the vasculature. Retinal vascular endothelia may respond to high intra-ocular levels of VEGF by increasing expression of their VEGF receptors, a phenomenon which could have relevance to neoplasm-related ocular neovascularization.


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The synthesis of [Rh-2(COD)(2)(dppm)(mu(2)-Cl)] BF4 (1) (COD) 1,5-cyclooctadiene, dppm) bis(diphenylphosphino) methane) from simple precursors is reported. This is a rare example of a dirhodium complex with an open [Rh-2(mu(2)-dppm)(mu(2)-Cl)] core. The complex has been used to affect the hydrogenation of styrene and benzo[b] thiophene with total selectivity and competitive rates of reaction. The recycling of the catalyst has been achieved by the entrapment of 1 in silica by a sol-gel method to produce a recyclable solid catalyst.


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Increased levels of neuropeptide Y correlate with severity of left ventricular hypertrophy in vivo. At cardiomyocyte level, hypertrophy is characterised by increased mass and altered phenotype. The aims were to determine the contributions of increased synthesis and reduced degradation of protein to neuropeptide Y-mediated increase in mass, assess effects on gene expression, and characterise neuropeptide Y Y receptor subtype involvement. Neuropeptide Y (10 nM) increased protein mass of adult rat ventricular cardiomyocytes maintained in culture (24 h) (16%>basal) and de novo protein synthesis (incorporation of [14C]phenylalanine) (18%>basal). Neuropeptide Y (100 nM) prevented degradation of existing protein at 8 h. Actinomycin D (5 µM) attenuated increases in protein mass to neuropeptide Y (=1 nM) but not to neuropeptide Y (10 nM). [Leu31, Pro34]neuropeptide Y (10 nM), an agonist at neuropeptide Y Y1 receptors, increased protein mass (25%>basal) but did not stimulate protein synthesis. Neuropeptide Y-(3–36) (10 nM), an agonist at neuropeptide Y Y2 receptors, increased protein mass (29%>basal) and increased protein synthesis (13%>basal), respectively. Actinomycin D (5 µM) abolished the increase in protein mass elicited by neuropeptide Y-(3–36) but not that by [Leu31, Pro34]neuropeptide Y. BIBP3226 [(R)-N2-(diphenylacetyl)-N-(4-hydroxyphenylmethyl)-d-arginine amide] (1 µM), a neuropeptide Y Y1 receptor subtype-selective antagonist, and T4 [neuropeptide Y-(33–36)]4, a neuropeptide Y Y2 receptor subtype-selective antagonist, attenuated the increase in protein mass to 100 nM neuropeptide Y by 68% and 59%, respectively. Neuropeptide Y increased expression of the constitutive gene, myosin light chain-2 (MLC-2), maximally at 12 h (4.7-fold>basal) but did not induce (t=36 h) expression of foetal genes (atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), skeletal-a-actin and myosin heavy chain-ß). This increase was attenuated by 86% and 51%, respectively, by BIBP3226 (1 µM) and T4 [neuropeptide Y-(33–36)]4 (100 nM). [Leu31, Pro34]neuropeptide Y (100 nM) (2.4-fold>basal) and peptide YY-(3–36) (100 nM) (2.3 fold>basal) increased expression of MLC-2 mRNA at 12 h. In conclusion, initiation of cardiomyocyte hypertrophy by neuropeptide Y requires activation of both neuropeptide Y Y1 and neuropeptide Y Y2 receptors and is associated with enhanced synthesis and attenuated degradation of protein together with increased expression of constitutive genes but not reinduction of foetal genes.


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Severity of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) correlates with elevated plasma levels of neuropeptide Y (NPY) in hypertension. NPY elicits positive and negative contractile effects in cardiomyocytes through Y(1) and Y(2) receptors, respectively. This study tested the hypothesis that NPY receptor-mediated contraction is altered during progression of LVH. Ventricular cardiomyocytes were isolated from spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs) pre-LVH (12 weeks), during development (16 weeks), and at established LVH (20 weeks) and age-matched normotensive Wistar Kyoto (WKY) rats. Electrically stimulated (60 V, 0.5 Hz) cell shortening was measured using edge detection and receptor expression determined at mRNA and protein level. The NPY and Y(1) receptor-selective agonist, Leu(31)Pro(34)NPY, stimulated increases in contractile amplitude, which were abolished by the Y(1) receptor-selective antagonist, BIBP3226 [R-N(2)-(diphenyl-acetyl)-N-(4-hydroxyphenyl)methyl-argininamide)], confirming Y(1) receptor involvement. Potencies of both agonists were enhanced in SHR cardiomyocytes at 20 weeks (2300- and 380-fold versus controls). Maximal responses were not attenuated. BIBP3226 unmasked a negative contraction effect of NPY, elicited over the concentration range (10(-12) to 3 x 10(-9) M) in which NPY and PYY(3-36) attenuated the positive contraction effects of isoproterenol, the potencies of which were increased in cardiomyocytes from SHRs at 20 weeks (175- and 145-fold versus controls); maximal responses were not altered. Expression of NPY-Y(1) and NPY-Y(2) receptor mRNAs was decreased (55 and 69%) in left ventricular cardiomyocytes from 20-week-old SHRs versus age-matched WKY rats; parallel decreases (32 and 80%) were observed at protein level. Enhancement of NPY potency, producing (opposing) contractile effects on cardiomyocytes together with unchanged maximal response despite reduced receptor number, enables NPY to contribute to regulating cardiac performance during compensatory LVH.


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Tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) has recently attracted attention as a potential therapeutic agent in the treatment of cancer. We assessed the roles of p53, TRAIL receptors, and cellular Fas-associated death domain-like interleukin-1beta-converting enzyme inhibitory protein (c-FLIP) in regulating the cytotoxic effects of recombinant TRAIL (rTRAIL) alone and in combination with chemotherapy [5-fluorouracil (5-FU), oxaliplatin, and irinotecan] in a panel of colon cancer cell lines. Using clonogenic survival and flow cytometric analyses, we showed that chemotherapy sensitized p53 wild-type, mutant, and null cell lines to TRAIL-mediated apoptosis. Although chemotherapy treatment did not modulate mRNA or cell surface expression of the TRAIL receptors death receptor 4, death receptor 5, decoy receptor 1, or decoy receptor 2, it was found to down-regulate expression of the caspase-8 inhibitor, c-FLIP. Stable overexpression of the long c-FLIP splice form but not the short form was found to inhibit chemotherapy/rTRAIL-induced apoptosis. Furthermore, siRNA-mediated down-regulation of c-FLIP, particularly the long form, was found to sensitize colon cancer cells to rTRAIL-induced apoptosis. In addition, treatment of a 5-FU-resistant cell line with 5-FU down-regulated c-FLIP expression and sensitized the chemotherapy-resistant cell line to rTRAIL. We conclude that TRAIL-targeted therapies may be used to enhance conventional chemotherapy regimens in colon cancer regardless of tumor p53 status. Furthermore, inhibition of c-FLIP may be a vital accessory strategy for the optimal use of TRAIL-targeted therapies.


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Two major signaling pathways, those triggered by estrogen (E(2)) and by the Wnt family, interact in the breast to cause growth and differentiation. The estrogen receptors ER(alpha) and ER(beta) are activated by binding E(2) and act as ligand-dependent transcription factors. The effector for the Wnt family is the Tcf family of transcription factors. Both sets of transcription factors recognize discrete but different nucleotide sequences in the promoters of their target genes. By using transient transfections of reporter constructs for the osteopontin and thymidine kinase promoters in rat mammary cells, we show that Tcf-4 antagonizes and Tcf-1 stimulates the effects of activated ER/E(2). For mutants of the former promoter, the stimulatory effects of ER(alpha)/E(2) can be made to be dependent on Tcf-1, and for the latter promoter the effects of the T cell factors (TCFs) are dependent on ER/E(2). Direct interaction between ERs and Tcfs either at the Tcf/ER(alpha)-binding site on the DNA or in the absence of DNA is established by gel retardation assays or by coimmunoprecipitation/biosensor methods, respectively. These results show that the two sets of transcription factors can interact directly, the interaction between ERs and Tcf-4 being antagonistic and that between ERs and Tcf-1 being synergistic on the activity of the promoters employed. Since Tcf-4 is the major Tcf family member in the breast, it is suggested that the antagonistic interaction is normally dominant in vivo in this tissue.


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Neutrophil elastase (NE) is thought to be the most important protease which damages the cystic fibrosis (CF) lung. Attempts have been made to suppress this activity using the plasma-derived inhibitor, alpha1-antitrypsin (AAT). In this pilot study, the safety and efficacy of inhaled recombinant human AAT (rAAT) as a treatment for CF were investigated. Thirty-nine patients participated in a prospective, double-blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled phase II trial to examine the effect of rAAT (500, 250, and 125 mg) on sputum NE activity. Sputum myeloperoxidase (MPO), interleukin-8, tumor necrosis factor receptors, sputum and plasma NE/AAT complexes, and safety parameters were also measured. Subjects were randomized to receive nebulized treatment once a day for 4 weeks, followed by 2–4 weeks with no study treatment, and then a 2-week rechallenge phase. Trends toward a reduction in NE activity were observed in patients treated with 500 mg and 250 mg of rAAT compared to placebo. Sputum NE/AAT complex and MPO levels were lower on rAAT compared to placebo. No major adverse events and, in particular, no allergic reactions to rAAT were observed. Although significant differences between rAAT and placebo for sputum NE activity were not observed, some improvements were found for secondary efficacy variables. This study demonstrated that nebulized rAAT is safe and well-tolerated, but has a limited effect on NE activity and other markers of inflammation. Pediatr Pulmonol.


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Spontaneous Ca2+-events were imaged in myocytes within intact retinal arterioles (diameter < 40 mu m) freshly isolated from rat eyes. Ca2+-sparks were often observed to spread across the width of these small cells, and could summate to produce prolonged Ca2+-oscillations and contraction. Application of cyclopiazonic acid (20 mu M) transiently increased spark frequency and oscillation amplitude, but inhibited both sparks and oscillations within 60 s. Both ryanodine (100 mu M) and tetracaine (100 mu M) reduced the frequency of sparks and oscillations, while tetracaine also reduced oscillation amplitude. None of these interventions affected spark amplitude. Nifedipine, which blocks store filling independently of any action on L-type Ca2+-channels in these cells, reduced the frequency and amplitude of both sparks and oscillations. Removal of external [Ca2+] (1 mM EGTA) also reduced the frequency of sparks and oscillations but these reductions were slower in onset than those in the presence of tetracaine or cyclopiazonic acid. Cyclopiazonic acid, nifedipine and low external [Ca2+] all reduced SR loading, as indicated by the amplitude of caffeine evoked Ca2+-transients. This study demonstrates for the first time that spontaneous Ca2+-events in small arterioles of the eye result from activation of ryanodine receptors in the SR and suggests that this activation is not tightly coupled to Ca2+-influx. The data also supports a model in which Ca2+-sparks act as building blocks for more prolonged, global Ca2+-signals. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Hypoxic cancer cells are resistant to treatment, leading to the selection of cells with a more malignant phenotype. The expression of interleukin-8 (IL-8) plays an important role in the tumorigenesis and metastasis of solid tumors including prostate cancer. Recently, we detected elevated expression of IL-8 and IL-8 receptors in human prostate cancer tissue. The objective of the current study was to determine whether hypoxia increases IL-8 and IL-8 receptor expression in prostate cancer cells and whether this contributes to a survival advantage in hypoxic cells. IL-8, CXCR1 and CXCR2 messenger RNA (mRNA) expression in PC3 cells was upregulated in response to hypoxia in a time-dependent manner. Elevated IL-8 secretion following hypoxia was detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, while immunoblotting confirmed elevated receptor expression. Attenuation of hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF-1) and nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB) transcriptional activity using small interfering RNA (siRNA), a HIF-1 dominant-negative and pharmacological inhibitors, abrogated hypoxia-induced transcription of CXCR1 and CXCR2 in PC3 cells. Furthermore, chromatin-IP analysis demonstrated binding of HIF-1 and NF-kappaB to CXCR1. Finally, inhibition of IL-8 signaling potentiated etoposide-induced cell death in hypoxic PC3 cells. These results suggest that IL-8 signaling confers a survival advantage to hypoxic prostate cancer cells, and therefore, strategies to inhibit IL-8 signaling may sensitize hypoxic tumor cells to conventional treatments.


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Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) is an endogenous vasodilator peptide that produces its effects by activation of CGRP(1) and CGRP(2) receptor subtypes, These receptor subtypes are characterized in functional studies using the agonist Cys(Acm)(2,7)-human-alpha-calcitonin gene-related peptide (Cys(ACM)(2,7)-h-alpha-CGRP), which activates CGRP(2) receptors, and the antagonist h-alpha CGRP(8-37) which has a high affinity for CGRP, receptors and a low affinity for CGRP(2) receptors. Our aim was to identify factors that may limit the use of these drugs to characterize CGRP receptor subtypes. We studied CGRP receptors using isolated ring segments of pig coronary and basilar arteries studied in vitro. The affinity of the antagonist h-alpha CGRP(8-37) for inhibiting h-alpha CGRP-induced relaxation of coronary arteries (log(10) of the antagonist equilibrium dissociation constant = -5.33) was determined from Schild plots that had steep slopes. Therefore, we used capsaicin to investigate the role of endogenous CGRP in confounding affinity measurements for h-alpha CGRP(8-37). After capsaicin treatment, the slopes of the Schild plots were not different from one, and a higher affinity of h-CGRP(8-37) in blocking relaxation was obtained (log(10) of the antagonist equilibrium dissociation constant = -6.01). We also investigated the agonist activity of the putative CGRP, receptor selective agonist Cys(Acm)(2,7)-h-alpha-CGRP. We found that maximal relaxation of coronary arteries caused by Cys(Acm)(2,7)-h-alpha CGRP was dependent upon the level of contractile tone induced by KCI. We also determined the K-A for Cys(Acm)(2,7)-h-alpha CGRP and found that the K-A (817 nM) was not significantly different from the EC50 (503 nM) for this drug in causing relaxation, indicating that Cys(Acm)(2,7)-h-alpha CGRP is a partial agonist. Because experimental conditions affect the actions of h-CGRP(8-37) and Cys(Acm)(2,7)-h-alpha CGRP, the conditions must be carefully controlled to reliably identify CGRP receptor subtypes.


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Leukocyte-derived matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) are implicated in the tissue destruction characteristic of tuberculosis (TB). The contribution of lung stromal cells to MMP activity in TB is unknown. Oncostatin M (OSM) is an important stimulus to extrapulmonary stromal MMP induction, but its role in regulation of pulmonary MMP secretion or pathophysiology of TB is unknown. We investigated OSM secretion from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb)-infected human monocytes/macrophages and the networking effects of such OSM on lung fibroblast MMP secretion. Mtb increased monocyte OSM secretion dose dependently in vitro. In vivo tuberculous granulomas immunostained positively for OSM. Further, conditioned media from Mtb-infected monocytes (CoMTb) induced monocyte OSM secretion (670 ± 55 versus 166 ± 14 pg/mL in controls), implicating an autocrine loop. Mtb-induced OSM secretion was prostaglandin (PG) sensitive, and required activation of surface G-protein coupled receptors. OSM induction was ERK MAP kinase dependent, p38-requiring but JNK-independent. OSM synergized with TNF-, a key cytokine in TB granuloma formation, to stimulate pulmonary fibroblast MMP-1/-3 secretion, while suppressing secretion of tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases-1/-2. In summary, Mtb infection of monocytes results in PG-dependent OSM secretion, which synergizes with TNF- to drive functionally unopposed fibroblast MMP-1/-3 secretion, demonstrating a previously unrecognized role for OSM in TB.


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Effects of chemical ablation of the GIP and GLP-1 receptors on metabolic aspects of obesity-diabetes were investigated using the stable receptor antagonists (Pro(3))GIP and exendin(9-39)amide. Ob/ob mice received a daily i.p. injection of saline vehicle, (Pro(3))GIP, exendin(9-39)amide or a combination of both peptides over a 14-day period. Non-fasting plasma glucose levels were significantly (p <0.05) lower in (Pro(3))GIP-treated mice compared to control mice after just 9 days of treatment. (Pro(3))GIP-treated mice also displayed significantly lower plasma glucose concentrations in response to feeding and intraperitoneal administration of either glucose or insulin (p <0.05 to p <0.001). The (Pro(3))GIP-treated group also exhibited significantly (p <0.05) reduced pancreatic insulin content. Acute administration of exendin(9-39) amide immediately prior to re-feeding completely annulled the beneficial effects of sub-chronic (Pro(3))GIP treatment, but non-fasting concentrations of active GLP-1 were unchanged. Combined sub-chronic administration of (Pro(3)GIP) with exendin(9-39)amide revealed no beneficial effects. Similarly, daily administration of exendin(9-39)amide alone had no significant effects on any of the metabolic parameters measured. These studies highlight an important role for GIP in obesity-related forms of diabetes, suggesting the possible involvement of GLP-1 in the beneficial actions of GIP receptor antagonism.


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Protease-activated receptors [PARs] are a family of G-protein-coupled seven-transmembrane domain receptors that are activated by proteolytic cleavage of their amino-terminal exodomain. To characterize the cleavage rate of human PAR-1 / 2 / 3 and 4 by trypsin and thrombin, four synthetic quenched-fluorescent peptide substrates have been synthesized. Each substrate consisted of a ten-residue peptide spanning the receptor activation cleavage site and using progress-curve kinetics, k(cat)/K-m values were determined.