81 resultados para MOTILITY


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The predatory bacterium Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus swims rapidly by rotation of a single, polar flagellum comprised of a helical filament of flagellin monomers, contained within a membrane sheath and powered by a basal motor complex. Bdellovibrio collides with, enters and replicates within bacterial prey, a process previously suggested to firstly require flagellar motility and then flagellar shedding upon prey entry. Here we show that flagella are not always shed upon prey entry and we study the six fliC flagellin genes of B. bacteriovorus, finding them all conserved and expressed in genome strain HD100 and the widely studied lab strain 109J. Individual inactivation of five of the fliC genes gave mutant Bdellovibrio that still made flagella, and which were motile and predatory. Inactivation of the sixth fliC gene abolished normal flagellar synthesis and motility, but a disordered flagellar sheath was still seen. We find that this non-motile mutant was still able to predate when directly applied to lawns of YFP-labelled prey bacteria, showing that flagellar motility is not essential for prey entry but important for efficient encounters with prey in liquid environments.


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Background: Deficiencies in effective flukicide options and growing issues with drug resistance make current strategies for liver fluke control unsustainable, thereby promoting the need to identify and validate new control targets in Fasciola spp. parasites. Calmodulins (CaMs) are small calcium-sensing proteins with ubiquitous expression in all eukaryotic organisms and generally use fluctuations in intracellular calcium levels to modulate cell signalling events. CaMs are essential for fundamental processes including the phosphorylation of protein kinases, gene transcription, calcium transport and smooth muscle contraction. In the blood fluke Schistosoma mansoni, calmodulins have been implicated in egg hatching, miracidial transformation and larval development. Previously, CaMs have been identified amongst liver fluke excretory-secretory products and three CaM-like proteins have been characterised biochemically from adult Fasciola hepatica, although their functions remain unknown.

Methods: In this study, we set out to investigate the biological function and control target potential of F. hepatica CaMs (FhCaMs) using RNAi methodology alongside novel in vitro bioassays.

Results: Our results reveal that: (i) FhCaMs are widely expressed in parenchymal cells throughout the forebody region of juvenile fluke; (ii) significant transcriptional knockdown of FhCaM1-3 was inducible by exposure to either long (~200 nt) double stranded (ds) RNAs or 27 nt short interfering (si) RNAs, although siRNAs were less effective than long dsRNAs; (iii) transient long dsRNA exposure-induced RNA interference (RNAi) of FhCaMs triggered transcript knockdown that persisted for ≥ 21 days, and led to detectable suppression of FhCaM proteins; (iv) FhCaM RNAi significantly reduced the growth of juvenile flukes maintained in vitro; (v) FhCaM RNAi juveniles also displayed hyperactivity encompassing significantly increased migration; (vi) both the reduced growth and increased motility phenotypes were recapitulated in juvenile fluke using the CaM inhibitor trifluoperazine hydrochloride, supporting phenotype specificity.

Conclusions: These data indicate that the Ca(2+)-modulating functions of FhCaMs are important for juvenile fluke growth and movement and provide the first functional genomics-based example of a growth-defect resulting from gene silencing in liver fluke. Whilst the phenotypic impacts of FhCaM silencing on fluke behaviour do not strongly support their candidature as new flukicide targets, the growth impacts encourage further consideration, especially in light of the speed of juvenile fluke growth in vivo.


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Background: In order to isolate the â??bestâ?? sperm for assisted conception a discontinuous two-step density gradient centrifugation is usually employed. This technique is known to isolate a subpopulation with good motility, morphology and nuclear DNA (nDNA) integrity. As yet its ability to isolate sperm with unfragmented mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is unknown. Methods: Semen was obtained from men (n=28) attending our Regional Fertility Centre for infertility investigations. We employed a modified long polymerase chain reaction to study mtDNA and a modified alkaline Comet assay to determine nDNA fragmentation. Results: The high- density fraction displayed significantly more wild type mtDNA (75% of samples) than that of the low- density fraction (25% of samples). In the high-density fraction, there was a higher incidence of single, rather than double or multiple deletions and the deletions were predominantly small scale (0.1-4.0kb). There was a strong correlation between nDNA fragmentation, the number of mtDNA deletions (r=0.7, p


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The high-affinity 67-kd laminin receptor (67LR) is expressed by proliferating endothelial cells during retinal neovascularization. The role of 67LR has been further examined experimentally by administration of selective 67LR agonists and antagonists in a murine model of proliferative retinopathy. These synthetic 67LR ligands have been previously shown to stimulate or inhibit endothelial cell motility in vitro without any direct effect on proliferation. In the present study, a fluorescently labeled 67LR antagonist (EGF33–42) was injected intraperitoneally into mice and its distribution in the retina was assessed by confocal scanning laser microscopy. Within 2 hours this peptide was localized to the retinal vasculature, including preretinal neovascular complexes, and a significant amount had crossed the blood retinal barrier. For up to 24 hours postinjection, the peptide was still present in the retinal vascular walls and, to a lesser extent, in the neural retina. Non-labeled EGF33–42 significantly inhibited pre-retinal neovascularization in comparison to controls treated with phosphate-buffered saline or scrambled peptide (P <0.0001). The agonist peptide (Lamß1925–933) also significantly inhibited proliferative retinopathy; however, it caused a concomitant reduction in retinal ischemia in this model by promoting significant revascularization of the central retina (P <0.001). Thus, 67LR appears to be an important target receptor for the modulation of retinal neovascularization. Agonism of this receptor may be valuable in reducing the hypoxia-stimulated release of angiogenic growth factors which drives retinal angiogenesis.


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Langerhans cells (LCs) are prominent dendritic cells (DCs) in epithelia, but their role in immunity is poorly defined. To track and discriminate LCs from dermal DCs in vivo, we developed knockin mice expressing enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) under the control of the langerin (CD207) gene. By using vital imaging, we showed that most EGFP(+) LCs were sessile under steady-state conditions, whereas skin inflammation induced LC motility and emigration to lymph nodes (LNs). After skin immunization, dermal DCs arrived in LNs first and colonized areas distinct from slower migrating LCs. LCs reaching LNs under steady-state or inflammatory conditions expressed similar levels of costimulatory molecules. Langerin and EGFP were also expressed on thymic DCs and on blood-derived, CD8alpha(+) DCs from all secondary lymphoid organs. By using a similar knockin strategy involving a diphtheria toxin receptor (DTR) fused to EGFP, we demonstrated that LCs were dispensable for triggering hapten-specific T cell effectors through skin immunization.


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Cryopreservation of human spermatozoa is extensively used in artifical insemination and IVF programmes. Despite various advances in cryopreservation methodology, the recovery rate of functional post thaw spermatozoa remains mediocre, with sperm motility being significantly decreased after freezing. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of cryopreservation on both DNA integrity and morphology of spermatozoa from fertile and infertile men. Semen samples were obtained from 17 fertile men and 40 infertile men. All samples were prepared by discontinuous Percoll density centrifugation ( 95.0:47.5). Samples were divided into aliquots to allow direct comparison of fresh and frozen spermatozoa from the same ejaculate. Aliquots for cryopreservation were mixed with a commercial cryoprotectant and frozen by static phase vapour cooling before plunging into liquid nitrogen. Thawing was carried out slowly at room temperature. Sperm DNA integrity was determined using a modified alkaline single cell gel electrophoresis ( comet ) assay and sperm morphology analysed using the Tygerberg criteria. DNA of semen and prepared sperm from fertile men was found to be unaffected by cryopreservation. In marked contrast, spermatozoa from infertile men were significantly damaged by freeze- thawing. Cryopreservation had a detrimental effect on morphology of semen and prepared sperm from fertile and infertile men.


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Background: Mitochondria are vital to sperm as their motility powerhouses. They are also the only animal organelles with their own unique genome; encoding subunits for the complexes required for the electron transfer chain. Methods: A modified long PCR technique was used to study mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in ejaculated and testicular sperm samples from fertile men (n=11) and testicular sperm from men with obstructive azoospermia (n=25). Nuclear DNA fragmentation was measured by an alkaline single cell gel electrophoresis (COMET) assay. Results: Wild-type mtDNA was detected in only 60% of fertile mens�??�?�¢?? testicular sperm, 50% of their ejaculated sperm and 46% of testicular sperm from men with obstructive azoospermia. The incidence of mitochondrial deletions in testicular sperm of fertile and infertile men was not significantly different but the mean size of the deletions was significantly less in testicular sperm from fertile men compared with men with obstructive azoospermia (p<0.02). Nuclear DNA fragmentation in testicular sperm from fertile men and men with obstructive azoospermia was not significantly different. Conclusion: Multiple mtDNA deletions are common in testicular and ejaculated sperm from both fertile and infertile men. However, in males with obstructive azoospermia the mtDNA deletions in testicular sperm are of a larger scale.


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Objective: to determine the incidence of Fas positivity and DNA double stranded breaks (DSB) as indicators of early and late stage apoptosis in ejaculated sperm. Design: Fas positivity was assessed by flow cytometry and DSB by neutral Comet assay Setting: Andrology Laboratory, Royal Maternity Hospita, Belfast Northern Ireland, UK. Patients: 45 infertile men undergoing infertility investigations and 10 fertile men undergoing vasectomies Main Outcome measures: Perecentage Fas positive cells, percentage DNA fragmentation, olive tail moments Results: The apoptotic marker Fas was detected in ejaculated sperm, with a higher incidence of Fas positivity in teratozoospermic and asthenozoospermic than in normozoospermic semen. No Fas positivity was observed in fertile mens’ sperm. DSB were greater in infertile than in fertile mens’ sperm and also greater in sperm in semen than in sperm prepared for assisted conception. There was an inverse relationship between DSB and both sperm concentration and motility. There was no relationship between Fas positivity and DNA damage. Conclusion: Fas was expressed in sperm of infertile men. In contrast, DNA fragmentation was observed in all sperm of fertile and infertile men and correlated with inadequate concentration and motility, which suggests that sperm DSB are ubiquitous and are not solely associated with apoptosis.


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Objective: to investigate the effects of tetrahydrocannabinol; THC on human sperm function in vitro. Design: laboratory analysis of sperm motility with and without exposure to THC using computer assisted semen analysis (CASA) and acrosome reaction by fluoroscein isothiocyanate labelled peanut agglutinin (FITC-PNA) staining. Setting: An ART unit in a tertiary medical centre. Patients: semen was obtained from 78 men attending the Regional Fertility Centre, Belfast. Interventions: Sperm were divided into 90% (the best fertilizing potential used in assisted conception) and 45% (the poorer subpopulation) fractions by density centrifugation and incubated with, or without (controls), tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) at concentrations equivalent to therapeutic (0.032�?�¯?�?�­M) and recreational (4.8 and 0.32�?�¯?�?�­M) plasma levels, at 37�?�¯?�?�°C for 3 hours. Main outcome measures: Sperm motility, spontaneous and induced acrosome reactions Results: There was a dose-dependent decrease in percentage progressive motility (-21% at 4.8�??�?�µM, p0.05) in the 90% fraction. The 45% fraction showed a greater decrease in percentage progressive motility (-56% at 4.8�??�?�µM, p=0.011; -23% at 0.32�??�?�µM, p= 0.039; and -28% at 0.032�??�?�µM, p=0.004). A decrease in the straight line velocity; VSL (-10%) and the average path velocity; VAP (-10%) were also observed in the 90% fraction. A significant inhibition (-15% at 4.8�??�?�µM, p=0.04) in spontaneous acrosome reaction was observed in the 90% fraction. The 45% fraction showed a more marked inhibition [-35% (p


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BACKGROUND Diabetes mellitus (DM) is increasing in men of reproductive age. Despite this, the prevalence of diabetes in men attending fertility clinics is largely unknown. Furthermore, studies examining the effects of DM on sperm fertility potential have been limited to conventional semen analysis. METHODS Conventional semen analysis (semen volume, sperm count, motility and morphology) was performed for 27 diabetic (mean age 34 +/- 2 years) and 29 non-diabetic subjects (control group, men undergoing routine infertility investigations, mean age 33 +/- 1 years). Nuclear DNA (nDNA) fragmentation was assessed using the alkaline Comet assay and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) deletions by Long-PCR. RESULTS Other than a small, but significant, reduction in semen volume in diabetic men (2.6 versus 3.3 ml; P <0.05), conventional semen parameters did not differ significantly from control subjects. Diabetic subjects had significantly higher mean nDNA fragmentation (53 versus 32%; P <0.0001) and median number of mtDNA deletions (4 versus 3; P <0.05) compared with control subjects. CONCLUSIONS Diabetes is associated with increased sperm nuclear and mtDNA damage that may impair the reproductive capability of these men.


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To determine the incidence of Fas positivity and DNA double-strand breaks (DSB) as indicators of early- and late-stage apoptosis in ejaculated sperm.


Fas positivity was assessed by flow cytometry and DSB by the neutral Comet assay.


Andrology Laboratory, Royal Maternity Hospital, Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom.

Patient(s) and intervention(s)

Forty-five infertile men undergoing infertility investigations and 10 fertile men undergoing vasectomies.

Main outcome measure(s)

Percentage Fas-positive cells, percentage DNA fragmentation, olive tail moment.


The apoptotic marker Fas was detected in ejaculated sperm, with a higher incidence of Fas positivity in teratozoospermic and asthenozoospermic than in normozospermic semen. No Fas positivity was observed in fertile mens' sperm. Deoxyribonucleic acid fragmentation (DSB) was greater in infertile than in fertile men's sperm and also greater in sperm in semen than in sperm prepared for assisted conception. There was an inverse relationship between DSB and both sperm concentration and motility. There was no relationship between Fas positivity and DNA damage.


Fas was expressed in sperm of infertile men. In contrast, DNA fragmentation was observed in all sperm of fertile and infertile men and correlated with inadequate concentration and motility, which suggests that sperm DSB are ubiquitous and are not solely associated with apoptosis.


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In this prospective clinical study, 892 patients with normal and impaired semen were examined in order to investigate the correlation between the concentration of fibronectin in seminal plasma and the motility of spermatozoa. The fibronectin concentration in seminal plasma, total sperm motility and linear sperm motility were measured. We report here a significant negative correlation between the fibronectin concentration in seminal plasma and total sperm motility (r=-0.3474). There was no link between varicocele and vasectomy, or between varicocele and variation in the concentration of fibronectin. It is concluded that higher concentrations of the acute-phase protein fibronectin may be a cause of severe reduction in sperm motility. The investigation of fibronectin concentrations in seminal fluid could be a new and helpful clinical tool in the assessment of male fertility.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine whether improvement in quality of semen over 4 consecutive days of electroejaculation in men with chronic spinal cord injury (SCI) was consistent with epididymal necrospermia. DESIGN: Prospective study of a random sample of men with SCI. SETTING: A southeastern Australian SCI management center in collaboration with the specialist andrology service of a university-based department of obstetrics and gynecology in a tertiary referral hospital. PATIENT(S): Nine men with chronic spinal cord injury. INTERVENTION(S): Semen samples were obtained by using electroejaculation, and testicular biopsy samples were obtained by using fine-needle tissue aspiration. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): Semen analysis was performed according to World Health Organization criteria. Testicular biopsy and electron microscopy were done by using standard techniques. RESULT(S): During up to 4 days of consecutive-day electroejaculation, sperm motility and viability in semen obtained from men with chronic SCI increased by an average of 23% on days 2 and 3. The severity of the degenerative changes and the numbers of spermatozoa affected on day 1 became less marked by day 4. The changes were not present in late spermatids obtained from testicular biopsies. CONCLUSION(S): The asthenospermia of chronic SCI is similar to epididymal necrospermia and can be improved by consecutive-day electroejaculation.


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A melphalan-resistant variant (Roswell Park Memorial Institute (RPMI)-2650M1) and a paclitaxel-resistant variant (RPMI-1650Tx) of the drug-sensitive human nasal carcinoma cell line, RPMI-2650. were established. The multidrug resistance (MDR) phenotype in the RPMI-2650Tx appeared to be P-glycoprotein (PgP)-mediated. Overexpression of multidrug resistant protein (MRP) family members was observed in the RPMI-2650M1 cells, which were also much more invasive in vitro than the parental cell line or the paclitaxel-resistant variant. Increased expression of alpha (2), alpha (5), alpha (6), beta (1) and beta (4) integrin subunits, decreased expression of alpha (4) integrin subunit, stronger adhesion to collagen type IV, laminin, fibronectin and matrigel, increased expression of MMP-2 and MMP-9 and significant motility compared with the parental cells were observed, along with a high invasiveness in the RPMI-7650M1 cells. Decreased expression of the alpha (2) integrin subunit, decreased attachment to collagen type IV, absence of cytokeratin 18 expression, no detectable expression of gelatin-degrading proteases and poor motility may be associated with the non-invasiveness of the RPMI-2650Tx variant. These results suggest that melphalan exposure can result in not only a MDR phenotype. but could also make cancer cells more invasive, whereas paclitaxel exposure resulted in MDR without increasing the in vitro invasiveness in the RPMI-2650 cells. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Obestatin is a recently discovered peptide hormone that appears to be involved in reducing food intake, gut motility and body weight. Obestatin is a product of the preproghrelin gene and appears to oppose several physiological actions of ghrelin. This study investigated the acute effects of obestatin (1-23) and the truncated form, obestatin (11-23), on feeding activity, glucose homeostasis or insulin secretion. Mice received either intraperitoneal obestatin (1-23) or (11-23) (1 mu mol/kg) 4 h prior to an allowed 15 min period of feeding. Glucose excursions and insulin responses were lowered by 64-77% and 39-41%, respectively, compared with saline controls. However this was accompanied by 43% and 53% reductions in food intake, respectively. The effects of obestatin peptides were examined under either basal or glucose (18 mmol/kg) challenge conditions to establish whether effects were independent of changes in feeding. No alterations in plasma glucose or insulin responses were observed. In addition, obestatin peptides had no effect on insulin sensitivity as revealed by hypoglycaemic response when co-administered with insulin. Our observations support a role for obestatin in regulating metabolism through changes of appetite, but indicate no direct actions on glucose homeostasis or insulin secretion. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.