67 resultados para LASER SPECTROSCOPY


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In gas discharges at elevated pressure, radiation-less collisional de-excitation (quenching) has a strong influence on the population of excited states. The knowledge of quenching coefficients is therefore important for plasma diagnostics and simulations. A novel time-resolved optical emission spectroscopic (OES) technique allows the measurement of quenching coefficients for emission lines of various species, particularly of noble gases, with molecular hydrogen as collision partner. The technique exploits the short electron impact excitation during the field reversal phase within the sheath region of a hydrogen capacitively coupled RF discharge at 13.56 MHz. Quenching coefficients can be determined subsequent to this excitation from the effective lifetime of the fluorescence decay at various hydrogen pressures. The measured quenching coefficients agree very well with results obtained by means of laser excitation. The time-resolved OES technique based on electron impact excitation is not limited - in contrast to laser techniques - by optical selection rules and the energy gap between the ground state and the observed excited level.


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Most of the matter in the universe is in the few form of a plasma. Over the past years physicists have produced laboratory plasmas that can mimic those observed in astrophysics. The best known is probably the tokamak, which has similar physical conditions and plasma processes to those found in collisionally dominated solar and stellar transition regions and coronae. Spectroscopy of such laboratory plasmas, in, particular at, ultraviolet and X-ray wavelengths, has greatly aided our understanding of their astrophysical counterparts. More recently, experiments have been performed on the Z Machine at the Sandia National Laboratory in the USA with the aim of creating, for the first time, steady-state photoionization-dominated plasmas that recreate the conditions found in some accretion-powered X-ray sources, such as X-ray binaries. In the future, experiments are envisaged with laser-produced plasmas at AWE Aldermaston that may be able to mimic the steady-state conditions found in high-energy accretion-powered sources, including the central regions of active galaxies.


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The potential of laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy of atoms is reviewed with emphasis on the determination of absolute densities. Examples of experiments with single-photon and two-photon excitation are presented. Calibration methods applicable with the different schemes are discussed. A new method is presented that has the potential to allow absolute measurement in plasmas of elevated pressure where collisional depletion of the excited state is present.


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Measurements of collisional de-excitation (quenching) coefficients required for the interpretation of emission and fluorescence spectroscopic measurements are reported. Particular attention is turned on argon transitions which are of interest for actinometric determinations of atomic ground state populations and on fluorescence lines originating from excited atoms and noble gases in connection with two-photon excitation (TALIF) of atomic radicals. A novel method is described which allows to infer quenching coefficients for collisions with molecular hydrogen of noble gas states in the energy range up to 24 eV. The excitation is performed in these experiments by collisions of energetic electrons in the sheath of an RF excited hydrogen plasma during the field reversal phase which lasts about 10 ns. We describe in addition a calibration method - including quenching effects - for the determination by TALIF of absolute atomic radical densities of hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen using two-photon resonances in noble gases close by the resonances of the species mentioned. The paper closes with first ideas on a novel technique to bypass quenching effects in TALIF by introducing an additional, controllable loss by photoionization that will allow quenching-free determination of absolute atomic densities with prevalent nanosecond laser systems in situations where collisional de-excitation dominates over spontaneous emission.


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We describe an experimental system designed for single-shot photoelectron spectroscopy on free atoms and molecules at the Free Electron Laser in Hamburg (FLASH at DESY). The combination of the extreme ultra-violet (EUV) Free Electron Laser and a temporally synchronized optical fs laser (Ti:Sapphire) enables a variety of two-color pump-probe experiments. The spectral, temporal and spatial characteristics of both the EUV FEL and the optical laser pulses, the experimental procedure to control their overlap as well as the performance of an electron spectrometer used to obtain single-shot photoelectron spectra are discussed. As an illustration of the capabilities of this set-up, some results on two-photon two-color ionization of rare gases are presented. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ion-acceleration processes have been studied in ultraintense laser plasma interactions for normal incidence irradiation of solid deuterated targets via neutron spectroscopy. The experimental neutron spectra strongly suggest that the ions are preferentially accelerated radially, rather than into the bulk of the material from three-dimensional Monte Carlo fitting of the neutron spectra. Although the laser system has a 10(-7) contrast ratio, a two-dimensional magnetic hydrodynamics simulation shows that the laser pedestal generates a 10 mum scale length in the coronal plasma with a 3 mum scale-length plasma near the critical density. Two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations, incorporating this realistic density profile, indicate that the acceleration of the ions is caused by a collisionless shock formation. This has implications for modeling energy transport in solid is caused by a collisionless shock formation. This has implications for modeling energy transport in solid density plasmas as well as cone-focused fast ignition using the next generation PW lasers currently under construction.


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We have carried out an optical Thomson scatter study of a KrF laser-ablated Mg plume. The evolution of the electron temperature and density at distances 2-5 mm from the target surface has been studied. We have observed that the electron density falls more rapidly than the atomic density and believe that this is a result of rapid dielectronic recombination. A comparison of the electron density profile and evolution with simple hydrodynamic modeling indicates that there is a strong absorption of the laser in the plasma vapor above the target, probably due to photoionization. We also conclude that an isothermal model of expansion better fits the data than an isentropic expansion model. Finally, we compared data obtained from Thomson scatter with those obtained by emission spectroscopy under similar conditions. The two sets of data have differences but are broadly consistent.


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Optical techniques toward the realization of sensitive and selective biosensing platforms have received considerable attention in recent times. Techniques based on interferometry, surface plasmon resonance, and waveguides have all proved popular, while spectroscopy in particular offers much potential. Raman spectroscopy is an information-rich technique in which the vibrational frequencies reveal much about the structure of a compound, but it is a weak process and offers poor sensitivity. In response to this problem, surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) has received much attention, due to significant increases in sensitivity instigated by bringing the sample into contact with an enhancing substrate. Here we discuss a facile and rapid technique for the detection of pterins using SERS-active colloidal silver suspensions. Pterins are a family of biological compounds that are employed in nature in color pigmentation and as facilitators in metabolic pathways. In this work, small volumes of xanthopterin, isoxanthopterin, and 7,8-dihydrobiopterin have been examined while adsorbed to silver colloids. Limits of detection have been examined for both xanthopterin and isoxanthopterin using a 10-s exposure to a 12 mW 532 nm laser, which, while showing a trade-off between scan time and signal intensity, still provides the opportunity for the investigation of simultaneous detection of both pterins in solution. (C) 2011 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). [DOI: 10.1117/1.3600658]


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Multilayer samples of white architectural paint potentially have very high evidential value in forensic casework, because the probability that two unrelated samples will have the same sequence of layers is extremely low. However, discrimination between the different layers using optical microscopy is often difficult or impossible. Here, lateral scanning Raman spectroscopy has been used to chemically map the cross-sections of multilayer white paint chips. It was found that the spectra did allow the different layers to be delineated on the basis of their spectral features. The boundaries between different layers were not as sharp as expected, with transitions occurring over length scales of > 20 µm, even with laser spot diameters <4 µm. However, the blurring of the boundaries was not so large as to prevent recording and identification of spectra from each of the layers in the samples. This method clearly provides excellent discrimination between different multilayer white paint samples and can readily be incorporated into existing procedures for examination of paint transfer evidence.


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A novel method of obtaining high-quality Raman spectra of luminescent samples was tested using cyclohexane solutions which had been treated with a fluorescent dye. The method involves removing the fixed pattern irregularity found in the spectra taken with CCD detectors by subtracting spectra taken at several different, closely spaced spectrometer positions. It is conceptually similar to SERDS (shifted excitation Raman difference spectroscopy) but has the distinct experimental advantage that it does not require a tunable laser source. The subtracted spectra obtained as the raw data are converted into a more recognisable and conventional form by iterative fitting of appropriate double Lorentzian functions whose peak parameters are then used to 'reconstruct' a conventional representation of the spectrum. Importantly, it is shown that the degree of uncertainty in the resultant 'reconstructed' spectra can be gauged reliably by comparing reconstructed spectra obtained at two different spectrometer shifts (delta and 2 delta), The method was illustrated and validated using a solvent (cyclohexane) the spectrum of which is well known and which contains both regions with complex overlapping bands and regions with isolated bands, Possible sources of error are discussed and it is shown that, provided the degree of uncertainty in the data is correctly characterised, it is completely valid to draw conclusions about the spectra of the sample on the basis of the reconstructed data. The acronym SSRS (subtracted shifted Raman spectroscopy; pronounced scissors) is proposed for this method, to distinguish it from the SERDS technique.


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We have observed extreme-ultraviolet (XUV) ''line-free'' continuum emission from laser plasmas of high atomic number elements using targets irradiated with 248 nm laser pulses of 7 ps duration at a power density of similar to 10(13) W/cm(2). Using both dispersive spectroscopy and streak camera detection, the spectral and temporal evolution of XUV continuum emission for several target atomic numbers has been measured on a time scale with an upper limit of several hundred picoseconds limited by amplified spontaneous emission. (C) 1997 American Institute of Physics.


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Through the use of time-integrated space-resolved keV spectroscopy, we investigate line plasmas showing gain in Ne-like nickel, copper, and zinc for irradiation using the prepulse technique. The experiments were conducted at 1.06 mu m with the prepulse to main pulse intensity contrast ranging from 10(-6) to 10(-2). The effect of the prepulses on the plasma conditions is inferred through spectroscopic line ratio diagnostics for the electron temperature, the Ne-like ground-state density, and the lateral size of the Ne-like region. It is observed that neither the value of the electronic temperature nor its spatially resolved profile along the linear focus axis varies significantly with the prepulse level, contrary to the lateral width and the density of the Ne-like region in the plasma, which are seen to increase. These results explain, at least in part, why prepulsed x-ray lasers show such high gain and brightness.


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Through the use of time-integrated space-resolved keV spectroscopy, we characterize line plasmas showing gain in Ne-like Zn with prepulsed irradiation to explain the enhanced performances of x-ray lasers using the prepulse technique. It is observed that the value of the electron temperature does not vary significantly with prepulse level, nor does its spatially resolved profile along the line. The lateral width and density of the Ne-like region in the plasma are seen to increase with the prepulse level. (C) 1995 Optical Society of America