74 resultados para Heteroclinic orbit


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We report the discovery of a new transiting planet in the southern hemisphere. It was found by the WASP-south transit survey and confirmed photometrically and spectroscopically by the 1.2 m Swiss Euler telescope, LCOGT 2m Faulkes South Telescope, the 60 cm TRAPPIST telescope, and the ESO 3.6 m telescope. The orbital period of the planet is 2.94 days. We find that it is a gas giant with a mass of 0.88 ± 0.10 MJ and an estimated radius of 0.96 ± 0.05 RJ. We obtained spectra during transit with the HARPS spectrograph and detect the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect despite its small amplitude. Because of the low signal-to-noise ratio of the effect and a small impact parameter, we cannot place a strong constraint on the projected spin-orbit angle. We find two conflicting values for the stellar rotation. We find, via spectral line broadening, that v sin I = 2.2 ± 0.3 km s-1, while applying another method, based on the activity level using the index log R'_HK, gives an equatorial rotation velocity of only v = 1.35 ± 0.20 km s-1. Using these as priors in our analysis, the planet might be either misaligned or aligned. This result raises doubts about the use of such priors. There is evidence of neither eccentricity nor any radial velocity drift with time. Using WASP-South photometric observations confirmed with LCOGT Faulkes South Telescope, the 60 cm TRAPPIST telescope, the CORALIE spectrograph and the camera from the Swiss 1.2 m Euler Telescope placed at La Silla, Chile, as well as with the HARPS spectrograph, mounted on the ESO 3.6 m, also at La Silla, under proposal 084.C-0185. The data is publicly available at the CDS Strasbourg and on demand to the main author.RV data is only available at the CDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or via http://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr/viz-bin/qcat?J/A+A/531/A24Appendix is available in electronic form at http://www.aanda.org


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We report the discovery of the low-density, transiting giant planet WASP-31b. The planet is 0.48 Jupiter masses and 1.55 Jupiter radii. It is in a 3.4-day orbit around a metal-poor, late-F-type, V = 11.7 dwarf star, which is a member of a common proper motion pair. In terms of its low density, WASP-31b is second only to WASP-17b, which is a more highly irradiated planet of similar mass. Based in part on observations made with the HARPS spectrograph on the 3.6-m ESO telescope (proposal 085.C-0393) and with the CORALIE spectrograph and the Euler camera on the 1.2-m Euler Swiss telescope, both at the ESO La Silla Observatory, Chile.The photometric time-series and radial-velocity data used in this work are available at the CDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or via http://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr/viz-bin/qcat?J/A+A/531/A60


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We report the discovery by the WASP transit survey of a giant planet in a close orbit (0.0295 ± 0.0009 AU) around a moderately bright (V = 11.6, K = 10) G9 dwarf (0.89 ± 0.08 Msun, 0.84 ± 0.03 Rsun) in the Southern constellation Eridanus. Thanks to high-precision follow-up photometry and spectroscopy obtained by the telescopes TRAPPIST and Euler, the mass and size of this planet, WASP-50 b, are well constrained to 1.47 ± 0.09 MJup and 1.15 ± 0.05 RJup, respectively. The transit ephemeris is 2 455 558.6120 (±0.0002) + N × 1.955096 (±0.000005) HJDUTC. The size of the planet is consistent with basic models of irradiated giant planets. The chromospheric activity (log R'HK = -4.67) and rotational period (Prot = 16.3 ± 0.5 days) of the host star suggest an age of 0.8 ± 0.4 Gy that is discrepant with a stellar-evolution estimate based on the measured stellar parameters (?* = 1.48 ± 0.10 ?sun, Teff = 5400 ± 100 K, [Fe/H] = -0.12 ± 0.08) which favors an age of 7 ± 3.5 Gy. This discrepancy could be explained by the tidal and magnetic influence of the planet on the star, in good agreement with the observations that stars hosting hot Jupiters tend to show faster rotation and magnetic activity. We measure a stellar inclination of 84-31+6 deg, disfavoring a high stellar obliquity. Thanks to its large irradiation and the relatively small size of its host star, WASP-50 b is a good target for occultation spectrophotometry, making it able to constrain the relationship between hot Jupiters' atmospheric thermal profiles and the chromospheric activity of their host stars. The photometric time-series used in this work are only available at the CDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or via http://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr/viz-bin/qcat?J/A+A/533/A88


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We report the discovery and initial characterization of Qatar-1b, a hot Jupiter-orbiting metal-rich K dwarf star, the first planet discovered by the Qatar Exoplanet Survey. We describe the strategy used to select candidate transiting planets from photometry generated by the Qatar Exoplanet Survey camera array. We examine the rate of astrophysical and other false positives found during the spectroscopic reconnaissance of the initial batch of candidates. A simultaneous fit to the follow-up radial velocities and photometry of Qatar-1b yields a planetary mass of 1.09 ± 0.08 MJ and a radius of 1.16 ± 0.05 RJ. The orbital period and separation are 1.420 033 ± 0.000 016 d and 0.023 43 ± 0.000 26 au for an orbit assumed to be circular. The stellar density, effective temperature and rotation rate indicate an age greater than 4 Gyr for the system.


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We report the discovery of WASP-43b, a hot Jupiter transiting a K7V star every 0.81 d. At 0.6-Msun the host star has the lowest mass of any star currently known to host a hot Jupiter. It also shows a 15.6-d rotation period. The planet has a mass of 1.8 MJup, a radius of 0.9 RJup, and with a semi-major axis of only 0.014 AU has the smallest orbital distance of any known hot Jupiter. The discovery of such a planet around a K7V star shows that planets with apparently short remaining lifetimes owing to tidal decay of the orbit are also found around stars with deep convection zones.


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The main-belt asteroid (300163) 2006 VW139 (later designated P/2006 VW139) was discovered to exhibit comet-like activity by the Pan-STARRS1 (PS1) survey telescope using automated point-spread-function analyses performed by PS1's Moving Object Processing System. Deep follow-up observations show both a short (~10'') antisolar dust tail and a longer (~60'') dust trail aligned with the object's orbit plane, similar to the morphology observed for another main-belt comet (MBC), P/2010 R2 (La Sagra), and other well-established comets, implying the action of a long-lived, sublimation-driven emission event. Photometry showing the brightness of the near-nucleus coma remaining constant over ~30 days provides further evidence for this object's cometary nature, suggesting it is in fact an MBC, and not a disrupted asteroid. A spectroscopic search for CN emission was unsuccessful, though we find an upper limit CN production rate of Q CN 100 Myr, while a search for a potential asteroid family around the object reveals a cluster of 24 asteroids within a cutoff distance of 68 m s-1. At 70 m s-1, this cluster merges with the Themis family, suggesting that it could be similar to the Beagle family to which another MBC, 133P/Elst-Pizarro, belongs.


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We present observations of the recently discovered comet-like main-belt object P/2010 R2 (La Sagra) obtained by Pan-STARRS1 and the Faulkes Telescope-North on Haleakala in Hawaii, the University of Hawaii 2.2 m, Gemini-North, and Keck I telescopes on Mauna Kea, the Danish 1.54 m telescope (operated by the MiNDSTEp consortium) at La Silla, and the Isaac Newton Telescope on La Palma. An antisolar dust tail is observed to be present from 2010 August through 2011 February, while a dust trail aligned with the object's orbit plane is also observed from 2010 December through 2011 August. Assuming typical phase darkening behavior, P/La Sagra is seen to increase in brightness by >1 mag between 2010 August and December, suggesting that dust production is ongoing over this period. These results strongly suggest that the observed activity is cometary in nature (i.e., driven by the sublimation of volatile material), and that P/La Sagra is therefore the most recent main-belt comet to be discovered. We find an approximate absolute magnitude for the nucleus of HR = 17.9 ± 0.2 mag, corresponding to a nucleus radius of ~0.7 km, assuming an albedo of p = 0.05. Comparing the observed scattering surface areas of the dust coma to that of the nucleus when P/La Sagra was active, we find dust-to-nucleus area ratios of Ad /AN = 30-60, comparable to those computed for fellow main-belt comets 238P/Read and P/2008 R1 (Garradd), and one to two orders of magnitude larger than for two other main-belt comets (133P/Elst-Pizarro and 176P/LINEAR). Using optical spectroscopy to search for CN emission, we do not detect any conclusive evidence of sublimation products (i.e., gas emission), finding an upper limit CN production rate of Q CN 100 Myr, suggesting that it is likely native to its current location and that its composition is likely representative of other objects in the same region of the main belt, though the relatively close proximity of the 13:6 mean-motion resonance with Jupiter and the (3,-2,-1) three-body mean-motion resonance with Jupiter and Saturn mean that dynamical instability on larger timescales cannot be ruled out.


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Mechanical fatigue due to environmental loads and spectrum analysis due to launch loads of the primary structure of a low cost, low-earth orbit small satellite intended for earth observation missions are presented. The payload of the satellite under consideration is a precise optical unit to image the earth’s surface having a mass of 45 kg. 3-D Finite Element Model for the satellite structure is generated by applying substructure method. Modal analysis is required to determine natural frequencies of the satellite and define its mode shape. Then, ranking of mode shapes according to specific constraint is performed. Harmonic analysis at resonance frequencies with the highest ranking is done and cumulative fatigue damage analysis is performed. Spectrum analysis is performed for Small Sat structure to verify the satellite structure reliability under all dynamic random vibration loads applied during transportation and launch cases.


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Thermal fatigue analysis based on 2D finite difference and 3D finite element methods is carried out to study the performance of solar panel structure during micro-satellite life time. Solar panel primary structure consists of honeycomb structure and composite laminates. The 2D finite difference (I-DEAS) model yields predictions of the temperature profile during one orbit. Then, 3D finite element analysis (ANSYS) is applied to predict thermal fatigue damage of solar panel structure. Meshing the whole structure with 2D multi-layer shell elements with sandwich option is not efficient, as it misses thermal response of the honeycomb structure. So we applied a mixed approach between 3D solid and 2D shell elements to model the solar panel structure without the sandwich option.


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Solar array rotation mechanism provides a hinged joint between the solar panel and satellite body, smooth rota-tion of the solar array into deployed position and its fixation in this position. After unlocking of solar panel (while in orbit), rotation bracket turns towards ready-to-work position under the action of driving spring. During deployment, once reached the required operating angle (defined by power subsystem engineer), the rotation bracket collides with the fixed bracket that is mounted on body of the satellite, to stop rotation. Due to the effect of collision force that may alter the rotation mechanism function, design of centrifugal brake is essential. At stoppage moment micro-switches activate final position sensor and a stopper locks the rotation bracket. Design of spring and centrifugal brake components, static finite element stress analysis of primary structure body of rotation mechanism at stoppage moment have been obtained. Last, reliability analysis of rotation mechanism is evaluated. The benefit of this study is to aid in the design of rotation mechanism that can be used in micro-satellite applications.


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The small-satellite thermal subsystem main function is to control temperature ranges on equipments, and payload for the orbit specified. Structure subsystem has to ensure the satellite structure integrity. Structure integrity should meet two constraints; first constraint is accepted fatigue damage due to cyclic temperature, and second one is tolerable mounting accuracy at payload and Attitude Determination and Control Subsystem (ADCS) equipments’ seats. First, thermal analysis is executed by applying finitedifference method (IDEAS) and temperature profile for satellite components case is evaluated. Then, thermal fatigue analysis is performed applying finite-element analysis (ANSYS) to calculate the resultant damage due to on-orbit cyclic stresses, and structure deformations at the payload and ADCS equipments seats.


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Solar array rotation mechanism provides a hinged joint between the solar panel and satellite body, smooth rotation of the solar array into deployed position and its fixation in this position. After unlocking of solar panel (while in orbit), rotation bracket turns towards ready-to-work position under the action of driving spring. During deployment, once reached the required operating angle (defined by power subsystem engineer), the rotation bracket collides with the fixed bracket that is mounted on body of the satellite, to stop rotation. Due to the effect of collision force that may alter the rotation mechanism function, design of centrifugal brake is essential. At stoppage moment micro-switches activate final position sensor and a stopper locks the rotation bracket. Design of spring and centrifugal brake components, static finite element stress analysis of primary structure body of rotation mechanism at stoppage moment have been obtained. Last, reliability analysis of rotation mechanism is evaluated. The benefit of this study is to aid in the design of rotation mechanism that can be used in micro-satellite applications.


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We present the ground-based detection of the secondary eclipse of the transiting exoplanet WASP-19b. The observations were made in the Sloan z' band using the ULTRACAM triple-beam CCD camera mounted on the New Technology Telescope. The measurement shows a 0.088% ± 0.019% eclipse depth, matching previous predictions based on H- and K-band measurements. We discuss in detail our approach to the removal of errors arising due to systematics in the data set, in addition to fitting a model transit to our data. This fit returns an eclipse center, T 0, of 2455578.7676 HJD, consistent with a circular orbit. Our measurement of the secondary eclipse depth is also compared to model atmospheres of WASP-19b and is found to be consistent with previous measurements at longer wavelengths for the model atmospheres we investigated.


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We present an early result from an automated search of Kepler eclipsing binary systems for circumbinary companions. An intriguing tertiary signal has been discovered in the short period eclipsing binary KIC002856960. This third body leads to transit-like features in the light curve occurring every 204.2 days, while the two other components of the system display eclipses on a 6.2 hour period. The variations due to the tertiary body last for a duration of \sim1.26 days, or 4.9 binary orbital periods. During each crossing of the binary orbit with the tertiary body, multiple individual transits are observed as the close binary stars repeatedly move in and out of alignment with the tertiary object. We are at this stage unable to distinguish between a planetary companion to a close eclipsing binary, or a hierarchical triply eclipsing system of three stars. Both possibilities are explored, and the light curves presented.


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Ar photoionization is studied using the R-matrix formalism with emphasis on the simultaneous excitation of the residual A^r+ ion. Cross sections have been obtained for excitation of the 3p^4(3d,4s,4p) states. A comparison with experiments having a resolution of 70 meV shows reasonable agreement for the position and shape of resonance structures. The relative magnitude of the resonances proves to be more elusive. The partial cross section for excitation of the 3p^4(3Pe)4p(2P_3/2^o) and (2D_3/2^o) levels is treated in more detail. A comparison of LS-coupling calculations with high-resolution experimental results shows good agreement for both the excitation cross sections and the polarization of the fluorescence. We also predict the orientation for both levels. We demonstrate that the polarization of the fluorescence originating from the (2D_3/2^o) level can be employed to study spin-orbit effects in Ar photoionization.