74 resultados para Gravel and aggregates


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Two depositional models to account for Holocene gravel-dominated beach ridges covered by dunes, occurring on the northern coast of Ireland, are considered in the light of infrared-stimulated luminescence ages of sand units within beach ridges, and 14C ages from organic horizons in dunes. A new chronostratigraphy obtained from prograded beach ridges with covering dunes at Murlough, north-east Ireland, supports a model of mesoscale alternating sediment decoupling (ASD) on the upper beach, rather than macroscale sequential sediment sourcing to account for prograded beach ridges and covering dunes. The ASD model specifies storm or fair-weather sand beach ridges forming at high-tide positions (on an annual basis at minimum), which acted as deflationary sources for landward foredune development. Only a limited number of such late-Holocene beach ridges survive in the observed prograded series. Beach ridges only survive when capped by storm-generated gravel beaches that are deposited on a mesoscale time spacing of 50–130 years. The morphodynamic shift from a dissipative beach face for dune formation to a reflective beach face for gravel capping appears to be controlled by the beach sand volume falling to a level where reflective conditions can prevail. Sediment volume entering the beach is thought to have fluctuated as a function of a forced regression associated with the falling sea level from the mid-Holocene highstand (ca. 6000 cal. yr BP) identified in north-east Ireland. The prograded beach ridges dated at ca. 3000 to 2000 cal. yr BP indicate that the Holocene highstand’s regressive phase may have lasted longer than previously specified.


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Volatile organic compound (VOC) contamination of subsurface geological material and groundwater was discovered on the Nortel Monkstown industrial site, Belfast, Northern Ireland. The objectives of this study were to (1) investigate the characteristics of the geological material and its influences on contaminated groundwater flow across the site using borehole logs and hydrological evaluations, and (2) identify the contaminants and examine their distribution in the subsurface geological material and groundwater using chemical analysis. This report focuses on the eastern car park (ECP) which was a former storage area associated with trichloroethene (TCE) degreasing operations. This is where the greatest amount of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), particularly TCE, were detected. The study site is on a complex deposit of clayey glacial till with discontinuous coarser grained lenses, mainly silts, sands and gravel, which occur at 0.45–7.82 m below ground level (bgl). The lenses overall form an elongated formation that acts as a small unconfined shallow aquifer. There is a continuous low permeable stiff clayey till layer beneath the lenses that performs as an aquitard to the groundwater. Highest concentrations of VOCs, mainly TCE, in the geological material and groundwater are in these coarser lenses at ~4.5–7 m bgl. Highest TCE measurements at 390,000 µg L-1 for groundwater and at 39,000 µg kg-1 at 5.7 m for geological material were in borehole GA19 in the coarse lens zone. It is assumed that TCE gained entrance to the subsurface near this borehole where the clayey till was thin to absent above coarse lenses which provided little retardation to the vertical migration of this dense non-aqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) into the groundwater. However, TCE is present in low concentrations in the geological material overlying the coarse lens zone. Additionally, VOCs appear to be associated with poorly drained layers and in peat


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A methodology for the synthesis of novel polymerisable spiropyrans with photomechanical properties suitable for subsequent copolymerisation with either vinyl or acrylate-based biomaterials is described. UV-vis spectroscopic characterisation of photoisomerism shows that photochromic behaviour with respect to related non-polymerisable compounds is retained and is solvent dependent. In acetone, conventional spiropyran-merocyanine photochromism is observed for nitro-spiropyran derivatives, whereas in dichloromethane both nitro-spiropyrans and spiropyrans isomerise to merocyanines which rapidly form H-aggregates. The monomers were designed such that an alkyl spacer of variable length, both electronically and sterically, separates the polymerisable moiety from the photochromic core and allows steric aspects of the resulting photomechanical behaviour to be explored. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Ring-opening polymerization of cyclic polycarbonate oligomers, where monofunctional active sites act on difunctional monomers to produce an equilibrium distribution of rings and chains, leads to a "living polymer." Monte Carlo simulations [two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D)] of the effects of single [J. Chem. Phys. 115, 3895 (2001)] and multiple active sites [J. Chem. Phys. 116, 7724 (2002)] are extended here to trifunctional active sites that lead to branching. Low concentrations of trifunctional particles c(3) reduce the degree of polymerization significantly in 2D, and higher concentrations (up to 32%) lead to further large changes in the phase diagram. Gel formation is observed at high total density and sizable c(3) as a continuous transition similar to percolation. Polymer and gel are much more stable in 3D than in 2D, and both the total density and the value of c(3) required to produce high molecular weight aggregates are reduced significantly. The degree of polymerization in high-density 3D systems is increased by the addition of trifunctional monomers and reduced slightly at low densities and low c(3). The presence of branching makes equilibrium states more sensitive (in 2D and 3D) to changes in temperature T. The stabilities of polymer and gel are enhanced by increasing T, and-for sufficiently high values of c(3)-there is a reversible polymer-gel transformation at a density-dependent floor temperature. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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This paper reviews statistical models obtained from a composite factorial design study, which was carried out to determine the influence of three key parameters of mixture composition on filling ability and passing ability of self-consolidating concrete (SCC). This study was a part of the European project “Testing SCC”- GRD2-2000-30024. The parameters considered in this study were the dosages of water and high-range water-reducing admixture (HRWRA), and the volume of coarse aggregates. The responses of the derived statistical models were slump flow, T50 , T60, V-funnel flow time, Orimet flow time, and blocking ratio (L-box). The retention of these tests was also measured at 30 and 60 minutes after adding the first water. The models are valid for mixtures made with 188 to 208 L/m3 (317 to 350 lb/yd3) of water, 3.8 to 5.8 kg/m3 (570 to 970 mL/100 kg of binder) of HRWRA, and 220 to 360 L/m3 (5.97 to 9.76 ft3/yd3) of coarse aggregates. The utility of such models to optimize concrete mixtures and to achieve a good balance between filling ability and passing ability is discussed. Examples highlighting the usefulness of the models are presented using isoresponse surfaces to demonstrate single and coupled effects of mixture parameters on slump flow, T50 , T60 , V-funnel flow time, Orimet flow time, and blocking ratio. The paper also illustrates the various trade-offs between the mixture parameters on the derived responses that affected the filling and the passing ability.


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Developing effective treatments for neurodegenerative diseases is one of the greatest medical challenges of the 21st century. Although many of these clinical entities have been recognized for more than a hundred years, it is only during the past twenty years that the molecular events that precipitate disease have begun to be understood. Protein aggregation is a common feature of many neurodegenerative diseases, and it is assumed that the aggregation process plays a central role in pathogenesis. In this process, one molecule (monomer) of a soluble protein interacts with other monomers of the same protein to form dimers, oligomers, and polymers. Conformation changes in three-dimensional structure of the protein, especially the formation of beta-strands, often accompany the process. Eventually, as the size of the aggregates increases, they may precipitate as insoluble amyloid fibrils, in which the structure is stabilized by the beta-strands interacting within a beta-sheet. In this review, we discuss this theme as it relates to the two most common neurodegenerative conditions-Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.


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This study explores using artificial neural networks to predict the rheological and mechanical properties of underwater concrete (UWC) mixtures and to evaluate the sensitivity of such properties to variations in mixture ingredients. Artificial neural networks (ANN) mimic the structure and operation of biological neurons and have the unique ability of self-learning, mapping, and functional approximation. Details of the development of the proposed neural network model, its architecture, training, and validation are presented in this study. A database incorporating 175 UWC mixtures from nine different studies was developed to train and test the ANN model. The data are arranged in a patterned format. Each pattern contains an input vector that includes quantity values of the mixture variables influencing the behavior of UWC mixtures (that is, cement, silica fume, fly ash, slag, water, coarse and fine aggregates, and chemical admixtures) and a corresponding output vector that includes the rheological or mechanical property to be modeled. Results show that the ANN model thus developed is not only capable of accurately predicting the slump, slump-flow, washout resistance, and compressive strength of underwater concrete mixtures used in the training process, but it can also effectively predict the aforementioned properties for new mixtures designed within the practical range of the input parameters used in the training process with an absolute error of 4.6, 10.6, 10.6, and 4.4%, respectively.


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Incinerator bottom ash (IBA) is a residual produced from incinerating municipal solid waste. In the past, IBA presented a big waste disposal problem; however, various recycling approaches have been adopted in recent years to mitigate this problem, as well as to provide a useful alternative to using primary aggregate resources. The use of IBA as an alternative to conventional aggregates in different civil engineering construction applications helps to conserve premium grade aggregate supplies; however, when IBA is in contact with water in the field, as a consequence of precipitation events or changes in water table, elements, such as salts and heavy metals, may be released to the soil and ground water. In this work, IBA waste was mixed with limestone aggregate to produce a blend with acceptable mechanical properties and minimum environmental risks for use as road foundation. The study focused on evaluating potential environmental impacts of some constituents, including sulphate, chloride, sodium, copper, zinc and lead in IBA blends using a lysimeter as a large scale leaching tool. Moreover, a specific scenario simulating field conditions was adopted in the lysimeter to assess the potential impact of changing conditions, such as IBA content in the blend, liquid to solid ratio (L/S) and pH value, on long-term release of heavy metals and salts. Then, numerical modelling was used to predict the release of the aforementioned constituents from IBA based on initial measurement of intrinsic material properties and the kinetic desorption process concept. Experimental results showed that zinc and lead were released in very low concentrations but sodium and sulphate were in high concentrations. The control limestone only blend also demonstrated low release concentrations of constituents in comparison to IBA blends, where constituent concentrations increased with increase in IBA content. Experimental results were compared with numerical results obtained using a non-equilibrium desorption model. Good agreement was found between the two sets of data. 


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Seismic refraction and electrical resistivity geophysical techniques were used to reconstruct the internal architecture of a drumlin in Co. Down, Northern Ireland. Geophysical results were both validated and complemented by borehole drilling, ground water flow modelling, and geologic mapping. The geophysical anatomy of the drumlin consists of five successive layers with depth including; topsoil, partially saturated and saturated glacial tills, and weathered and more competent greywacke bedrock. There are numerous, often extensive inclusions of clay, sand, gravel, cobbles, and boulders within the topsoil and the till units. Together geophysical and geotechnical findings imply that the drumlin is part of the subglacial lodgement, melt-out, debris flow, sheet flow facies described by previous authors, and formed by re-sedimentation and streamlining of pre-existing sediments during deglaciation of the Late Devensian ice sheet. Seismic refraction imaging is particularly well suited to delineating layering within the drumlin, and is able to reconstruct depths to interfaces to within ± 0.5 m accuracy. Refraction imaging ascertained that the weathered bedrock layer is continuous and of substantial thickness, so that it acts as a basal aquifer which underdrains the bulk of the drumlin. Electrical resistivity imaging was found to be capable of delineating relative spatial changes in the moisture content of the till units, as well as mapping sedimentary inclusions within the till. The moisture content appeared to be elevated near the margins of the drumlin, which may infer a weakening of the drumlin slopes. Our findings advocate the use of seismic refraction and electrical resistivity methods in future sedimentological and geotechnical studies of internal drumlin architecture and drumlin formation, owing particularly to the superior, 3- D spatial coverage of these methods.


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Durability of concrete is a great concern to all designers, owners and users of reinforced concrete structures. As a result, more restrictive regulations are being introduced in various Codes of Practice dealing with the design of these structures. Attempts are being made by various researchers to develop performance based specification. For this to be successful standard non destructive tests are required which will be used to assess the durability of concretes. In parallel with this approach, a research team in Queen’s University Belfast, U. K., investigated the effect of different mix parameters on workability, strength and various permeation properties. Furthermore, durability parameters such as freeze-thaw salt scaling resistance and carbonation depth were also investigated. The research was part funded by the Department of Environment, Transport and the Regions (DETR). This paper reports of the findings from this study. The results from this investigation showed that some of the non destructive tests used were reasonably well correlated with carbonation and freeze-thaw salt scaling resistance of CEM I concrete. If the mix parameters such as aggregate-cement ratio or water-cement ratio are known, better correlation can be obtained. Further investigation is required varying other mix parameters including various aggregates, admixtures and air entrainments before the result can be used for developing mix design methods for durable concretes. Also long term site tests are required to validate the results obtained from the accelerated laboratory tests used to study the carbonation resistance and freeze-thaw salt scaling resistance.


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Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry experiments showed that liquid Group 1 metal salts of the bistriflamide anion undergoing reduced-pressure distillation exhibit a remarkable behavior that is in transition between that of the vapor-liquid equilibrium characteristics of aprotic ionic liquids and that of the Group 1 metal halides: the unperturbed vapors resemble those of aprotic ionic liquids, in the sense that they are essentially composed of discrete ion pairs. However, the formation of large aggregates through a succession of ion-molecule reactions is closer to what might be expected for Group I metal halides. Similar experiments were also carried out with bis{(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl}amine to investigate the effect of H+, which despite being the smallest Group 1 cation, is generally regarded as a nonmetal species. In this case, instead of the complex ion-molecule reaction pattern found for the vapors of Group I metal salts, an equilibrium similar to those observed for aprotic ionic liquids was observed.


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BACKGROUND: Although microaneurysms are a clinicopathological hallmark of diabetic retinopathy, there have been few ultrastructural studies of these important lesions. As a result, knowledge of the mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of microaneurysms remains fragmentary. This study provides histological and ultrastructural evidence of various stages in microaneurysm formation within the retinal vasculature. METHODS: The eyes of three type II diabetic patients, obtained within 24 hours of death, were studied by the trypsin digest technique. Eyes from two further type II diabetics were fixed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde within 12 hours of death and processed for electron microscopy. RESULTS: In the trypsin digest preparations, small saccular and fusiform microaneurysms were observed in the peripheral retinal. In the central retina, the microaneurysms ranged in morphology from thin walled, cellular forms to dense, acellular, hyalinised forms. Ultrastructurally, four distinct groups of microaneurysm were observed. Type I showed an extensive accumulation of polymorphonuclear cells into the lumen. The endothelium remained intact, although pericytes were invariably absent. Type II microaneurysms were typified by large numbers of red blood cells (RBCs) in the lumen. Endothelial cells and pericytes were completely absent. The type III microaneurysm was also non-perfused and contained aggregates of irregularly shaped RBC profiles and RBC breakdown products. Recanalisation by new vessels into the occluded lumen was observed in one microaneurysm. Type IV microaneurysms were almost or completely sclerosed, with extensive fibrosis and lipid infiltration into the lumen and basement membrane wall. CONCLUSION: This investigation describes several distinctive stages in the formation of microaneurysms during diabetic retinopathy. With reference to the pathogenesis of retinal microaneurysms, the interaction of various cell types is discussed and the significance of vascular cell death and localised hypertensive events highlighted.


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Multidisciplinary investigations of the infills of steeply-incised buried channels on the coast of Essex, England, provide important insights into late Middle Pleistocene climate and sea-level change and have a direct bearing on the differentiation of MIS 11 and MIS 9 in terrestrial records. New data are presented from Rochford and Burnham-on-Crouch where remnants of two substantial palaeo-channels filled with interglacial sediment can be directly related to the terrace stratigraphy of the Thames. The sediments in both channels accumulated in an estuarine environment early in an interglacial when mixed oak forest was becoming established. Lithological evidence suggests that the interglacial beds post-date the brackish-water infill of an older palaeo-channel ascribed to the Hoxnian and correlated with part of MIS 11, and pre-date terrace gravels (Barling Gravel) ascribed to MIS 8. An MIS 9 attribution is supported by molluscan biostratigraphy, palaeo-salinity and amino-acid racemization data. The relative sea-level record in this area thus includes evidence for two major marine transgressions during MIS 11 and MIS 9, with local maxima of >10 m O.D. Both are associated with sediments that show ‘Hoxnian’ palynological affinities. The wider significance of these findings, and of an intermediate phase of pronounced fluvial incision during MIS 10, is discussed.


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Cationic dyes, such as methylene blue (MB), Thionine (TH) and Basic Fuschin (BF), but not anionic dyes, such as Acid Orange 7 (AO7), Acid Blue 9 (AB9) and Acid Fuschin (AF), are readily adsorbed onto mesoporous titania films at high pH (pH 11), i.e. well above the pzc of titania (pH 6.5), due to electrostatic forces of attraction and repulsion, respectively. The same anionic dyes, but not the cationic dyes, are readily adsorbed on the same titania films at low pH (pH 3), i.e. well below titania's pzc. MB appears to adsorb on mesoporous titania films at pH 11 as the trimer (lambda(max) = 570 nm) but, upon drying, although the trimer still dominates, there is an absorption peak at 665 nm, especially notable at low [MB], which may be due to the monomer, but more likely MB J-aggregates. In contrast, the absorption spectrum of AO7 adsorbed onto the mesoporous titania film at low pH is very similar to the dye monomer. For both MB and AO7 the kinetics of adsorption are first order and yield high rate constants (3.71 and 1.481 g(-1) min(-1)), indicative of a strong adsorption process. Indeed, both MB and AO7 stained films retained much of their colour when left overnight in dye-free pH 11 and 3 solutions, respectively, indicating the strong nature of the adsorption. The kinetics of the photocatalytic bleaching of the MB-titania films at high pH are complex and not well-described by the Julson-Ollis kinetic model [A.J. Julson, D.F. Ollis, Appl. Catal. B. 65 (2006) 315]. Instead, there appears to be an initial fast but not simple demethylation step, followed by a zero-order bleaching and further demethylation steps. In contrast, the kinetics of photocatalytic bleaching of the AO7-titania film give a good fit to the Julson-Ollis kinetic model, yielding values for the various fitting parameters not too dissimilar to those reported for AO7 adsorbed on P25 titania powder. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.