75 resultados para Gladstone, Catherine Glynne, 1812-1900.


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Recent R-matrix calculations of electron impact excitation rates in N-like Si VIII are used to derive theoretical emission line intensity ratios involving 2s(2)2p(3)-2s2p(4) transitions in the 216 -320 Angstrom wavelength range. A comparison of these with an extensive dataset of solar active region, quiet- Sun, sub-flare and off-limb observations, obtained during rocket flights of the Solar EUV Research Telescope and Spectrograph (SERTS), indicates that the ratio R-1 = I(216.94 Angstrom)/I(319.84 Angstrom) may provide a usable electron density diagnostic for coronal plasmas. The ratio involves two lines of comparable intensity, and varies by a factor of about 5 over the useful density range of 10(8)-10(11) cm(-3). However R-2 = I(276.85 Angstrom)/I(319.84 Angstrom) and R-3 = I(277.05 Angstrom)/I(319.84 Angstrom) show very poor agreement between theory and observation, due to the severe blending of the 276.85 and 277.05 Angstrom lines with Si VII and Mg VII transitions, respectively, making the ratios unsuitable as density diagnostics. The 314.35 Angstrom feature of Si VIII also appears to be blended, with the other species contributing around 20% to the total line flux.


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In experiments at the high-power Z-facility at Sandia National Laboratory in Albuquerque, New Mexico, we have been able to produce a low density photoionized laboratory plasma of Fe mixed with NaF. The conditions in the experiment allow a meaningful comparison with X-ray emission from astrophysical sources. The charge state distributions of Fe, Na and F are determined in this plasma using high resolution X-ray spectroscopy. Independent measurements of the density and radiation flux indicate unprecedented values for the ionization parameter xi = 20-25 erg cm s(-1) under nearly steady-state conditions. First comparisons of the measured charge state distributions with X-ray photoionization models show reasonable agreement, although many questions remain.


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Context. Electron-impact excitation collision strengths are required for the analysis and interpretation of stellar observations.
Aims. This calculation aims to provide effective collision strengths for the Mg V ion for a larger number of transitions and for a greater temperature range than previously available, using collision strength data that include contributions from resonances.
Methods. A 19-state Breit-Pauli R-matrix calculation was performed. The target states are represented by configuration interaction wavefunctions and consist of the 19 lowest LS states, having configurations 2s22p4, 2s2p5, 2p6, 2s22p33s, and 2s22p33p. These target states give rise to 37 fine-structure levels and 666 possible transitions. The effective collision strengths were calculated by averaging the electron collision strengths over a Maxwellian distribution of electron velocities.
Results. The non-zero effective collision strengths for transitions between the fine-structure levels are given for electron temperatures in the range = 3.0 - 7.0. Data for transitions among the 5 fine-structure levels arising from the 2s22p4 ground state configurations, seen in the UV range, are discussed in the paper, along with transitions in the EUV range – transitions from the ground state 3P levels to 2s2p5?3P levels. The 2s22p4?1D–2s2p5?1P transition is also noted. Data for the remaining transitions are available at the CDS.


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Context. Considerable demand exists for electron excitation data for Ni ii, since lines from this abundant ion are observed in a wide variety of laboratory and astrophysical spectra. The accurate theoretical determination of these data can present a significant challenge however, due to complications arising from the presence of an open 3d-shell in the description of the target ion. Aims. In this work we present collision strengths and Maxwellian averaged effective collision strengths for the electron-impact ex- citation of Ni ii. Attention is concentrated on the 153 forbidden fine-structure transitions between the energetically lowest 18 levels of Ni ii. Effective collision strengths have been evaluated at 27 individual electron temperatures ranging from 30–100 000 K. To our knowledge this is the most extensive theoretical collisional study carried out on this ion to date.Methods. The parallel R-matrix package RMATRX II has recently been extended to allow for the inclusion of relativistic effects. This suite of codes has been utilised in the present work in conjunction with PSTGF to evaluate collision strengths and effective collision strengths for all of the low-lying forbidden fine-structure transitions. The following basis configurations were included in the target model – 3d9 , 3d8 4s, 3d8 4p, 3d7 4s2 and 3d7 4s4p – giving rise to a sophisticated 295 j j-level, 1930 coupled channel scattering problem. Results. Comprehensive comparisons are made between the present collisional data and those obtained from earlier theoretical evaluations. While the effective collision strengths agree well for some transitions, significant discrepancies exist for others.