114 resultados para Genuine saving


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Tide gauge data are identified as legacy data given the radical transition between observation method and required output format associated with tide gauges over the 20th-century. Observed water level variation through tide-gauge records is regarded as the only significant basis for determining recent historical variation (decade to century) in mean sea-level and storm surge. There are limited tide gauge records that cover the 20th century, such that the Belfast (UK) Harbour tide gauge would be a strategic long-term (110 years) record, if the full paper-based records (marigrams) were digitally restructured to allow for consistent data analysis. This paper presents the methodology of extracting a consistent time series of observed water levels from the 5 different Belfast Harbour tide gauges’ positions/machine types, starting late 1901. Tide-gauge data was digitally retrieved from the original analogue (daily) records by scanning the marigrams and then extracting the sequential tidal elevations with graph-line seeking software (Ungraph™). This automation of signal extraction allowed the full Belfast series to be retrieved quickly, relative to any manual x–y digitisation of the signal. Restructuring variably lengthed tidal data sets to a consistent daily, monthly and annual file format was undertaken by project-developed software: Merge&Convert and MergeHYD allow consistent water level sampling both at 60 min (past standard) and 10 min intervals, the latter enhancing surge measurement. Belfast tide-gauge data have been rectified, validated and quality controlled (IOC 2006 standards). The result is a consistent annual-based legacy data series for Belfast Harbour that includes over 2 million tidal-level data observations.


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This chapter traces the long-run development of Genuine Savings (GS) using a panel of eleven countries during the twentieth century. This panel covers a number of developed countries (Great Britain, Germany, Switzerland, France, the US, and Australia) as well as a set of resource-abundant countries in Latin America (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, and Mexico). These countries represent approximately 50 percent of the world’s output in terms of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 1950, and include large economies and small open economies, and resource-rich and resource-scarce countries, thus allowing us to compare their historical experiences. Components of GS considered include physical and human capital as well as resource extraction and pollution damages. Generally, we find evidence of positive GS over the course of the twentieth century, although the two World Wars and the Great Depression left considerable marks. Also, we found striking differences between Latin American and developed countries when Total Factor Productivity (TFP) is included; this could be a signal of natural resource curse or technological gaps unnoticed in previous works.


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The need to integrate cost into the early product definition process as an engineering parameter is addressed. The application studied is a fuselage panel that is typical for commercial transport regional jets. Consequently, a semi-empirical numerical analysis using reference data was coupled to model the structural integrity of thin-walled structures with regard to material failure and buckling: skin, stringer, flexural, and interrivet. The optimization process focuses on direct operating cost (DOC) as a function of acquisition cost and fuel burn. It was found that the ratio of acquisition cost to fuel burn was typically 4:3 and that there was a 10% improvement in the DOC for the minimal DOC condition over the minimal weight condition because of the manufacturing cost saving from having a reduced number of larger-area stringers and a slightly thicker skin than that preferred by the minimal weight condition. Also note that the minimal manufacturing cost condition was slightly better than the minimal weight condition, which highlights the key finding: The traditional minimal weight condition is a dated and suboptimal approach to airframe structural design.


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With the advent of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), there is an increasing requirement that schools ensure children and young people's views are voiced, listened to and taken seriously on matters of significance. Encouraging these shifts by law is one thing; changing the culture in schools is another. For a significant proportion of schools, actively engaging students' voices on how they experience education poses a significant challenge and crucial gaps may exist between the rhetoric espoused and a school's readiness for genuine student involvement. This ethnographic study illuminates tensions that persist between headteachers' espoused views of how students are valued and students' creative images of their actual post-primary schooling experience. If cultures of schooling are to nurture the true spirit of democratic pupil participation implied by changes in the law, there is a need to develop genuine processes of student engagement in which students and staff can collaborate towards greater shared understandings of a school's priorities.


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This article examines Greek-Turkish crisis behaviour in the Eastern Mediterranean over the past two decades. Crises are first defined and classified, after which a number of common misperceptions are then addressed in light of recent experience. Three broad categories of foreign policy crises are analyzed: 1) those involving ethnically related minorities across the border; 2) those with 'alien' minorities within borders; and 3) those with third countries involving territories and resources. The article examines whether crises are simply elite-driven or partly endorsed and motivated by mass publics in both countries, and whether Greek-Turkish crisis behaviour reflects enduring ethnic rivalries, 'genuine' security interests, or domestic political needs and norms. The article draws upon the Greek-Turkish experience of the past two decades to illuminate contemporary dilemmas and issues which policymakers face in this region.


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This article describes the development of SPE and HPLC methods for the simultaneous determination of metformin and glipizide, gliclazide, glibenclamide or glimperide in plasma. Several extraction and HPLC methods have been described previously for the determination of each of these analytes in plasma separately. The simultaneous determination of these analytes is important for the routine monitoring of diabetic patients who take combination medications and for studying the pharmacokinetics of the combined dosage forms. In addition this developed method can serve as a standard method for the plasma determination of these analytes therefore saving time, effort and money. The recoveries of the developed methods were found to be between 76.3% and 101.9%. The limits of quantification were between 5 and 22.5 ng/ml. The intraday and interday precision (measured by coefficient of variation, CV%) was always less than 9%. The accuracy (measured by relative error %) was always less than 12%. Stability analysis showed that all analytes are stable for at least 3 months when stored at -70degreesC. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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11 September heralded and provided a pretext for a more aggressive but increasingly contradictory American hegemony. Some of the consequences are contrary to the United States' own interests. Its new doctrine of 'preemptive strike' against other sovereign states encourages similarly belligerent behaviour by other governments, and yet more terrorism by nonstate actors, the very threats which were to be eradicated by a re-asserted US hegemony. This essay focuses on three partly overlapping themes: different strategies towards allies - multilateral and unilateral; different forms of power - civil and military; and different ideologies of globalisation - neoliberal and neo-conservative. It argues that while US policy may oscillate between such poles, it often combines the different elements. The overall strategy of the Bush administration is best characterised as unilateral multilateralism. The main issue for US hegemonists is the ways in which their hegemony might best be exercised, maintained and strengthened vis à vis allies and rivals. But for a safer, more democratic world, the choice does not lie between one faction of US hegemonists and another: we need other alternatives such as cosmopolitan democracy and a genuine internationalist movement which would give it some much-needed substance.


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We investigate entanglement between collective operators of two blocks of oscillators in an infinite linear harmonic chain. These operators are defined as averages over local operators (individual oscillators) in the blocks. On the one hand, this approach of "physical blocks" meets realistic experimental conditions, where measurement apparatuses do not interact with single oscillators but rather with a whole bunch of them, i.e., where in contrast to usually studied "mathematical blocks" not every possible measurement is allowed. On the other, this formalism naturally allows the generalization to blocks which may consist of several noncontiguous regions. We quantify entanglement between the collective operators by a measure based on the Peres-Horodecki criterion and show how it can be extracted and transferred to two qubits. Entanglement between two blocks is found even in the case where none of the oscillators from one block is entangled with an oscillator from the other, showing genuine bipartite entanglement between collective operators. Allowing the blocks to consist of a periodic sequence of subblocks, we verify that entanglement scales at most with the total boundary region. We also apply the approach of collective operators to scalar quantum field theory.


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This study finds evidence that attempts to reduce costs and error rates in the Inland Revenue through the use of e-commerce technology are flawed. While it is technically possible to write software that will record tax data, and then transmit it to the Inland Revenue, there is little demand for this service. The key finding is that the tax system is so complex that many people are unable to complete their own tax returns. This complexity cannot be overcome by well-designed software. The recommendation is to encourage the use of agents to assist taxpayers or simplify the tax system. The Inland Revenue is interested in saving administrative costs and errors by encouraging electronic submission of tax returns. To achieve these objectives, given the raw data it would seem clear that the focus should be on facilitating the work of agents.


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Background Less than 1% of the general public know how to assess or manage someone who has collapsed. It has been estimated that if 15–20% of the population were capable of performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), mortality of out of hospital cardiac arrest could be decreased significantly. Training basic life support (BLS) skills to school children would be the most cost effective way of achieving this goal and ensuring that a large proportion of the population acquire basic life saving skills. Aims To assess retention of knowledge of basic life support 6 months after a single course of instruction in cardiopulmonary resuscitation designed specifically for school children. Setting School pupils in a rural location in one region of the United Kingdom. Methods A course of instruction in cardiopulmonary resuscitation – the ‘ABC for life’ programme – specifically designed to teach 10–12-year-old school children basic life support skills. The training session was given to school pupils in a rural location in Northern Ireland. A 22 point questionnaire was used to assess acquisition and retention of basic life support knowledge. Results Children instructed in cardiopulmonary resuscitation showed a highly significant increase in level of knowledge following the training session. While their level of knowledge decreased over a period of 6 months it remained significantly higher than that of a comparable group of children who had never been trained. Conclusion A training programme designed and taught as part of the school curriculum would have a significant impact on public health.


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In agroecosystems, most isotopic investigations of NO3- involve the use of tracers that are artificially enriched in 15N. Although the dual isotope composition of NO3-— d15N and d18O is especially beneficial for understanding the origin and fate of NO3-, its use for KCl-extractable soil NO3- has been hampered by the lack of a suitable analytical technique. Our objective was to test whether the denitrifier method, whereby NO3- is reduced to N2O before mass spectrometric analysis, can be used to determine the N and O isotopic composition of NO3- from 2 M KCl soil extracts. Several internationally accepted NO3- standards were dissolved in 2 M KCl, the conventional extractant for soil inorganic N, and inoculated with the bacterial strain Pseudomonas aureofaciens (ATCC no. 13985). The standard deviation of the NO3- standards analyzed did not exceed 0.2‰ for d15N and 0.3‰ for d18O values. After appropriate corrections, differences between our measured and consensus d15N and d18O values of standard NO3- generally were within the standard deviations given for the consensus values. Both d15N and d18O values were reproducible among separate analytical runs. The method was also tested on genuine 2 M KCl extracts from unfertilized and fertilized soils. Depending on N fertilization, the soils had distinct d15N and d18O values, which were attributed to amendment with NH4NO3 fertilizer. Hence, our data indicate that the denitrifier method provides a fast, reliable, precise, and accurate way of simultaneously analyzing the natural abundances of 15N and 18O in KCl-extractable soil NO3-.


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Mutant mice where tyrosine 136 of linker for activation of T cells (LAT) was replaced with a phenylalanine (Lat(Y136F) mice) develop a fast-onset lymphoproliferative disorder involving polyclonal CD4 T cells that produce massive amounts of Th2 cytokines and trigger severe inflammation and autoantibodies. We analyzed whether the Lat(Y136F) pathology constitutes a bona fide autoimmune disorder dependent on TCR specificity. Using adoptive transfer experiments, we demonstrated that the expansion and uncontrolled Th2-effector function of Lat(Y136F) CD4 cells are not triggered by an MHC class II-driven, autoreactive process. Using Foxp3EGFP reporter mice, we further showed that nonfunctional Foxp3(+) regulatory T cells are present in Lat(Y136F) mice and that pathogenic Lat(Y136F) CD4 T cells were capable of escaping the control of infused wild-type Foxp3(+) regulatory T cells. These results argue against a scenario where the Lat(Y136F) pathology is primarily due to a lack of functional Foxp3(+) regulatory T cells and suggest that a defect intrinsic to Lat(Y136F) CD4 T cells leads to a state of TCR-independent hyperactivity. This abnormal status confers Lat(Y136F) CD4 T cells with the ability to trigger the production of Abs and of autoantibodies in a TCR-independent, quasi-mitogenic fashion. Therefore, despite the presence of autoantibodies causative of severe systemic disease, the pathological conditions observed in Lat(Y136F) mice unfold in an Ag-independent manner and thus do not qualify as a genuine autoimmune disorder.


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A photoperiodic response of erect thallus production has been quantified in Sargassum muticum. Young germlings were cultured under long-day (LD; 16:8 h) conditions at 16 degreesC, 75 mumol m(-2) s(-1) until they had 4-5 early blades after 60 days in culture. The young thalli were transferred to short-day (SD; 8:16 h) and night break (NB; 8:7.5:1:7.5 h) regimes. Up to 34.7% of the plants had produced erect thalli after 140 days in culture in the SD regime, but no erect thalli were formed in the NB regime. When plants were transferred from NB to SD regimes, erect thalli were initiated within 10 days, but continued to be produced in plants transferred from SD to NB. Therefore, the development of erect thalli in S. muticum is a genuine photoperiodic response, which is inhibited by NB treatments, but continues in a NB regime after sufficient induction in SD.


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We study genuine multipartite entanglement (GME) in a system of n qubits prepared in symmetric Dicke states and subjected to the influences of noise. We provide general, setup-independent expressions for experimentally favorable tools such as fidelity- and collective spin-based entanglement witnesses, as well as entangled-class discriminators and multi-point correlation functions. Besides highlighting the effects of the environment on large qubit registers, we also discuss strategies for the robust detection of GME. Our work provides techniques and results for the experimental communities interested in investigating and characterizing multipartite entangled states by introducing realistic milestones for setup design and associated predictions.


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We report the first experimental generation and characterization of a six-photon Dicke state. The produced state shows a fidelity of F=0.56 +/- 0.02 with respect to an ideal Dicke state and violates a witness detecting genuine six-qubit entanglement by 4 standard deviations. We confirm characteristic Dicke properties of our resource and demonstrate its versatility by projecting out four- and five-photon Dicke states, as well as four-photon Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger and W states. We also show that Dicke states have interesting applications in multiparty quantum networking protocols such as open-destination teleportation, telecloning, and quantum secret sharing.