76 resultados para Factor analytical method


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The ultrasonic measurement and imaging of tissue elasticity is currently under wide investigation and development as a clinical tool for the assessment of a broad range of diseases, but little account in this field has yet been taken of the fact that soft tissue is porous and contains mobile fluid. The ability to squeeze fluid out of tissue may have implications for conventional elasticity imaging, and may present opportunities for new investigative tools. When a homogeneous, isotropic, fluid-saturated poroelastic material with a linearly elastic solid phase and incompressible solid and fluid constituents is subjected to stress, the behaviour of the induced internal strain field is influenced by three material constants: the Young's modulus (E(s)) and Poisson's ratio (nu(s)) of the solid matrix and the permeability (k) of the solid matrix to the pore fluid. New analytical expressions were derived and used to model the time-dependent behaviour of the strain field inside simulated homogeneous cylindrical samples of such a poroelastic material undergoing sustained unconfined compression. A model-based reconstruction technique was developed to produce images of parameters related to the poroelastic material constants (E(s), nu(s), k) from a comparison of the measured and predicted time-dependent spatially varying radial strain. Tests of the method using simulated noisy strain data showed that it is capable of producing three unique parametric images: an image of the Poisson's ratio of the solid matrix, an image of the axial strain (which was not time-dependent subsequent to the application of the compression) and an image representing the product of the aggregate modulus E(s)(1-nu(s))/(1+nu(s))(1-2nu(s)) of the solid matrix and the permeability of the solid matrix to the pore fluid. The analytical expressions were further used to numerically validate a finite element model and to clarify previous work on poroelastography.


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A pre-concentration system has been validated for use with a gas chromatography/mass spectrometry/isotope ratio mass spectrometer (GC/MS/IRMS) to determine ambient air 13C/12C ratios for methyl halides (MeCl and MeBr) and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). The isotopic composition of specific compounds can provide useful information on their atmospheric budgets and biogeochemistry that cannot be ascertained from abundance measurements alone. Although pre-concentration systems have been previously used with a GC/MS/IRMS for atmospheric trace gas analysis, this is the first study also to report system validation tests. Validation results indicate that the pre-concentration system and subsequent separation technologies do not significantly alter the stable isotopic ratios of the target methyl halides, CFC-12 (CCl2F2) and CFC-113 (C2Cl3F3). Significant, but consistent, isotopic shifts of -27.5 to -25.6 do occur within the system for CFC-11 (CCl3F), although the shift is correctible. The method presented has the capacity to separate these target halocarbons from more than 50 other compounds in ambient air samples. Separation allows for the determination of stable carbon isotope ratios of five of these six target trace atmospheric constituents within ambient air for large volume samples (10 L). Representative urban air analyses from Belfast City are also presented which give carbon isotope results similar to published values for 13C/12C analysis of MeCl (-39.1) and CFC-113 (-28.1). However, this is the first paper reporting stable carbon isotope signatures for CFC-11 (-29.4) and CFC-12 (-37.0).


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This article describes the development of SPE and HPLC methods for the simultaneous determination of metformin and glipizide, gliclazide, glibenclamide or glimperide in plasma. Several extraction and HPLC methods have been described previously for the determination of each of these analytes in plasma separately. The simultaneous determination of these analytes is important for the routine monitoring of diabetic patients who take combination medications and for studying the pharmacokinetics of the combined dosage forms. In addition this developed method can serve as a standard method for the plasma determination of these analytes therefore saving time, effort and money. The recoveries of the developed methods were found to be between 76.3% and 101.9%. The limits of quantification were between 5 and 22.5 ng/ml. The intraday and interday precision (measured by coefficient of variation, CV%) was always less than 9%. The accuracy (measured by relative error %) was always less than 12%. Stability analysis showed that all analytes are stable for at least 3 months when stored at -70degreesC. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Wideband far infrared (FIR) spectra of complex permittivity e(p) of ice are calculated in terms of a simple analytical theory based on the method of dipolar autocorrelation functions. The molecular model represents a revision of the model recently presented for liquid water in Adv. Chem. Phys. 127 (2003) 65. A composite two-fractional model is proposed. The model is characterised by three phenomenological potential wells corresponding to the three FIR bands observed in ice. The first fraction comprises dipoles reorienting in a rather narrow and deep hat-like well; these dipoles generate the librational band centred at the frequency approximate to 880 cm(-1). The second fraction comprises elastically interacting particles; they generate two nearby bands placed around frequency 200 cm(-1). For description of one of these bands the harmonic oscillator (HO) model is used, in which translational oscillations of two charged molecules along the H-bond are considered. The other band is produced by the H-bond stretch, which governs hindered rotation of a rigid dipole. Such a motion and its dielectric response are described in terms of a new cut parabolic (CP) model applicable for any vibration amplitude. The composite hat-HO-CP model results in a smooth epsilon(nu) ice spectrum, which does not resemble the noise-like spectra of ice met in the known literature. The proposed theory satisfactorily agrees with the experimental ice spectrum measured at - 7 degrees C. The calculated longitudinal optic-transverse optic (LO-TO) splitting occurring at approximate to 250 cm(-1) qualitatively agrees with the measured data. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A flexible, mass-conservative numerical technique for solving the advection-dispersion equation for miscible contaminant transport is presented. The method combines features of puff transport models from air pollution studies with features from the random walk particle method used in water resources studies, providing a deterministic time-marching algorithm which is independent of the grid Peclet number and scales from one to higher dimensions simply. The concentration field is discretised into a number of particles, each of which is treated as a point release which advects and disperses over the time interval. The dispersed puff is itself discretised into a spatial distribution of particles whose masses can be pre-calculated. Concentration within the simulation domain is then calculated from the mass distribution as an average over some small volume. Comparison with analytical solutions for a one-dimensional fixed-duration concentration pulse and for two-dimensional transport in an axisymmetric flow field indicate that the algorithm performs well. For a given level of accuracy the new method has lower computation times than the random walk particle method.


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In agroecosystems, most isotopic investigations of NO3- involve the use of tracers that are artificially enriched in 15N. Although the dual isotope composition of NO3-— d15N and d18O is especially beneficial for understanding the origin and fate of NO3-, its use for KCl-extractable soil NO3- has been hampered by the lack of a suitable analytical technique. Our objective was to test whether the denitrifier method, whereby NO3- is reduced to N2O before mass spectrometric analysis, can be used to determine the N and O isotopic composition of NO3- from 2 M KCl soil extracts. Several internationally accepted NO3- standards were dissolved in 2 M KCl, the conventional extractant for soil inorganic N, and inoculated with the bacterial strain Pseudomonas aureofaciens (ATCC no. 13985). The standard deviation of the NO3- standards analyzed did not exceed 0.2‰ for d15N and 0.3‰ for d18O values. After appropriate corrections, differences between our measured and consensus d15N and d18O values of standard NO3- generally were within the standard deviations given for the consensus values. Both d15N and d18O values were reproducible among separate analytical runs. The method was also tested on genuine 2 M KCl extracts from unfertilized and fertilized soils. Depending on N fertilization, the soils had distinct d15N and d18O values, which were attributed to amendment with NH4NO3 fertilizer. Hence, our data indicate that the denitrifier method provides a fast, reliable, precise, and accurate way of simultaneously analyzing the natural abundances of 15N and 18O in KCl-extractable soil NO3-.


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Studies of polyphosphate (polyP) metabolism in microorganisms have been hampered by the lack of a convenient method for the assay in cell extracts of the activity of polyphosphate kinase (PPK), the enzyme principally responsible for microbial polyP biosynthesis. We report the development of such an assay, based on the well-established metachromatic reaction, with toluidine blue, of the polyP formed during the PPK-catalyzed reaction. The method was successfully used in the characterization of PPK activity in crude extracts of an environmental Burkholderia cepacia isolate. The development of a protocol for the physical recovery of polyP from solution is also reported. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.


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An HPLC method has been developed and validated for the rapid determination of mercaptopurine and four of its metabolites; thioguanine, thiouric acid, thioxanthine and methylmercaptopurine in plasma and red blood cells. The method involves a simple treatment procedure based on deproteinisation by perchloric acid followed by acid hydrolysis and heating for 45 min at 100 degrees C. The developed method was linear over the concentration range studied with a correlation coefficient >0.994 for all compounds in both plasma and erythrocytes. The lower limits of quantification were 13, 14, 3, 2, 95 pmol/8 x 101 RBCs and 2, 5, 2, 3, 20 ng/ml plasma for thioguanine, thiouric acid, mercaptopurine, thioxanthine and methylmercaptopurine, respectively. The method described is selective and sensitive enough to analyse the different metabolites in a single run under isocratic conditions. Furthermore, it has been shown to be applicable for monitoring these metabolites in paediatric patients due to the low volume requirement (200 mu l of plasma or erythrocytes) and has been successfully applied for investigating population pharmacokinetics, pharmacogenetics and non-adherence to therapy in these patients. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Aim. This paper is a report of a study to test the proposed factor structure of the Index of Sources of Stress in Nursing Students. Background. Research across many countries has identified a number of sources of distress in nursing students but little attempt has been made to understand and measure sources of eustress or those stressors likely to enhance performance and well-being. The Index of Sources of Stress in Nursing Students was developed to do this. Exploratory factor analysis suggested a three-factor structure, the factors being labelled: learning and teaching; placement-related and course organization. It is important, however, to subject the instrument to confirmatory factor analysis as a further test of construct validity. Method. A convenience sample of final year nursing students (n = 176) was surveyed in one university in Northern Ireland in 2007. The Index of Sources of Stress in Nursing Students, which measures sources of stress likely to contribute to distress and eustress, was completed electronically. The LISREL programme was used to carry out the confirmatory factor analysis and test the factor structure suggested in the exploratory analysis. Findings. The proposed factor structure for the items measuring ‘Uplifts’ proved to be a good fit to the data and the proposed factor structure for the items measuring ‘Hassles’ showed adequate fit. Conclusion. In nursing programmes adopting the academic model and combining university-based learning with placement experience, this instrument can be used to help identify the sources of stress or course demands that students rate as distressing and those that help them to achieve. The validity of the ISSN could be further evaluated in other education settings.


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Subwavelength resonators at FIR are presented and studied. The structures consist of 1D cavities formed between a metallized (silver) surface and a metamaterial surface comprising a periodic array of silver patches on a silver-backed silicon substrate. The concept derives from recent discoveries of artificial magnetic conductors (AMC). By studying the currents excited on the metamaterial surface by a normally incident plane wave, the nature of the emerging resonant phenomena and the physical mechanism underlying the AMC operation are investigated. Full wave simulations, based on finite element method and time-domain transmission line modelling technique, have been carried out to demonstrate the effective AMC boundary condition and prove the possibilities for subwavelength cavities. The quality factor of the resonant cavities is assessed as a function of the cavity profile. It is demonstrated that the quality factor drops to about 1/8 of the half-wavelength value for lambda/8 resonant cavity.