100 resultados para FREE G-ACTIONS


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We report on results from two types of data-logger attached to hawksbill turtles (Eretmochelys coriacea) in the breeding season at the Seychelles, Indian Ocean. Conventional time-depth recorders (TDRs) showed prolonged bouts of long dives to the seabed, consistent with benthic resting. This behaviour has been widely reported in sea turtles and appears to be a common feature for energy conservation. An Inter-Mandibular Angle Sensor (IMASEN) recorded mouth opening and buccal pumping by one turtle for 2.5 days. Buccal pumping occurred widely while the turtle was submerged, consistent with a function of olfactory sensory perception of the turtle's environment. However, buccal pumping stopped during the middle of long benthic dives consistent with the turtle entering a phase of sleep. It therefore appears that by recording buccal oscillations, it is possible to assess the state of consciousness of turtles allowing the eco-physiology of diving to be more fully explored. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Tungsten carbide (WC) with controlled pore size distribution was synthesized using a novel “precursor reassembly” method. The precursor crystal was assembled by mixing ammonium metatungstate (AMT) and ammonium carbonate (AC) in distilled water, followed by hydrothermal treatment. The mesostructure, crystal phase, and amount of deposited graphitic carbon can be conveniently tuned by controlling carburizing atmosphere (CO or a CO/H2 mixture). Moreover, the influence of precursor preparation (AMT/AC mass ratio and hydrothermal temperature) on the materials was also investigated. The resultant materials with low carbon content were mesoporous WCs, which showed high specific surface areas (11.3-20.4 m2 g-1) and adjustable pore-size distributions (average pore size: 15.3-22.3 nm). A mechanism for the formation of WC with a controllable porous framework is proposed. Finally, cyclic voltammetry was used to investigate the inference of different mesoporous structure.


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To date, seven FMRFamide-related peptides (FaRPs) have been structurally characterized from C. elegans, of which one is structurally identical to the parasitic nematode peptide AF2 (KHEYLRFamide). The other six FaRPs have so far been identified in free-living forms only. in the present study an additional FaRP was isolated and structurally characterized from an ethanolic extract of C. elegans. The extract was screened using a C-terminally directed FaRP antiserum, and the FMRFamide-immunoreactive peptide purified to homogeneity using HPLC. Approximately 80 pmol of the peptide was subjected to Edman degradation and the unequivocal primary structure of the K-7-amide, KSAYMRFamide (PF3/AF8) was determined following a single gas-phase sequencing run. The molecular mass of the peptide was determined using a MALDI-TOF mass spectrometer and was found to be 919 (MH+), which is in agreement with the theoretical mass of C-terminally amidated PF3. A new flp-gene, designated flp-6, has recently been identified which encodes six copies of KSAYMRFamide (PF3/AF8). (C) 1998 Academic Press.


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The occurrence of classical neurotransmitter molecules and numerous peptidic messenger molecules in nematode nervous systems indicate that although structurally simple, nematode nervous systems are chemically complex. Thus far, studies on one nematode neuropeptide family, namely the FMRFamide-related peptides (FaRPs), have revealed an unexpected variety of neuropeptide structures in both free-living and parasitic species. To date 23 nematode FaRPs have been structurally characterized including 12 from Ascaris suum, 8 from Caenorhabditis elegans, 5 from Panagrellus redivivus and 1 from Haemonchus contortus. Ten FaRP-encoding genes have been identified in Caenorhabditis elegans. However, the full complement of nematode neuronal messengers has yet to be described and unidentified nematode FaRPs await detection. Preliminary characterization of the actions of nematode neuropeptides on the somatic musculature and neurones of A. suum has revealed that these peptidic messengers have potent and complex effects. Identified complexities include the biphasic effects of KNEFIRFamide/KHEYLRFamide (AF1/2; relaxation of tone followed by oscillatory contractile activity) and KPNFIRFamide (PF4; rapid relaxation of tone followed by an increase in tone), the diverse actions of KSAYMRFamide (AF8 or PF3; relaxes dorsal muscles and contracts ventral muscles) and the apparent coupling of the relaxatory effects of SDPNFLRFamide/SADPNFLRFamide (PF1/PF2) to nitric oxide release. Indeed, all of the nematode FaRPs which have been tested on somatic muscle strips of A. suum have actions which are clearly physiologically distinguishable. Although we are a very long way from understanding how the actions of these peptides are co-ordinated, not only with those of each other but also with those of the classical transmitter molecules, to control nematode behaviour, their abundance coupled with their diversity of structure and function indicates a hitherto unidentified sophistication to nematode neuromuscular intergration.


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FMRFamide-related peptides (FaRPs) are the largest known family of invertebrate neuropeptides. Immunocytochemical screens of nematode tissues using antisera raised to these peptides have localized extensive FaRP-immunostaining to their nervous systems. Although 21 FaRPs have been isolated and sequenced from extracts of free-living and parasitic nematodes, available evidence indicates that other FaRPs await discovery. While our knowledge of the pharmacology of these native nematode neuropeptides is extremely limited, reports on their physiological activity in nematodes are ever increasing. All the nematode FaRPs examined so far have been found to have potent and varied actions on nematode neuromuscular activity. It is only through the extensive pharmacological and physiological assessment of the tissue, cell and receptor interactions of these peptidic messengers that an understanding of their activity on nematode neuromusculature will be possible. In this review, Aaron Maule and colleagues examine the current understanding of the pharmacology of nematode FaRPs.


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A novel FMRFamide-related heptapeptide, Lys-Pro-Asn-Phe-Ile-Arg-Phe-NH2 (KPNFIRFamide), was isolated and characterized from acid ethanol extracts of the free-living nematode, Panagrellus redivivus. Whole-worm extracts contained greater than or equal to 9 pmol KPNFIRFamide/g wet weight. A synthetic replicate of this peptide induced a rapid relaxation of tone and inhibited spontaneous contractility in isolated innervated and denervated body-wall muscle strips of the parasitic nematode, Ascaris suum. KPNFIRFamide (0.1 nM) induced measurable relaxations in 50% of the muscle preparations examined. Concentrations greater than or equal to 0.3 nM induced relaxation in 100% of muscle preparations examined. The relaxation was short-lived at concentrations of peptide greater than or equal to 1 mu M and displayed a profile typical of receptor desensitization. These data suggest the occurrence of a closely related peptide in A. suum and add further evidence to the concept of primary structural conservation of FaRPs within the nematodes.


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Available primary structural information suggests that the FMRFamide-related peptides (FaRPs) from parasitic and free-living nematodes are different, and that free-living forms may not represent appropriate models for the study of the neurochemistry of parasitic forms in the laboratory. However, here we report the isolation and unequivocal identification of AF2 (originally isolated from the parasite, Ascaris suum) from acidified alcoholic extracts of the free-living species, Panagrellus redivivus. While reverse-phase HPLC analysis of extracts revealed FMRFamide-immunoreactivity to be highly heterogeneous, AF2 was the predominant FMRFamide-immunoreactive peptide present (at least 26 pmol/g wet weight of worms). This peptide was also the major immunoreactant identified by an antiserum raised to the conserved C-terminal hexapeptide amide of mammalian pancreatic polypeptide (PP), which has been used previously to isolate neuropeptide F (NPF). These observations were confirmed by radioimmunoassay and chromatographic fractionation of an acidified alcoholic extract of A. suum heads. The FMRFamide-related peptides present in a nematode extract may be highly dependent on the extraction medium employed, and these data would suggest that this complement of neuropeptides may not be as different between parasitic and free-living nematodes as initial studies have suggested. Finally, all of the evidence suggests that NPF is not present in nematodes and that the PP-immunoreactant previously demonstrated immunochemically is probably AF2.


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In nematodes, FMRFamide-related peptides (FaRPs) have been structurally characterised from the parasite, Ascaris suum, and from two free-living species, Panagrellus redivivus and Caenorhabditis elegans. While both FaRPs isolated from P. redivivus (PF1 and PF2) have been identified in C. elegans the two heptapeptides isolated from A. suum (AF1 and AF2) have until recently been considered unique to this parasitic species. We have recently isolated AF2 from P. redivivus and, during this study, an additional novel heptapeptide amide, Lys-Ser-Ala-Tyr-Met-Arg-Phe amide (KSAYMRFamide), was structurally characterised. A synthetic replicate of this peptide induced a rapid concentration-dependent muscle tension increase in an isolated A. suum somatic muscle preparation, with a threshold of approximately 0.1 mu M. These data suggest that the complement of FaRPs in parasitic and free-living nematodes may not be as radically different as preliminary studies would suggest, and that the absence of AF1, AF2 and KSAYMRFamide on the C. elegans FMRFamide-related peptide gene (flp-1) may imply the presence of at least two different FaRP genes in nematodes. (C) 1994 Academic Press, Inc.


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In an age of depleting oil reserves and increasing energy demand, humanity faces a stalemate between environmentalism and politics, where crude oil is traded at record highs yet the spotlight on being ‘green’ and sustainable is stronger than ever. A key theme on today’s political agenda is energy independence from foreign nations, and the United Kingdom is bracing itself for nuclear renaissance which is hoped will feed the rapacious centralised system that the UK is structured upon. But what if this centralised system was dissembled, and in its place stood dozens of cities which grow and monopolise from their own energy? Rather than one dominant network, would a series of autonomous city-based energy systems not offer a mutually profitable alternative? Bio-Port is a utopian vision of a ‘Free Energy City’ set in Liverpool, where the old dockyards, redundant space, and the Mersey Estuary have been transformed into bio-productive algae farms. Bio-Port Free Energy City is a utopian ideal, where energy is superfluous; in fact so abundant that meters are obsolete. The city functions as an energy generator and thrives from its own product with minimal impact upon the planet it inhabits. Algaculture is the fundamental energy source, where a matrix of algae reactors swamp the abandoned dockyards; which themselves have been further expanded and reclaimed from the River Mersey. Each year, the algae farm is capable of producing over 200 million gallons of bio-fuel, which in-turn can produce enough electricity to power almost 2 million homes. The metabolism of Free-Energy City is circular and holistic, where the waste products of one process are simply the inputs of a new one. Livestock farming – once traditionally a high-carbon countryside exercise has become urbanised. Cattle are located alongside the algae matrix, and waste gases emitted by farmyards and livestock are largely sequestered by algal blooms or anaerobically converted to natural gas. Bio-Port Free Energy City mitigates the imbalances between ecology and urbanity, and exemplifies an environment where nature and the human machine can function productively and in harmony with one another. According to James Lovelock, our population has grown in number to the point where our presence is perceptibly disabling the planet, but in order to reverse the effects of our humanist flaws, it is vital that new eco-urban utopias are realised.


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When it is difficult to develop selective ligands within a family of related G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), chemically engineered receptors activated solely by synthetic ligands (RASSLs) are useful alternatives for probing receptor function. In the present work, we explored whether a RASSL of the free fatty acid receptor 2 (FFA2) could be developed on the basis of pharmacological variation between species orthologs. For this, bovine FFA2 was characterized, revealing distinct ligand selectivity compared with human FFA2. Homology modeling and mutational analysis demonstrated a single mutation in human FFA2 of C4.57G resulted in a human FFA2 receptor with ligand selectivity similar to the bovine receptor. This was exploited to generate human FFA2-RASSL by the addition of a second mutation at a known orthosteric ligand interaction site, H6.55Q. The resulting FFA2-RASSL displayed a >100-fold loss of activity to endogenous ligands, while responding to the distinct ligand sorbic acid with pEC(50) values for inhibition of cAMP, 5.83 ± 0.11; Ca(2+) mobilization, 4.63 ± 0.05; ERK phosphorylation, 5.61 ± 0.06; and dynamic mass redistribution, 5.35 ± 0.06. This FFA2-RASSL will be useful in future studies on this receptor and demonstrates that exploitation of pharmacological variation between species orthologs is a powerful method to generate novel chemically engineered GPCRs.-Hudson, B. D., Christiansen, E., Tikhonova, I. G., Grundmann, M., Kostenis, E., Adams, D. R., Ulven, T., Milligan, G. Chemically engineering ligand selectivity at the free fatty acid receptor 2 based on pharmacological variation between species orthologs.