69 resultados para Energy-dependent cross-section


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Absolute Se photoionization cross-section measurements and Dirac-Coulomb R -matrix calculations are reported for the photon energy range 18.0 eV – 31.0 eV, which spans the ionization thresholds of the 4 S 0 3/2 ground state and the low-lying 2 D 0 3/2,5/2 and 2 P 0 1/2,3/2 metastable states. The determination of the photoionization and recombination properties of n -capture element ions is motivated by their astrophysical detection and the importance of their elemental abundances in testing theories of nucleosynthesis and stellar structure.


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New absolute cross sections for dissociative electron attachment to HCCCN (cyanoacetylene or propiolonitrile) in the range of 0-10 eV electron energy are presented here, which have been determined from a new analysis of previously reported data (Graupner et al 2006 New J. Phys. 8 117). The highest cross sections are observed for the formation of CN- at 5.3 eV and CCCN- at 5.1 eV; approximately 0.06 Å2 and 0.05 Å2 respectively. As part of the re-analysis, it was necessary to determine absolute cross sections for electron-impact ionization of HCCCN with the binary-encounter Bethe method. These electron-impact ionization absolute cross sections for HCCCN are also presented here; the maximum value was found to be ∼6.6 Å2 at ∼80 eV.


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The eigenphase formulation of Blatt and Biedenharn is applied to fine-structure transitions in *P atoms colliding with ‘S perturbers. Consideration is given to the limit of weak spin-orbit interaction. If the eigenphases are equal to the phaseshifts for elastic scattering by the molecular potentials then the expression for the total cross section reduces to the expression derived in the elastic approximation. However, a numerical comparison for the Li(2p ’P) + He(’S) system shows that the elastic molecular phaseshifts are not good approximations to the eigenphases. Hence the elastic approximation cannot be reliable.


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The continuum distorted-wave eikonal-initial-state (CDW-EIS) theory of Crothers and McCann (Crothers DSF and McCann JF, 1983 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 16 3229 ) used to describe ionization in ion-atom collisions is generalized (G) to GCDW-EIS, to incorporate the azimuthal ange dependence into the final-state wavefunction. This is accomplished by the analytic continuation of hydrogenic-like wavefunctions from below to above threshold, using parabolic coordinates and quantum numbers including magnetic quantum numbers, thus providing a more complete set of states. At impact energies lower than 25 ke V u^{-1}, the total CDW-EIS ionization cross section falls off, with decreasing energy, too quickly in comparison with experimental data by Crothers and McCann. The idea behind and motivation for the GCDW-EIS model is to improve the theory with respect to experiment, by including contributions from non-zero magnetic quantum numbers. We also therefore incidentally provide a new derivation of the theory of continuum distorted waves for zero magnetic quantum numbers while simultaneously generalizing it.


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A full-electron coupled-state treatment of positronium (Ps)- inert gas scattering is developed within the context of the frozen target approximation. Calculations are performed for Ps(Is) scattering by Ne and Ar in the impact energy range 0-40 eV using coupled pseudostate expansions consisting of nine and 22 Ps states. The purpose of the pseudostates is primarily to represent ionization of the Ps which is found to be a major process at the higher energies. First Born estimates of target excitation are used to complement the frozen target results. The available experimental data are discussed in detail. It is pointed out that the very low energy measurements (less than or equal to2 eV) correspond to the momentum transfer cross section sigma(mom) and not to the elastic cross section sigma(el). Calculation shows that sigma(mom), and sigma(el) diverge very rapidly with increasing energy and consequently comparisons of the low-energy data with ITel can be very misleading. Agreement between the calculations and the low-energy measurements of anion as well;as higher energy (greater than or equal to15 eV) beam measurements of the total cross section, is less than satisfactory. Results for Ps(1s) scattering by Kr and Xe in the static-exchange approximation are also presented.


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It is shown that virtual H- formation has a profound effect upon low-energy Ps(1s)-H(1s) scattering, yet H- formation only accounts for about 10% of the total cross section just above threshold. Infinite series of Rydberg resonances converging on to the H- formation threshold are seen.


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A joint experimental and theoretical study of the transfer ionization process p+He→ H-0+He2++e(-) is presented for 630-keV proton impact energy, where the electron is detected in a plane perpendicular to the proton beam direction. With this choice of kinematics we find the triple-differential cross section to be particularly sensitive to angular correlation in the helium target. There is a good agreement between the experimental data and theoretical calculations.


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The impulse approximation is used to calculate cross sections for fragmentation of Ps(1s) in collision with He, Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe. Triple, double, single, and total cross sections are evaluated. Reasonably good agreement is found with the measurements of Armitage [Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 173402 (2002)] on Ps(1s)+He(1(1)S) scattering. These absolute measurements comprise the total Ps ionization cross section and the cross section differential with respect to the longitudinal energy of the ejected positron. Characteristics of free electron and free positron scattering are explored in the double and triple differential cross sections for Ps(1s)+Xe scattering.


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We propose a physical mechanism that leads to the emergence of secondary threshold laws in processes of multiple ionization of atoms. We argue that the removal of n electrons (n>2) from a many-electron atom may proceed via intermediate resonant states of the corresponding doubly charged ion. For atoms such as rare gases, the density of such resonances in the vicinity of subsequent ionization thresholds is high. As a result, the appearance energies for multiply charged ions are close to these thresholds, while the effective power indices mu in the near-threshold energy dependence of the cross section, sigmaproportional toE(mu), are lower compared to those from the Wannier theory. This provides a possible explanation of the recent experimental results of B. Gstir [Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. B 205, 413 (2003)].


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Experimental data are presented for the scattering of cold electrons by CS2, for both integral and backward scattering, between a few meV and a few hundred meV impact energy. Giant resonances with cross sections in excess of 50 Angstrom(2) are observed below 100 meV, associated with the transient formation of CS2- at 15 meV and with the bend and symmetric stretch of CS2 at thresholds of 49 and 82 meV, respectively. The resonance at 49 meV is 2 orders of magnitude greater in cross section than a dipole impulsive model predicts. These structures are superimposed on a sharp rise in the scattering cross section at low energy, which may be attributed to virtual state scattering.


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Results are presented for simulations of electron-positron pair production in relativistic heavy-ion collisions leading to electron capture and positron ejection. We apply a two-center relativistic continuum distorted-wave model to represent the electron or positron dynamics during the collision process. The results are compared with experimental cross-section data for La57+ and Au79+ impact on gold, silver, and copper targets. The theory is in good agreement with experiment for La57+ impact, verifying the result that the process increases in importance with both collision energy and target atomic number, and improves upon previous simulations of this process.


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The continuum distorted-wave eikonal initial-state (CDW-EIS) theory of Crothers and McCann (J Phys B 1983, 16, 3229) used to describe ionization in ion-atom collisions is generalized (G) to GCDW-EIS to incorporate the azimuthal angle dependence of each CDW in the final-state wave function. This is accomplished by the analytic continuation of hydrogenic-like wave functions from below to above threshold, using parabolic coordinates and quantum numbers including magnetic quantum numbers, thus providing a more complete set of states. At impact energies lower than 25 keVu(-1), the total ionization cross-section falls off, with decreasing energy, too quickly in comparison with experimental data. The idea behind and motivation for the GCDW-EIS model is to improve the theory with respect to experiment by including contributions from nonzero magnetic quantum numbers. We also therefore incidentally provide a new derivation of the theory of continuum distorted waves for zero magnetic quantum numbers while simultaneously generalizing it. (C) 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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We present a semiclassical complex angular momentum (CAM) analysis of the forward scattering peak which occurs at a translational collision energy around 32 meV in the quantum mechanical calculations for the F + H2(v = 0, j = 0) ? HF(v' = 2, j' = 0) + H reaction on the Stark–Werner potential energy surface. The semiclassical CAM theory is modified to cover the forward and backward scattering angles. The peak is shown to result from constructive/destructive interference of the two Regge states associated with two resonances, one in the transition state region and the other in the exit channel van der Waals well. In addition, we demonstrate that the oscillations in the energy dependence of the backward differential cross section are caused by the interference between the direct backward scattering and the decay of the two resonance complexes returning to the backward direction after one full rotation.


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The measured angular differential cross section (DCS) for the elastic scattering of electrons from Ar+(3s2 3p5 2P) at the collision energy of 16 eV is presented. By solving the Hartree-Fock equations, we calculate the corresponding theoretical DCS including the coupling between the orbital angular momenta and spin of the incident electron and those of the target ion and also relaxation effects. Since the collision energy is above one inelastic threshold for the transition 3s2 3p5 2P–3s 3p6 2S, we consider the effects on the DCS of inelastic absorption processes and elastic resonances. The measurements deviate significantly from the Rutherford cross section over the full angular range observed, especially in the region of a deep minimum centered at approximately 75°. Our theory and an uncoupled, unrelaxed method using a local, spherically symmetric potential by Manson [Phys. Rev. 182, 97 (1969)] both reproduce the overall shape of the measured DCS, although the coupled Hartree-Fock approach describes the depth of the minimum more accurately. The minimum is shallower in the present theory owing to our lower average value for the d-wave non-Coulomb phase shift s2, which is due to the high sensitivity of s2 to the different scattering potentials used in the two models. The present measurements and calculations therefore show the importance of including coupling and relaxation effects when accurately modeling electron-ion collisions. The phase shifts obtained by fitting to the measurements are compared with the values of Manson and the present method.


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X-ray emission from a comet was observed for the first time in 1996. One of the mechanisms believed to be contributing to this surprisingly strong emission is the interaction of highly charged solar wind ions with cometary gases. Reported herein are total absolute charge-exchange and normalized line-emission (X-ray) cross sections for collisions of high-charge state (+3 to +10) C, N, O, and Ne ions with the cometary species H2O and CO2. It is found that in several cases the double charge-exchange cross sections can be large, and in the case of C3+ they are equal to those for single charge exchange. Present results are compared to cross section values used in recent comet models. The importance of applying accurate cross sections, including double charge exchange, to obtain absolute line-emission intensities is emphasized.