38 resultados para EXON-1 VARIANT


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Multiple lines of evidence suggest that schizophrenia results from aberrant neurodevelopment. The neurogenin1 gene (neurog1) consists of a single 1,666 bp exon that encodes a basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factor that causes neuronal differentiation and induces cortical and glutamatergic differentiation programs. Because of its function and its location in 5q31.1, which has been linked to schizophrenia in multiple samples, we tested it for association with the disorder. We sequenced neurog1 in 25 affected subjects from the Irish Study of High-Density Schizophrenia Families. We observed a 5'-UTR SNP at position -60, already present in databases as rs8192558, and tested it along with rs2344485, rs8192559, and rs2344484. Narrow, intermediate, and broad diagnostic definitions were used. The major alleles of rs8192558 and rs2344484 were over-transmitted to affected subjects using both Pedigree Disequilibrium Test (PDT) (0.01 <or = P <or = 0.06) and FBAT (0.02 <or = P <or = 0.07). A haplotype consisting of the major alleles of all four SNPs was significantly over-transmitted in FBAT to the broad definition (P = 0.049), with trend significance to the narrow and intermediate definitions, and with trend significance in PDT. In confirmatory tests using 657 cases and 411 controls, this haplotype was slightly but not significantly over-represented in cases (81% vs. 77%, P = 0.21). These results, along with a priori evidence for the involvement of neurog1 in neurodevelopment, suggest that variants in neurog1 might have a small effect on susceptibility to schizophrenia. This gene should be tested in additional and larger samples.


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Sex and genetic variation influence the risk of developing diabetic nephropathy and ESRD in patients with type 1 diabetes. We performed a genome-wide association study in a cohort of 3652 patients from the Finnish Diabetic Nephropathy (FinnDiane) Study with type 1 diabetes to determine whether sex-specific genetic risk factors for ESRD exist. A common variant, rs4972593 on chromosome 2q31. 1, was associated with ESRD in women (P


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Elafin is a serine protease inhibitor produced by epithelial and immune cells with anti-inflammatory properties. Research has shown that dysregulated protease activity may elicit proteolytic cleavage of elafin, thereby impairing the innate immune function of the protein. The aim of this study was to generate variants of elafin (GG- and QQ-elafin) that exhibit increased protease resistance while retaining the biological properties of wild-type (WT) elafin. Similar to WT-elafin, GG- and QQ-elafin variants retained antiprotease activity and susceptibility to transglutaminase-mediated fibronectin cross-linking. However, in contrast to WT-elafin, GG- and QQ-elafin displayed significantly enhanced resistance to degradation when incubated with bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from patients with cystic fibrosis. Intriguingly, both variants, particularly GG-elafin, demonstrated improved lipopolysaccharide (LPS) neutralization properties in vitro. In addition, GG-elafin showed improved anti-inflammatory activity in a mouse model of LPS-induced acute lung inflammation. Inflammatory cell infiltration into the lung was reduced in lungs of mice treated with GG-elafin, predominantly neutrophilic infiltration. A reduction in MCP-1 levels in GG-elafin treated mice compared to the LPS alone treatment group was also demonstrated. GG-elafin showed increased functionality when compared to WT-elafin and may be of future therapeutic relevance in the treatment of lung diseases characterized by a protease burden.


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Mortality episodes have regularly been affecting the shellfish industry throughout its history. Some of these mortalities, especially in the oyster industry, have been attributed to herpesviruses. Purification of viral particles and molecular characterization have led to the development of routine monitoring, as well as improved taxonomic classification. Ostreid herpesviruses (Malacoherpesviridae), mostly affecting Pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas, have been sporadically recorded in the French oyster industry since the early 1990s (OsHV-1 'reference'). From 2008, a new variant of ostreid herpesvirus (OsHV-1 mu Var) has emerged and seriously impacted oyster production in France and other European countries. Consequently, the presence of ostreid herpesviruses has been monitored in different oyster producing areas around the world. The present study compiles molecular data that are available from survey efforts and takes a biogeographical approach, in order to infer an origin for ostreid herpesviruses. The highest genotype diversity was found in East Asia, despite a lower survey effort in that area than in Europe. Genotype network analyses show that both populations of ostreid herpesviruses present in Europe (OsHV-1 'reference' and OsHV-1 mu Var) are closely related to genotypes recorded in Asia. Moreover, ostreid herpesviruses have been detected in wild and symptom-free populations of various Asian native Crassostrea species. In the rest of the world, ostreid herpesvirus genotypes were recorded from cultivated C. gigas, and mostly associated with mortality episodes. Results of this study are therefore highly suggestive of an Asian origin for these viruses, which can be pathogenic under farming conditions. It also highlights the risks of European stock improvements, by means of overseas shellfish imports.


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Executive Summary
The Pathways Project field studies were targeted at improving the understanding of contaminant transport along different hydrological pathways in Irish catchments, including their associated impacts on water quality and river ecology. The contaminants of interest were phosphorus, nitrogen and sediment. The working Pathways conceptual model included overland flow, interflow, shallow groundwater flow, and deep groundwater flow. This research informed the development of a set of Catchment Management Support Tools (CMSTs) comprising an Exploratory Tool, Catchment Characterization Tool (CCT) and Catchment Modelling Tool (CMT) as outlined in Pathways Project Final Reports Volumes 3 and 4.
In order to inform the CMST, four suitable study catchments were selected following an extensive selection process, namely the Mattock catchment, Co. Louth/Meath; Gortinlieve catchment, Co. Donegal; Nuenna catchment, Co. Kilkenny and the Glen Burn catchment, Co. Down. The Nuenna catchment is well drained as it is underlain by a regionally important karstified limestone aquifer with permeable limestone tills and gravels, while the other three catchments are underlain by poorly productive aquifers and low permeability clayey tills, and are poorly drained.
All catchments were instrumented, and groundwater, surface and near-surface water and aquatic ecology were monitored for a period of two years. Intensive water quality sampling during rainfall events was used to investigate the pathways delivering nutrients. The proportion of flow along each pathway was determined using chemical and physical hydrograph separation techniques, supported by numerical modelling.
The outcome of the field studies broadly supported the use of the initial four-pathway conceptual model used in the Pathways CMT (time-variant model). The artificial drainage network was found to be a significant contributing pathway in the poorly drained catchments, at low flows and during peak flows in wet antecedent conditions. The transition zone (TZ), i.e. the broken up weathered zone at the top of the bedrock, was also found to be an important pathway. It was observed to operate in two contrasting hydrogeological scenarios: in groundwater discharge zones the TZ can be regarded as being part of the shallow groundwater pathway, whereas in groundwater recharge zones it behaves more like interflow.
In the catchments overlying poorly productive aquifers, only a few fractures or fracture zones were found to be hydraulically active and the TZ, where present, was the main groundwater pathway. In the karstified Nuenna catchment, the springs, which are linked to conduits as well as to a diffuse fracture network, delivered the majority of the flow. These findings confirm the two-component groundwater contribution from bedrock but suggest that the size and nature of the hydraulically active fractures and the nature of the TZ are the dominant factors at the scale of a stream flow event.
Diffuse sources of nitrate were found to be typically delivered via the subsurface pathways, especially in the TZ and land drains in the poorly productive aquifer catchments, and via the bedrock groundwater in the Nuenna. Phosphorus was primarily transported via overland flow in both particulate and soluble forms. Where preferential flow paths existed in the soil and subsoil, soluble P, and to a lesser extent particulate P, were also transported via the TZ and in drains and ditches. Arable land was found to be the most important land use for
the delivery of sediment, although channel bank and in-stream sources were the most significant in the Glen Burn catchment. Overland flow was found to be the predominant transport sediment pathway in the poorly productive catchments. These findings informed the development of the transport and attenuation equations used in the CCT and CMT. From an assessment of the relationship between physico-chemical and biological conditions, it is suggested that in the Nuenna, Glen Burn and Gortinlieve catchments, a relationship may exist between biological water quality and nitrogen concentrations, as well as with P. In the Nuenna, there was also a relationship between macroinvertebrate status and alkalinity.
Further research is recommended on the transport and delivery of phosphorus in groundwater, the transport and attenuation dynamics in the TZ in different hydrogeological settings and the relationship between macroinvertebrates and co-limiting factors. High resolution temporal and spatial sampling was found to be important for constraining the conceptual understanding of nutrient and sediment dynamics which should also be considered in future studies.


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Background: Lethal-7 (let-7) is a tumour suppressor miRNA which acts by down-regulating several oncogenes including KRAS. A single-nucleotide polymorphism (rs61764370, T > G base substitution) in the let-7 complementary site 6 (LCS-6) of KRAS mRNA has been shown to predict prognosis in early-stage colorectal cancer (CRC) and benefit from anti-epidermal growth factor receptor monoclonal antibodies in metastatic CRC. Patients and methods: We analysed rs61764370 in EXPERT-C, a randomised phase II trial of neoadjuvant CAPOX followed by chemoradiotherapy, surgery and adjuvant CAPOX plus or minus cetuximab in locally advanced rectal cancer. DNA was isolated from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tumour tissue and genotyped using a PCR-based commercially available assay. Kaplan–Meier method and Cox regression analysis were used to calculate survival estimates and compare treatment arms. Results: A total of 155/164 (94.5%) patients were successfully analysed, of whom 123 (79.4%) and 32 (20.6%) had the LCS-6 TT and LCS-6 TG genotype, respectively. Carriers of the G allele were found to have a statistically significantly higher rate of complete response (CR) after neoadjuvant therapy (28.1% versus 10.6%; P = 0.020) and a trend for better 5-year progression-free survival (PFS) [77.4% versus 64.5%: hazard ratio (HR) 0.56; P = 0.152] and overall survival (OS) rates (80.3% versus 71.9%: HR 0.59; P = 0.234). Both CR and survival outcomes were independent of the use of cetuximab. The negative prognostic effect associated with KRAS mutation appeared to be stronger in patients with the LCS-6 TT genotype (HR PFS 1.70, P = 0.078; HR OS 1.79, P = 0.082) compared with those with the LCS-6 TG genotype (HR PFS 1.33, P = 0.713; HR OS 1.01, P = 0.995). Conclusion: This analysis suggests that rs61764370 may be a biomarker of response to neoadjuvant treatment and an indicator of favourable outcome in locally advanced rectal cancer possibly by mitigating the poor prognosis of KRAS mutation. In this setting, however, this polymorphism does not appear to predict cetuximab benefit.


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Scavenger receptor BI (SR-BI) is the major receptor for high-density lipoprotein (HDL)
cholesterol (HDL-C). In humans, high amounts of HDL-C in plasma are associated with a
lower risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). Mice that have depleted Scarb1 (SR-BI
knockout mice) have markedly elevated HDL-C levels but, paradoxically, increased
atherosclerosis. The impact of SR-BI on HDL metabolism and CHD risk in humans remains
unclear. Through targeted sequencing of coding regions of lipid-modifying genes in 328
individuals with extremely high plasma HDL-C levels, we identified a homozygote for a lossof-function
variant, in which leucine replaces proline 376 (P376L), in SCARB1, the gene
encoding SR-BI. The P376L variant impairs posttranslational processing of SR-BI and
abrogates selective HDL cholesterol uptake in transfected cells, in hepatocyte-like cells
derived from induced pluripotent stem cells from the homozygous subject, and in mice.
Large population-based studies revealed that subjects who are heterozygous carriers of
the P376L variant have significantly increased levels of plasma HDL-C. P376L carriers have
a profound HDL-related phenotype and an increased risk of CHD (odds ratio = 1.79, which is
statistically significant).


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Amine transaminases offer an environmentally sustainable synthesis route for the production ofpure chiral amines. However, their catalytic efficiency towards bulky ketone substrates isgreatly limited by steric hindrance and therefore presents a great challenge for industrialsynthetic applications. Hereby we report an example of rational transaminase enzyme design tohelp alleviate these challenges. Starting from the Vibrio fluvialis amine transaminase that has nodetectable catalytic activity towards the bulky aromatic ketone 2-acetylbiphenyl, we employed arational design strategy combining in silico and in vitro studies to engineer the transaminaseenzyme with a minimal number of mutations, achieving an high catalytic activity and highenantioselectivity. We found that by introducing two mutations W57G/R415A detectableenzyme activity was achieved. The rationally designed best variant,W57F/R88H/V153S/K163F/I259M/R415A/V422A, showed an improvement in reaction rateby > 1716-fold towards the bulky ketone under study, producing the corresponding enantiomericpure (S)-amine (ee value of > 99%).