116 resultados para Dropout behavior, Prediction of


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Raman spectroscopy has been used to predict the abundance of the FA in clarified butterfat that was obtained from dairy cows fed a range of levels of rapeseed oil in their diet. Partial least squares regression of the Raman spectra against FA compositions obtained by GC showed good prediction for the five major (abundance >5%) FA with R-2=0.74-0.92 and a root mean SE of prediction (RMSEP) that was 5-7% of the mean. In general, the prediction accuracy fell with decreasing abundance in the sample, but the RMSEP was 1.25%. The Raman method has the best prediction ability for unsaturated FA (R-2=0.85-0.92), and in particular trans unsaturated FA (best-predicted FA was 18:1 tDelta9). This enhancement was attributed to the isolation of the unsaturated modes from the saturated modes and the significantly higher spectral response of unsaturated bonds compared with saturated bonds. Raman spectra of the melted butter samples could also be used to predict bulk parameters calculated from standard analyzes, such as iodine value (R-2=0.80) and solid fat content at low temperature (R-2=0.87). For solid fat contents determined at higher temperatures, the prediction ability was significantly reduced (R-2=0.42), and this decrease in performance was attributed to the smaller range of values in solid fat content at the higher temperatures. Finally, although the prediction errors for the abundances of each of the FA in a given sample are much larger with Raman than with full GC analysis, the accuracy is acceptably high for quality control applications. This, combined with the fact that Raman spectra can be obtained with no sample preparation and with 60-s data collection times, means that high-throughput, on-line Raman analysis of butter samples should be possible.


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The potential of Raman spectroscopy for the determination of meat quality attributes has been investigated using data from a set of 52 cooked beef samples, which were rated by trained taste panels. The Raman spectra, shear force and cooking loss were measured and PLS used to correlate the attributes with the Raman data. Good correlations and standard errors of prediction were found when the Raman data were used to predict the panels' rating of acceptability of texture (R-2 = 0.71, Residual Mean Standard Error of Prediction (RMSEP)% of the mean (mu) = 15%), degree of tenderness (R-2 = 0.65, RMSEP% of mu = 18%), degree of juiciness (R-2 = 0.62, RMSEP% of mu = 16%), and overall acceptability (R-2 = 0.67, RMSEP% of mu = 11%). In contrast, the mechanically determined shear force was poorly correlated with tenderness (R-2 = 0.15). Tentative interpretation of the plots of the regression coefficients suggests that the alpha-helix to beta-sheet ratio of the proteins and the hydrophobicity of the myofibrillar environment are important factors contributing to the shear force, tenderness, texture and overall acceptability of the beef. In summary, this work demonstrates that Raman spectroscopy can be used to predict consumer-perceived beef quality. In part, this overall success is due to the fact that the Raman method predicts texture and tenderness, which are the predominant factors in determining overall acceptability in the Western world. Nonetheless, it is clear that Raman spectroscopy has considerable potential as a method for non-destructive and rapid determination of beef quality parameters.


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Ionic liquids (ILs) have attracted large amount of interest due to their unique properties. Although large effort has been focused on the investigation of their potential application, characterization of ILs properties and structure–property relationships of ILs are poorly understood. Computer aided molecular design (CAMD) of ionic liquids (ILs) can only be carried if predictive computational methods for the ILs properties are available. The limited availability of experimental data and their quality have been preventing the development of such tools. Based on experimental surface tension data collected from the literature and measured at our laboratory, it is here shown how a quantitative structure–property relationship (QSPR) correlation for parachors can be used along with an estimation method for the densities to predict the surface tensions of ILs. It is shown that a good agreement with literature data is obtained. For circa 40 ionic liquids studied a mean percent deviation (MPD) of 5.75% with a maximum deviation inferior to 16% was observed. A correlation of the surface tensions with the molecular volumes of the ILs was developed for estimation of the surface tensions at room temperature. It is shown that it can describe the experimental data available within a 4.5% deviation. The correlations here developed can thus be used to evaluate the surface tension of ILs for use in process design or in the CAMD of new ionic liquids.


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Thermogravimetry (TG) can be used for assessing the compositional differences in grasses that relate to dry matter digestibility (DMD) determined by pepsin-cellulase assay. This investigation developed regression models for predicting DMD of herbage grass during one growing season using TG results. The calibration samples were obtained from a field trial of eight cultivars and two breeding lines. The harvested materials from five cuts were analysed by TG to identify differences in the combustion patterns within the range of 30-600 degrees C. The discrete results including weight loss, peak height, area, temperature, widths and residue of three decomposition peaks were regressed against the measured DMD values of the calibration samples. Similarly, continuous weight loss results of the same samples were also utilised to generate DMD models. The r(2) for validation of the discrete and the best continuous models were 0.90 and 0.95, respectively, and the two calibrations were validated using independent samples from 24 plots from a trial carried out in 2004. The standard error for prediction of the 24 samples by the discrete model (4.14%) was higher than that by the continuous model (2.98%). This study has shown that DMD of grass could be predicted from the TG results. The benefit of thermal analysis is the ability to detect and show changes in composition of cell wall fractions of grasses during different cuts in a year.


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The removal of acid dyes, Tectilon Blue 4R, Tectilon Red 2B and Tectilon Orange 3G, from single solute, bisolute and trisolute solutions by adsorption on activated carbon (GAC F400) has been investigated in isotherm experiments. Results from these experiments were modelled using the Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption isotherm theories with the Langmuir model proving to be the more suitable. The Ideal Adsorbed Solution (IAS) model was coupled with the Langmuir isotherm to predict binary adsorption on the dyes. The application of the IAS theory accurately simulated the experimental data with an average deviation of approximately 3% between modelled and experimental data.


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Self-consolidating concrete (SCC) developed in Japan in the late 80s has enabled the construction industry to reduce demand on the resources, improve the work conditions and also reduce the impact on the environment by elimination of the need for compaction. This investigation aimed at exploring the potential use of the neurofuzzy (NF) approach to model the fresh and hardened properties of SCC containing pulverised fuel ash (PFA) as based on experimental data investigated in this paper. Twenty six mixes were made with water-to-binder ratio ranging from 0.38 to 0.72, cement content ranging from 183 to 317 kg/m3 , dosage of PFA ranging from 29 to 261 kg/m3 , and percentage of superplasticizer, by mass of powder, ranging from 0 to 1%. Nine properties of SCC mixes modeled by NF were the slump flow, JRing combined to the Orimet, JRing combined to cone, V-funnel, L-box blocking ratio, segregation ratio, and the compressive strength at 7, 28, and 90 days. These properties characterized the filling ability, the passing ability, the segregation resistance of fresh SCC, and the compressive strength. NF model is constructed by training and testing data using the experimental results obtained in this study. The results of NF models were compared with experimental results and were found to be quite accurate. The proposed NF models offers useful modeling approach of the fresh and hardened properties of SCC containing PFA.


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A computational approach to predict the thermodynamics for forming a variety of imidazolium-based salts and ionic liquids from typical starting materials is described. The gas-phase proton and methyl cation acidities of several protonating and methylating agents, as well as the proton and methyl cation affinities of many important methyl-, nitro-, and cyano- substituted imidazoles, have been calculated reliably by using the computationally feasible DFT (B3LYP) and MP2 (extrapolated to the complete basis set limit) methods. These accurately calculated proton and methyl cation affinities of neutrals and anions are used in conjunction with an empirical approach based on molecular volumes to estimate the lattice enthalpies and entropies of ionic liquids, organic solids, and organic liquids. These quantities were used to construct a thermodynamic cycle for salt formation to reliably predict the ability to synthesize a variety of salts including ones with potentially high energetic densities. An adjustment of the gas phase thermodynamic cycle to account for solid- and liquid-phase chemistries provides the best overall assessment of salt formation and stability. This has been applied to imidazoles (the cation to be formed) with alkyl, nitro, and cyano substituents. The proton and methyl cation donors studied were as follows: HCl, HBr, HI, (HO)(2)SO2, HSO3CF3 (TfOH), and HSO3(C6H4)CH3 (TsOH); CH3Cl, CH3Br, CH3I, (CH3O)(2)SO2, CH3SO3CF3 (TfOCH3) and CH3SO3(C6H4)CH3 (TsOCH3). As substitution of the cation with electron-withdrawing groups increases, the triflate reagents appear to be the best overall choice as protonating and methylating agents. Even stronger alkylating agents should be considered to enhance the chances of synthetic success. When using the enthalpies of reaction for the gas-phase reactants (eq 6) to form a salt, a cutoff value of - 13 kcal mol(-1) or lower (more negative) should be used as the minimum value for predicting whether a salt can be synthesized.