49 resultados para Cosmic ray experiments


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High-resolution synchrotron X-ray diffraction was used to study the phase transformations in titanium alloys. Three titanium alloys were investigated: Ti-6Al-4V, Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo-0.08Si and beta21s. Both room and high temperature measurements were performed. The room temperature experiments were performed to study the structure of the alloys after different heat treatments, namely as received (AR), furnace cooling (FC), water quenching (WQ) and water quenching followed by ageing. The alpha, alpha', alpha'' and beta phases were observed in different combinations depending on the heat treatment conditions and the alloy studied. A multicomponent hexagonal close packed (hcp) alpha phase, with different c and the same a lattice parameters, was detected in Ti-6Al-4V after FC. High temperature synchrotron X-ray diffraction was used for 'in situ' study of the transformations on the sample surface at elevated temperatures. The results were used to trace the kinetics of surface oxidation and the concurrent phase transformations taking place under different conditions. The influence of the temperature and oxygen content on the lattice parameters of the alpha phase was derived and new data obtained on the coefficients of thermal expansion in the different directions of the hcp alpha phase, for Ti-6Al-4V and Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo-0.08Si.


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In experiments at the high-power Z-facility at Sandia National Laboratory in Albuquerque, New Mexico, we have been able to produce a low density photoionized laboratory plasma of Fe mixed with NaF. The conditions in the experiment allow a meaningful comparison with X-ray emission from astrophysical sources. The charge state distributions of Fe, Na and F are determined in this plasma using high resolution X-ray spectroscopy. Independent measurements of the density and radiation flux indicate unprecedented values for the ionization parameter xi = 20-25 erg cm s(-1) under nearly steady-state conditions. First comparisons of the measured charge state distributions with X-ray photoionization models show reasonable agreement, although many questions remain.


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One of the grand challenges of contemporary physics is understanding strongly interacting quantum systems comprising such diverse examples as ultracold atoms in traps, electrons in high-temperature superconductors and nuclear matter. Warm dense matter, defined by temperatures of a few electron volts and densities comparable with solids, is a complex state of such interacting matter. Moreover, the study of warm dense matter states has practical applications for controlled thermonuclear fusion, where it is encountered during the implosion phase, and it also represents laboratory analogues of astrophysical environments found in the core of planets and the crusts of old stars, Here we demonstrate how warm dense matter states can be diagnosed and structural properties can be obtained by inelastic X-ray scattering measurements on a compressed lithium sample. Combining experiments and ab initio simulations enables us to determine its microscopic state and to evaluate more approximate theoretical models for the ionic structure.


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Recent experiments undertaken at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory to produce X-ray lasing over the 5-30 nm wavelength range are reviewed. The efficiency of lasing is optimized when the main pumping pulse interacts with a preformed plasma. Experiments using double 75-ps pulses and picosecond pulses superimposed on 300-ps background pulses are described. The use of travelling wave pumping with the approximately picosecond pulse experiments is necessary as the gain duration becomes comparable to the time for the X-ray laser pulse to propagate along the target length. Results from a model taking account of laser saturation and deviations from the speed of light c of the travelling wave and X-ray laser group velocity are presented. We show that X-ray laser pulses as short as 2-3 ps can be produced with optical pumping pulses of approximate to1-ps.


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We report on a time-resolved study of a Ni-like transient collisionnal X-ray laser with a resolution as high as 1.9 ps The FWHM duration of the Ni-like x-ray laser pulse at 13.99 nin Ag J = 0 -->1 4d-4p line is measured to be as short as similar to2 ps at optimum conditions of pump laser irradiation. This is about four times shorter than was estimated in previous experiments. The x-ray laser signal appears in the rising edge of the continuum emission. The x-ray laser duration rises significantly when the short (heating) pulse duration is increased and when doubling the peak-to-peak delay of the two irradiation pulses, It does not change when the short pulse energy is increased. The results presented are the first direct measurements of the temporal profile of the x-ray laser output at a high resolution.


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Saturation of a low pump energy x-ray laser utilizing a transient inversion mechanism on the 3p-3s transition at 32.63 nm in Ne-like Ti has been demonstrated. A close to saturation amplification was simultaneously achieved for the 3d-3p, J=1-->1 transition at 30.15 nm. Small signal effective transient gain coefficients of g similar to 46 and similar to 35 cm(-1) and gain-length products of 16.7 and 16.9 for these lines were obtained. Experiments demonstrate that it is possible to achieve saturated laser action in a transient regime with Ne-like Ti for a pump energy as low as similar to 5 J.


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Through the use of time-integrated space-resolved keV spectroscopy, we investigate line plasmas showing gain in Ne-like nickel, copper, and zinc for irradiation using the prepulse technique. The experiments were conducted at 1.06 mu m with the prepulse to main pulse intensity contrast ranging from 10(-6) to 10(-2). The effect of the prepulses on the plasma conditions is inferred through spectroscopic line ratio diagnostics for the electron temperature, the Ne-like ground-state density, and the lateral size of the Ne-like region. It is observed that neither the value of the electronic temperature nor its spatially resolved profile along the linear focus axis varies significantly with the prepulse level, contrary to the lateral width and the density of the Ne-like region in the plasma, which are seen to increase. These results explain, at least in part, why prepulsed x-ray lasers show such high gain and brightness.


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The application of high intensity laser-produced gamma rays is discussed with regard to picosecond resolution deep-penetration radiography. The spectrum and angular distribution of these gamma rays is measured using an array of thermoluminescent detectors for both an underdense (gas) target and an overdense (solid) target. It is found that the use of an underdense target in a laser plasma accelerator configuration produces a much more intense and directional source. The peak dose is also increased significantly. Radiography is demonstrated in these experiments and the source size is also estimated. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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We demonstrate a new high-order harmonic generation mechanism reaching the "water window" spectral region in experiments with multiterawatt femtosecond lasers irradiating gas jets. A few hundred harmonic orders are resolved, giving mu J/sr pulses. Harmonics are collectively emitted by an oscillating electron spike formed at the joint of the boundaries of a cavity and bow wave created by a relativistically self-focusing laser in underdense plasma. The spike sharpness and stability are explained by catastrophe theory. The mechanism is corroborated by particle-in-cell simulations.


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We report on Suzaku observations of selected regions within the southern giant lobe of the radio galaxy Centaurus A. In our analysis we focus on distinct X-ray features detected with the X-ray Imaging Spectrometer within the range 0.5-10 keV, some of which are likely associated with fine structure of the lobe revealed by recent high-quality radio intensity and polarization maps. With the available photon statistics, we find that the spectral properties of the detected X-ray features are equally consistent with thermal emission from hot gas with temperatures kT > 1 keV, or with a power-law radiation continuum characterized by photon indices Gamma similar to 2.0 +/- 0.5. However, the plasma parameters implied by these different models favor a synchrotron origin for the analyzed X-ray spots, indicating that a very efficient acceleration of electrons up to greater than or similar to 10 TeV energies is taking place within the giant structure of Centaurus A, albeit only in isolated and compact regions associated with extended and highly polarized radio filaments. We also present a detailed analysis of the diffuse X-ray emission filling the whole field of view of the instrument, resulting in a tentative detection of a soft excess component best fitted by a thermal model with a temperature of kT similar to 0.5 keV. The exact origin of the observed excess remains uncertain, although energetic considerations point to thermal gas filling the bulk of the volume of the lobe and mixed with the non-thermal plasma, rather than to the alternative scenario involving a condensation of the hot intergalactic medium around the edges of the expanding radio structure. If correct, this would be the first detection of the thermal content of the extended lobes of a radio galaxy in X-rays. The corresponding number density of the thermal gas in such a case is n(g) similar to 10(-4) cm(-3), while its pressure appears to be in almost exact equipartition with the volume-averaged non-thermal pressure provided by the radio-emitting electrons and the lobes' magnetic field. A prominent large-scale fluctuation of the Galactic foreground emission, resulting in excess foreground X-ray emission aligned with the lobe, cannot be ruled out. Although tentative, our findings potentially imply that the structure of the extended lobes in active galaxies is likely to be highly inhomogeneous and non-uniform, with magnetic reconnection and turbulent acceleration processes continuously converting magnetic energy to internal energy of the plasma particles, leading to possibly significant spatial and temporal variations in the plasma beta parameter around the volume-averaged equilibrium condition beta similar to 1.


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We have carried out X-ray scattering experiments on iron foil samples that have been compressed and heated using laser-driven shocks created with the VULCAN laser system at the Rutherford-Appleton Laboratory. This is the highest Z element studied in such experiments so far and the first time scattering from warm dense iron has been reported. Because of the importance of iron in telluric planets, the work is relevant to studies of warm dense matter in planetary interiors. We report scattering results as well as shock breakout results that, in conjunction with hydrodynamic simulations, suggest the target has been compressed to a molten state at several 100 GPa pressure. Initial comparison with modelling suggests more work is needed to understand the structure factor of warm dense iron. (C) 2013 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Transport of fast electrons driven by an ultraintense laser through a tracer layer buried in solid targets is studied by particle-in-cell simulations. It is found that intense resistive magnetic fields, having a magnitude of several thousand Tesla, are generated at the interfaces of the materials due to the steep resistivity gradient between the target and tracer layer. Such magnetic fields can significantly inhibit the fast electron propagation. The electrons that can penetrate the first interface are mostly confined in the buried layer by the magnetic fields and cause heating of the tracer layer. The lateral extent of the heated region can be significantly larger than that of the relativistic electron beam. This finding suggests that the relativistic electron divergence inferred from Ká x-ray emission in experiments might be overestimated.


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Fast-electron generation and dynamics, including electron refluxing, is at the core of understanding high-intensity laser-plasma interactions. This field is itself of strong relevance to fast ignition fusion and the development of new short-pulse, intense, x-ray, gamma-ray, and particle sources. In this paper, we describe experiments that explicitly link fast-electron refluxing and anisotropy in hard-x-ray emission. We find the anisotropy in x-ray emission to be strongly correlated to the suppression of refluxing. In contrast to some previous work, the peak of emission is directly along the rear normal to the target rather than along either the incident laser direction or the specular reflection direction.


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X-ray and radio observations of the supernova remnant Cassiopeia A reveal the presence of magnetic fields about 100 times stronger than those in the surrounding interstellar medium. Field coincident with the outer shock probably arises through a nonlinear feedback process involving cosmic rays. The origin of the large magnetic field in the interior of the remnant is less clear but it is presumably stretched and amplified by turbulent motions. Turbulence may be generated by hydrodynamic instability at the contact discontinuity between the supernova ejecta and the circumstellar gas9. However, optical observations of Cassiopeia A indicate that the ejecta are interacting with a highly inhomogeneous, dense circumstellar cloud bank formed before the supernova explosion. Here we investigate the possibility that turbulent amplification is induced when the outer shock overtakes dense clumps in the ambient medium. We report laboratory experiments that indicate the magnetic field is amplified when the shock interacts with a plastic grid. We show that our experimental results can explain the observed synchrotron emission in the interior of the remnant. The experiment also provides a laboratory example of magnetic field amplification by turbulence in plasmas, a physical process thought to occur in many astrophysical phenomena.