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The exact functions of BRCA1 have not been fully described but it now seems apparent that it has roles in DNA damage repair, transcriptional regulation, cell cycle control and most recently in ubiquitylation. These functions of BRCA1 are most likely interdependent but this review will focus on the role of BRCA1 in relation to transcriptional regulation and in particular how this impacts upon cell cycle control. We will (i) describe the structure of BRCA1 and how it may contribute to its transcription function; (ii) describe the interaction of BRCA1 with the core transcriptional machinery (RNA polII); (iii) describe how BRCA1 may regulate transcription at an epigenetic level through chromatin modification; (iv) discuss the role of BRCA1 in modulating transcription through its association with sequence-specific transcription factors. Finally, we will discuss the possible effects of BRCA1 transcriptional regulation on downstream targets with known roles in cell cycle control.


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We cloned and characterized a 3.3-kb fragment containing the 5'-regulatory region of the human myostatin gene. The promoter sequence contains putative muscle growth response elements for glucocorticoid, androgen, thyroid hormone, myogenic differentiation factor 1, myocyte enhancer factor 2, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor, and nuclear factor-kappaB. To identify sites important for myostatin's gene transcription and regulation, eight deletion constructs were placed in C(2)C(12) and L6 skeletal muscle cells. Transcriptional activity of the constructs was found to be significantly higher in myotubes compared with that of myoblasts. To investigate whether glucocorticoids regulate myostatin gene expression, we incubated both cell lines with dexamethasone. On both occasions, dexamethasone dose dependently increased both the promoter's transcriptional activity and the endogenous myostatin expression. The effects of dexamethasone were blocked when the cells were coincubated with the glucocorticoid receptor antagonist RU-486. These findings suggest that glucocorticoids upregulate myostatin expression by inducing gene transcription, possibly through a glucocorticoid receptor-mediated pathway. We speculate that glucocorticoid-associated muscle atrophy might be due in part to the upregulation of myostatin expression.


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Objectives: To describe the use of physiotherapy services and alternative therapies by a population of children with moderate to severe cerebral palsy (CP).
Design: Descriptive cross-sectional survey.
Subjects: A total of 212 parents of children aged 4–14 years with moderate to severe CP were identified from the Northern Ireland Cerebral Palsy Register (NICPR) and a random subsample of their paediatric physiotherapists.
Main measures: A standardized description of motor impairment or assessment form; a postal questionnaire to parents and paediatric physiotherapists (to validate parents’ reports of service use).
Response rates: In total, 85% of parent questionnaires were returned and 100% of paediatric physiotherapists responded.
Results: Service use among families was high; on average the families had contact with approximately seven services in a 6-month time interval. The overwhelming majority of children (96%) received physiotherapy during the school term and most (59%) received treatment at least twice a week for 30 min; 43% of children had their physiotherapy discontinued over the summer holidays. Over one-quarter (28%) of families had opted out of the NHS and bought alternatives like conductive education (21%) or private forms of conventional physiotherapy (16%). Children with more severe forms of CP, in special education, particularly at schools for physical disability, were high-intensity users of the physiotherapy service. Despite this, 74% of parents wanted more physiotherapy for their child.
Conclusions and implications: The demand for physiotherapy services is likely to continue given the relatively stable prevalence rate of CP, the proportion of children with disabling CP and the level of parent interest in the service. A number of quality aspects and gaps in the service have been identified.


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Cerebral palsy is a relatively rare condition affecting approximately 2-2.5 children in every 1,000 (Parkes et al 2001). It is a leading cause of physical disability in childhood and is often associated with severe motor and other impairments (Table 1). Improved survival of small and premature babies who are particularly at risk of developing the condition raises concerns about increasing numbers of children with cerebral palsy possibly with more severe forms. In the UK, information about the number and needs of children with CP is not collected routinely. The most reliable sources of information on CP in the UK comes from five dedicated case registers which have monitored live births in their respective geographically defined areas since the 1960s and 1970s. These registers have formed a collaborative network called the United Kingdom Collaboration of Cerebral Palsy Registers (or UKCP) and are listed in Table 2. All five registers are currently funded and all are active in surveillance activities and research.


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We describe trends in the prevalence of cerebral palsy (CP) by birth weight group, and in the severity of motor impairments and presence of associated intellectual impairment, in Northern Ireland from 1981 to 1997 (n=909; 510 males, 399 females; total population 415 936 live births) using data from a population-based register of CP. Children with suspected CP or who died before 1 year of age and those with CP of postneonatal origin were excluded. Prevalence of CP was 2.2 per 1000 live births without significant change over time. Among very-low-birthweight (<1500g) live births, prevalence was 44.5 per 1000 (95% confidence interval 32.3–59.8) from 1994 to 1997, with evidence of a statistically significant decline in prevalence since the mid- to late 1980s accompanied by a decrease in the severity of motor impairment and likelihood of intellectual impairment. Among moderately-low-birthweight (1500–2499g) children there was weaker evidence of a peak prevalence in the late 1980s. Prevalence among normal-birthweight infants did not change significantly, but outcome in terms of severity of motor impairment and intellectual impairment improved in the 1990s. Occurrence of bilateral spasticity from 1994 to 1997 was associated with greater severity and likelihood of intellectual impairment for normal-birthweight individuals than for low- or very-low-birth weight individuals.


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Osteopontin (OPN) is a predominantly secreted extracellular matrix glycophosphoprotein which binds to alpha v-containing integrins and has an important role in malignant cell attachment and invasion. High OPN expression in the primary tumor is associated with early metastasis and poor outcome in human breast and other cancers. Forced OPN overexpression in benign cells may induce neoplastic-like cell behaviour including increased attachment and invasion in vitro as well as the ability to metastasize in vivo. Conversely, OPN inhibition by antisense cDNA impedes cell growth and tumor forming capacity. OPN is not mutationally activated in cancer but its expression is regulated by Wnt/Tcf signaling, steroid receptors, growth factors, ras, Ets and AP-1 transcription factors. Presumably these factors are implicated in induction of OPN overexpression in cancer. Greater understanding of the role of OPN in neoplastic change and its transcriptional regulation may enable development of novel cancer treatment strategies