79 resultados para Binding Sites


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Resonance Raman (RR) spectroscopy has been used to probe the interaction between dipyridophenazine (dppz) complexes of ruthenium(II), [Ru(L)(2)(dppz)](2+) (L = 1,10-phenanthroline (1) and 2,2-bipyridyl (2)), and calf-thymus DNA. Ground electronic state RR spectra at selected probe wavelengths reveal enhancement patterns which reflect perturbation of the dppz-centered electronic transitions in the UV-vis spectra in the presence of DNA. Comparison of the RR spectra recorded of the short-lived MLCT excited states of both complexes in aqueous solution with those of the longer-lived states of the complexes in the DNA environment reveals changes to excited state modes, suggesting perturbation of electronic transitions of the dppz ligand in the excited state as a result of intercalation. The most prominent feature, at 1526 cm(-1), appears in the spectra of both 1 and 2 and is a convenient marker band for intercalation. For 1, the excited state studies have been extended to the A and A enantiomers. The marker band appears at the same frequency for both but with different relative intensities. This is interpreted as reflecting the distinctive response of the enantiomers to the chiral environment of the DNA binding sites. The results, together with some analogous data for other potentially intercalating complexes, are considered in relation to the more general application of time-resolved RR spectroscopy for investigation of intercalative interactions of photoexcited metal complexes with DNA.


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A role for BRCA1 in the direct and indirect regulation of transcription is well established. However, a comprehensive view of the degree to which BRCA1 impacts transcriptional regulation on a genome-wide level has not been defined. We performed genome-wide expression profiling and ChIP-chip analysis, comparison of which revealed that although BRCA1 depletion results in transcriptional changes in 1294 genes, only 44 of these are promoter bound by BRCA1. However, 27 of these transcripts were linked to transcriptional regulation possibly explaining the large number of indirect transcriptional changes observed by microarray analysis. We show that no specific consensus sequence exists for BRCA1 DNA binding but rather demonstrate the presence of a number of known and novel transcription factor (TF)- binding sites commonly found on BRCA1 bound promoters. Co-immunoprecipitations confirmed that BRCA1 interacts with a number of these TFs including AP2-a, PAX2 and ZF5. Finally, we show that BRCA1 is bound to a subset of promoters of genes that are not altered by BRCA1 loss, but are transcriptionally regulated in a BRCA1-dependent manner upon DNA damage. These data suggest a model, whereby BRCA1 is present on defined promoters as part of an inactive complex poised to respond to various genotoxic stimuli. © The Author(s) 2011. Published by Oxford University Press.


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The PLZF/RARA fusion protein generated by the t(11;17)(q23;q21) translocation in acute promyelocytic leukaemia (APL) is believed to act as an oncogenic transcriptional regulator recruiting epigenetic factors to genes important for its transforming potential. However, molecular mechanisms associated with PLZF/RARA-dependent leukaemogenesis still remain unclear. We searched for specific PLZF/RARA target genes by ChIP-on-chip in the haematopoietic cell line U937 conditionally expressing PLZF/RARA. By comparing bound regions found in U937 cells expressing endogenous PLZF with PLZF/RARA-induced U937 cells, we isolated specific PLZF/RARA target gene promoters. We next analysed gene expression profiles of our identified target genes in PLZF/RARA APL patients and analysed DNA sequences and epigenetic modification at PLZF/RARA binding sites. We identify 413 specific PLZF/RARA target genes including a number encoding transcription factors involved in the regulation of haematopoiesis. Among these genes, 22 were significantly down regulated in primary PLZF/RARA APL cells. In addition, repressed PLZF/RARA target genes were associated with increased levels of H3K27me3 and decreased levels of H3K9K14ac. Finally, sequence analysis of PLZF/RARA bound sequences reveals the presence of both consensus and degenerated RAREs as well as enrichment for tissue-specific transcription factor motifs, highlighting the complexity of targeting fusion protein to chromatin. Our study suggests that PLZF/RARA directly targets genes important for haematopoietic development and supports the notion that PLZF/RARA acts mainly as an epigenetic regulator of its direct target genes.


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Erythrocytosis arises from a variety of pathogenic mechanisms. We sequenced a 256-bp region 3' to the erythropoietin (Epo) gene which included a 24- to 50-bp minimal hypoxia-responsive element spanning HIF-1- and HNF-4-binding sites in 12 patients with erythrocytosis and 4 normal subjects. Four polymorphisms were found, none of which affected the HIF-1-binding site, although one polymorphism was present in the HNF-4 consensus region. The data indicate that none of these polymorphisms cause erythrocytosis.


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The lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-rich outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria provides a protective barrier that insulates these organisms from the action of numerous antibiotics. Breach of the LPS layer can therefore provide access to the cell interior to otherwise impermeant toxic molecules and can expose vulnerable binding sites for immune system components such as complement. Inhibition of LPS biosynthesis, leading to a truncated LPS molecule, is an alternative strategy for antibacterial drug development in which this vital cellular structure is weakened. A significant challenge for in vitro screens of small molecules for inhibition of LPS biosynthesis is the difficulty in accessing the complex carbohydrate substrates. We have optimized an assay of the enzymes required for LPS heptose biosynthesis that simultaneously surveys five enzyme activities by using commercially available substrates and report its use in a small-molecule screen that identifies an inhibitor of heptose synthesis.


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The authors previously reported increased expression of the Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi (S. typhi) rfaH gene when the bacterial cells reach stationary phase. In this study, using a lacZ fusion to the rfaH promoter region, they demonstrate that growth-dependent regulation of rfaH expression occurs at the level of transcription initiation. It was also observed that production of the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) O-antigen by S. typhi Ty2 correlated with the differential expression of rfaH during bacterial growth. This was probably due to the increased cellular levels of RfaH, since expression of the distal gene in the O-antigen gene cluster of S. typhi Ty2, wbaP, was also increased during stationary growth, as demonstrated by RT-PCR analysis. Examination of the sequences upstream of the rfaH coding region revealed homologies to potential binding sites for the RcsB/RcsA dimer of the RcsC/YopJ/RcsB phosphorelay regulatory system and for the RpoN alternative sigma factor. The expression of the rfaH gene in rpoN and rcsB mutants of S. typhi Ty2 was measured. The results indicate that inactivation of rpoN, but not of rcsB, suppresses the growth-phase-dependent induction of rfaH expression. Furthermore, production of beta-galactosidase mediated by the rfaH-lacZ fusion increased approximately fourfold when bacteria were grown in a nitrogen-limited medium. Nitrogen limitation was also shown to increase the expression of the O-antigen by the wild-type S. typhi Ty2, as demonstrated by a similar electrophoretic profile to that observed during the stationary phase of growth in rich media. It is therefore concluded that the relationship between LPS production and nitrogen limitation parallels the pattern of rfaH regulation under the control of RpoN and is consistent with the idea that RpoN modulates LPS formation via its effect on rfaH gene expression during bacterial growth.


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The Escherichia coli transcriptional regulator MarA affects functions that include antibiotic resistance, persistence, and survival. MarA functions as an activator or repressor of transcription utilizing similar degenerate DNA sequences (marboxes) with three different binding site configurations with respect to the RNA polymerase-binding sites. We demonstrate that MarA down-regulates rob transcripts both in vivo and in vitro via a MarA-binding site within the rob promoter that is positioned between the -10 and -35 hexamers. As for the hdeA and purA promoters, which are repressed by MarA, the rob marbox is also in the "backward" orientation. Protein-DNA interactions show that SoxS and Rob, like MarA, bind the same marbox in the rob promoter. Electrophoretic mobility shift analyses with a MarA-specific antibody demonstrate that MarA and RNA polymerase form a ternary complex with the rob promoter DNA. Transcription experiments in vitro and potassium permanganate footprinting analysis show that MarA affects the RNA polymerase-mediated closed to open complex formation at the rob promoter.


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C-type lectin-like proteins (CTLPs) isolated from snake venoms are the largest and most complex non-mammalian vertebrate C-type lectin-like domain family. In the present study, we simultaneously amplified four cDNAs encoding different types of CTLP subunits from the venoms of two different species of snakes by RT-PCR with a single sense primer and a nested universal primer - two CTLP subunit-encoding cDNAs were cloned from Deinagkistrodon acutus venom and two from Agkistrodon halys Pallas venom. All four cloned CTLP subunits exhibited typical motifs in their corresponding domain regions but with relatively-low sequence similarities to each other. Compared with previously-published CTLPs, the four cloned CTLPs subunits showed slight variations in the calcium-binding sites and the disulphide bonding patterns. To our knowledge, these data constitute the first example of co-expression of CTLP platelet glycoprotein Ib-binding subunits and coagulation factors in Agkistrodon halys Pallas venom.


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Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (MIPs) against S-ibuprofen were synthesised using a tailor made functional monomer, 2-acrylamido-4-methylpyridine, following extensive pre-polymerisation studies of template-monomer complexation. An apparent association constant of 340 +/- 22 M-1 was calculated that was subsequently corrected to account for dimerisation of ibuprofen (K-dim = 320 +/- 95 M-1) resulting in an intrinsic association constant of 715 +/- 16 M-1, consistent with previously reported values. Using the synthesised imprinted polymer as a stationary phase, complete resolution of a racemic mixture of ibuprofen was achieved in predominantly aqueous mobile phases. An imprinting factor of 10 was observed, and was found to be in agreement with the difference in the average number of binding sites between MIP and blank polymers, calculated by staircase frontal chromatography. The imprinted polymers exhibited enhanced selectivity for the templated drug over structurally related NSAIDs. When applied as sorbents in solid-phase extraction of ibuprofen from commercial tablets, urine and blood serum samples, recoveries up to 92.2% were achieved. © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012


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Inflammation and TNF-alpha signaling play a central role in most of the pathological conditions where cell transplantation could be applied. As shown by initial experiments, embryonic stem (ES) cells and ES-cell derived vascular cells express very low levels of TNF-alpha receptor I (TNFRp55) and thus do not induce cytokine expression in response to TNF-alpha stimulation. Transient transfection analysis of wild-type or deletion variants of the TNFRp55 gene promoter showed a strong activity for a 250-bp fragment in the upstream region of the gene. This activity was abolished by mutations targeting the Sp1/Sp3 or AP1 binding sites. Moreover, treatment with trichostatin A (TSA) led to a pronounced increase in TNFRp55 mRNA and promoter activity. Overexpression of Sp1 or c-fos further enhanced the TSA-induced luciferase activity, and this response was attenuated by Sp3 or c-jun coexpression. Additional experiments revealed that TSA did not affect the Sp1/Sp3 ratio but caused transcriptional activation of the c-fos gene. Thus, we provide the first evidence that ES and ES-cell-derived vascular cells lack cytokine expression in response to TNF-alpha stimulation due to low levels of c-fos and transcriptional activation of Sp1 that can be regulated by inhibition of histone deacetylase activity.


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As an essential constituent of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria, lipopolysaccharide contributes significantly to virulence and antibiotic resistance. The lipopolysaccharide biosynthetic pathway therefore serves as a promising therapeutic target for antivirulence drugs and antibiotic adjuvants. Here we report the structural-functional studies of D-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose 7-phosphate kinase (HldA), an absolutely conserved enzyme in this pathway, from Burkholderia cenocepacia. HldA is structurally similar to members of the PfkB carbohydrate kinase family and appears to catalyze heptose phosphorylation via an in-line mechanism mediated mainly by a conserved aspartate, Asp270. Moreover, we report the structures of HldA in complex with two potent inhibitors in which both inhibitors adopt a folded conformation and occupy the nucleotide-binding sites. Together, these results provide important insight into the mechanism of HldA-catalyzed heptose phosphorylation and necessary information for further development of HldA inhibitors.


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The adapter molecule CAS is localized primarily within focal adhesions in fibroblasts. Because many of the cellular functions attributed to CAS are likely to be dependent on its presence in focal adhesions, this study was undertaken to identify regions of the protein that are involved in its localization. The SH3 domain of CAS, when expressed in isolation from the rest of the protein, was able to target to focal adhesions, whereas a variant containing a point mutation that rendered the SH3 domain unable to associate with FAK remained cytoplasmic. However, in the context of full-length CAS, this mutation did not prevent CAS localization to focal adhesions. Two other variants of CAS that contained deletions of either the SH3 domain alone, or the SH3 domain together with an adjoining proline-rich region, also retained the capacity to localize to focal adhesions. A second focal adhesion targeting region was mapped to the extreme carboxy terminus of CAS. The identification of this second focal adhesion targeting domain in CAS ascribes a previously unknown function to the highly conserved C terminus of CAS. The regulated targeting of CAS to focal adhesions by two independent domains may reflect the important role of CAS within this subcellular compartment.


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Apoptotic protease activating factor-1 (Apaf-1) has been identified as a proximal activator of caspase-9 in cell death pathways that trigger mitochondrial damage and cytochrome c release. The mechanism of Apaf-1 action is unclear but has been proposed to involve the clustering of caspase-9 molecules, thereby facilitating autoprocessing of adjacent zymogens. Here we show that Apaf-1 can dimerize via the CED-4 homologous and linker domains of the molecule providing a means by which Apaf-1 can promote the clustering of caspase-9 and facilitate its activation. Apaf-1 dimerization was repressed by the C-terminal half of the molecule, which contains multiple WD-40 repeats, but this repression was overcome in the presence of cytochrome c and dATP. Removal of the WD-40 repeat region resulted in a constitutively active Apaf-1 that exhibited greater cytotoxicity in transient transfection assays when compared with full-length Apaf-1. These data suggest a mechanism for Apaf-1 function and reveal an important regulatory role for the WD-40 repeat region.


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p130(Cas) (crk associated substrate) has the structural characteristics of an adapter protein, containing multiple consensus SH2 binding sites, an SH3 domain, and a proline-rich domain. The structure of p130(Cas) suggests that it may act to provide a framework for protein-protein interactions; however, as yet, its functional role in cells is unknown. In this report we show that p130(Cas) is localized to focal adhesions. We demonstrate that p130(Cas) associates both in vitro and in vivo with pp125(FAK) (focal adhesion kinase), a kinase implicated in signaling by the integrin family of cell adhesion receptors. p130(Cas) also associates with pp41/43(FRNK) (pp125(FAK)-related, non-kinase), an autonomously expressed form of pp125(FAK) composed of only the C-terminal noncatalytic domain. We show that the association of p130(Cas) with pp125(Fak) and pp41/43(FRNK) is direct, and is mediated by the binding of the SH3 domain of p130(Cas) to a proline-rich sequence present in both the C terminus of pp125(FAK) and in pp41/43(FRNK). In agreement with recent studies we show that p130(Cas) is tyrosine-phosphorylated upon integrin mediated cell adhesion. The association of p130(Cas) with pp125(FAK), a kinase which is activated upon cell adhesion, is likely to be functionally important in integrin mediated signal transduction.


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Cytosolic phospholipase A2 (cPLA2) releases arachidonic acid from membrane phospholipids and is believed to be the rate-limiting enzyme in the arachidonic acid pathway. We report herein the isolation of a 3 kb fragment of rodent genomic DNA containing part of the first intron, the first exon and 5'-flanking sequence. The start site of transcription was mapped by 5'-rapid amplification of cDNA ends and corroborated by ribonuclease protection assay. The gene has a TATAless promoter with no classical Sp1 binding sites or initiator element. A microsatellite series of CA repeats was noted in the 5'-flanking region of both the rodent and human promoters. Deletion constructs have been analysed for luciferase activity and confirmed promoter activity.