49 resultados para Berries and small fruits


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Many promising therapeutic agents are limited by their inability to reach the systemic circulation, due to the excellent barrier properties of biological membranes, such as the stratum corneum (SC) of the skin or the sclera/cornea of the eye and others. The outermost layer of the skin, the SC, is the principal barrier to topically-applied medications. The intact SC thus provides the main barrier to exogenous substances, including drugs. Only drugs with very specific physicochemical properties (molecular weight <500 Da, adequate lipophilicity, and low melting point) can be successfully administered transdermally. Transdermal delivery of hydrophilic drugs and macromolecular agents of interest, including peptides, DNA, and small interfering RNA is problematic. Therefore, facilitation of drug penetration through the SC may involve by-pass or reversible disruption of SC molecular architecture. Microneedles (MNs), when used to puncture skin, will by-pass the SC and create transient aqueous transport pathways of micron dimensions and enhance the transdermal permeability. These micropores are orders of magnitude larger than molecular dimensions, and, therefore, should readily permit the transport of hydrophilic macromolecules. Various strategies have been employed by many research groups and pharmaceutical companies worldwide, for the fabrication of MNs. This review details various types of MNs, fabrication methods and, importantly, investigations of clinical safety of MN.


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Mixed flocks of pale-bellied Brent geese (Branta bernicla hrota) and wigeon (Anas penelope L.) feeding on intertidal Zostera spp were studied during October 1993 with respect to tidal position, feeding method and duration, and competitive: interactions within and between species. Owing to many disturbance incidents affecting the use of the site by wildfowl, only complete data on flow tides were presented. Brent geese fed over a greater period of the tidal cycle than wigeon. Differences in feeding methods indicated that Brent geese exploited the rhizomes, which are energetically more profitable than the shoot on which wigeon fed. Aggressive interactions were recorded within species but there were no records of aggression between species. More subtle competition for space, however, may have occurred during feeding. Brent geese could reach Zostera spp For a short period after increasing depth of water prevented access by wigeon. However, individual wigeon were observed foraging near feeding Brent geese, picking up the scraps oi material discarded by the latter, and small numbers of wigeon may benefit from the presence of the geese. These benefits for some individual wigeon are not considered to compensate for the disadvantages to the latter species population as a whole in feeding on poorer-quality food for a shorter period of the tidal cycle. This disadvantage is likely to have contributed to the decline in the wigeon population on Strangford Lough, Co. Down, while numbers of Brent geese have been maintained at a high level.


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The Gymnogongrus devoniensis (Greville) Schotter complex in the North Atlantic Ocean was elucidated by comparative molecular, morphological, and culture studies. Restriction fragment length patterns and hybridization data on organellar DNA revealed two distinct taxa in samples from Europe and eastern Canada. Nucleotide sequences for the intergenic spacer between the large and small subunit genes of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco), and the adjoining regions of both genes, differed by 12.5-13.4% between the two taxa. One of the taxa, which included material from the type locality of G. devoniensis at Torbay, Devon, England, was taken to represent authentic G. devoniensis. Within this taxon, samples from Ireland, England, northern France, northern Spain, and southern Portugal showed great morphological variation, particularly in habit, but their Rubisco spacer sequences were identical or differed by only a single nucleotide. Constant morphological features included the development, from a single auxiliary cell, of the spherical cystocarp with a thick mucilage sheath that appears to be typical of Gymnogongrus species with internal cystocarps. Two life-history types were found. Northern isolates underwent a direct-type life history, recycling apomictic females by carpospores, whereas the Portuguese isolate followed a heteromorphic life history in which carpospores gave rise to a crustose tetrasporophyte.


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Introduction Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is a heterogeneous disease characterized by chronic joint inflammation of unknown cause in children. JIA is an autoimmune disease and small numbers of auto-antibodies have been reported in JIA patients. The identification of antibody markers could improve the existing clinical management of patients. Methods A pilot study was performed on the application of a high-throughput platform, nucleic acid programmable protein arrays (NAPPA), to assess the levels of antibodies present in the systemic circulation and synovial joint of a small cohort of juvenile arthritis patients. Plasma and synovial fluid from ten JIA patients was screened for antibodies against 768 proteins on NAPPA. Results Quantitative reproducibility of NAPPA was demonstrated with >0.95 intra- and inter- array correlations. A strong correlation was also observed for the levels of antibodies between plasma and synovial fluid across the study cohort (r=0.96). Differences in the levels of 18 antibodies were revealed between sample types across all patients. Patients were segregated into two clinical subtypes with distinct antibody signatures by unsupervised hierarchical cluster analysis. Conclusions NAPPA provides a high-throughput quantitatively reproducible platform to screen for disease specific autoantibodies at the proteome level on a microscope slide. The strong correlation between the circulating antibody levels and those of the inflamed joint represents a novel finding and provides confidence to use plasma for discovery of autoantibodies in JIA, thus circumventing the challenges associated with joint aspiration. We expect that autoantibody profiling of JIA patients on NAPPA could yield antibody markers that can act as criteria to stratify patients, predict outcomes and understand disease etiology at the molecular level.


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Lectins and adhesins are involved in bacterial adhesion to host tissues and mucus during early steps of infection. We report the characterization of BC2L-C, a soluble lectin from the opportunistic pathogen Burkholderia cenocepacia, which has two distinct domains with unique specificities and biological activities. The N-terminal domain is a novel TNF-alpha-like fucose-binding lectin, while the C-terminal part is similar to a superfamily of calcium-dependent bacterial lectins. The C-terminal domain displays specificity for mannose and L-glycero-D-manno-heptose. BC2L-C is therefore a superlectin that binds independently to mannose/heptose glycoconjugates and fucosylated human histo-blood group epitopes. The apo form of the C-terminal domain crystallized as a dimer, and calcium and mannose could be docked in the binding site. The whole lectin is hexameric and the overall structure, determined by electron microscopy and small angle X-ray scattering, reveals a flexible arrangement of three mannose/heptose-specific dimers flanked by two fucose-specific TNF-alpha-like trimers. We propose that BC2L-C binds to the bacterial surface in a mannose/heptose-dependent manner via the C-terminal domain. The TNF-alpha-like domain triggers IL-8 production in cultured airway epithelial cells in a carbohydrate-independent manner, and is therefore proposed to play a role in the dysregulated proinflammatory response observed in B. cenocepacia lung infections. The unique architecture of this newly recognized superlectin correlates with multiple functions including bacterial cell cross-linking, adhesion to human epithelia, and stimulation of inflammation.


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Selection of sites for successful restoration of impacted shellfish populations depends on understanding the dispersion capability and habitat requirements of the species involved. In Strangford Lough, Northern Ireland, the horse mussel (Modiolus modiolus) biogenic reefs cover only a fraction of their historical range with the remaining reefs badly damaged and requiring restoration. Previous experimental trials suggest that translocation of horse mussels accelerates reef recovery and has therefore been proposed as a suitable restoration technique. We used a series of coupled hydrodynamic and particle dispersal models to assess larval dispersion from remnant and translocated populations to identify suitable areas for adult live M. modiolus translocation in Strangford Lough, Northern Ireland. A maximum entropy model (MAXENT) was used to identify if dispersing larvae could reach habitat suitable for adult M. modiolus. From these we predicted if translocated mussels will reseed themselves or be able to act as larval sources for nearby reefs. The dispersal models showed that the remnant M. modiolus populations are largely self-recruiting with little connectivity between them. The majority of larvae settled near the sources and movement was largely dependent on the tides and not influenced by wind or waves. Higher reef elevation resulted in larvae being able to disperse further away from the release point. However, larval numbers away from the source population are likely to be too low for successful recruitment. There was also little connectivity between the Irish Sea and Strangford Lough as any larvae entering the Lough remained predominantly in the Strangford Narrows. The areas covered by these self-seeding populations are suitable for M. modiolus translocation according to the MAXENT model. As a result of this work and in conjunction with other field work we propose a combination of total protection of all remaining larval sources and small scale translocations onto suitable substrata in each of the identified self-recruiting areas.


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Risk factors for the microvascular complications (nephropathy and retinopathy) of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes mellitus and the associated accelerated atherosclerosis include: age, diabetes duration, genetic factors, hyperglycaemia, hypertension, smoking, inflammation, glycation and oxidative stress and dyslipoproteinaemia. Hypertriglyceridaemia, low HDL and small dense LDL are common features of Type 2 diabetes and Type 1 diabetes with poor glycaemic control or renal complications. With the expansion of knowledge and of clinical and research laboratory tools, a broader definition of 'lipid' abnormalities in diabetes is appropriate. Dyslipoproteinaemia encompasses alterations in lipid levels, lipoprotein subclass distribution, composition (including modifications such as non-enzymatic glycation and oxidative damage), lipoprotein-related enzymes, and receptor interactions and subsequent cell signaling. Alterations occur in all lipoprotein classes; chylomicrons, VLDL, LDL, HDL, and Lp(a). There is also emerging evidence implicating lipoprotein related genotypes in the development of diabetic nephropathy and retinopathy. Lipoprotein related mechanisms associated with damage to the cardiovascular system may also be relevant to damage to the renal and ocular microvasculature. Adverse tissue effects are mediated by both alterations in lipoprotein function and adverse cellular responses. Recognition and treatment of lipoprotein-related risk factors, supported by an increasing array of assays and therapeutic agents, may facilitate early recognition and treatment of high complication risk diabetic patients. Further clinical and basic research, including intervention trials, is warranted to guide clinical practice. Optimal lipoprotein management, as part of a multi-faceted approach to diabetes care, may reduce the excessive personal and economic burden of microvascular complications and the related accelerated atherosclerosis.


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Electron–positron pair plasmas represent a unique state of matter, whereby there exists an intrinsic and complete symmetry between negatively charged (matter) and positively charged (antimatter) particles. These plasmas play a fundamental role in the dynamics of ultra-massive astrophysical objects and are believed to be associated with the emission of ultra-bright gamma-ray bursts. Despite extensive theoretical modelling, our knowledge of this state of matter is still speculative, owing to the extreme difficulty in recreating neutral matter–antimatter plasmas in the laboratory. Here we show that, by using a compact laser-driven setup, ion-free electron–positron plasmas with unique characteristics can be produced. Their charge neutrality (same amount of matter and antimatter), high-density and small divergence finally open up the possibility of studying electron–positron plasmas in controlled laboratory experiments.


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A wide variety of processes make use of plain orifice nozzles. Fuel injectors for internal combustion engines incorporate these nozzles to generate finely atomized sprays. Processes such as jet cutting, jet cleaning, and hydroentanglement, on the other hand, use similar nozzles, but require coherent jets. The spray or jet characteristics depend on the stability of the flow emerging from the orifice. This problem has been extensively researched for nozzles with diameters above 300 μm. Much less is known about the characteristics of jets produced by nozzles with smaller diameters, where viscous effects and small geometric variations due to manufacturing tolerances are likely to play an increasing role. Results are presented of a wide-ranging investigation of geometry effects on the flow parameters and jet characteristics of nozzles with diameters between 120 and 170 μm. Nozzles with circular cross-section and conical, cone-capillary and capillary axial designs were investigated. For conical and cone-capillary nozzles, the effect of cone angle and effects due to interactions between adjacent nozzles in the multi-hole cone-capillary nozzles were studied. For capillary nozzles, the effects of diameter variations and inlet edge roundness for capillary nozzles were considered. Furthermore, the effect of varying the aspect ratio (ratio of major and minor axes) of elliptical nozzles was studied. Flowrate and jet impact force measurements were carried out to determine the discharge coefficient C, velocity coefficient C, and contraction coefficient C of the nozzles for supply pressures between 3 and 12 MPa. Visualizations of the jet flow were carried out in the vicinity of the nozzle exit in order to identify near-nozzle flow regimes and to study jet coherence. The relationship between nozzle geometry, discharge characteristics, and jet coherence is examined. © IMechE 2006.


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Endocrine disruptors (EDs) are compounds known to interfere with the endocrine system by disturbing the action or pathways of natural hormones which may lead to infertility or cancer.Our diet is considered to be one of the main exposure routes to EDs. Since milk and dairy products are major components of our diet they should be monitored for ED contamination. Most assays developed to date utilise targeted, chromatography based methods which lack information on the biological activity and mixture effects of the monitored compounds.A biological reporter gene assay (RGA) was developed to assess the total estrogen hormonal load in milk. It has been validated according to EU decision 2002/657/EC. Analytes were extracted by liquid-liquid extraction with acetonitrile followed by clean up on a HLB column which yielded good recovery and small matrix effects. The method has been shown to be estrogen specific, repeatable and reproducible, with covariance values below 20%. In conclusion, this method enables the detection of low levels of estrogen hormonal activity in milk with a detection capability of 36pgg EEQ and has been successfully applied in testing a range of milk samples. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.


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Myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs) are a heterogeneous group of diseases including polycythemia vera (PV), essential thrombocythemia (ET), and primary(idiopathic) myelofibrosis (PMF). In this systematic review, we provide a comprehensive report on the incidence and prevalence of MPNs across the globe. Electronic databases (PubMed, EMBASE, MEDLINE, and Web of Science) were searched from their inception to August 2012 for articles reporting MPN incidence or prevalence rates. A random effects meta-analysis was undertaken to produce combined incidence rates for PV, ET, and PMF. Both heterogeneity and small study bias were assessed. Thirty-four studies were included. Reported annual incidence rates ranged from 0.01 to 2.61, 0.21 to 2.27, and 0.22 to 0.99 per 100,000 for PV, ET, and PMF, respectively. The combined annual incidence rates for PV, ET, and PMF were 0.84, 1.03, and 0.47 per 100,000. There was high heterogeneity across disease entities (I(2) 97.1-99.8%) and evidence of publication bias for ET and PMF (Egger test, P = 50.007 and P ≤ 0.001, respectively).The pooled incidence reflects the rarity of MPNs. The calculated pooled incidence rates do not reflect MPN incidence across the globe due to the high unexplained heterogeneity. Improved, widespread registration of MPNs would provide better information for global comparison of the incidence and prevalence of MPNs.


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Using a small planetary ball mill, liquid-assisted grinding (LAG) of metal salts or oxides (ZnO, CdO, CdCO3, Cu(OAc)(2)center dot H2O, Co(OAc)(2)center dot 4H(2)O, Mn(OAc)(2)center dot 4H(2)O, Ni(OAc)(2)center dot 4H(2)O, FeSO4 center dot 7H(2)O) with two equivalents of isonicotinic acid (HINA) and small amounts of water ( up to 5.6 molar equivalents) gave discrete aquo complexes trans-[M(INA)(2)(OH2)(4)] (M = Zn, Cd, Cu, Fe, Co, Ni, Mn) efficiently within 30 min. For M = Zn, Cd and Cu these complexes readily undergo reversible formal dehydration to the extended network structures [M(INA)(2)] (M = Zn, Cu) or [Cd(INA)(2)(OH2)]center dot DMF by further LAG with non-aqueous liquids such as methanol or DMF. Overall, the mechanochemical dehydrations are more effective than heating or immersion in bulk solvents. The work demonstrates a two-step mechanochemical synthesis of coordination networks via discrete aquo complexes which may be preferable to single step reactions or grinding-annealing procedures in some cases. For example, the two step method was the only way to prepare [Cd(INA)(2)(OH2)]center dot DMF mechanochemically and the porous network Cu(INA)(2) could not be obtained from the aquo complex by heating.


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The mechanisms and kinetics studies of the formation of levoglucosan and formaldehyde from anhydroglucose radical have been carried out theoretically in this paper. The geometries and frequencies of all the stationary points are calculated at the B3LYP/6-31+G(D,P) level based on quantum mechanics, Six elementary reactions are found, and three global reactions are involved. The variational transition-state rate constants for the elementary reactions are calculated within 450-1500 K. The global rate constants for every pathway are evaluated from the sum of the individual elementary reaction rate constants. The first-order Arrhenius expressions for these six elementary reactions and the three pathways are suggested. By comparing with the experimental data, computational methods without tunneling correction give good description for Path1 (the formation of levoglucosan); while methods with tunneling correction (zero-curvature tunneling and small-curvature tunneling correction) give good results for Path2 (the first possibility for the formation of formaldehyde), all the test methods give similar results for Path3 (the second possibility for the formation of formaldehyde), all the modeling results for Path3 are in good agreement with the experimental data, verifying that it is the most possible way for the formation of formaldehyde during cellulose pyrolysis. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The distribution of eogenetic alterations in shoreface-offshore and coarse-grained deltaic, calcarenite to hybrid arenites of the Mheiherrat Formation (lower Rudeis), Early Miocene, the Gulf of Suez, Egypt) can be constrained within a sequence stratigraphic framework. The bioclast-rich, shoreface (trangressive systems tract; TST) and shoreface (highstand systems tract; HST) arenites, particularly those below the parasequence boundaries and maximum flooding surface, are cemented by grain-coating microcrystalline, circumgranular isopacheous acicular and columnar, and coarse-crystalline calcite (δ18OVPDB = -3.6 to -0.3 ‰; δ13CVPDB = -2.3 to -0.7 ‰), non-Ferro an dolomite (δ18OVPDB = -3.9 to +0.9‰; δ13CVPDB = -2.5 ‰ to -0.7 ‰), and pyrite. Zeolite, palygorskite and gypsum occur in the HST shoreface arenites, being enhanced by aird climatic condations. The coarse-grained deltaic LST deposits are pervasively cemented by coarse-crystalline, pore-filling calcite and small amounts of microcrystalline calcite (δ18OVPDB = -4.4 to -2.3 ‰; δ13CVPDB = -2.8 to -1.3 ‰) and non-ferroan dolomite (δ18OVPDB = -4.8 to -2.5 ‰; δ13CVPDB = -3.3 to -1.5 ‰). Thus, this study demonstrates that changes in pore-water chemistry, which induced changes in the texture, composition and extent of cementation in the Miocene arenites was controlled by changes in the relative sea level and by the paleo-climatic conditions during deposition of the HST arenites.

Sequence stratigraphy related distribution of diagenetic alterations In Miocene deltaic and shoreface arenites, the Suez Rift, EGYPT.. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/264545153_Sequence_stratigraphy_related_distribution_of_diagenetic_alterations_In_Miocene_deltaic_and_shoreface_arenites_the_Suez_Rift_EGYPT [accessed Apr 15, 2015].


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Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) is unique in that it is a dynamically new comet derived from the Oort cloud reservoir of comets with a sun-grazing orbit. Infrared (IR) and visible wavelength observing campaigns were planned on NASA's Stratospheric Observatory For Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) and on National Solar Observatory Dunn (DST) and McMath-Pierce Solar Telescopes, respectively. We highlight our early results. SOFIA (+FORCAST [1]) mid- to far-IR images and spectroscopy (~5-35 μm) of the dust in the coma of ISON are to be obtained by the ISON-SOFIA Team during a flight window 2013 Oct 21-23 UT (r_h≈1.18 AU). Dust characteristics, identified through the 10 μm silicate emission feature and its strength [2], as well as spectral features from cometary crystalline silicates (Forsterite) at 11.05-11.2 μm, and near 16, 19, 23.5, 27.5, and 33 μm are compared with other Oort cloud comets that span the range of small and/or highly porous grains (e.g., C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp) [3,4,5] and C/2001 Q4 (NEAT) [6]) to large and/or compact grains (e.g., C/2007 N4 (Lulin) [7] and C/2006 P1 (McNaught) [8]). Measurement of the crystalline peaks in contrast to the broad 10 and 20 μm amorphous silicate features yields the cometary silicate crystalline mass fraction [9], which is a benchmark for radial transport in our protoplanetary disk [10]. The central wavelength positions, relative intensities, and feature asymmetries for the crystalline peaks may constrain the shapes of the crystals [11]. Only SOFIA can look for cometary organics in the 5-8 μm region. Spatially resolved measurements of atoms and simple molecules from when comet ISON is near the Sun (r_h<0.4 AU, near Nov-20--Dec-03 UT) were proposed for by the ISON-DST Team. Comet ISON is the first comet since comet Ikeya-Seki (1965f) [12,13] suitable for studying the alkalai metals Na and K and the atoms specifically attributed to dust grains including Mg, Si, Fe, as well as Ca. DST's Horizontal Grating Spectrometer (HGS) measures 4 settings: Na I, K, C2 to sample cometary organics (along with Mg I), and [O I] as a proxy for activity from water [14] (along with Si I and Fe I). State-of-the-art instruments that will also be employed include IBIS [15], which is a Fabry-Perot spectral imaging system that concurrently measures lines of Na, K, Ca II, or Fe, and ROSA (CSUN/QUB) [16], which is a rapid imager that simultaneously monitors Ca II or CN. From McMath-Pierce, the Solar-Stellar Spectrograph also will target ISON (320-900 nm, R~21,000, r_h