47 resultados para Accelerating Moment Release (amr) Model


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Using device-to-device communications as an underlay for cellular communications will provide an exciting opportunity to increase network capacity as well as improving spectral efficiency. The unique geometry of device-to-device links, where user equipment is often held or carried at low elevation and in close proximity to the human body, will mean that they are particularly susceptible to shadowing events caused not only by the local environment but also by the user's body. In this paper, the shadowed κ - μ fading model is proposed, which is capable of characterizing shadowed fading in wireless communication channels. In this model, the statistics of the received signal are manifested by the clustering of multipath components. Within each of these clusters, a dominant signal component with arbitrary power may exist. The resultant dominant signal component, which is formed by the phasor addition of these leading contributions, is assumed to follow a Nakagami- m distribution. The probability density function, moments, and the moment-generating function are also derived. The new model is then applied to device-to-device links operating at 868 MHz in an outdoor urban environment. It was found that shadowing of the resultant dominant component can vary significantly depending upon the position of the user equipment relative to the body and the link geometry. Overall, the shadowed κ - μ fading model is shown to provide a good fit to the field data as well as providing a useful insight into the characteristics of the received signal.


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A revised water model intended for use in condensed phase simulations in the framework of the self consistent polarizable ion tight binding theory is constructed. The model is applied to water monomer, dimer, hexamers, ice, and liquid, where it demonstrates good agreement with theoretical results obtained by more accurate methods, such as DFT and CCSD(T), and with experiment. In particular, the temperature dependence of the self diffusion coefficient in liquid water predicted by the model, closely reproduces experimental curves in the temperature interval between 230 K and 350 K. In addition, and in contrast to standard DFT, the model properly orders the relative densities of liquid water and ice. A notable, but inevitable, shortcoming of the model is underestimation of the static dielectric constant by a factor of two. We demonstrate that the description of inter and intramolecular forces embodied in the tight binding approximation in quantum mechanics leads to a number of valuable insights which can be missing from ab initio quantum chemistry and classical force fields. These include a discussion of the origin of the enhanced molecular electric dipole moment in the condensed phases, and a detailed explanation for the increase of coordination number in liquid water as a function of temperature and compared with ice-leading to insights into the anomalous expansion on freezing. The theory holds out the prospect of an understanding of the currently unexplained density maximum of water near the freezing point. 


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As is now well established, a first order expansion of the Hohenberg-Kohn total energy density functional about a trial input density, namely, the Harris-Foulkes functional, can be used to rationalize a non self consistent tight binding model. If the expansion is taken to second order then the energy and electron density matrix need to be calculated self consistently and from this functional one can derive a charge self consistent tight binding theory. In this paper we have used this to describe a polarizable ion tight binding model which has the benefit of treating charge transfer in point multipoles. This admits a ready description of ionic polarizability and crystal field splitting. It is necessary in constructing such a model to find a number of parameters that mimic their more exact counterparts in the density functional theory. We describe in detail how this is done using a combination of intuition, exact analytical fitting, and a genetic optimization algorithm. Having obtained model parameters we show that this constitutes a transferable scheme that can be applied rather universally to small and medium sized organic molecules. We have shown that the model gives a good account of static structural and dynamic vibrational properties of a library of molecules, and finally we demonstrate the model's capability by showing a real time simulation of an enolization reaction in aqueous solution. In two subsequent papers, we show that the model is a great deal more general in that it will describe solvents and solid substrates and that therefore we have created a self consistent quantum mechanical scheme that may be applied to simulations in heterogeneous catalysis.


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Gels obtained by complexation of octablock star polyethylene oxide/polypropylene oxide copolymers (Tetronic 90R4) with -cyclodextrin (-CD) were evaluated as matrices for drug release. Both molecules are biocompatible so they can be potentially applied to drug delivery systems. Two different types of matrices of Tetronic 90R4 and -CD were evaluated: gels and tablets. These gels are capable to gelifying in situ and show sustained erosion kinetics in aqueous media. Tablets were prepared by freeze-drying and comprising the gels. Using these two different matrices, the release of two model molecules, L-tryptophan (Trp), and a protein, bovine serum albumin (BSA), was evaluated. The release profiles of these molecules from gels and tablets prove that they are suitable for sustained delivery. Mathematical models were applied to the release curves from tablets to elucidate the drug delivery mechanism. Good correlations were found for the fittings of the release curves to different equations. The results point that the release of Trp from different tablets is always governed by Fickian diffusion, whereas the release of BSA is governed by a combination of diffusion and tablet erosion. 


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All mammals lose their ability to produce lactase (β-galactosidase), the enzyme that cleaves lactose into galactose and glucose, after weaning. The prevalence of lactase deficiency (LD) spans from 2 to 15% among northern Europeans, to nearly 100% among Asians. Following lactose consumption, people with LD often experience gastrointestinal symptoms such as abdominal pain, bowel distension, cramps and flatulence, or even systemic problems such as headache, loss of concentration and muscle pain. These symptoms vary depending on the amount of lactose ingested, type of food and degree of intolerance. Although those affected can avoid the uptake of dairy products, in doing so, they lose a readily available source of calcium and protein. In this work, gels obtained by complexation of Tetronic 90R4 with α-cyclodextrin loaded with β-galactosidase are proposed as a way to administer the enzyme immediately before or with the lactose-containing meal. Both molecules are biocompatible, can form gels in situ, and show sustained erosion kinetics in aqueous media. The complex was characterized by FTIR that evidenced an inclusion complex between the polyethylene oxide block and α-cyclodextrin. The release profiles of β-galactosidase from two different matrices (gels and tablets) of the in situ hydrogels have been obtained. The influence of the percentage of Tetronic in media of different pH was evaluated. No differences were observed regarding the release rate from the gel matrices at pH 6 (t50 = 105 min). However, in the case of the tablets, the kinetics were faster and they released a greater amount of 90R4 (25%, t50 = 40–50 min). Also, the amount of enzyme released was higher for mixtures with 25% Tetronic. Using suitable mathematical models, the corresponding kinetic parameters have been calculated. In all cases, the release data fit quite well to the Peppas–Sahlin model equation, indicating that the release of β-galactosidase is governed by a combination of diffusion and erosion processes. It has been observed that the diffusion mechanism prevails over erosion during the first 50 minutes, followed by continued release of the enzyme due to the disintegration of the matrix.


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Objectives: To develop and manufacture both immediate and sustained release vaginal tablets containing the anticancer drug disulfiram, which has the potential to be used as a non-invasive treatment for cervical cancer. 
Methods: Disulfiram-loaded vaginal tablets were manufactured at pilot scale using the direct compression method. These tablets were tested in accordance with the European Pharmacopeia testing of solid dosage form guidelines. They were also tested using a biorelevant dissolution method as well as a dual-chambered release model designed to better mimic the dynamic nature of the vaginal vault.
Key findings: We have developed both immediate and sustained release vaginal tablets, which when manufactured at pilot scale are within the limits set by the European Pharmacopeia for the testing of solid dosage forms. Furthermore, these tablets are capable of releasing disulfiram in vitro using the dual-chambered release model at levels 25 000 times and 35 000 times greater than its IC50 concentration for the HeLa cervical cancer cell line. 
Conclusions: The successful pilot manufacture and testing of both the immediate and sustained release disulfiram-loaded vaginal tablets warrant further investigation, using an in-vivo model, to assess their potential for use as a non-invasive treatment option for cervical cancer.


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Theoretical resonance fluorescence calculations are presented of the triatomic C3 radical and are compared with observations of the C3 emission in comets Hale-Bopp and de Vico. A theoretical model of the C3 vibration-rotational structure in the A1Piu - X1Sigmag + electronic system is introduced. The model takes into account the detailed structure of the bending mode nu2 which is responsible for the emission of the 4050 Å group. A total of 1959 levels are considered, with 515 levels in the ground state. The main effort is to model high-resolution spectra of the 4050 Å emission in comets C/1995 O1 Hale-Bopp and 122P/1995 S1 de Vico. The agreement between observed and theoretical spectra is good for a value of the dipole moment derivative of dmu/dr ~ 2.5 Debye Å-1. The modeled C3 emission exhibits a pronounced Swings effect. Based on observations made with William Herschel Telescope operated on the island of La Palma by the Isaac Newton Group in the Spanish Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos of the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias, and on observations made at the McDonald Observatory, which is operated by the University of Texas at Austin, USA.


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This article examines how in post-war France slang became a byword for the noir genre. It considers the mechanisms, models, networks and translators' practices which set the tone for the "Série Noire”, whose influence, both written and on the screen, had, within a decade, become, a "mythology" studied by Roland Barthes. It argues that this use of slang is redolent of the inauthenticity which characterises this stage in the reception of the Noir genre in France. It is certain that this artificial French slang is far from devoid of charm, or even mystery. But it tends to depreciate and deform the translated works and seems to be the hallmark of an era that might have defined and acclimatised Noir fiction in France, yet remains one which has not fully understood the gravity of its purpose. While such translations seem outdated nowadays (if not quite incomprehensible ), original works written at the time in French by writers inspired by the model of " pseudo- slang" and the fashionability of American popular culture have benefited from them. In this very inauthenticity, derivative novels have found a licence for invention and freedom, with authors such as Cocteau hailing it as a revival of the French written language. We see here how the adventures of Commissaire San Antonio, by Frédéric Dard constitute the best examples of this new creativity in French and draw upon a template set for the reception of American literature


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Resveratrol offers pleiotropic health benefits including a reported ability to inhibit lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced cytokine production. The aim of this work was to prepare, characterize and evaluate a resveratrol nanoparticulate formulation based on zein. For this purpose, the oral bioavailability of the encapsulated polyphenol as well as its anti-inflammatory effects in a mouse model of endotoxic shock was studied. The resveratrol-loaded nanoparticles displayed a mean size of 307±3 nm, with a negative zeta potential (-51.1±1.55 mV), and a polyphenol loading of 80.2±3.26 μg/mg. In vitro, the release of resveratrol from the nanoparticles was found to be pH independent and adjusted well to the Peppas-Sahlin kinetic model, suggesting a mechanism based on the combination of diffusion and erosion of the nanoparticle matrix. Pharmacokinetic studies demonstrated that zein-based nanoparticles provided high and prolonged plasma levels of the polyphenol for at least 48 h. The oral bioavailability of resveratrol when administered in these nanoparticles increased up to 50% (19.2-fold higher than for the control solution of the polyphenol). Furthermore, nanoparticles administered daily for 7 days at 15 mg/kg, were able to diminish the endotoxic symptoms induced in mice by the intraperitoneal administration of LPS (i.e., hypothermia, piloerection and stillness). In addition, serum TNF-α levels were slightly lower (approximately 15%) than those observed in the control.


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Purpose The aim of this study is to improve the drug release properties of antimicrobial agents from hydrophobic biomaterials using using an ion pairing strategy. In so doing antimicrobial agents may be eluted and maintained over a sufficient time period thereby preventing bacterial colonisation and subsequent biofilm formation on medical devices. Methods The model antimicrobial agent was chlorhexidine and the selected fatty acid counter ions were capric acid, myristic acid and stearic acid. The polymethyl methacrylate films were loaded with 2% of fatty acid:antimicrobial agent at the following molar ratios; 0.5:1M, 1:1M and 2:1M and thermally polymerized using azobisisobutyronitrile initiator. Drug release experiments were subsequently performed over a 3-month period and the mass of drug released under sink conditions (pH 7.0, 37oC) quantified using a validated HPLC-UV method. Results In all platforms, a burst of chlorhexidine release was observed over the initial 24-hour period. Similar release kinetics were observed between the formulations during the initial 28 days. However, as time progressed, the chlorhexidine baseline plateaued after 56 days whereas formulations containing the counterions appeared to continuously elute linearly with time. As can be observed in figure 1, the rank order of total chlorhexidine release in the presence of 0.5M fatty acid was myristic acid (40%) > capric acid (35%) > stearic acid (30%)> chlorhexidine baseline (15%). Conclusion The incorporation of fatty acids within the formulation significantly improved chlorhexidine solubility within both the monomer and the polymer and enhanced the drug release kinetics over the period of study. This is attributed to the greater diffusivity of chlorhexidine through PMMA in the presence of fatty acids. In th absence of fatty acids, chlorhexidine release was facilitated by dissolution of surface associated drug particles. This study has illustrated the ability of fatty acids to modulate chlorhexidine release from a model biomaterial through enhanced diffusivity. This strategy may prove advantageous for improved medical devices with enhanced resistance to infection.


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As an alternative to externally bonded FRP reinforcement, near-surface mounted (NSM) FRP reinforcement can be used to effectively improve the flexural performance of RC beams. In such FRP strengthened RC beams, end cover separation failure is one of the common failure modes. This failuremode involves the detachment of the NSM FRP reinforcement together with the concrete cover along the level of the tension steel reinforcement. This paper presents a new strength model for end cover separation failure in RC beams strengthened in flexure with NSM FRP strips (i.e. rectangular FRP bars with asectional height-to-thickness ratio not less than 5), which was formulated on the basis of extensive numerical results from a parametric study undertaken using an efficient finite element approach. The proposed strength model consists of an approximate equation for the debonding strain of the FRP reinforcement at the critical cracked section and a conventional section analysis to relate this debondingstrain to the moment acting on the same section (i.e. the debonding strain). Once the debonding strain is known, the load level at end cover separation of an FRP-strengthened RC beam can be easily determined for a given load distribution. Predictions from the proposed strength model are compared with those of two existing strength models of the same type and available test results, which shows that the proposed strength model is in close agreement with test results and is far more accurate than the existing strength models.


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Public concern over biodiversity loss is often rationalized as a threat to ecosystem functioning, but biodiversity-ecosystem functioning (BEF) relations are hard to empirically quantify at large scales. We use a realistic marine food-web model, resolving species over five trophic levels, to study how total fish production changes with species richness. This complex model predicts that BEF relations, on average, follow simple Michaelis-Menten curves when species are randomly deleted. These are shaped mainly by release of fish from predation, rather than the release from competition expected from simpler communities. Ordering species deletions by decreasing body mass or trophic level, representing 'fishing down the food web', accentuates prey-release effects and results in unimodal relationships. In contrast, simultaneous unselective harvesting diminishes these effects and produces an almost linear BEF relation, with maximum multispecies fisheries yield at approximate to 40% of initial species richness. These findings have important implications for the valuation of marine biodiversity.


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This paper investigates the accuracy of new finite element modelling approaches to predict the behaviour of bolted moment-connections between cold-formed steel members, formed by using brackets bolted to the webs of the section, under low cycle fatigue. ABAQUS software is used as a modelling platform. Such joints are used for portal frames and potentially have good seismic resisting capabilities, which is important for construction in developing countries. The modelling implications of a two-dimensional beam element model, a three-dimensional shell element model and a three-dimensional solid element model are reported. Quantitative and qualitative results indicate that the three-dimensional quadratic S8R shell element model most accurately predicts the hysteretic behaviour and energy dissipation capacity of the connection when compared to the test results.


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This paper investigates the characteristics of the shadowed fading observed in off-body communications channels at 5.8 GHz. This is realized with the aid of the $\kappa-\mu$ / gamma composite fading model which assumes that the transmitted signal undergoes $\kappa-\mu$ fading which is subject to \emph{multiplicative} shadowing. Based on this, the total power of the multipath components, including both the dominant and scattered components, is subject to non-negligible variations that follow the gamma distribution. For this model, we present an integral form of the probability density function (PDF) as well as important analytic expressions for the PDF, cumulative distribution function, moments and moment generating function. In the case of indoor off-body communications, the corresponding measurements were carried out in the context of four explicit individual scenarios namely: line of sight (LOS) and non-LOS (NLOS) walking, rotational and random movements. The measurements were repeated within three different indoor environments and considered three different hypothetical body worn node locations. With the aid of these results, the parameters for the $\kappa-\mu$ / gamma composite fading model were estimated and analyzed extensively. Interestingly, for the majority of the indoor environments and movement scenarios, the parameter estimates suggested that dominant signal components existed even when the direct signal path was obscured by the test subject's body. Additionally, it is shown that the $\kappa-\mu$ / gamma composite fading model provides an adequate fit to the fading effects involved in off-body communications channels. Using the Kullback-Leibler divergence, we have also compared our results with another recently proposed shadowed fading model, namely the $\kappa-\mu$ / lognormal LOS shadowed fading model. It was found that the $\kappa-\mu$ / gamma composite fading model provided a better fit for the majority of the scenarios considered in this study.


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Understanding the seismic vulnerability of building structures is important for seismic engineers, building owners, risk insurers and governments. Seismic vulnerability defines a buildings predisposition to be damaged as a result of an earthquake of a given severity. There are two components to seismic risk; the seismic hazard and the exposure of the structural inventory to any given earthquake event. This paper demonstrates the development of fragility curves at different damage states using a detailed mechanical model of a moment resisting reinforced concrete structure typical of Southern Europe. The mechanical model consists of a complex three-dimensional finite element model of the reinforced concrete moment resisting frame structure and is used to define the damage states through pushover analysis. Fragility curves are also defined using the HAZUS macroseismic methodology and the Risk-UE macroseismic methodology. Comparison of the mechanically modelled and HAZUS fragility curve shows good agreement while the Risk-UE methodology shows reasonably poor agreement.