78 resultados para Abrasion by strength


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Surface reaction methodology was implicated in the optimization of hexavalent chromium removal onto lignin with respect to the process parameters. The influence of altering the conditions for removal of chromium(VI), for instance; solution pH, ionic strength, initial concentration, the dose of biosorbent, presence of other metals (Zn and Cu), presence of salts and biosorption-desorption studies, were investigated. It was found that the biosorption capacity of lignin depends on solution pH, with a maximum biosorption capacity for chromium at pH 2. Experimental equilibrium data were fitted to five different isotherm models by non-linear regression method, however, the biosorption equilibrium data were well interpreted by the Freundlich isotherm. The maximum biosorption capacities (q(max)) obtained using Dubinin-Radushkevich and Khan isotherms for Cr(VI) biosorption are 31.6 and 29.1 mg/g. respectively. Biosorption showed pseudo second order rate kinetics at different initial concentrations of Cr(VI). The intraparticle diffusion study indicated that film diffusion may be involved in the current study. The percentage removal of chromium on lignin decreased significantly in the presence of NaHCO3 and K2P2O7 salts. Desorption data revealed that nearly 70% of the Cr(VI) adsorbed on lignin could be desorbed using 0.1 M NaOH. It was evident that the biosorption mechanism involves the attraction of both hexavalent chromium (anionic) and trivalent chromium (cationic) onto the surface of lignin. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents the findings of a project part sponsored by an ICE Research and Development grant on portal frames in fire. The research reported here has also lead to a sucessful research grant from the IStructE. The paper describes a non-linear elasto plastic dynamic finite element model that captures the collapse of a portal frame in fire. It demonstrates that current guidance on the column base stiffness and strength, to prevent collapse, may in some cases be unconservative.


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Warming could strongly stabilize or destabilize populations and food webs by changing the interaction strengths between predators and their prey. Predicting the consequences of warming requires understanding how temperature affects ingestion (energy gain) and metabolism (energy loss). Here, we studied the temperature dependence of metabolism and ingestion in laboratory experiments with terrestrial arthropods (beetles and spiders). From this data, we calculated ingestion efficiencies (ingestion/metabolism) and per capita interaction strengths in the short and long term. Additionally, we investigated if and how body mass changes these temperature dependencies. For both predator groups, warming increased metabolic rates substantially, whereas temperature effects on ingestion rates were weak. Accordingly, the ingestion efficiency (the ratio of ingestion to metabolism) decreased in all treatments. This result has two possible consequences: on the one hand, it suggests that warming of natural ecosystems could increase intrinsic population stability, meaning less fluctuations in population density; on the other hand, decreasing ingestion efficiencies may also lead to higher extinction risks because of starvation. Additionally, predicted long-term per capita interaction strengths decreased with warming, which suggests an increase in perturbation stability of populations, i.e., a higher probability of returning to the same equilibrium density after a small perturbation. Together, these results suggest that warming has complex and potentially profound effects on predator-prey interactions and food-web stability.


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The authors consider a point percolation lattice representation of a large-scale wireless relay sensor network (WRSN) deployed in a cluttered environment. Each relay sensor corresponds to a grid point in the random lattice and the signal sent by the source is modelled as an ensemble of photons that spread in the space, which may 'hit' other sensors and are 'scattered' around. At each hit, the relay node forwards the received signal to its nearest neighbour through direction-selective relaying. The authors first derive the distribution that a relay path reaches a prescribed location after undergoing certain number of hops. Subsequently, a closed-form expression of the average received signal strength (RSS) at the destination can be computed as the summation of all signal echoes' energy. Finally, the effect of the anomalous diffusion exponent ß on the mean RSS in a WRSN is studied, for which it is found that the RSS scaling exponent e is given by (3ß-1)/ß. The results would provide useful insight into the design and deployment of large-scale WRSNs in future. © 2011 The Institution of Engineering and Technology.


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Understanding and predicting the dynamics of multispecies systems generally require estimates of interaction strength among species. Measuring interaction strength is difficult because of the large number of interactions in any natural system, long-term feedback, multiple pathways of effects between species pairs, and possible nonlinearities in interaction-strength functions. Presently, the few studies that extensively estimate interaction strength suggest that distributions of interaction strength tend to be skewed toward few strong and many weak interactions. Modeling studies indicate that such skewed patterns tend to promote system stability and arise during assembly of persistent communities. Methods for estimating interaction strength efficiently from traits of organisms, such as allometric relationships, show some promise. Methods for estimating community response to environmental perturbations without an estimate of interaction strength may also be of use. Spatial and temporal scale may affect patterns of interaction strength, but these effects require further investigation and new multispecies modeling frameworks. Future progress will be aided by development of long-term multispecies time series of natural communities, by experimental tests of different methods for estimating interaction strength, and by increased understanding of nonlinear functional forms.


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This paper presents experimental tests carried out on steel fibre reinforced concrete samples, including mechanical tests as well as non-destructive technique (electrical resistivity) and non destructive technique on cores (X-ray). Electrical resistivity measurements are done as a blind test, to characterise the electrical anisotropy and deduce the distribution and the orientation of fibres. These results are compared to X-ray imaging to check the quality of the non destructive evaluation. Then, flexural and compressive strength are measured on specimens to assess the influence of fibre distribution on the concrete properties.


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Fibre distribution and orientation in a series of round panel specimens of ultra high performance fibre reinforced concrete (UHPFRC) was investigated using electrical resistivity measurements and confirmed by X-ray CT imaging. By pouring specimens in different ways, the orientation of steel fibres was influenced and the sensitivity of the electrical resistivity technique was investigated. The round panels were tested in flexure and the results are discussed in relation to the observed orientation of fibres in the panels. It was found that the fibres tended to align perpendicular to the direction of flow. As a result, panels poured from the centre were significantly stronger than panels poured by other methods because the alignment of fibres led to more fibres bridging the radial cracks formed during mechanical testing.


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The behaviour and design of bolted moment-connections between cold-formed steel members, formed by using brackets bolted to the webs of the section, is considered. The particular problem of the moment-capacity of such joints being lower than that of the cold-formed steel sections being connected because of web buckling, caused by the concentration of load transfer from the bolts, is addressed. In this paper, a combination of laboratory tests and finite element analyses is used to investigate this mode of failure. It is demonstrated that there is good agreement between the measured ultimate moment-capacity and that predicted by using the finite element method. A parametric study conducted using the finite element model shows that the moment-capacity of a practical size joint can be up to 20% lower than that of the cold-formed steel sections being connected. Web buckling so-caused must therefore be considered in the design of such connections. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The aerobactin gene cluster in pColV-K30 consists of five genes (iucABCD iutA); four of these (iucABCD) are involved in aerobactin biosynthesis, whereas the fifth one (iutA) encodes the ferriaerobactin outer membrane receptor. iucD encodes lysine:N6-hydroxylase, which catalyzes the first step in aerobactin biosynthesis. Regardless of the method used for cell rupture, we have consistently found that IucD remains membrane bound, and repeated efforts to achieve a purified and active soluble form of the enzyme have been unsuccessful. To circumvent this problem, we have constructed recombinant IucD proteins with modified amino termini by creating three in-frame gene fusions of IucD to the amino-terminal amino acids of the cytoplasmic enzyme beta-galactosidase. Two of these constructs resulted in the addition to the iucD coding region of a hydrophilic leader sequence of 13 and 30 amino acids. The other construct involved the deletion of the first 47 amino acids of the IucD amino terminus and the addition of 19 amino acids of the amino terminus of beta-galactosidase. Cells expressing any of the three recombinant IucD forms were found to produce soluble N6-hydroxylysine. One of these proteins, IucD439, was purified to homogeneity from the soluble fraction of the cell lysates, and it was capable of participating in the biosynthesis of aerobactin, as determined in vitro by a cell-free system and in vivo by a cross-feeding bioassay. A medium ionic strength of 0.25 (250 mM NaCl) or higher was required to maintain the protein in a catalytically functional, tetrameric state.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)


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This limited experimental investigation examined the relationships between the compressive strengths of cubes, cylinders, cores and the estimated compressive strengths derived from pull-off tests for a relatively low-strength structural-grade concrete (<35 N/mm2). Test specimens were cast and tested at 7, 14, 28, 56 and 84 days. The relationships of the trends of the test results to the trends of results of standard cube specimens and standard cylinder specimens were compared. It was found that the mean strength of each type of specimen tended to increase as a function of the natural logarithm of the specimen age. The mean strength of cylinders of length/diameter ratio 2.0 was found to be slightly greater (by about 7.5%) than the generally accepted value of 80% of the mean cube strength. Core results were corrected using correction factors defined in BS 6089 and the UK national annex to BS EN 12504-1. The mean corrected cube strength of cores taken from cubes was approximately 12% greater than the mean companion cube strength. The mean corrected cylinder strength of cores taken from cubes was approximately 5% greater than the mean companion cylinder strength. The potential cube and cylinder strengths of cores taken from slabs cured under different environmental conditions correlated well with companion cube and cylinder strengths respectively at 28 days. The pull-off test results gave a variable but, on average, slightly conservative estimate of the cube compressive strength of the relatively low-strength structural-grade concrete, using a simple general linear estimated compressive cube strength to tensile strength correlation factor of 10.


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The use of genetic algorithms (GAs) for structural optimisation is well established but little work has been reported on the inclusion of damage variables within an optimisation framework. This approach is particularly useful in the optimisation of composite structures which are prone to delamination damage. In this paper a challenging design problem is presented where the objective was to delay the catastrophic failure of a postbuckling secondary-bonded stiffened composite panel susceptible to secondary instabilities. It has been conjectured for some time that the sudden energy release associated with secondary instabilities may initiate structural failure, but this has proved difficult to observe experimentally. The optimisation methodology confirmed this indirectly by evolving a panel displaying a delayed secondary instability whilst meeting all other design requirements. This has important implication in the design of thin-skinned lightweight aerostructures which may exhibit this phenomenon.


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The distribution of glacial cirques upon the Kamchatka peninsula, Far Eastern Russia, is systematically mapped from satellite images and digital elevation model data. A total of 3,758 cirques are identified, 238 of which are occupied by active glaciers. The morphometry of the remaining 3,520 cirques is analysed. These cirques are found to show a very strong N bias in their azimuth (orientation), likely resulting from aspect-related variations in insolation. The strength of this N bias is considered to indicate that former glaciation upon the peninsula was often ‘marginal’, and mainly of cirque-type, with peaks extending little above regional equilibrium-line altitudes. This is supported by the fact that S and SE-facing cirques are the highest in the dataset, suggesting that glacier-cover was rarely sufficient to allow S and SE-facing glaciers to develop at low altitudes. The strength of these azimuth-related variations in cirque altitude is thought to reflect comparatively cloud-free conditions during former periods of glaciation. It is suggested that these characteristics, of marginal glaciation and comparatively cloud-free conditions, reflect the region’s former aridity, which was likely intensified at the global Last Glacial Maximum, and during earlier periods of ice advance, as a result of the development of negative pressure anomalies over the North Pacific (driven by the growth of the Laurentide Ice Sheet), combined with other factors, including an increase in the extent and duration of sea ice, a reduction in global sea levels, cooler sea surface temperatures, and the localised growth of mountain glaciers. There is published evidence to suggest extensive glaciation of the Kamchatka Peninsula at times during the Late Quaternary, yet the data presented here appears to suggest that such phases were comparatively short-lived, and that smaller cirque-type glaciers were generally more characteristic of the period.


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Ultraviolet and X-ray observations show evidence of outflowing gas around many active galactic nuclei. It has been proposed that some of these outflows are driven off gas infalling towards the central supermassive black hole. We perform radiative transfer calculations to compute the gas ionization state and the emergent X-ray spectra for both two- and three-dimensional (3D) hydrodynamical simulations of this outflow-from-inflow scenario. By comparison with observations, our results can be used to test the theoretical models and guide future numerical simulations. We predict both absorption and emission features, most of which are formed in a polar funnel of relatively dense (10 -10 g cm ) outflowing gas. This outflow causes strong absorption for observer orientation angles of ?35°. Particularly in 3D, the strength of this absorption varies significantly for different lines of sight owing to the fragmentary structure of the gas flow. Although infalling material occupies a large fraction of the simulation volume, we do not find that it imprints strong absorption features in the X-ray spectra since the ionization state is predicted to be very high. Thus, an absence of observed inflow absorption features does not exclude the models. The main spectroscopic consequence of the infalling gas is a Compton-scattered continuum component that partially re-fills the absorption features caused by the outflowing polar funnel. Fluorescence and scattering in the outflow are predicted to give rise to several emission features including a multicomponent Fe Ka emission complex for all observer orientations. For the hydrodynamical simulations considered, we predict both ionization states and column densities for the outflowing gas that are too high to be quantitatively consistent with well-observed X-ray absorption systems. Nevertheless, our results are qualitatively encouraging and further exploration of the model parameter space is warranted. Higher resolution hydrodynamic simulations are needed to determine whether the outflows fragment on scales unresolved in our current study, which may yield the denser lower ionization material that could reconcile the models and the observations. © 2012 The Authors Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society © 2012 RAS.


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RC beams shear strengthened with externally bonded fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) U strips or side strips usually fail owing to debonding of the bonded FRP shear reinforcement. Because such debonding usually occurs in a brittle manner at relatively small shear crack widths, some of the internal steel stirrups intersected by the critical shear crack may not have reached yielding at beam shear failure. Consequently, the yield stress of internal steel stirrups in such a strengthened RC beam cannot be fully utilized. This adverse shear interaction between the internal steel shear reinforcement and the external FRP shear reinforcement may significantly reduce the benefit of the shear strengthening FRP but has not been considered explicitly by any of the shear strength models in the existing design guidelines. This paper presents a new shear strength model considering this adverse shear interaction through the introduction of a shear interaction factor. A comprehensive evaluation of the proposed model, as well as three other shear strength models, is conducted using a large test database. It is shown that the proposed shear strength model performs the best among the models compared, and the performance of the other shear strength models can be significantly improved by including the proposed shear interaction factor. Finally, a design recommendation is presented.


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Shell attributes Such as weight and shape affect the reproduction, growth, predator avoidance and behaviour of several hermit crab species. Although the importance of these attributes has been extensively investigated, it is still difficult to assess the relative role of size and shape. Multivariate techniques allow concise and efficient quantitative analysis of these multidimensional properties, and this paper aims to understand their role in determining patterns of hermit crab shell use. To this end, a multivariate approach based on a combination of size-unconstrained (shape) PCA and RDA ordination was used to model the biometrics of southern Mediterranean Clibanarius erythropus Populations and their shells. Patterns of shell utilization and morphological gradients demonstrate that size is more important than shape, probably due to the limited availability of empty shells in the environment. The shape (e.g. the degree of shell elongation) and weight of inhabited shells vary considerably in both female and male crabs. However, these variations are clearly accounted for by crab biometrics in males only. Oil the basis of statistical evidence and findings from past studies. it is hypothesized that larger males of adequate size and strength have access to the larger, heavier and relatively more available shells of the globose Osilinus turbinatus, which cannot be used by average-sized males or by females investing energy in egg production. This greater availability allows larger males to select more Suitable Shapes. (C) 2009 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.