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We present model atmosphere analyses of high resolution Keck and VLT optical spectra for three evolved stars in globular clusters, viz. ZNG-1 in M 10, ZNG-1 in M 15 and ZNG-1 in NGC 6712. The derived atmospheric parameters and chemical compositions confirm the programme stars to be in the post- Asymptotic Giant Branch (post-AGB) evolutionary phase. Differential abundance analyses reveal CNO abundance patterns in M 10 ZNG-1, and possibly M 15 ZNG-1, which Suggest that both objects may have evolved off the AGB before the third dredge-up occurred. The abundance pattern of these stars is similar to the third class of optically, bright post-AGB objects discussed by van Winckel (1997). Furthermore, M 10 ZNG-1 exhibits a large C underabundance (with Delta[C/O] similar to -1.6 dex), typical of other hot post-AGB objects. Differential Delta[alpha/Fe] abundance ratios in both M 10 ZNG-1 and NGC 6712 ZNG-1 are found to be approximately 0.0 dex, with the Fe abundance of the former being in disagreement with the cluster metallicity of M 10. Given that the Fe absorption features in both M 10 ZNG-1 and NGC6712 ZNG-1 are well observed and reliably modelled, we believe that these differential Fe abundance estimates to be secure. However, our Fe abundance is difficult to explain in terms of previous evolutionary processes that Occur oil both the Horizontal Branch and the AGB.


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We present echelle spectrograph observations in the Na D lines, at resolutions of 6.2-8.5 km s(-1), for 11 stars located in the line-of-sight to the M15 intermediate velocity cloud (IVC), which has a radial velocity of similar to +70 km s(-1) in the Local Standard of Rest. This cloud is a part of IVC Complex gp. The targets range in magnitude from m(V) = 13.3-14.8. Seven of the observed stars are in the M15 globular cluster, the remaining four being field stars. Three of the observed cluster stars are located near a peak in intensity of the IVC Hi column density as observed at a resolution of similar to 1 arcmin. Intermediate velocity gas is detected in absorption towards 7 stars, with equivalent widths in NaD2 ranging from similar to0.09-0.20 Angstrom, corresponding to log(10)(N-Na cm(-2)) similar to 11.8-12.5, and Na I/H I column density ratios (neglecting the HII component) ranging from similar to(1-3) x 10(-8). Over scales ranging from 30 arcsec to 1 arcmin, the Na i column density and the Na i/H i ratio varies by upto 70 per cent and a factor of similar to 2, respectively. Combining the current sightlines with previously obtained Nai data from Kennedy et al. (1998b), the Na i/H i column density ratio over cluster sightlines varies by upto a factor of similar to 25, when using Hi data of resolution similar to 2 x 1 arcmin. One cluster star, M15 ZNG-1, was also observed in the Ca i (lambda(air) = 4226.728 Angstrom) and Ca ii (lambda(air) = 3933.663 Angstrom) lines. A column density ratio N(Ca i)/N(Ca ii) <0.03 was found, typical of values seen in the warm ionised interstellar medium. Towards this sightline, the IVC has a Nai/Ca ii column density ratio of &SIM; 0.25, similar to that observed in the local interstellar medium. Finally, we detect tentative evidence for IV absorption in Ki (?(air) = 7698:974 &ANGS) towards 3 cluster stars, which have N(K i)/N(H i) ratios of &SIM;0.5-3 x 10(-9).


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We present single-dish Arecibo 21-cm H i observations, covering a 0 degrees 675x0 degrees 625 RA-Dec. grid, of the intermediate-velocity cloud (IVC) centred upon the M15 globular cluster. The velocity and positional structure of the IVC gas at V-LSR=70 km s(-1) are investigated; it is found to be clumpy and has a peak surface density N(H i)similar to 8x10(19) cm(- 2). Additionally, we have performed a long H i integration towards HD 203664, a Galactic halo star some 3 degrees1 from M15, in which optical IVC absorption has previously been detected. No H i with a velocity exceeding 60 km s(-1) was found to a brightness temperature limit of 0.05 K. However, additional pointings did detect IVC gas approximately mid-way between HD 203664 and M15. Finally, we present both Arecibo H i pointings and low-resolution spectra in the Ca ii H and K lines towards 15 field stars in the general field towards M15, in an attempt to obtain the distance to the IVC. Intermediate- velocity H i is detected towards seven sightlines. Stellar spectral types are derived for 12 of the sample. Assuming that these stars lie on the main sequence, their distances are estimated to lie in the range 150 less than or equal tod less than or equal to 1350 pc. No Ca ii absorption is observed, either because the IVC is further away than similar to 1350 pc or more likely because the gas along these sightlines is of too low a density to be detected by the current observations.


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The FLASH XUV-free electron laser has been used to irradiate solid samples at intensities of the order 10(16) W cm(-2) at a wavelength of 13.5 nm. The subsequent time integrated XUV emission was observed with a grating spectrometer. The electron temperature inferred from plasma line ratios was in the range 5-8 eV with electron density in the range 10(21)-10(22) cm(-3). These results are consistent with the saturation of absorption through bleaching of the L-edge by intense photo-absorption reported in an earlier publication. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Uranyl complexes dissolved in room-temperature ionic liquids have diagnostic absorption and emission spectra which reflect the molecular symmetry and geometry. In particular, the characteristic vibrational fine structure of the absorption spectra allows identification of the molecular symmetry of a uranyl complex. The concept of speciation of. uranyl complexes is illustrated for the hydrated uranyl ion, the tetrachloro complex [UO2Cl4](2-), the trinitrato complex [UO2(NO3)(3)](-), the triacetato complex [UO2(CH3COO)(3)](-) and the crown ether complex [UO2(18-crown-6)](2+) in imidazolium and pyrrolidinium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide ionic liquids. The competition between 18- crown-6 and small inorganic ligands for coordination to the uranyl ion was investigated. The crystal structures of the hydrolysis product [(UO2)(2)(mu(2)-OH)(2)(H2O)(6)] [UO2Br4](18-crown-6)(4) and imidazolium salt [C(6)mim](2)[UO2Br4] are described.


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We present contemporary optical and infrared spectroscopic observations of the type IIn SN 1998S covering the period between 3 and 127 days after discovery. During the first week the spectra are characterized by prominent broad H, He and C III/N III emission lines with narrow peaks, superimposed on a very blue continuum (T similar to 24 000 K). In the following two weeks the C III/N III emission vanished, together with the broad emission components of the H and He lines. Broad, blueshifted absorption components appeared in the spectra. The temperature of the continuum also dropped to similar to 14000 K. By the end of the first month the spectrum comprised broad, blueshifted absorptions in H, He, Si II, Fe II and Sc II. By day 44, broad emission components in H and He reappeared in the spectra. These persisted to as late as days similar to 100-130, becoming increasingly asymmetric. We agree with Leonard et al. that the broad emission lines indicate interaction between the ejecta and circumstellar material (CSM) emitted by the progenitor. We also agree that the progenitor of SN 1998S appears to have gone through at least two phases of mass-loss, giving rise to two CSM zones. Examination of the spectra indicates that the inner zone extended to less than or equal to 90 au, while the outer CSM extended from 185 an to over 1800 au.


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Unlabelled single- and double-stranded DNA (ssDNA and dsDNA, respectively) has been detected at concentrations =10-9?M by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Under appropriate conditions the sequences spontaneously adsorbed to the surface of both Ag and Au colloids through their nucleobases; this allowed highly reproducible spectra with good signal-to-noise ratios to be recorded on completely unmodified samples. This eliminated the need to promote absorption by introducing external linkers, such as thiols. The spectra of model ssDNA sequences contained bands of all the bases present and showed systematic changes when the overall base composition was altered. Initial tests also showed that small but reproducible changes could be detected between oligonucleotides with the same bases arranged in a different order. The spectra of five ssDNA sequences that correspond to different strains of the Escherichia coli bacterium were found to be sufficiently composition-dependent so that they could be differentiated without the need for any advanced multivariate data analysis techniques.


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The plasma produced during laser ablation deposition of thin film YBCO has been studied by optical emission spectroscopy. There is evidence of increased YO band emission in the range 590-625 nm as the ambient oxygen gas pressure confining the plume is increased in the range 30-200 m Torr. Temporal profiles show that close to the target the plume is insensitive to ambient oxygen pressure. It is deduced that the optical emission here is excited by electron impact excitation. Further away from the target there is evidence that two distinct processes are at work. One is again electron excitation; the emission from this process decreases with distance because the expanding plume cools and collisions become less frequent in the expanding gas. The second is driven by oxidation of atomic species expelled at high speeds from the target. The main region of this activity is in the plume sheath where a shock front ensures heating of ambient O2 and reaction of monatomic plasma species to form oxide in an exothermic reaction. Spatial mapping of the emission demonstrates clearly how increasing oxygen gas pressure confines the plasma and enhances the emission intensity from the molecular YO species ejected from the target in a smaller region close to the target. Ba+ is observed as a dominant species only very close to (within 1 mm of) the target. Absorption spectra have been taken in an attempt to examine ground state and cool species in the plume. They reveal the quite surprising result that YO persists in the chamber for periods up to 1 msec. This suggests an explanation for the recent report of off-axis laser deposition in terms of simple condensation. Previously, quasi-ballistic transfer of material from target to substrate has been considered the only significant process.


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The metallo-phthalocyanines (MPcs) are an interesting group of organic semiconductor materials for applications such as large area solar cells due to their optoelectronic properties coupled with the possibility of easily and cheaply fabricating thin films of MPcs [1, 2]. As for organic semiconductors in general, many of the interesting properties of the MPcs such as magnetism, light absorption and charge transport, are highly anisotropic [2, 3]. To maximise the efficiency of a device based on these materials it is therefore important to study their molecular orientation in films and to assess the influence of different growth conditions and substrate treatments.
X-ray diffraction is a well established and powerful technique for studying texture (and hence molecular orientation) in crystalline materials, but it cannot provide any information about amorphous or nanocrystalline films. In electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy the signal comes from the spin of unpaired electrons in the material. This technique therefore does not require the sample to be crystalline. It works for any sample with paramagnetic centres such as the MPcs where the unpaired electrons are contributed by the metal. In this paper we present a continuous-wave X-band EPR study using the anisotropy of the EPR spectrum of CuPc [4] to determine the orientation effects in different types of CuPc films. From these measurements we gain insight into the molecular arrangement of films with different spin concentrations, and apply our technique to the study of molecular orientation in photovoltaic cells.


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This study attempts to establish a link between the reasonably well known nature of the progenitor of SN2011fe and its surrounding environment. This is done with the aim of enabling the identification of similar systems in the vast majority of the cases, when distance and epoch of discovery do not allow a direct approach. To study the circumstellar environment of SN2011fe we have obtained high-resolution spectroscopy of SN2011fe on 12 epochs, from 8 to 86 days after the estimated date of explosion, targeting in particular at the time evolution of CaII and NaI. Three main absorption systems are identified from CaII and NaI, one associated to the Milky Way, one probably arising within a high-velocity cloud, and one most likely associated to the halo of M101. The Galactic and host galaxy reddening, deduced from the integrated equivalent widths (EW) of the NaI lines are E(B-V)=0.011+/-0.002 and E(B-V)=0.014+/-0.002 mag, respectively. The host galaxy absorption is dominated by a component detected at the same velocity measured from the 21-cm HI line at the projected SN position (~180 km/s). During the ~3 months covered by our observations, its EW changed by 15.6+/-6.5 mA. This small variation is shown to be compatible with the geometric effects produced by therapid SN photosphere expansion coupled to the patchy fractal structure of the ISM. The observed behavior is fully consistent with ISM properties similar to those derived for our own Galaxy, with evidences for structures on scales


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We report on a pilot study of a novel observing technique, defocussed transmission spectroscopy, and its application to the study of exoplanet atmospheres using ground-based platforms. Similar to defocussed photometry, defocussed transmission spectroscopy has an added advantage over normal spectroscopy in that it reduces systematic errors due to flat-fielding, PSF variations, slit-jaw imperfections and other effects associated with ground-based observations. For one of the planetary systems studied, WASP-12b, we report a tentative detection of additional Na absorption of 0.12+/-0.03[+0.03]% during transit using a 2A wavelength mask. After consideration of a systematic that occurs mid-transit, it is likely that the true depth is actually closer to 0.15%. This is a similar level of absorption reported in the atmosphere of HD209458b (0.135+/-0.017%, Snellen et al. 2008). Finally, we outline methods that will improve the technique during future observations, based on our findings from this pilot study.