64 resultados para 1995_01121419 TM-16 4300708


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A new stir bar sorptive extraction (SBSE) technique coupled with HPLC-UV method for quantification of diclofenac in pharmaceutical formulations has been developed and validated as a proof of concept study. Commercially available polydimethylsiloxane stir bars (Twister (TM)) were used for method development and SBSE extraction (pH, phase ratio, stirring speed, temperature, ionic strength and time) and liquid desorption (solvents, desorption method, stirring time etc) procedures were optimised. The method was validated as per ICH guidelines and was successfully applied for the estimation of diclofenac from three liquid formulations viz. Voltarol (R) Optha single dose eye drops, Voltarol (R) Ophtha multidose eye drops and Voltarol (R) ampoules. The developed method was found to be linear (r=0.9999) over 100-2000 ng/ml concentration range with acceptable accuracy and precision (tested over three QC concentrations). The SBSE extraction recovery of the diclofenac was found to be 70% and the LOD and LOQ of the validated method were found to be 16.06 and 48.68 ng/ml, respectively. Furthermore, a forced degradation study of a diclofenac formulation leading to the formation of structurally similar cyclic impurity (indolinone) was carried out. The developed extraction method showed comparable results to that of the reference method, i.e. method was capable of selectively extracting the indolinone and diclofenac from the liquid matrix. Data on inter and intra stir bar accuracy and precision further confirmed robustness of the method, supporting the multiple re-use of the stir bars. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Cells expressing human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV-16) E6 and E7 proteins exhibit deregulation of G(2)/M genes, allowing bypass of DNA damage arrest signals. Normally, cells with DNA damage that override the G(2) damage checkpoint would precociously enter mitosis and ultimately face mitotic catastrophe and apoptotic cell death. However, E6/E7-expressing cells (E6/E7 cells) have the ability to enter and exit mitosis in the presence of DNA damage and continue with the next round of the cell cycle. Little is known about the mechanism that allows these cells to gain entry into and exit from mitosis. Here, we show that in the presence of DNA damage, E6/E7 cells have elevated levels of cyclin B, which would allow entry into mitosis. Also, as required for exit from mitosis, cyclin B is degraded in these cells, permitting initiation of the next round of DNA synthesis and cell cycle progression. Proteasomal degradation of cyclin B by anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) is, in part, due to elevated levels of the E2-conjugating enzyme, Ubch10, and the substrate recognition protein, Cdc20, of APC/C. Also, in E6/E7 cells with DNA damage, while Cdc20 is complexed with BubR1, indicating an active checkpoint, it is also present in complexes free of BubR1, presumably allowing APC/C activity and slippage through the checkpoint.


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A queue manager (QM) is a core traffic management (TM) function used to provide per-flow queuing in access andmetro networks; however current designs have limited scalability. An on-demand QM (OD-QM) which is part of a new modular field-programmable gate-array (FPGA)-based TM is presented that dynamically maps active flows to the available physical resources; its scalability is derived from exploiting the observation that there are only a few hundred active flows in a high speed network. Simulations with real traffic show that it is a scalable, cost-effective approach that enhances per-flow queuing performance, thereby allowing per-flow QM without the need for extra external memory at speeds up to 10 Gbps. It utilizes 2.3%–16.3% of a Xilinx XC5VSX50t FPGA and works at 111 MHz.


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A number of epigenetic alterations occur in both the virus and host cellular genomes during human papillomavirus (HPV)-associated carcinogenesis, and investigations of such alterations, including changes in chromatin proteins and histone modifications, have the potential to lead to therapeutic epigenetic reversion. We report here that transformed HPV16 E6/E7-expressing primary human foreskin keratinocytes (HFKs) (E6/E7 cells) demonstrate increased expression of the PRC2 methyltransferase EZH2 at both the mRNA and protein levels but do not exhibit the expected increase in trimethylated H3K27 (H3K27me3) compared to normal keratinocytes. In contrast, these cells show a reduction in global H3K27me3 levels in vitro, as well as upregulation of the KDM6A demethylase. We further show for the first time that transformation with the HPV16 E6 and E7 oncogenes also results in an increase in phosphorylated EZH2 serine 21 (P-EZH2-Ser21), mediated by active Akt, and in a downregulation of the PRC1 protein BMI1 in these cells. High-grade squamous cervical intraepithelial lesions also showed a loss of H3K27me3 in the presence of increased expression of EZH2. Correlating with the loss of H3K27me3, E6/E7 cells exhibited derepression of specific EZH2-, KMD6A-, and BMI1-targeted HOX genes. These results suggest that the observed reduction in H3K27me3 may be due to a combination of reduced activities/levels of specific polycomb proteins and increases in demethylases. The dysregulation of multiple chromatin proteins resulting in the loss of global H3K27me3 and the transcriptional reprogramming in HPV16 E6/E7-infected cells could provide an epigenetic signature associated with risk and/or progression of HPV16-associated cancers, as well as the potential for epigenetic reversion in the future.


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Indicator inks, previously shown to be capable of rapidly assessing photocatalytic activity via a novel photo-reductive mechanism, were simply applied via an aerosol spray onto commercially available pieces of Activ (TM) self-cleaning glass. Ink layers could be applied with high evenness of spread, with as little deviation as 5% upon UV-visible spectroscopic assessment of 25 equally distributed positions over a 10 cm x 10 cm glass cut. The inks were comprised of either a resazurin (Rz) or dichloroindophenol (DCIP) redox dye with a glycerol sacrificial electron donor in an aqueous hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC) polymer media. The photo-reduction reaction under UVA light of a single spot was monitored by UV-vis spectroscopy and digital images attained from a flat-bed scanner in tandem for both inks. The photo-reduction of Rz ink underwent a two-step kinetic process, whereby the blue redox dye was initially reduced to a pink intermediate resorufin (Rf) and subsequently reduced to a bleached form of the dye. In contrast, a simple one-step kinetic process was observed for the reduction of the light blue redox dye DCIP to its bleached intermediates. Changes in red-green-blue colour extracted from digital images of the inks were inversely proportional to the changes seen at corresponding wavelengths via UV-visible absorption spectroscopy and wholly indicative of the reaction kinetics. The photocatalytic activity areas of cuts of Activ (TM) glass, 10 cm x 10 cm in size, were assessed using both Rz and DCIP indicator inks evenly sprayed over the films: firstly using UVA lamp light to activate the underlying Activ (TM) film (1.75 mW cm(-2)) and secondly under solar conditions (2.06 +/- 0.14 mW cm(-2)). The photo-reduction reactions were monitored solely by flat-bed digital scanning. Red-green-blue values of a generated 14 x 14 grid (196 positions) that covered the entire area of each film image were extracted using a Custom-built program entitled RGB Extractor(C). A homogenous degradation over the 196 positions analysed for both Rz (Red colour deviation = 19% UVA, 8% Solar: Green colour deviation = 17% UVA, 12% Solar) and DCIP (Red colour deviation = 22% UVA, 16% Solar) inks was seen in both UVA and solar experiments, demonstrating the consistency of the self-cleaning titania layer on Activ (TM). The method presented provides a good solution for the high-throughput photocatalytic screening of a number of homogenous photocatalytically active materials simultaneously or numerous positions on a single film; both useful in assessing the homogeneity of a film or determining the best combination of reaction components to produce the optimum performance photocatalytic film. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Purpose. This study reports the effects of hexetidine (Oraldene(TM)) on two virulence attributes of Candida albicans, namely, in vitro and ex vivo adherence of yeast cells to buccal epithelial cells (BEG) and in vitro morphogenesis.


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The effect of polyhexamethylenebiguanide (PHMB) on adherence of Candida albicans blastospores to human buccal epithelial cells (BEG) was examined in vitro. Treatments of either blastospores or BEC with PHMB (50 and 1000 mu g ml(-1)) significantly reduced the number of adherent blastospores per BEC and increased the number of BEC devoid of blastospores.


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