410 resultados para flexible portal frame


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In a human-computer dialogue system, the dialogue strategy can range from very restrictive to highly flexible. Each specific dialogue style has its pros and cons and a dialogue system needs to select the most appropriate style for a given user. During the course of interaction, the dialogue style can change based on a user’s response and the system observation of the user. This allows a dialogue system to understand a user better and provide a more suitable way of communication. Since measures of the quality of the user’s interaction with the system can be incomplete and uncertain, frameworks for reasoning with uncertain and incomplete information can help the system make better decisions when it chooses a dialogue strategy. In this paper, we investigate how to select a dialogue strategy based on aggregating the factors detected during the interaction with the user. For this purpose, we use probabilistic logic programming (PLP) to model probabilistic knowledge about how these factors will affect the degree of freedom of a dialogue. When a dialogue system needs to know which strategy is more suitable, an appropriate query can be executed against the PLP and a probabilistic solution with a degree of satisfaction is returned. The degree of satisfaction reveals how much the system can trust the probability attached to the solution.


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While WiFi monitoring networks have been deployed in previous research, to date none have assessed live network data from an open access, public environment. In this paper we describe the construction of a replicable, independent WLAN monitoring system and address some of the challenges in analysing the resultant traffic. Analysis of traffic from the system demonstrates that basic traffic information from open-access networks varies over time (temporal inconsistency). The results also show that arbitrary selection of Request-Reply intervals can have a significant effect on Probe and Association frame exchange calculations, which can impact on the ability to detect flooding attacks.


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This paper presents the maximum weighted stream posterior (MWSP) model as a robust and efficient stream integration method for audio-visual speech recognition in environments, where the audio or video streams may be subjected to unknown and time-varying corruption. A significant advantage of MWSP is that it does not require any specific measurements of the signal in either stream to calculate appropriate stream weights during recognition, and as such it is modality-independent. This also means that MWSP complements and can be used alongside many of the other approaches that have been proposed in the literature for this problem. For evaluation we used the large XM2VTS database for speaker-independent audio-visual speech recognition. The extensive tests include both clean and corrupted utterances with corruption added in either/both the video and audio streams using a variety of types (e.g., MPEG-4 video compression) and levels of noise. The experiments show that this approach gives excellent performance in comparison to another well-known dynamic stream weighting approach and also compared to any fixed-weighted integration approach in both clean conditions or when noise is added to either stream. Furthermore, our experiments show that the MWSP approach dynamically selects suitable integration weights on a frame-by-frame basis according to the level of noise in the streams and also according to the naturally fluctuating relative reliability of the modalities even in clean conditions. The MWSP approach is shown to maintain robust recognition performance in all tested conditions, while requiring no prior knowledge about the type or level of noise.


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yambo is an ab initio code for calculating quasiparticle energies and optical properties of electronic systems within the framework of many-body perturbation theory and time-dependent density functional theory. Quasiparticle energies are calculated within the GW approximation for the self-energy. Optical properties are evaluated either by solving the Bethe-Salpeter equation or by using the adiabatic local density approximation. yambo is a plane-wave code that, although particularly suited for calculations of periodic bulk systems, has been applied to a large variety of physical systems. yambo relies on efficient numerical techniques devised to treat systems with reduced dimensionality, or with a large number of degrees of freedom. The code has a user-friendly command-line based interface, flexible 110 procedures and is interfaced to several publicly available density functional ground-state codes.


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We present an analysis of hard X-ray features in the spectrum of the bright Sy 1 galaxy Mrk 335 observed by the XMM-Newton satellite. Our analysis confirms the presence of a broad, ionized Fe Ka emission line in the spectrum, first found by Gondoin et al. The broad line can be modelled successfully by relativistic accretion disc reflection models. This interpretation is unusually robust in the case of Mrk 335 because of the lack of any ionized ('warm') absorber and the absence a clear narrow core to the line. Partial covering by neutral gas cannot, however, be ruled out statistically as the origin of the broad residuals. Regardless of the underlying continuum we report, for the first time in this source, the detection of a narrow absorption feature at the rest frame energy of ~5.9 keV. If the feature is identified with a resonance absorption line of iron in a highly ionized medium, the redshift of the line corresponds to an inflow velocity of ~0.11-0.15c. We present a simple model for the inflow, accounting approximately for relativistic and radiation pressure effects, and use Monte Carlo methods to compute synthetic spectra for qualitative comparison with the data. This modelling shows that the absorption feature can plausibly be reproduced by infalling gas providing that the feature is identified with Fe xxvi. We require the inflowing gas to extend over a limited range of radii at a few tens of r to match the observed feature. The mass accretion rate in the flow corresponds to 60 per cent of the Eddington limit, in remarkable agreement with the observed rate. The narrowness of the absorption line tends to argue against a purely gravitational origin for the redshift of the line, but given the current data quality we stress that such an interpretation cannot be ruled out. © 2006 The Authors.


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A Monte Carlo code (artis) for modelling time-dependent three-dimensional spectral synthesis in chemically inhomogeneous models of Type Ia supernova ejecta is presented. Following the propagation of ?-ray photons, emitted by the radioactive decay of the nucleosynthesis products, energy is deposited in the supernova ejecta and the radiative transfer problem is solved self-consistently, enforcing the constraint of energy conservation in the comoving frame. Assuming a photoionization-dominated plasma, the equations of ionization equilibrium are solved together with the thermal balance equation adopting an approximate treatment of excitation. Since we implement a fully general treatment of line formation, there are no free parameters to adjust. Thus, a direct comparison between synthetic spectra and light curves, calculated from hydrodynamic explosion models, and observations is feasible. The code is applied to the well-known W7 explosion model and the results tested against other studies. Finally, the effect of asymmetric ejecta on broad-band light curves and spectra is illustrated using an elliptical toy model. © 2009 RAS.


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Consideration of the ethical, social, and policy implications of research has become increasingly important to scientists and scholars whose work focuses on brain and mind, but limited empirical data exist on the education in ethics available to them. We examined the current landscape of ethics training in neuroscience programs, beginning with the Canadian context specifically, to elucidate the perceived needs of mentors and trainees and offer recommendations for resource development to meet those needs. We surveyed neuroscientists at all training levels and interviewed directors of neuroscience programs and training grants. A total of 88% of survey respondents reported general interest in ethics, and 96% indicated a desire for more ethics content as it applies to brain research and clinical translation. Expert interviews revealed formal ethics education in over half of programs and in 90% of grants-based programs. Lack of time, resources, and expertise, however, are major barriers to expanding ethics content in neuroscience education. We conclude with an initial set of recommendations to address these barriers which includes the development of flexible, tailored ethics education tools, increased financial support for ethics training, and strategies for fostering collaboration between ethics experts, neuroscience program directors, and funding agencies. © 2010 the Authors. Journal Compilation © 2010 International Mind, Brain, and Education Society and Blackwell Publishing, Inc.


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Posttranslational processing of proadrenomedullin generates two biologically active peptides, adrenomedullin (AM) and proadrenomedullin N-terminal 20 peptide (PAMP). Sequence comparison of homologous proadrenomedullin genes in vertebrate evolution shows a high degree of stability in the reading frame for AM, whereas PAMP sequence changes rapidly. Here we investigate the functional significance of PAMP phylogenetic variation studying two of PAMP's better characterized physiological activities, angiogenic potential and antimicrobial capability, with synthetic peptides carrying the predicted sequence for human, mouse, chicken, and fish PAMP. All tested peptides induced angiogenesis when compared with untreated controls, but chicken and fish PAMP, which lack terminal amidation, were apparently less angiogenic than their human and mouse homologs. Confirming the role of amidation in angiogenesis, Gly-extended and free acid variants of human PAMP produced responses similar to the natural nonamidated peptides. In contrast, antimicrobial activity was restricted to human PAMP, indicating that this function may have been acquired at a late time during the evolution of PAMP. Interestingly, free acid human PAMP retained antimicrobial activity whereas the Gly-extended form did not. This fact may reflect the need for maintaining a tightly defined structural conformation in the pore-forming mechanism proposed for these antimicrobial agents. The evolution of PAMP provides an example of an angiogenic peptide that developed antimicrobial capabilities without losing its original function.


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Background: Infections pose a substantial burden to the health of older adults. In this report, we describe the proceedings of a workshop to formulate and prioritize research questions about infections in older adults using an interdisciplinary approach. Methods: Researchers from four sectors (basic science, clinical sciences, health services and epidemiology/determinants of health) and representatives from various Canadian local, provincial, and federal stakeholder groups were invited to a two-day workshop. Five multi-disciplinary groups and stakeholders from each of three healthcare settings (long term, acute care and community) discussed research priorities for each of the settings. Five to ten research questions were identified for each setting. Results: The research questions proposed ranged from risk factors and outcomes for different infections to the effect of nutrition on infection and the role of alternative and complementary medicine in treating infections. Health service issues included barriers to immunization, prolongation of hospital length of stay by infection, use of care paths for managing infections, and decision-making in determining the site of care for individuals with infections. Clinical questions included risk factor assessment for infection, the effectiveness of preventative strategies, and technology evaluation. Epidemiologic issues included the challenge of achieving a better understanding of respiratory infections in the community and determining the prevalence of colonization with multi-resistant bacteria. Conclusions: The questions are of direct relevance to researchers in a wide variety of fields. Bringing together a multi-disciplinary group of researchers to frame and prioritize research questions about aging is feasible, participants valued the opinions of people working in other areas.


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Adsorption and desorption of hydrogen from nanoporous materials, such as activated carbon, is usually fully reversible. We have prepared nanoporous metal-organic framework materials with flexible linkers in which the pore openings, as characterized in the static structures, appear to be too small to allow H-2 to pass. We observe hysteresis in their adsorption and desorption kinetics above the supercritical temperature of H-2 that reflects the dynamical opening of the "windows" between pores. This behavior would allow H-2 to be adsorbed at high pressures but stored at lower pressures.


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Metal organic frameworks (MOFs) are among the most exciting materials discovered recently, attracting particular attention for their gas-adsorption and -storage properties. Certain MOFs show considerable structural flexibility in response to various stimuli. Although there are several examples of 'breathing' MOFs, in which structural changes occur without any bond breaking, examples of transformations in which several bonds are broken and made are much rarer. In this paper we demonstrate how a flexible MOF, Cu-2(OH)(C8H3O7S)(H2O)center dot 2H(2)O, can be synthesized by careful choice of the organic linker ligand. The flexibility can be controlled by addition of a supplementary coordinating molecule, which increases the thermal stability of the solid sufficiently for direct imaging with electron microscopy to be possible. We also demonstrate that the MOF shows unprecedented low-pressure selectivity towards nitric oxide through a coordination-driven gating mechanism. The chemical control over these behaviours offers new possibilities for the synthesis of MOFs with unusual and potentially exploitable properties.


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Close-packed monolayers of 20 nm Au nanoparticles are self-assembled at hexane/water interfaces and transferred to elastic substrates. Stretching the resulting nanoparticle mats provides active and reversible tuning of their plasmonic properties, with a clear polarization dependance. Both uniaxial and biaxial strains induce strong blue shifts in the plasmonic resonances. This matches theoretical simulations and indicates that plasmonic coupling at nanometer scale distances is responsible for the observed spectral tuning. Such stretch-tunable metal nanoparticle mats can be exploited for the development of optical devices, such as flexible colour filters and molecular sensors. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3683535]


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A flexible body image is required by animals if they are to adapt to body changes and move effectively within a structurally complex environment. Here, we show that terrestrial hermit crabs, Coenobita rugosus, which frequently change shells, can modify walking behaviour, dependent on the shape of the shell. Hermit crabs walked along a corridor that had alternating left and right corners; if it was narrow at the corner, crabs rotated their bodies to avoid the wall, indicating an awareness of environmental obstacles. This rotation increased when a plastic plate was attached to the shell. We suggest that the shell, when extended by the plate, becomes assimilated to the hermit crab's own body. While there are cases of a tool being assimilated with the body, our result is the first example of the habitat where an animal lives and/or carries being part of a virtual body. This journal is © 2012 The Royal Society.


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One novel Kunitz BPTI-like peptide designated as BBPTI-1, with chymotrypsin inhibitory activity was identified from the venom of Burmese Daboia russelii siamensis. It was purified by three steps of chromatography including gel filtration, cation exchange and reversed phase. A partial N-terminal sequence of BBPTI-1, HDRPKFCYLPADPGECLAHMRSF was obtained by automated Edman degradation and a Ki value of 4.77. nM determined. Cloning of BBPTI-1 including the open reading frame and 3' untranslated region was achieved from cDNA libraries derived from lyophilized venom using a 3' RACE strategy. In addition a cDNA sequence, designated as BBPTI-5, was also obtained. Alignment of cDNA sequences showed that BBPTI-5 exhibited an identical sequence to BBPTI-1 cDNA except for an eight nucleotide deletion in the open reading frame. Gene variations that represented deletions in the BBPTI-5 cDNA resulted in a novel protease inhibitor analog. Amino acid sequence alignment revealed that deduced peptides derived from cloning of their respective precursor cDNAs from libraries showed high similarity and homology with other Kunitz BPTI proteinase inhibitors. BBPTI-1 and BBPTI-5 consist of 60 and 66 amino acid residues respectively, including six conserved cysteine residues. As these peptides have been reported to have influence on the processes of coagulation, fibrinolysis and inflammation, their potential application in biomedical contexts warrants further investigation. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.


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A range of chloroplumbate(II) organic salts, based on the two cations, 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium and trihexyl(tetradecyl) phosphonium, was prepared by ionothermal synthesis. Depending on the structure of the organic cation and on the molar ratio of PbCl2 in the product,.PbCl2, the salts were room-temperature ionic liquids or crystalline organic/inorganic hybrid materials. The solids were studied using Raman spectroscopy; the crystal structure of [C(2)mim]{PbCl3} was determined and shown to contain 1D infinite chloroplumbate(II) strands formed by edge-sharing tetragonal pyramids of pentacoordinate (PbCl5) units. The liquids were analysed using Pb-207 NMR and Raman spectroscopies, as well as viscometry. Phase diagrams were constructed based on differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) measurements. Discrete anions: [PbCl4](2-) and [PbCl3](-), were detected in the liquid state. The trichloroplumbate(II) anion was shown to have a flexible structure due to the presence of a stereochemically-active lone pair. The relationship between the liquid phase anionic speciation and the structure of the corresponding crystalline products of ionothermal syntheses was discussed, and the data were compared with analogous tin(II) systems.