330 resultados para SEROTONIN RECEPTOR


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This review will discuss evidence for the role of the erythropoietin (Epo) receptor in the development of erythrocytosis and other hematological disorders, The possible causative role of mutations of other genes in the pathogenesis of idiopathic erythrocytosis will be considered, Polycythemia vera (PV) is a myeloproliferative disorder that is caused by an undefined stem cell abnormality, characterized by a significant erythrocytosis, leukocytosis, and thrombocytosis. However, erythrocytosis may arise from apparent (or relative) polycythemia in which the hematocrit is raised due to a low plasma volume. In such cases the red cell mass is normal. A group of disorders with increased red cell mass caused by stimulation of erythrocyte production is known as secondary polycythemia, Investigation of such patients may reveal a congenital abnormality such as high affinity hemoglobin or an acquired abnormality caused, for example, by smoking, renal Vascular impairment, or an Epo-producing tumor. Even after thorough examination there remains a cohort of patients for whom no definite cause for the erythrocytosis can be established, A careful clinical history may reveal whether this idiopathic erythrocytosis is likely to be congenital and/or familial, in which case the term


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Familial erythrocytosis, associated with high haemoglobin levels and low serum erythropoietin (Epo), has been shown to co-segregate with a sequence repeat polymorphism at the 5' region of the erythropoietin receptor (EpoR) in a large Finnish family. We have investigated the cause of erythrocytosis in an English boy. Sequencing of the cytoplasmic region of the EpoR detected a de novo transition mutation of G to A at nucleotide 6002. This mutation resulted in the formation of a stop codon at amino acid 439 with the loss of 70 amino acids from the carboxy terminus. The mutation (G6002A) has arisen independently in a Finnish family and de novo in this English boy. Patients with unexplained erythrocytosis and low serum Epo levels should be investigated for EpoR mutations.


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This is the first detailed description of the nitrergic nervous system in a fluke. In this study, the authors analysed the distribution of the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-diaphorase (NADPH-d) reactivity in neuronal and nonneuronal tissues of the adult fluke Fasciola hepatica and compared this with the distribution of the musculature using tetramethylrhodamine isothiocyanate-phalloidin. To assess the correlation between the number of muscle cells in different parts of the fluke and the NADPH-d-stained cells, the nuclei were stained with Hoechst 333 42, which is specific for chromatin. The spatial relation between the NADPH-d-positive nerves and the 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin; 5-HT)-immunoreactive (-IR) and GYIRFamide-IR nervous elements was also examined. The methods complement each other. NADPH-d-positive staining occurs in both in neuronal tissue and nonneuronal tissue. Large, NADPH-d-stained neurones were localised in the nervous system. The oral and ventral suckers are innervated with many large NADPH-d-stained neurones. Ln addition, the NADPH-d staining reaction follows closely the muscle fibres in both the suckers, in the body, and in the ducts of the reproductive organs. The presence of NADPH-d activity along muscle fibres in F. hepatica and in other flatworms supports a possible myoinhibitory role for nitric oxide. Neuronal nitric oxide synthase in flatworms may form a novel drug target, which would facilitate the development of a novel anthelminthic. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Neuropeptide F (NPF), RFamide and serotonin (5-HT) immunoreactivities have been detected in the nervous system of P. exiguus procercoids and adults, using an indirect immunocytochemical technique in conjunction with confocal scanning laser microscopy. The peptidergic nervous system of the procercoid is well developed, with two brain ganglia, three pairs of longitudinal nerve cords, transverse ring commissures and nerves in the suckers, all showing NPF-immunostaining. Strong NPF- and RF-immunostaining was observed in the CNS and PNS of the adult worm. The distribution patterns of the two neuropeptides were similar. Immunoreactivity for 5-HT was found only in the CNS.


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Using an indirect immunofluorescence technique interfaced with confocal scanning laser microscopy, whole-mount preparations of three genera of marine trematode larvae, Cryntocotyle lingua, Cercaria emasculans and Himasthla leptosoma, were screened for 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) and selected neuropeptide immunoreactivities (IRs). IRs for pancreatic polypeptide (PP), peptide YY (PYY) and FMRFamide were found in the central nervous systems of the three species of cercariae, immunostaining the paired ganglia and central commissure and the longitudinal nerve cords, with slight differences in both distribution and intensity of IRs being observed for the different antisera used. PP, PYY and FMRFamide IRs were evident in both central and peripheral components of the nervous system in the rediae of C. lingua. 5-HT IR was confined to the peripheral nervous systems of the cercariae of C. emasculans and the rediae of C. lingua, appearing in the form of a network of immunoreactive fibres and associated large cell bodies. A moderate substance P IR was observed in the nervous system of the cercariae of C. lingua. The patterns of immunostaining described were compared with those obtained using antiserum directed to the C-terminal decapeptide amide of neuropeptide F (NPF), a native parasitic peptide from the cestode Moniezia expansa. Results demonstrated that serotoninergic and peptidergic components were present in the nervous systems of all of the trematode larvae studied and that some, if not all, of the IR for PP. PYY and FMRFamide was due to the presence of a trematode NPF homologue.


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An indirect immunocytochemical technique has been interfaced with confocal scanning laser microscopy to investigate the occurrence and distribution of serotoninergic (5-HT) nerve elements in Mesocestoides corti tetrathyridia. Cell bodies and nerve fibers immunoreactive to 5-HT were found concentrated in the innervation around the 4 suckers and associated commissures and in the 5 pairs of longitudinal nerve cords and their cross-connectives. Immunoreactivity was evident also in the extensive, peripheral network of fine fibers of the subtegumental region and in the plexus of varicose fibers that innervate the muscle in each of the suckers. In dividing stages of the tetrathyridium, the immunoreactive lateral nerve cords of adjoining progeny were in continuity around the base of the division cleft.


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Purpose: To characterize the importance of cellular Fas-associated death domain (FADD)–like interleukin 1ß-converting enzyme (FLICE) inhibitory protein (c-FLIP), a key regulator of caspase-8 (FLICE)–promoted apoptosis, in modulating the response of prostate cancer cells to androgen receptor (AR)–targeted therapy.

Experimental Design: c-FLIP expression was characterized by immunohistochemical analysis of prostatectomy tissue. The functional importance of c-FLIP to survival and modulating response to bicalutamide was studied by molecular and pharmacologic interventions.

Results: c-FLIP expression was increased in high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia and prostate cancer tissue relative to normal prostate epithelium (P < 0.001). Maximal c-FLIP expression was detected in castrate-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC; P < 0.001). In vitro, silencing of c-FLIP induced spontaneous apoptosis and increased 22Rv1 and LNCaP cell sensitivity to bicalutamide, determined by flow cytometry, PARP cleavage, and caspase activity assays. The histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACi), droxinostat and SAHA, also downregulated c-FLIP expression, induced caspase-8- and caspase-3/7–mediated apoptosis, and increased apoptosis in bicalutamide-treated cells. Conversely, the elevated expression of c-FLIP detected in the CRPC cell line VCaP underpinned their insensitivity to bicalutamide and SAHA in vitro. However, knockdown of c-FLIP induced spontaneous apoptosis in VCaP cells, indicating its relevance to cell survival and therapeutic resistance.

Conclusion: c-FLIP reduces the efficacy of AR-targeted therapy and maintains the viability of prostate cancer cells. A combination of HDACi with androgen deprivation therapy may be effective in early-stage disease, using c-FLIP expression as a predictive biomarker of sensitivity. Direct targeting of c-FLIP, however, may be relevant to enhance the response of existing and novel therapeutics in CRPC. Clin Cancer Res; 18(14); 3822–33.


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In this study we explored the potential role of the complement derived anaphylatoxin C5a and the expression of its receptor in mouse brain. Using in situ hybridization, we found that C5a receptor messenger RNA is expressed in mouse brain. In response to intraventricular kainic acid injection, there was marked increase in the C5a receptor messenger RNA expression, particularly in hippocampal formation and cerebral cortex. C5a ligand-binding autoradiography confirmed the functional expression and elevation of the C5a receptor post-lesioning. The expression of Cia receptor messenger RNA in brain was confirmed by northern blot hybridization of total RNA from neuronal and glial cells in vitiro. Based on these findings we explored the role of C5a in mechanisms of signal transduction in brain cells. Treatment of primary cultures of mouse astrocytes with human recombinant C5a resulted in the activation of mitogen-activated extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase. This response appeared to be mediated by the C5a receptor since astrocyte cultures derived from C5a receptor knockout mice were not responsive to the treatment. Understanding the regulation of C5a receptor in brain and mechanisms by which pro-inflammatory C5a modulates specific signal transduction pathways in brain cells is crucial to studies of inflammatory mechanisms in neurodegeneration. (C) 1998 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.


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Despite being common in epithelial malignancies, the timing of receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) up-regulation is poorly understood and therefore hampers the identification of the receptor to target for effective treatment. We aimed to determine if RTK expression changes were early events in carcinogenesis. Esophageal adenocarcinoma and its pre-invasive lesion, Barrett's esophagus, were used for immunohistochemical analysis of the RTK panel, EGFR, ErbB2, ErbB3, Met and FGFR2, by utilising a cohort of patients with invasive disease (n = 367) and two cohorts with pre-invasive disease, one cross-sectional (n = 110) and one longitudinal in time (n = 91). The results demonstrated that 51% of esophageal adenocarcinomas over-expressed at least one of the RTK panel; with 21% of these over-expressing multiple receptors. Up-regulation of RTK expression was an early event corresponding with low grade dysplasia development (25% in areas without dysplasia vs. 63% in low grade dysplasia, p


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Mouse monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) were generated against a 76-kDa IutA receptor of pathogenic avian Escherichia coli 15972. Six of the eight IutA-specific MAbs isolated (AB1 to AB6) were shown to be directed toward membrane-exposed conformational epitopes, although they did not interfere with the uptake of ferric aerobactin and cloacin DF13 as assessed by competition experiments with purified ligands. The two remaining IutA MAbs (AB9 and AB10) recognized linear epitopes buried in the IutA molecule. The panel of IutA MAbs was used to characterize IutA variants occurring in strains of E. coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterobacter spp., and Shigella spp., resulting in the identification of four immunological groups of IutAs. MAb AB9 defined an epitope conserved in all IutA variants. In addition, the panel of IutA MAbs served to identify the presence of IutA in wild-type bacteria grown in the presence of diphenylamine to reduce the expression of O-specific polysaccharide.