37 resultados para tegument


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In order to provide a better understanding of the interaction between the liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica) and the immune system of its mammalian host immunoreactive ? bacteriophage clones containing F. hepatica cDNA have been isolated. Plasmids from these clones were sequenced and found to encode a family of proteins containing certain common elements. All the clones contained a coding repeating sequence (RRRXCA) which is conserved at the nucleic acid level followed by a non-repeating element coding for the C terminal used by the proteins which shows conservation of amino acids at certain positions. Antisera raised against a ß-galactosidase fusion protein with one of these sequences as a terminal extension was used to localize the immunoreactive antigens. Binding was predominantly in the tegument of the juvenile fluke but was reduced in the adult tegument. The wall of the uterus showed strong reactivity in the adult. Rats immunized with the ß-galactosidase fusion protein showed enhanced resistance to challenge infections. The role of these antigens in the host response to infection by F. hepatica is discussed.


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An array of schistosome endoproteases involved in the digestion of host hemoglobin to absorbable peptides has been described, but the exoprotease responsible for catabolising these peptides to amino acids has yet to be identified. By searching the public databases we found that Schistosoma mansoni and Schistosoma japonicum express a gene encoding a member of the M17 family of leucine aminopeptidases (LAPs). A functional recombinant S. mansoni LAP produced in insect cells shared biochemical properties, including pH optimum for activity, substrate specificity and reliance on metal cations for activity, with the major aminopeptidase activity in soluble extracts of adult worms. The pH range in which the enzyme functions and the lack of a signal peptide indicate that the enzyme functions intracellularly. Immunolocalisation studies showed that the S. mansoni LAP is synthesised in the gastrodermal cells surrounding the gut lumen. Accordingly, we propose that peptides generated in the lumen of the schistosome gut are absorbed into the gastrodermal cells and are cleaved by LAP to free amino acids before being distributed to the internal tissues of the parasite. Since LAP was also localised to the surface tegument it may play an additional role in surface membrane re-modelling. (C) 2004 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The topography of the tegument of Echinostoma caproni adults collected from high (mice) and low (rats) compatible hosts was compared by SEM. In the oral (OS) and the ventral sucker (VS) areas, a worm age-host species interaction was found with regard to the density of spines. There was a decrease in the density of spines in the adults collected from mice, whereas an increase occurred in the OS area in worms from rats over time. The tegumentary spines in adults from mice became larger and blunter. Some spines from the VS area in adults from mice at 4 wpi were multipointed. The spines of adults from rats were sharper, not covered by the tegument and no multipointed spines were observed. We detected a greater level of actin gene expression in the adults collected from rats. These facts suggest that the low compatible host induces an increased turnover of tegumentary spines. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Eight indoor-reared crossbred sheep with no pre-exposure to Fasciola hepatica were infected, by oral gavage, with 200 metacercarial cysts of the triclabendazole (TCBZ)-susceptible Cullompton isolate of F. hepatica. Anthelmintic dosing occurred at 4 weeks post-infection with 10 mg/kg triclabendazole. Two treated sheep were euthanized at 48 h, 72 h and 96 h post-treatment with triclabendazole. Two control sheep were euthanized alongside the 48 h triclabendazole-treated sheep. Juvenile flukes were recovered from each of the sheeps’ liver and processed for scanning electron microscopy (SEM).

Flukes were still active 48 h post-treatment and displayed limited morphological disruption. There was some blebbing and sloughing of the tegument around the oral sucker. In several of the specimens, an extra layer had been deposited on the fluke surface, giving it a flattened appearance. At 72 h post-treatment, only one fluke remained alive and the disruption varied in degree. In the majority of flukes, there was severe swelling of the tegument, accompanied by isolated areas of flattening along the lateral margins of the flukes and in the tail region. Limited areas of sloughing occurred in the tail region. In more seriously affected specimens, the syncytium had been stripped away to reveal the basal lamina and some deeper lesions were also observed. By 96 h post-treatment, all the flukes were dead and were grossly disrupted. They were totally devoid of tegument and deep lesions exposed the internal tissues of the fluke.


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The effects of the novel benzimidazole, triclabendazole (Fasinex, Ciba-Geigy), in its active sulphoxide metabolite form (TCBZ-SX), on the tegumental surface of Fasciola hepatica has been examined in vitro. The tegument of adult flukes incubated in TCBZ-SX (50 mug/ml) appeared swollen and blebbed after only 6 h. In addition, progressive spine loss at the oral cone was evident following 12 h treatment. After 24 h, the tegumental syncytium and spines had completely sloughed away, leaving an exposed basal lamina and empty spine sockets. Juvenile flukes (3 weeks old) also demonstrated tegumental alterations after treatment with TCBZ-SX (20 mug/ml). The syncytium became extremely roughened and corrugated on both dorsal and ventral surfaces after only 3 h. Following 6- and 9-h incubations, there were many deep furrows, which were especially pronounced on the ventral surface, and by 18 h, the juvenile tegument was severely disrupted, especially on the ventral surface. In all cases, the effects were more marked than in the previous incubation periods. The results confirm the potent activity of triclabendazole against F. hepatica and suggest that the tegument of adult and juvenile flukes may be a target organ for this important fasciolicide.


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The effect of the microtubule inhibitors colchicine (1 x 10(-3) M) and tubulozole-C(1 x 10(-6) M) on the ultrastructure of adult Fasciola hepatica has been determined in vitro by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), using both intact flukes and tissue-slice material. With colchicine treatment, the apical membrane of the tegument became increasingly convoluted and blebbed, while accumulations of T1 secretory bodies occurred in the basal region of the syncytium, leading to progressively fewer secretory bodies in the syncytium. In the tegumental cells there were distinct accumulations of Tl secretory bodies around the Golgi complexes, which remained active for up to 12 h incubation. Tubulozole-treated flukes showed more severe effects, with initial accumulations of secretory bodies, both at the tegumental apex and base. This was followed in the later time-periods by the sloughing of the tegumental syncytium. In the underlying tegumental cells, the granular endoplasmic reticulum (GER) cisternae were swollen and disrupted, becoming concentrated around the nucleus. The Golgi complexes were dispersed to the periphery of the cells and gradually disappeared from the cytoplasm. After treatment with both drugs, the cell population in the vitelline follicles was altered, with an abnormally large proportion of stem cells and relatively few intermediate type 1 cells. The nurse cell cytoplasm became fragmented and was no longer in contact with the vitelline cells, while the shell globule clusters within the intermediate type 2 and mature cells were loosely packed. In the mature vitelline cells, 'yolk' globules and glycogen deposits became fewer than normal and lipid droplets were observed. The results are discussed in relation to the different modes of action of the two drugs and potential significance of this to anthelmintic (benzimidazole) therapy.


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Adult and 3-week-old juvenile Fasciola hepatica were examined for the presence of the cytoskeletal protein actin. Techniques of direct fluorescence using fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-phalloidin and of indirect immunofluorescence using a monoclonal anti-actin antibody (MAA) demonstrated actin in the testes, sub-tegumental and gut musculature, tegumental cell bodies and tegumental spines. In contrast, polyclonal anti-actin antibody (PAA) revealed immunostaining only in the vitellaria. Effective removal of the tegument with 1 % (w/v) sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) was confirmed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and this enabled immunoblotting of whole fluke and tegumental fractions with and without spines. Whole fluke fractions produced three bands corresponding to molecules exhibiting relative molecular weights of 43, 28 and 15 kDa, respectively, whereas the tegumental fraction with spines revealed a single band corresponding to 15 kDa in size. The fraction without spines displayed no bands. The present study localised actin in a number of different tissue types within the liver fluke. Using MAA, three forms of actin have been identified in the whole fluke and a single one in the tegumental spines.


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The localisation and distribution of the cytoskeletal protein tubulin in the adult liver fluke Fasciola hepatica have been determined by an indirect immunofluorescence technique using a monoclonal antibody raised against beta-tubulin. Tubulin was demonstrated in the tegumental syncytium and in the tegumental cell bodies and their cytoplasmic connections with the surface syncytium. Immunostaining was also evident in the nerve fibres innervating sensory receptors in the tegument, in the nerve plexus innervating the sub-tegumental musculature and in the cytoplasmic extensions of the nurse cells within the vitelline follicle. Immunoblotting of whole fluke fractions produced a single band corresponding to a molecule of approximately 54 kDa in size. This figure corresponds with previous data obtained on tubulin from other helminth and eukaryotic sources.


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The effect of the microfilament inhibitor cytochalasin B (10 and 100-mu-g/ml) on the ultrastructure of adult Fasciola hepatica was determined in vitro by scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM, TEM) using both intact flukes and tissue-slice material. SEM revealed that initial swelling of the tegument led to surface blebbing and limited areas of sloughing after 24 h treatment at 100-mu-g/ml. In the tegumental syncytium, basal accumulations of secretory bodies (especially T2s) were evident in the earlier time periods but declined with longer incubations, until few secretory bodies remained in the syncytium overall. Blebbing of the apical plasma membrane and occasional areas of breakdown and sloughing of the tegument were observed over longer periods of treatment at 100-mu-g/ml. In the tegumental cell bodies, the Golgi complexes gradually decreased in size and activity, and few secretory bodies were produced. In the later time periods, the cells assumed abnormal shapes, the cytoplasm shrinking in towards the nucleus. In the vitelline follicles, a random dispersion of shell protein globules was evident within the intermediate-type cells, rather than their being organized into distinct shell globule clusters. Disruption of this process was more severe at the higher concentration of 100-mu-g/ml and again was more evident in tissue-slice material. In the latter, after prolonged (12 h) exposure to cytochalasin B, the intermediate and mature vitelline cells were filled with loosely packed and expanded shell globule clusters, containing few shell protein globules. The mature vitelline cells continued to lay down "yolk" globules and glycogen deposits. Disruption of the network of processes from the nurse cells was evident at the higher concentration of cytochalasin. Spaces began to appear between the vitelline cells and grew larger with progressively longer incubation periods, and the cells themselves assumed abnormal shapes. A number of binucleate stem cells were observed in tissue-slice material at the longest incubation period (12 h).


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Using mice harbouring early Fasciola hepatica infections, six monoclonal antibodies were prepared against a tegumental antigen present in T1 granules and glycocalyx of flukes. Blocking tests indicated that all monoclonals bound the same T1 epitope (or epitopes in close proximity on the antigen molecule), but this was not the determinant recognized by sheep and cattle. Localization of antibody binding at light and electron microscope levels showed that T1-type antigen also occurred in metacercarial tegument and in glycocalyx of gut cells and excretory ducts in juvenile and adult flukes. This indicates that the natural host-antibody response to F. hepatica may be to one antigen early in the infection. Protein A-gold labelling of monoclonal treated fluke sections revealed that the epitope was probably a polypeptide, unmodified by glycosylation in Golgi bodies. When isolated by immunoadsorption and separated electrophoretically under reducing conditions T1-type antigen was found to consist of a polypeptide mol. wt. 50 000, possibly linked to smaller entities mol. wt. 25-40 000. Tissue-specific variations in the antigen molecule might be conferred by linkage of different polypeptides or carbohydrate side-chains to an antigenic core polypeptide. A component of T1-type antigen was found to have mol. wt. of 25 000, possibly resembling a polypeptide of mol. wt. 24 000 from Schistosoma mansoni tegument.


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A series of monoclonal antibodies was prepared against tegumental and internal antigens of Fasciola hepatica by immunizing mice with whole adult-fluke homogenates prior to harvesting the splenic lymphocytes for fusion. Preliminary screening by the Indirect Fluorescent Antibody technique indicated the occurrence of discrete groups of monoclonals differing from one another in tissue-specificity but within which IFA labelling patterns were fairly consistent. Representative hybridomas for 5 of these groups were stabilized and used to produce ascites fluid in mice. By application of an immunogold labelling technique it was possible to map the distribution of antigens for which each monoclonal antibody had affinity throughout the tissues of 4-week and 12-week flukes. Several monoclonals specifically labelled antigenic determinants on the important tegumental antigen T1. However the distribution of gold colloid labelling suggested that epitopes other than that normally exposed to the infected host were recognized; and several monoclonals specifically attached to T1 antigen in the tegument of juvenile worms only. The glycocalyx of the gut and excretory system of flukes shared T1 antigenicity with the tegument. Monoclonal antibodies were produced against an internal immunogen associated with ribosomes and heterochromatin in active protein-producing cells, and against interstitial material of adult flukes. Monoclonals against antigens in parenchymal cell cytoplasm and in mature vitelline cells were recognized but the corresponding hybridomas were not stabilized.


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Adult and 3-week-old juvenile Fasciola hepatica were examined for the presence of the cytoskeletal protein actin. Techniques of direct fluorescence using fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-phalloidin and of indirect immunofluorescence using a monoclonal anti-actin antibody (MAA) demonstrated actin in the testes, sub-tegumental and gut musculature, tegumental cell bodies and tegumental spines. In contrast, polyclonal anti-actin antibody (PAA) revealed immunostaining only in the vitellaria. Effective removal of the tegument with 1% (w/v) sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) was confirmed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and this enabled immunoblotting of whole fluke and tegumental fractions with and without spines. Whole fluke fractions produced three bands corresponding to molecules exhibiting relative molecular weights of 43, 28 and 15 kDa, respectively, whereas the tegumental fraction with spines revealed a single band corresponding to 15 kDa in size. The fraction without spines displayed no bands. The present study localised actin in a number of different tissue types within the liver fluke. Using MAA, three forms of actin have been identified in the whole fluke and a single one in the tegumental spines.


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The localisation and distribution of the cytoskeletal protein tubulin in the adult liver fluke Fasciola hepatica have been determined by an indirect immunofluorescence technique using a monoclonal antibody raised against beta-tubulin. Tubulin was demonstrated in the tegumental syncytium and in the tegumental cell bodies and their cytoplasmic connections with the surface syncytium. Immunostaining was also evident in the nerve fibres innervating sensory receptors in the tegument, in the nerve plexus innervating the sub-tegumental musculature and in the cytoplasmic extensions of the nurse cells within the vitelline follicle. Immunoblotting of whole fluke fractions produced a single band corresponding to a molecule of approximately 54 kDa in size. This figure corresponds with previous data obtained on tubulin from other helminth and eukaryotic sources.


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Background: Schistosomiasis is a parasitic disease caused by trematodes of the genus Schistosoma. Five species of Schistosoma are known to infect humans, out of which S. haematobium is the most prevalent, causing the chronic parasitic disease schistosomiasis that still represents a major problem of public health in many regions of the world and especially in tropical areas, leading to serious manifestations and mortality in developing countries. Since the 1970s, praziquantel (PZQ) is the drug of choice for the treatment of schistosomiasis, but concerns about relying on a single drug to treat millions of people, and the potential appearance of drug resistance, make identification of alternative schistosomiasis chemotherapies a high priority. Alkylphospholipid analogs (APLs), together with their prototypic molecule edelfosine (EDLF), are a family of synthetic antineoplastic compounds that show additional pharmacological actions, including antiparasitic activities against several protozoan parasites.

Methodology/Principal Findings: We found APLs ranked edelfosine> perifosine> erucylphosphocholine> miltefosine for their in vitro schistosomicidal activity against adult S. mansoni worms. Edelfosine accumulated mainly in the worm tegument, and led to tegumental alterations, membrane permeabilization, motility impairment, blockade of male-female pairing as well as induction of apoptosis-like processes in cells in the close vicinity to the tegument. Edelfosine oral treatment also showed in vivo schistosomicidal activity and decreased significantly the egg burden in the liver, a key event in schistosomiasis.

Conclusions/Significance: Our data show that edelfosine is the most potent APL in killing S. mansoni adult worms in vitro. Edelfosine schistosomicidal activity seems to depend on its action on the tegumental structure, leading to tegumental damage, membrane permeabilization and apoptosis-like cell death. Oral administration of edelfosine diminished worm and egg burdens in S. mansoni-infected CD1 mice. Here we report that edelfosine showed promising antischistosomal properties in vitro and in vivo.


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The effect of the microfilament inhibitor cytochalasin B (10 and 100 micrograms/ml) on the ultrastructure of adult Fasciola hepatica was determined in vitro by scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM, TEM) using both intact flukes and tissue-slice material. SEM revealed that initial swelling of the tegument led to surface blebbing and limited areas of sloughing after 24 h treatment at 100 micrograms/ml. In the tegumental syncytium, basal accumulations of secretory bodies (especially T2s) were evident in the earlier time periods but declined with longer incubations, until few secretory bodies remained in the syncytium overall. Blebbing of the apical plasma membrane and occasional areas of breakdown and sloughing of the tegument were observed over longer periods of treatment at 100 micrograms/ml. In the tegumental cell bodies, the Golgi complexes gradually decreased in size and activity, and few secretory bodies were produced. In the later time periods, the cells assumed abnormal shapes, the cytoplasm shrinking in towards the nucleus. In the vitelline follicles, a random dispersion of shell protein globules was evident within the intermediate-type cells, rather than their being organized into distinct shell globule clusters. Disruption of this process was more severe at the higher concentration of 100 micrograms/ml and again was more evident in tissue-slice material. In the latter, after prolonged (12 h) exposure to cytochalasin B, the intermediate and mature vitelline cells were filled with loosely packed and expanded shell globule clusters, containing few shell protein globules. The mature vitelline cells continued to lay down "yolk" globules and glycogen deposits. Disruption of the network of processes from the nurse cells was evident at the higher concentration of cytochalasin. Spaces began to appear between the vitelline cells and grew larger with progressively longer incubation periods, and the cells themselves assumed abnormal shapes. A number of binucleate stem cells were observed in tissue-slice material at the longest incubation period (12 h).