171 resultados para stars: cataclysmic variables


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We present high-speed, three-colour photometry of the eclipsing cataclysmic variable SDSS J150722.30+523039.8 (hereafter SDSS J1507). This system has an orbital period of 66.61 min, placing it below the observed `period minimum' for cataclysmic variables. We determine the system parameters via a parametrized model of the eclipse fitted to the observed lightcurve by ?2 minimization. We obtain a mass ratio of q = 0.0623 +/- 0.0007 and an orbital inclination . The primary mass is Mw = 0.90 +/- 0.01Msolar. The secondary mass and radius are found to be Mr = 0.056 +/- 0.001Msolar and Rr = 0.096 +/- 0.001Rsolar, respectively. We find a distance to the system of 160 +/- 10pc. The secondary star in SDSS J1507 has a mass substantially below the hydrogen burning limit, making it the second confirmed substellar donor in a cataclysmic variable. The very short orbital period of SDSS J1507 is readily explained if the secondary star is nuclearly evolved, or if SDSS J1507 formed directly from a detached white dwarf/brown dwarf binary. Given the lack of any visible contribution from the secondary star, the very low secondary mass and the low HeI ?6678/Ha emission-line ratio, we argue that SDSS J1507 probably formed directly from a detached white dwarf/brown dwarf binary. If confirmed, SDSS J1507 will be the first such system identified. The implications for binary star evolution, the brown dwarf desert and the common envelope phase are discussed.


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The UV spectra of nova-like variables are dominated by emission from the accretion disk, modified by scattering in a wind emanating from the disk. Here, we model the spectra of RW Tri and UX UMa, the only two eclipsing nova-like variables which have been observed with the Hubble Space Telescope in the far-ultraviolet, in an attempt to constrain the geometry and the ionization structure of their winds. Using our Monte Carlo radiative transfer code, we computed spectra for simply parameterized axisymmetric biconical outflow models and were able to find plausible models for both systems. These reproduce the primary UV resonance lines-N v, Si iv, and C iv-in the observed spectra in and out of eclipse. The distribution of these ions in the wind models is similar in both cases as is the extent of the primary scattering regions in which these lines are formed. The inferred mass-loss rates are 6%-8% of the mass accretion rates for the systems. We discuss the implication of our point models for our understanding of accretion disk winds in cataclysmic variables. © 2010. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.


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We present time-resolved J-band spectroscopy of the short-period cataclysmic variable SDSS J143317.78+101123.3. We detect absorption lines from the sub-stellar donor star in this system, which contributes 38 +/- 5 per cent to the J-band light. From the relative strengths of the absorption lines in the J band, we estimate the spectral type of the donor star to be L2 +/- 1. These data are the first spectroscopic detection of a donor with a confirmed sub-stellar mass in a cataclysmic variable, and the spectral type is consistent with that expected from semi-empirical evolutionary models.

Using skew mapping, we have been able to derive an estimate for the radial velocity of the donor of K-d = 520 +/- 60 km/s. This value is consistent with, though much less precise than, predictions from mass determinations found via photometric fitting of the eclipse light curves.


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We present observations of the unusual optical transient SN 2010U, including spectra taken 1.03 days to 15.3 days after maximum light that identify it as a fast and luminous Fe II type nova. Our multi-band light curve traces the fast decline (t 2 = 3.5 ± 0.3 days) from maximum light (MV = -10.2 ± 0.1 mag), placing SN 2010U in the top 0.5% of the most luminous novae ever observed. We find typical ejecta velocities of ≈1100 km s-1 and that SN 2010U shares many spectral and photometric characteristics with two other fast and luminous Fe II type novae, including Nova LMC 1991 and M31N-2007-11d. For the extreme luminosity of this nova, the maximum magnitude versus rate of decline relationship indicates a massive white dwarf (WD) progenitor with a low pre-outburst accretion rate. However, this prediction is in conflict with emerging theories of nova populations, which predict that luminous novae from massive WDs should preferentially exhibit an alternate spectral type (He/N) near maximum light.


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Radiative pressure exerted by line interactions is a prominent driver of outflows in astrophysical systems, being at work in the outflows emerging from hot stars or from the accretion discs of cataclysmic variables, massive young stars and active galactic nuclei. In this work, a new radiation hydrodynamical approach to model line-driven hot-star winds is presented. By coupling a Monte Carlo radiative transfer scheme with a finite volume fluid dynamical method, line-driven mass outflows may be modelled self-consistently, benefiting from the advantages of Monte Carlo techniques in treating multiline effects, such as multiple scatterings, and in dealing with arbitrary multidimensional configurations. In this work, we introduce our approach in detail by highlighting the key numerical techniques and verifying their operation in a number of simplified applications, specifically in a series of self-consistent, one-dimensional, Sobolev-type, hot-star wind calculations. The utility and accuracy of our approach are demonstrated by comparing the obtained results with the predictions of various formulations of the so-called CAK theory and by confronting the calculations with modern sophisticated techniques of predicting the wind structure. Using these calculations, we also point out some useful diagnostic capabilities our approach provides. Finally, we discuss some of the current limitations of our method, some possible extensions and potential future applications.


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We report on new simultaneous phase-resolved spectroscopic and polarimetric observations of the polar (AM Herculis star) V834 Cen during a high state of accretion. Strong emission lines and high levels of variable circular and linear polarization are observed over the orbital period. The polarization data are modelled using the Stokes imaging technique of Potter et al. The spectroscopic emission lines are investigated using the Doppler tomography technique of Marsh and Horne and the Roche tomography technique of Dhillon and Watson. Up to now, all three techniques have been used separately to investigate the geometry and accretion dynamics in cataclysmic variables. For the first time, we apply all three techniques to simultaneous data for a single system. This allows us to compare and test each of the techniques against each other and hence to derive a better understanding of the geometry, dynamics and system parameters of V834 Cen.


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We report the discovery and characterization of a deeply eclipsing AM CVn-system, Gaia14aae (=ASSASN-14cn). Gaia14aae was identified independently by the All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae (ASAS-SN; Shappee et al.) and by the Gaia Science Alerts project, during two separate outbursts. A third outburst is seen in archival Pan-STARRS-1 (PS1; Schlafly et al.; Tonry et al.; Magnier et al.) and ASAS-SN data. Spectroscopy reveals a hot, hydrogen-deficient spectrum with clear double-peaked emission lines, consistent with an accreting double-degenerate classification. We use follow-up photometry to constrain the orbital parameters of the system. We find an orbital period of 49.71 min, which places Gaia14aae at the long period extremum of the outbursting AM CVn period distribution. Gaia14aae is dominated by the light from its accreting white dwarf (WD). Assuming an orbital inclination of 90° for the binary system, the contact phases of the WD lead to lower limits of 0.78 and 0.015 M⊙ on the masses of the accretor and donor, respectively, and a lower limit on the mass ratio of 0.019. Gaia14aae is only the third eclipsing AM CVn star known, and the first in which the WD is totally eclipsed. Using a helium WD model, we estimate the accretor's effective temperature to be 12 900 ± 200 K. The three outburst events occurred within four months of each other, while no other outburst activity is seen in the previous 8 yr of Catalina Real-time Transient Survey (CRTS; Drake et al.), Pan-STARRS-1 and ASAS-SN data. This suggests that these events might be rebrightenings of the first outburst rather than individual events.


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GD 552 is a high proper motion star with the strong, double-peaked emission lines characteristic of the dwarf nova class of cataclysmic variable (CV) star, and yet no outburst has been detected during the past 12yr of monitoring. We present spectroscopy taken with the aim of detecting emission from the mass donor in this system. We fail to do so at a level which allows us to rule out the presence of a near-main-sequence star donor. Given GD 552's orbital period of 103 min, this suggests that it is either a system that has evolved through the ~80-minute orbital period minimum of CV stars and now has a brown dwarf mass donor, or that has formed with a brown dwarf donor in the first place. This model explains the low observed orbital velocity of the white dwarf and GD 552's low luminosity. It is also consistent with the absence of outbursts from the system.


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We present time-resolved spectroscopy and photometry of the double-lined eclipsing cataclysmic variable V347 Pup ( = LB 1800). There is evidence of irradiation on the inner hemisphere of the secondary star, which we correct for using a model to give a secondary-star radial velocity of K R = 198 +/- 5 km s(-1). The rotational velocity of the secondary star in V347 Pup is found to be v sin i = 131 +/- 5 km s(-1) and the system inclination is i = 84degrees.0 +/- 2degrees.3. From these parameters we obtain masses of M-1 = 0.63 +/- 0.04 M for the white dwarf primary and M-2 = 0.52 +/- 0.06 M for the M0.5V secondary star, giving a mass ratio of q = 0.83 +/- 0.05. On the basis of the component masses, and the spectral type and radius of the secondary star in V347 Pup, we find tentative evidence for an evolved companion. V347 Pup shows many of the characteristics of the SW Sex stars, exhibiting single-peaked emission lines, high-velocity S-wave components and phase-offsets in the radial velocity curve. We find spiral arms in the accretion disc of V347 Pup and measure the disc radius to be close to the maximum allowed in a pressureless disc.


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For the purposes of identifying microlensing events, the POINT-AGAPE collaboration has been monitoring the Andromeda galaxy (M31) for three seasons (1999-2001) with the Wide Field Camera on the Isaac Newton Telescope. In each season, data are taken for one hour per night for roughly 60 nights during the six months that M31 is visible. The two 33 x 33 arcmin(2) fields of view straddle the central bulge, northwards and southwards. We have calculated the locations, periods and brightness of 35 414 variable stars in M31 as a by-product of the microlensing search. The variables are classified according to their period and brightness. Rough correspondences with classical types of variable star (such as Population I and II Cepheids, Miras and semiregular long-period variables) are established. The spatial distribution of Population I Cepheids is clearly associated with the spiral arms, while the central concentration of the Miras and long-period variables varies noticeably, the brighter and the shorter period Miras being much more centrally concentrated.


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Over the last 15 years, the supernova community has endeavoured to directly identify progenitor stars for core-collapse supernovae discovered in nearby galaxies. These precursors are often visible as resolved stars in high-resolution images from space-and ground-based telescopes. The discovery rate of progenitor stars is limited by the local supernova rate and the availability and depth of archive images of galaxies, with 18 detections of precursor objects and 27 upper limits. This review compiles these results (from 1999 to 2013) in a distance-limited sample and discusses the implications of the findings. The vast majority of the detections of progenitor stars are of type II-P, II-L, or IIb with one type Ib progenitor system detected and many more upper limits for progenitors of Ibc supernovae (14 in all). The data for these 45 supernovae progenitors illustrate a remarkable deficit of high-luminosity stars above an apparent limit of log L/L-circle dot similar or equal to 5.1 dex. For a typical Salpeter initial mass function, one would expect to have found 13 high-luminosity and high-mass progenitors by now. There is, possibly, only one object in this time-and volume-limited sample that is unambiguously high-mass (the progenitor of SN2009ip) although the nature of that supernovae is still debated. The possible biases due to the influence of circumstellar dust, the luminosity analysis, and sample selection methods are reviewed. It does not appear likely that these can explain the missing high-mass progenitor stars. This review concludes that the community's work to date shows that the observed populations of supernovae in the local Universe are not, on the whole, produced by high-mass (M greater than or similar to 18 M-circle dot) stars. Theoretical explosions of model stars also predict that black hole formation and failed supernovae tend to occur above an initial mass of M similar or equal to 18 M-circle dot. The models also suggest there is no simple single mass division for neutron star or black-hole formation and that there are islands of explodability for stars in the 8-120 M-circle dot range. The observational constraints are quite consistent with the bulk of stars above M similar or equal to 18 M-circle dot collapsing to form black holes with no visible supernovae.


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We present ultraviolet, optical and near-infrared data of the Type Ibn supernovae (SNe) 2010al and 2011hw. SN 2010al reaches an absolute magnitude at peak of M-R = -18.86 +/- 0.21. Its early light curve shows similarities with normal SNe Ib, with a rise to maximum slower than most SNe Ibn. The spectra are dominated by a blue continuum at early stages, with narrow P-Cygni He I lines indicating the presence of a slow-moving, He-rich circumstellar medium. At later epochs, the spectra well match those of the prototypical SN Ibn 2006jc, although the broader lines suggest that a significant amount of He was still present in the stellar envelope at the time of the explosion. SN 2011hw is somewhat different. It was discovered after the first maximum, but the light curve shows a double peak. The absolute magnitude at discovery is similar to that of the second peak (M-R = -18.59 +/- 0.25), and slightly fainter than the average of SNe Ibn. Though the spectra of SN 2011hw are similar to those of SN 2006jc, coronal lines and narrow Balmer lines are clearly detected. This indicates substantial interaction of the SN ejecta with He-rich, but not H-free, circumstellar material. The spectra of SN 2011hw suggest that it is a transitional SN Ibn/IIn event similar to SN 2005la. While for SN 2010al the spectrophotometric evolution favours a H-deprived Wolf-Rayet progenitor (of WN-type), we agree with the conclusion of Smith et al. that the precursor of SN 2011hw was likely in transition from a luminous blue variable to an early Wolf-Rayet (Ofpe/WN9) stage.


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We present a novel method for the light-curve characterization of Pan-STARRS1 Medium Deep Survey (PS1 MDS) extragalactic sources into stochastic variables (SVs) and burst-like (BL) transients, using multi-band image-differencing time-series data. We select detections in difference images associated with galaxy hosts using a star/galaxy catalog extracted from the deep PS1 MDS stacked images, and adopt a maximum a posteriori formulation to model their difference-flux time-series in four Pan-STARRS1 photometric bands gP1, rP1, iP1, and zP1. We use three deterministic light-curve models to fit BL transients; a Gaussian, a Gamma distribution, and an analytic supernova (SN) model, and one stochastic light-curve model, the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, in order to fit variability that is characteristic of active galactic nuclei (AGNs). We assess the quality of fit of the models band-wise and source-wise, using their estimated leave-out-one cross-validation likelihoods and corrected Akaike information criteria. We then apply a K-means clustering algorithm on these statistics, to determine the source classification in each band. The final source classification is derived as a combination of the individual filter classifications, resulting in two measures of classification quality, from the averages across the photometric filters of (1) the classifications determined from the closest K-means cluster centers, and (2) the square distances from the clustering centers in the K-means clustering spaces. For a verification set of AGNs and SNe, we show that SV and BL occupy distinct regions in the plane constituted by these measures. We use our clustering method to characterize 4361 extragalactic image difference detected sources, in the first 2.5 yr of the PS1 MDS, into 1529 BL, and 2262 SV, with a purity of 95.00% for AGNs, and 90.97% for SN based on our verification sets. We combine our light-curve classifications with their nuclear or off-nuclear host galaxy offsets, to define a robust photometric sample of 1233 AGNs and 812 SNe. With these two samples, we characterize their variability and host galaxy properties, and identify simple photometric priors that would enable their real-time identification in future wide-field synoptic surveys.


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We present the Coordinated Synoptic Investigation of NGC 2264, a continuous 30 day multi-wavelength photometric monitoring campaign on more than 1000 young cluster members using 16 telescopes. The unprecedented combination of multi-wavelength, high-precision, high-cadence, and long-duration data opens a new window into the time domain behavior of young stellar objects. Here we provide an overview of the observations, focusing on results from Spitzer and CoRoT. The highlight of this work is detailed analysis of 162 classical T Tauri stars for which we can probe optical and mid-infrared flux variations to 1% amplitudes and sub-hour timescales. We present a morphological variability census and then use metrics of periodicity, stochasticity, and symmetry to statistically separate the light curves into seven distinct classes, which we suggest represent different physical processes and geometric effects. We provide distributions of the characteristic timescales and amplitudes and assess the fractional representation within each class. The largest category (>20%) are optical "dippers" with discrete fading events lasting ~1-5 days. The degree of correlation between the optical and infrared light curves is positive but weak; notably, the independently assigned optical and infrared morphology classes tend to be different for the same object. Assessment of flux variation behavior with respect to (circum)stellar properties reveals correlations of variability parameters with Hα emission and with effective temperature. Overall, our results point to multiple origins of young star variability, including circumstellar obscuration events, hot spots on the star and/or disk, accretion bursts, and rapid structural changes in the inner disk. Based on data from the Spitzer and CoRoT missions. The CoRoT space mission was developed and is operated by the French space agency CNES, with participation of ESA's RSSD and Science Programmes, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Germany, and Spain.