51 resultados para shot peening


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A study of the K-alpha radiation emitted from Ti foils irradiated with intense, similar to0.2 J, 67 fs, 800 nm laser pulses, scanning a range of intensities (similar to10(15)-10(18) W cm(-2)), is reported. The brightness of single-shot K-alpha line emission from the front of the targets is recorded. The yield from bare titanium (Ti) is compared to that from plastic (parylene-E) coated Ti. It is demonstrated that, for a defocused beam, a thin layer of plastic increases the yield.


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We report on a study comparing absolute K-alpha yield from Ti foils measured with a calibrated system of an X-ray CCD coupled to a curved LiF Von-Hamos crystal spectrometer to the difference in the signals measured simultaneously with two similar photodiodes fitted with two different filters. Our data indicate that a combination of photodiodes with different filters could be developed into an alternative and inexpensive diagnostic for monitoring single shot pulsed emission in a narrow band of X-ray region.


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A novel wide angle spectrometer has been implemented with a highly oriented pyrolytic graphite crystal coupled to an image plate. This spectrometer has allowed us to look at the energy resolved spectrum of scattered x rays from a dense plasma over a wide range of angles ( ~ 30°) in a single shot. Using this spectrometer we were able to observe the temporal evolution of the angular scatter cross section from a laser shocked foil. A spectrometer of this type may also be useful in investigations of x-ray line transfer from laser-plasmas experiments.


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An intense isotropic source of multicharged carbon and oxygen ions with energy above 300 keV and particle number >108 per shot was obtained by femtosecond Ti:Sa laser irradiation of submicron clusters. The source was employed for high-contrast contact ionography images with 600 nm spatial resolution. A variation in object thickness of 100 nm was well resolved for both Zr and polymer foils.


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We describe an experimental system designed for single-shot photoelectron spectroscopy on free atoms and molecules at the Free Electron Laser in Hamburg (FLASH at DESY). The combination of the extreme ultra-violet (EUV) Free Electron Laser and a temporally synchronized optical fs laser (Ti:Sapphire) enables a variety of two-color pump-probe experiments. The spectral, temporal and spatial characteristics of both the EUV FEL and the optical laser pulses, the experimental procedure to control their overlap as well as the performance of an electron spectrometer used to obtain single-shot photoelectron spectra are discussed. As an illustration of the capabilities of this set-up, some results on two-photon two-color ionization of rare gases are presented. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Suicide attacks have raised the stakes for officers deciding whether or not to shoot a suspect ('Police Officer's Terrorist Dilemma'). Despite high-profile errors we know little about how trust in the police is affected by their response to the terrorist threat. Building on a conceptualisation of lay observers as intuitive signal detection theorists, a general population sample (N= 1153) were presented with scenarios manipulated in terms of suspect status (Armed/Unarmed), officer decision (Shoot/Not Shoot) and outcome severity (e.g. suspect armed with Bomb/Knife; police shoot suspect/ suspect plus child bystander). Supporting predictions, people showed higher trust in officers who made correct decisions. reflecting good discrimination ability and who decided to shoot, reflecting an 'appropriate' response bias given the relative costs and benefits. This latter effect was moderated by (a) outcome severity, suggesting it did not simply reflect a preference for a particular type of action, and (b) preferences for a tough stance towards terrorism indexed by Right-Wing Authoritarianism (RWA). Despite loss of civilian life, failure to prevent minor terror attacks resulted in no loss of trust amongst people low in RWA. whereas among people high in RWA trust was positive when police erroneously shot all unarmed suspect. Relations to alternative definitions of trust and procedural justice research are discussed. Copyright (C),. 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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A novel type of submicron ion radiography designed to image low-contrast objects, including nanofoils, membranes and biological structures, is proposed. It is based on femtosecond-laser-driven-cluster- plasma source of multicharged ions and polymer dosimeter film CR-39. The intense isotropic ion flow was produced by femtosecond Ti:Sa laser pulses with intensity similar to 4x10(17) W/cm(2) absorbed in the supersonic jet of the mixed He and CO2 gases. Two Focusing Spectrometers with Spatial Resolution (FSSR) were used to measure X-ray spectra of H-and He-like multicharged oxygen ions. The spectra testify that ions with energy more than 300 keV were radiated in different directions from the plasma source. High contrast ion radiography images were obtained for 2000 dpi metal mesh, 1 mu m polypropylene and 100 nm Zr foils as well as for the different biological objects. Images were recorded on a 1 mm thick CR-39 detector, placed in contact with back surface of the imaged samples at the distances 140 -160 mm from the ion source. The spatial resolution of the image no worse than 600 nm was provided. A difference in object thickness of 100 nm was very well resolved for both Zr and polymer foils. The ion radiography images recorded at different angles from the source, demonstrated almost uniform spatial distribution of ion with total number of 10(8) per shot. (C) 2009 WILEY-VCH Vertag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim


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In this paper, a hierarchical video structure summarization approach using Laplacian Eigenmap is proposed, where a small set of reference frames is selected from the video sequence to form a reference subspace to measure the dissimilarity between two arbitrary frames. In the proposed summarization scheme, the shot-level key frames are first detected from the continuity of inter-frame dissimilarity, and the sub-shot level and scene level representative frames are then summarized by using K-mean clustering. The experiment is carried on both test videos and movies, and the results show that in comparison with a similar approach using latent semantic analysis, the proposed approach using Laplacian Eigenmap can achieve a better recall rate in keyframe detection, and gives an efficient hierarchical summarization at sub shot, shot and scene levels subsequently.


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The Perils of Moviegoing in America is a film history that examines the various physical and (perceived) moral dangers facing audiences during the first fifty years of film exhibition.

Chapter 1: “Conflagration”
As early as 1897, a major fire broke out at a film exhibition in San Francisco, with flames burning the projectionist and nearby audience members. From that point until the widespread adoption of safety stock in 1950, fires were a very common movie-going experience. Hundreds of audience members lost their lives in literally thousands of theatre fires, ranging from early nickelodeons to the movie palaces of the thirties and forties.

Chapter 2: “Thieves Among Us”
Bandits robbed movie theatres on hundreds of occasions from the early days of film exhibition through the end of the Great Depression. They held up ticket booths, and they dynamited theatre safes. They also shot theatre managers, ushers, and audience members, as a great many of the robberies occurred while movies were playing on the screens inside.

Chapter 3: “Bombs Away”
Bombings at movie theatres became common in small towns and large cities on literally hundreds of occasions from 1914 to the start of World War II. Some were incendiary bombs, and some were stench bombs; both could be fatal, whether due to explosions or to the trampling of panicked moviegoers

Chapter 4: “It’s Catching”
Widespread movie-going in the early 20th century provoked an outcry from numerous doctors and optometrists who believed that viewing films could do irreparable harm to the vision of audience members. Medical publications (including the Journal of the American Medical Association) published major studies on this perceived problem, which then filtered into popular-audience magazines and newspapers.

Chapter 5: “The Devil’s Apothecary Shops”
Sitting in the dark with complete strangers proved worrisome for many early filmgoers, who had good reason to be concerned. Darkness meant that prostitutes could easily work in the balconies of some movie theatres, as could “mashers” who molested female patrons (and sometimes children) after the lights were dimmed. That was all in addition to the various murderers who used the cover of darkness to commit their crimes at movie theatres.

Chapter 6: “Blue Sundays”
Blue laws were those regulations that prohibited businesses from operating on Sundays. Most communities across the US had such legislation on their books, which by the nickelodeon era were at odds with the thousands of filmgoers who went to the movies every Sunday. Theatre managers were often arrested, making newspaper headlines over and over again. Police sometimes even arrested entire film audiences as accomplices in the Blue Law violations.

Chapter 7: “Something for Nothing”
In an effort to bolster ticket sales, many movie theatres in the 1910s began to hold lotteries in which lucky audience members won cash prizes; by the time of the Great Depression, lotteries like “Bank Night” became a common aspect of the theatre-going enterprise. However, reception studies have generally overlooked the intense (and sometimes coordinated) efforts by police, politicians, and preachers to end this practice, which they viewed as illegal and immoral gambling.


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Despite 10 years of research on behavior in hypothetical referenda, conflict remains in the literature on whether or not the mechanism generates biased responses compared to real referenda, and the nature and source of any such bias. Almost all previous inquiry in respect of this issue has concentrated on bias at the aggregate level. This paper reports a series of three experiments which focuses on bias at the individual level and how this can translate to bias at the aggregate level. The authors argue that only an individual approach to hypothetical bias is consistent with the concept of incentive compatibility. The results of these experiments reflect these previous conflicting findings but go on to show that individual hypothetical bias is a robust result driven by the differing influence of pure self-interest and other-regarding preferences in real and hypothetical situations, rather than by a single behavioral theory such as free riding. In a hypothetical situation these preferences cause yea-saying and non-demand revealing voting. This suggests that investigation of individual respondents in other hypothetical one-shot binary choices may also provide us with insights into aggregate behavior in these situations.


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Laser-driven proton and ion acceleration is an area of increasing research interest given the recent development of short pulse-high intensity lasers. Several groups have reported experiments to understand whether a laser-driven beam can be applied for radiobiological purposes and in each of these, the method to obtain dose and spectral analysis was slightly different. The difficulty with these studies is that the very large instantaneous dose rate is a challenge for commonly used dosimetry techniques, so that other more sophisticated procedures need to be explored. This paper aims to explain a method for obtaining the energetic spectrum and the dose of a laser-driven proton beam irradiating a cell dish used for radiobiology studies. The procedure includes the use of a magnet to have charge and energy separation of the laser-driven beam, Gafchromic films to have information on dose and partially on energy, and a Monte Carlo code to expand the measured data in order to obtain specific details of the proton spectrum on the cells. Two specific correction factors have to be calculated: one to take into account the variation of the dose response of the films as a function of the proton energy and the other to obtain the dose to the cell layer starting from the dose measured on the films. This method, particularly suited to irradiation delivered in a single laser shot, can be applied in any other radiobiological experiment performed with laser-driven proton beams, with the only condition that the initial proton spectrum has to be at least roughly known. The method was tested in an experiment conducted at Queen's University of Belfast using the TARANIS laser, where the mean energy of the protons crossing the cells was between 0.9 and 5 MeV, the instantaneous dose rate was estimated to be close to 10(9) Gy s(-1) and doses between 0.8 and 5 Gy were delivered to the cells in a single laser shot. The combination of the applied corrections modified the initial estimate of dose by up to 40%.


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Very collimated bunches of high energy electrons have been produced by focusing super-intense femtosecond laser pulses in submillimeter under-dense plasmas. The density of the plasma, preformed with the laser exploding-foil technique, was mapped using Nomarski interferometry. The electron beam was fully characterized: up to 10(9) electrons per shot were accelerated, most of which in a beam of aperture below 10(-3) sterad, with energies up to 40 MeV. These measurements, which are well modeled by three-dimensional numerical simulations, validate a reliable method to generate ultrashort and ultracollimated electron bunches. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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An imaging microscope, comprising a Schwarzchild condenser and a zone-plate optical arrangement, has been established on the Vulcan Nd:glass laser system at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. Magnified images of simple test structures have been taken in x-ray transmission in a single subnanosecond laser shot by using doublet x-ray laser radiation at 23.2 and 23.6 nm from collisionally pumped Ne-like germanium. Image resolutions of approximately 0.15 mum have been measured. The results are a proof of principle and demonstrate that images of potentially suboptical resolution and of specimen regions that are destroyed on passage of the x-ray beam can be taken successfully using the Vulcan x-ray laser.


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As a diagnostic of high-intensity laser interactions (> 10(19) W cm(-2)), the detection of radioactive isotopes is regularly used for the characterization of proton, neutron, ion, and photon beams. This involves sample removal from the interaction chamber and time consuming post shot analysis using NaI coincidence counting or Ge detectors. This letter describes the use of in situ detectors to measure laser-driven (p,n) reactions in Al-27 as an almost real-time diagnostic for proton acceleration. The produced Si-27 isotope decays with a 4.16 s half-life by the predominantly beta+ emission, producing a strong 511 keV annihilation peak. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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1. Deer are of major concern with regards to impacts on biodiversity, forestry and agriculture as well as human health. The invasive Reeves’ muntjac deer Muntiacus reevesi, native to Asia but established in Great Britain, has recently appeared in the wild in Ireland.

2. The first verified record in the wild in Northern Ireland was confirmed during June 2009 as a result of a road traffic accident near Newtownards, Co. Down. The second record was a culled animal shot in the grounds of Mount Stewart, Co. Down during June 2011.

3. The current report aimed to perform a detailed investigation of the most recently obtained animal to establish a) its age, b) its genetic relationship with the first animal and c) the threat it might pose in terms of carrying endo- or ecto-parasites or other micro-pathogens, principally viruses and bacteria.

4. Analysis of its dentition suggested the culled animal was 56 weeks old (range 55-57 weeks).

5. Genetic analysis indicated that there was no possibility of a father-son relationship with the buck killed in 2009. There was a 6.25% probability of both individuals being full-sibs and a 25% probability of a half-sib relationship.

6. The deer was free from all the major pathogens. Most significantly, a novel species of Gammaherpesvirus was detected most closely matching type 2 ruminant rhadinovirus (Gammaherpesvirinae) from mule deer. Further sequencing is required to provide a definitive classification. There is no evidence suggesting this virus is pathogenic but its detection is nonetheless of concern.

7. During late 2009 (after the first animal was recovered) and early 2010, there were a number of sightings of muntjac within the vicinity of Mount Stewart. Our results indicate that the animal shot in June 2011 could not have been this same animal, as the shot animal must have been born in spring 2010. Moreover, genetic analysis indicates that the two recovered individuals were highly unlikely to share the same mother and father, suggesting they were the offspring of a minimum of three breeding adults (two fathers and one mother or two mothers and one father). This brings the total number of known individuals to 5 including the two offspring. The location of the breeding adults is unknown and may be either in captivity with subsequent escapees, or deliberate releases, or be free living in the wild. However, a further sighting during early 2012 may suggest a wild origin.