87 resultados para representation of bears


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From an evolutionary standpoint, the production of offspring is the single most important aspect of an animal's life. Offspring carry an individual's genes into the next generation and it is the differential representation of genes in a population that drives evolutionary change. There are a variety of ways in which animals create offspring, ranging from cases where parents make identical copies of themselves by budding or parthenogenesis, to the standard case in vertebrates where gametes from a male and female fuse in sexual reproduction to produce the next generation. In this article we describe an usual variant of sexual reproduction, polyembryony.


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Contemporary political disputes have a long history of expression and contestation through the genre of history-writing in Ireland. The role of history writing and political science writing during the nearly 40 years of the so-called 'Troubles' has been no exception to this. Battles between competing versions of what the conflict 'is about', mediated through academic and popular texts have themselves in turn become constitutive of it. This builds upon centuries of the representation of the complicated politics of this island as 'an issue' in British domestic politics - first 'the Catholic question', then 'the Irish question'. The location of political power outside the island for centuries has created successive battles for the representation of sectional interests in a metropolitan centre. The skills of propaganda, history writing, newspaper writing have consequently been deployed at a remarkable level of skill and intensity. In the recent period one of the consequences of this has been the removal from the debate of the actuality of partition; this builds upon a particular historical representation of partition as an historical inevitability. To seek to restore partition to the debate is not to call for its undoing but to recognise that seeking to circumvent debates about its origins in the key period of democratisation in Irish politics (1880-1920) has been counter-productive. This essay examines the genealogies of partition in Irish and international contexts in the light of these battles for representation, and aims to return a lost dimension to the debate about the so-called 'Troubles'in Ireland. The genealogy of partition is the issue that has been marginalised in academic study and this has affected both policy and politics.


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Calculations are reported for positronium (Ps) scattering by atomic hydrogen (H) in the energy range 0-6.5 eV in a coupled- pseudostate approximation in which excitation and ionization channels of both the Ps and the H are taken into account. The approximation contains an accurate representation of the van der Waals coefficient. Results are presented for phase shifts, scattering lengths, effective ranges, and various cross sections including partial wave, total, and ortho-para conversion cross sections. An analysis of the possible spin transitions is provided and the energy of the positronium hydride (PsH) bound state is determined. Substantial differences are found from earlier work within the frozen target approximation, now clearly confirming the importance of target excitation channels. Good agreement is obtained with recent calculations of S-wave phase shifts and scattering lengths using the stabilization method. Convergence to the exact binding energy for PsH appears to be slow. Resonances corresponding to unstable states of the positron orbiting H- are seen in the electronic spin singlet partial waves. The importance of the H- formation channel is discussed.


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Fully quantitative analyses of DRIFTS data are required when the surface concentrations and the specific rate constants of reaction (or desorption) of adsorbates are needed to validate microkinetic models. The relationship between the surface coverage of adsorbates and various functions derived from the signal collected by DRIFTS is discussed here. The Kubelka-Munk and pseudoabsorbance (noted here as absorbance, for the sake of brevity) transformations were considered, since those are the most commonly used functions when data collected by DRIFTS are reported. Theoretical calculations and experimental evidence based on the study of CO adsorption on Pt/SiO2 and formate species adsorbed on Pt/CeO2 showed that the absorbance (i.e., ) log 1/R������¢, with R������¢ ) relative reflectance) is the most appropriate, yet imperfect, function to give a linear representation of the adsorbate surface concentration in the examples treated here, for which the relative reflectance R������¢ is typically > 60%. When the adsorbates lead to a strong signal absorption (e.g., R������¢ < 60%), the Kubelka-Munk function is actually more appropriate. The absorbance allows a simple correction of baseline drifts, which often occur during time-resolved data collection over catalytic materials. Baseline corrections are markedly more complex in the case of the other mathematical transforms, including the function proposed by Matyshak and Krylov (Catal. Today 1995, 25, 1-87), which has been proposed as an appropriate representation of surface concentrations in DRIFTS spectroscopy.


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Axisymmetric consolidation is a classical boundary value problem for geotechnical engineers. Under some circumstances an analysis in which the changes in pore pressure, effective stress and displacement can be uncoupled from each other is sufficient, leading to a Terzaghi formulation of the axisymmetric consolidation equation in terms of the pore pressure. However, representation of the Mandel-Cryer effect usually requires more complex, coupled, Biot formulations. A new coupled formulation for the plane strain, axisymmetric consolidation problem is presented for small, linear elastic deformations. A single, easily evaluated parameter couples changes in pore pressure to changes in effective stress, and the resulting differential equation for pore pressure dissipation is very similar to Terzaghi’s classic formulation. The governing equations are then solved using finite differences and the consolidation of a solid infinite cylinder analysed, calculating the variation with time and with radius of the excess pore pressure and the radial displacement. Comparison with a previously published semi-analytical solution indicates that the formulation successfully embodies the Mandel-Cryer effect.


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The divide-and-conquer approach of local model (LM) networks is a common engineering approach to the identification of a complex nonlinear dynamical system. The global representation is obtained from the weighted sum of locally valid, simpler sub-models defined over small regions of the operating space. Constructing such networks requires the determination of appropriate partitioning and the parameters of the LMs. This paper focuses on the structural aspect of LM networks. It compares the computational requirements and performances of the Johansen and Foss (J&F) and LOLIMOT tree-construction algorithms. Several useful and important modifications to each algorithm are proposed. The modelling performances are evaluated using real data from a pilot plant of a pH neutralization process. Results show that while J&F achieves a more accurate nonlinear representation of the pH process, LOLIMOT requires significantly less computational effort.


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It is argued widely that the academy today is in the process of significant change—in the institutional assumptions of what constitutes the university and the construction of knowledge and in its relations with the city and the world. This article addresses the evolution of the modern university in the context of the discourses of contemporary globalizing institutions. Further, it empirically assesses the organizational priorities of U.S. research universities in light of the application of these discourses to their objectives and practices, finding that they are playing a key role in the formal representation of the institutional direction, goals, and values of American higher education.


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The subiculum is in a pivotal position governing the output of the hippocampal formation. Despite this, it is a rather under-explored and sometimes ignored structure. Here, we discuss recent data indicating that the subiculum participates in a wide range of neurocognitive functions and processes. Some of the functions of subiculum are relatively well-known-these include providing a relatively coarse representation of space and participating in, and supporting certain aspects of, memory (particularly in the dynamic bridging of temporal intervals). The subiculum also participates in a wide variety of other neurocognitive functions too. however. Much less well-known are roles for the subiculum, and particularly the ventral subiculum, in the response to fear, stress and anxiety, and in the generation of motivated behaviour (particularly the behaviour that underlies drug addiction and the response to reward). There is an emerging suggestion that the subiculum participates in the temporal control of behaviour. It is notable that these latter findings have emerged from a consideration of instrumental behaviour using operant techniques; it may well be the case that the use of the watermaze or similar spatial tasks to assess subicular function (on the presumption that its functions are very similar to the hippocampus proper) has obscured rather than revealed neurocognitive functions of subiculum. The anatomy of subiculum suggests it participates in a rather subtle fashion in a very broad range of functions, rather than in a relatively more isolated fashion in a narrower range of functions, as might be the case for


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People tend to attribute more regret to a character who has decided to take action and experienced a negative outcome than to one who has decided not to act and experienced a negative outcome. For some decisions, however, this finding is not observed in a between-participants design and thus appears to rely on comparisons between people's representations of action and their representations of inaction. In this article, we outline a mental models account that explains findings from studies that have used within- and between-participants designs, and we suggest that, for decisions with uncertain counterfactual outcomes, information about the consequences of a decision to act causes people to flesh out their representation of the counterfactual states of affairs for inaction. In three experiments, we confirm our predictions about participants' fleshing out of representations, demonstrating that an action effect occurs only when information about the consequences of action is available to participants as they rate the nonactor and when this information about action is informative with respect to judgments about inaction. It is important to note that the action effect always occurs when the decision scenario specifies certain counterfactual outcomes. These results suggest that people sometimes base their attributions of regret on comparisons among different sets of mental models.


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Background: Gene networks are a representation of molecular interactions among genes or products thereof and, hence, are forming causal networks. Despite intense studies during the last years most investigations focus so far on inferential methods to reconstruct gene networks from experimental data or on their structural properties, e.g., degree distributions. Their structural analysis to gain functional insights into organizational principles of, e.g., pathways remains so far under appreciated.


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The three-dimensional (3D) weaving process offers the ability to tailor the mechanical properties via design of the weave architecture. One repeat of the 3D woven fabric is represented by the unit cell. The model accepts basic weaver and material manufacturer data as inputs in order to calculate the geometric characteristics of the 3D woven unit cell. The specific weave architecture manufactured and subsequently modelled had an angle interlock type binding configuration. The modelled result was shown to have a close approximation compared to the experimentally measured values and highlighted the importance of the representation of the binder tow path.


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In this paper. we present collision strengths and Maxwellian averaged effective collision strengths for the electron-impact excitation of Fe II. We consider specifically the optically allowed lines for transitions from the 3d(6)4s and 3d(7) even parity configuration states to the 3d(6)4p odd parity configuration levels. The parallel suite of Breit-Pauli codes are utilized to compute the collision cross-sections where relativistic effects are included explicitly in both the target and the scattering approximation. A total of 100 LS or 262-jj levels formed from the basis configurations 3d(6)4s, 3d(7) and 3d(6)4p were included in the wave-function representation of the target, including all doublet. quartet and sextet terms. The Maxwellian averaged effective collision strengths are computed across a wide range of electron temperatures from 100 to 100,000 K, temperatures of importance in astrophysical and plasma applications. A detailed comparison is made with previous works and significant differences were found to occur for some of the transitions considered. We conclude that in order to obtain converged collision strengths and effective collision strengths for these allowed transitions it is necessary to include contributions from partial waves up to L = 50 explicitly in the calculation, and in addition, account for contributions from even higher partial waves through a "top up" procedure.


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Despite the simultaneous progress of traffic modelling both on the macroscopic and microscopic front, recent works [E. Bourrel, J.B. Lessort, Mixing micro and macro representation of traffic flow: a hybrid model based on the LWR theory, Transport. Res. Rec. 1852 (2003) 193–200; D. Helbing, M. Treiber, Critical discussion of “synchronized flow”, Coop. Transport. Dyn. 1 (2002) 2.1–2.24; A. Hennecke, M. Treiber, D. Helbing, Macroscopic simulations of open systems and micro–macro link, in: D. Helbing, H.J. Herrmann, M. Schreckenberg, D.E. Wolf (Eds.), Traffic and Granular Flow ’99, Springer, Berlin, 2000, pp. 383–388] highlighted that one of the most promising way to simulate efficiently traffic flow on large road networks is a clever combination of both traffic representations: the hybrid modelling. Our focus in this paper is to propose two hybrid models for which the macroscopic (resp. mesoscopic) part is based on a class of second order model [A. Aw, M. Rascle, Resurection of second order models of traffic flow?, SIAM J. Appl. Math. 60 (2000) 916–938] whereas the microscopic part is a Follow-the Leader type model [D.C. Gazis, R. Herman, R.W. Rothery, Nonlinear follow-the-leader models of traffic flow, Oper. Res. 9 (1961) 545–567; R. Herman, I. Prigogine, Kinetic Theory of Vehicular Traffic, American Elsevier, New York, 1971]. For the first hybrid model, we define precisely the translation of boundary conditions at interfaces and for the second one we explain the synchronization processes. Furthermore, through some numerical simulations we show that the waves propagation is not disturbed and the mass is accurately conserved when passing from one traffic representation to another.


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Although data quality and weighting decisions impact the outputs of reserve selection algorithms, these factors have not been closely studied. We examine these methodological issues in the use of reserve selection algorithms by comparing: (1) quality of input data and (2) use of different weighting methods for prioritizing among species. In 2003, the government of Madagascar, a global biodiversity hotspot, committed to tripling the size of its protected area network to protect 10% of the country’s total land area. We apply the Zonation reserve selection algorithm to distribution data for 52 lemur species to identify priority areas for the expansion of Madagascar’s reserve network. We assess the similarity of the areas selected, as well as the proportions of lemur ranges protected in the resulting areas when different forms of input data were used: extent of occurrence versus refined extent of occurrence. Low overlap between the areas selected suggests that refined extent of occurrence data are highly desirable, and to best protect lemur species, we recommend refining extent of occurrence ranges using habitat and altitude limitations. Reserve areas were also selected for protection based on three different species weighting schemes, resulting in marked variation in proportional representation of species among the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species extinction risk categories. This result demonstrates that assignment of species weights influences whether a reserve network prioritizes maximizing overall species protection or maximizing protection of the most threatened species.


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A time-domain formulation of a lumped model ap-
proximation of a clarinet reed excitation mechanism is presented.
The lumped model is based on an analytical representation of
the ow within the reed channel, incorporating a contraction
coefcient (vena contracta factor) that is dened as the ratio of
the effective ow over the Bernoulli ow. This coefcient has
been considered to be constant in previous studies focusing on
sound synthesis. In this paper it will be treated as a function
of the reed opening, varying between 0 and 1 as predicted by
boundary layer ow theory. Focussing on a specic mouthpiece
geometry, the effect of modelling a variable air jet height on the
synthesised sound is analysed.