26 resultados para réseaux de neurones


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Immunochemical techniques were used to determine the distribution, chemical characteristics and relative abundance of immunoreactivity (IR) to two native platyhelminth neuropeptides, neuropeptide F (NPF) (Moniezia expansa) and the FMRFamide-related peptide (FaRP), GNFFRFamide, in the trematodes, Fasciola hepatica and Schistosoma mansoni; the larger S. margrebowiei was used in the chemical analysis. Extensive immunostaining for the two peptides was demonstrated throughout the nervous systems of both F. hepatica and S. mansoni, with strong IR also in the innervation of muscular structures, including those associated with the egg-forming apparatus. The patterns of immunostaining were similar to those previously described for the vertebrate neuropeptide Y superfamily of peptides and for FMRFamide. Ultrastructurally, gold labelling of NPF- and GNFFRFamide-IRs was localized exclusively to the contents of secretory vesicles in the axons and somatic cytoplasm of neurones. Double-labelling experiments showed an apparent homogeneity of antigenic sites, in all probability due to the demonstrated cross-reactivity of the FaRP antiserum with NPF. Radioimmunoassay of acid-ethanol extracts of the worms detected 8.3 pmol/g and 4.7 pmol/g equivalents of NPF- and FMRFamide-IRs, respectively, for F. hepatica, and corresponding values of 4.9 pmol/g and 4.3 pmol/g equivalents for S. margrebowiei. Gel-permeation chromatography resolved IR to both peptides in discrete peaks and these eluted in similar positions to synthetic NPF (M. expansa) and GNFFRFamide, respectively.


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The nervous systems of helminths are predominantly peptidergic in nature, although it is likely that the full range of regulatory peptides used by these organisms has yet to be elucidated. Attempts to identify novel helminth neuropeptides are being made using immunocytochemistry with antisera raised against peptides isolated originally from insects. One of these antisera was raised against allatostatin III, a peptide isolated originally from the cockroach, Diploptera punctata, and a member of a family of related peptides found in insects. Allatostatin immunoreactivity was found throughout the nervous systems of Mesocestoides corti tetrathyridia, and adult Moniezia expansa, Diclidophora merlangi, Fasciola hepatica, Schistosoma mansoni, Ascaris suum and Panagrellus redivivus. Immunostaining was observed in the nerve cords and anterior ganglia of all the helminths. It was also apparent in the subtegumental nerves and around the reproductive apparatus of the flatworms, in neurones in the pharynx of D. merlangi, F. hepatica, A. suum and P. redivivus, and in fibres innervating the anterior sense organs in the nematodes. Immunostaining in all species was both reproducible and specific in that it could be abolished by pre-absorption of the antiserum with allatostatins I-IV. These results suggest that molecules related to the D. punctata allatostatins are important components in the nervous systems of a number of helminth parasites, and a free-living nematode. Their distribution within the nervous system suggests they function as neurotransmitters/ neuromodulators with roles in locomotion, feeding, reproduction and sensory perception.


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Neuropeptide F (Moniezia expansa) immunoreactivity (NPF-IR) has been detected in the nervous system of plerocercoid and adult stages of the gull-tapeworm Diphyllobothrium dendriticum, using immunocytochemical methodology. The application of the antiserum for this authentic flatworm neuropeptide to whole-mounts and frozen sections of the worm has resulted in new information about its neuroanatomy. Thus, at regular intervals, transverse nerves extend from the main nerve cords laterally, joining the longitudinal lateral minor cords in the cortical parenchyma. In the adult worm, the transverse nerves are located at the posterior border of each proglottis. The medullary parenchyma lacks NPF-IR. The NPF-immunoreactive cell bodies are bi- to multipolar and preferentially located in the peripheral nervous system, in close association with the holdfast musculature of the scolex and the extensive body musculature. NPF-IR was observed in the innervation to the muscular ducts of the reproductive system. The pattern of NPF-IR was compared with that recorded for RFamide- and 5-HT-IR and double-immunostaining has revealed separate populations of serotoninergic and peptidergic neurones.


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Cholinergic, serotoninergic (5-HT) and peptidergic neuronal pathways have been demonstrated in both central and peripheral nervous systems of adult Discocotyle sagittata, using enzyme histochemistry and indirect immunocytochemistry in conjunction with confocal scanning laser microscopy. Antisera to 2 native flatworm neuropeptides, neuropeptide F and the fMRFamide-related peptide (FaRP), GNFFRFamide, were employed to detect peptide immunoreactivity. The CNS is composed of paired cerebral ganglia and connecting dorsal commissure, together with several paired longitudinal nerve cords. The main longitudinal nerve cords (lateral, ventral and dorsal) are interconnected at intervals by a series of annular cross-connectives, producing a ladder-like arrangement typical of the platyhelminth nervous system. At the lever of the haptor, the ventral cords provide nerve roots which innervate each of the 8 clamps. Cholinergic and peptidergic neuronal organisation was similar, but distinct from that of the serotoninergic components. The PNS and reproductive system are predominantly innervated by peptidergic neurones. Copyright (C) 1996 Australian Society for Parasitology. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.


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ABSTRACT (250 words)
BACKGROUND: The mechanism underlying respiratory virus-induced cough hypersensitivity is unknown. Up-regulation of airway neuronal receptors responsible for sensing physical and chemical stimuli is one possibility and the transient receptor potential (TRP) channel family are potential candidates. We have used an in vitro model of sensory neurones and human rhinovirus (HRV-16) to study the effect of virus infection on TRP expression.
METHODS: IMR32 neuroblastoma cells were differentiated in culture to express three TRP channels, TRPV1, TRPA1 and TRPM8. Flow cytometry and qRT-PCR were used to measure TRP channel protein and mRNA levels following inoculation with live virus, inactivated virus, virus- induced soluble factors or pelleted virus particles. Multiplex bioassay was used to determine nerve growth factor (NGF), interleukin (IL)-1ß, IL-6 and IL-8 levels in response to infection.
RESULTS: Early up-regulation of TRPA1 and TRPV1 expression occurred 2 to4 hours post infection. This was independent of replicating virus as virus induced soluble factors alone were sufficient to increase channel expression 50 and 15 fold, respectively. NGF, IL-6 and IL-8 levels, increased in infected cell supernatants, represent possible candidates. In contrast, TRPM8 expression was maximal at 48 hours (9.6 fold) and required virus replication rather than soluble factors
CONCLUSIONS We show for the first time that rhinovirus can infect neuronal cells. Furthermore, infection causes up-regulation of TRP channels by channel specific mechanisms. Increase in TRPA1 and TRPV1 levels can be mediated by soluble factors induced by infection whereas TRPM8 requires replicating virus. TRP channels may be novel therapeutic targets for controlling virus-induced cough.


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This study describes ultrastructural changes in the pigmented hooded Lister rat retina, 3-12 months following X-irradiation with single doses of between 200 and 2000 cGy. The extreme radiosensitivity of the photoreceptor cells was underlined by the continued manifestation of fine structural changes and cell death up to 6 months post-radiation in animals receiving doses above 500 cGy. The retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells were more radioresistant than photoreceptors and RPE cell loss was only observed at doses of more than 1500 cGy. One year after irradiation with 1500 cGy the retinal vasculature showed capillary occlusion with some evidence of recanalisation. Telangiectasia was observed in the large retinal veins. Although the inner retinal neurones and glial cells showed no evidence of direct radiation damage, the nerve fibre layer adjacent to occluded retinal vessels demonstrated ultrastructural evidence of ischaemic neuropathy and retinal oedema. At doses above 1500 cGy the choriocapillaris showed platelet aggregation and capillary loss.


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In this study Lister rats were given doses of X-rays ranging from 200-2,000 Rads to the retina of one eye, sacrificed at various time intervals between one hour and one month later and the irradiated eye processed for electron microscopy. The rod photoreceptor cells were by far the most radiosensitive cells in the retina, their outer segments showing distinctive membrane damage at one hour after 200 Rads of X-rays. Photoreceptor cell death was not seen at doses less than 1,000 Rads in the time period of the experiment. The retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells showed damage in the form of mitochondrial swelling but only in doses over 500 Rads. Retinal pigment epithelial cell loss did not occur under 2,000 Rads. The inner retinal neurones, glial elements and the retinal vasculature did not show any ill effects in the time period of this study.


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Transient receptor potential (TRP) channels comprise a group of nonselective calcium-permeable cationic channels, which are polymodal sensors of environmental stimuli such as thermal changes and chemicals. TRPM8 and TRPA1 are cold-sensing TRP channels activated by moderate cooling and noxious cold temperatures, respectively. Both receptors have been identified in trigeminal ganglion neurones, and their expression in nonneuronal cells is now the focus of much interest. The aim of this study was to investigate the molecular and functional expression of TRPA1 and TRPM8 in dental pulp fibroblasts.
Human dental pulp fibroblasts were derived from healthy molar teeth. Gene and protein expression was determined by polymerase chain reaction and Western blotting. Cellular localization was investigated by immunohistochemistry, and TRP functionality was determined by Ca(2+) microfluorimetry.
Polymerase chain reaction and Western blotting showed gene and protein expression of both TRPA1 and TRPM8 in fibroblast cells in culture. Immunohistochemistry studies showed that TRPA1 and TRPM8 immunoreactivity co-localized with the human fibroblast surface protein. In Ca(2+) microfluorimetry studies designed to determine the functionality of TRPA1 and TRPM8 in pulp fibroblasts, we showed increased intracellular calcium ([Ca(2+)](i)) in response to the TRPM8 agonist menthol, the TRPA1 agonist cinnamaldehyde, and to cool and noxious cold stimuli, respectively. The responses to agonists and thermal stimuli were blocked in the presence of specific TRPA1 and TRPM8 antagonists.
Human dental pulp fibroblasts express TRPA1 and TRPM8 at the molecular, protein, and functional levels, indicating a possible role for fibroblasts in mediating cold responses in human teeth.


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The inflammatory response to pulpal injury or infection has major clinical significance. Neurogenic inflammation describes the local release of neuropeptides, notably substance P (SP), from afferent neurones, and may play a role in the pathogenesis of pulpal disease. The fibroblast is the most numerous cell type in the dental pulp and recent work has suggested that it is involved in the inflammatory response. Objectives: The aims of the study were to determine whether pulp fibroblasts could produce SP, and to investigate the expression of the SP receptor, NK-1, by these cells. Methods: Primary pulp fibroblast cell populations were isolated by enzymatic digestion from non-carious teeth extracted for orthodontic reasons. Whole pulp tissue was obtained from freshly extracted sound (n=35) and carious (n=39) teeth. Expression of SP and NK-1 mRNA was determined by RT-PCR. The effects of interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1) on SP and NK-1 expression were also determined. The presence of NK-1 on fibroblast cell membranes was established by western blotting. The effects of the cytokines on each parameter were analysed by ANOVA. Radioimmunoassay (RIA) was carried out to quantify SP expression by pulp fibroblasts and in whole pulp tissue. Results: SP was expressed by pulpal fibroblasts both at the mRNA level and the protein level. In addition, NK-1 was detected in fibroblast cultures at the mRNA level and appeared as a double band on western blots of membrane extracts. IL-1β and TGF-β1 significantly stimulated the expression of SP and NK-1. SP levels were significantly greater (p<0.05) in carious compared to sound teeth. Conclusion: Pulp fibroblasts are capable of synthesising and secreting SP, as well as expressing the SP receptor, NK-1. These findings suggest that pulp fibroblasts play a role in neurogenic inflammation in pulpal disease. (Supported by the European Society of Endodontology.)


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The importance of ion channels in the hallmarks of many cancers is increasingly recognised. This article reviews current knowledge of the expression of members of the voltage-gated calcium channel family (CaV) in cancer at the gene and protein level and discusses their potential functional roles. The ten members of the CaV channel family are classified according to expression of their pore-forming α-subunit; moreover, co-expression of accessory α2δ, β and γ confers a spectrum of biophysical characteristics including voltage dependence of activation and inactivation, current amplitude and activation/inactivation kinetics. CaV channels have traditionally been studied in excitable cells including neurones, smooth muscle, skeletal muscle and cardiac cells, and drugs targeting the channels are used in the treatment of hypertension and epilepsy. There is emerging evidence that several CaV channels are differentially expressed in cancer cells compared to their normal counterparts. Interestingly, a number of CaV channels also have non-canonical functions and are involved in transcriptional regulation of the expression of other proteins including potassium channels. Pharmacological studies show that CaV canonical function contributes to the fundamental biology of proliferation, cell-cycle progression and apoptosis. This raises the intriguing possibility that calcium channel blockers, approved for the treatment of other conditions, could be repurposed to treat particular cancers. Further research will reveal the full extent of both the canonical and non-canonical functions of CaV channels in cancer and whether calcium channel blockers are beneficial in cancer treatment.