124 resultados para nonlinear controllers


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The self-modulation of waves propagating in nonlinear magnetic metamaterials is investigated. Considering the propagation of a modulated amplitude magnetic field in such a medium, we show that the self-modulation of the carrier wave leads to a spontaneous energy localization via the generation of localized envelope structures (envelope solitons), whose form and properties are discussed. These results are also supported by numerical calculations.


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This brief examines the application of nonlinear statistical process control to the detection and diagnosis of faults in automotive engines. In this statistical framework, the computed score variables may have a complicated nonparametric distri- bution function, which hampers statistical inference, notably for fault detection and diagnosis. This brief shows that introducing the statistical local approach into nonlinear statistical process control produces statistics that follow a normal distribution, thereby enabling a simple statistical inference for fault detection. Further, for fault diagnosis, this brief introduces a compensation scheme that approximates the fault condition signature. Experimental results from a Volkswagen 1.9-L turbo-charged diesel engine are included.


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The nonlinear propagation of ion-sound waves in a collisionless dense electron-ion magnetoplasma is investigated. The inertialess electrons are assumed to follow a non-Boltzmann distribution due to the pressure for the Fermi plasma and the ions are described by the hydrodynamic (HD) equations. An energy balance-like equation involving a new Sagdeev-type pseudo-potential is derived in the presence of the quantum statistical effects. Numerical calculations reveal that the profiles of the Sagdeev-like potential and the ion-sound density excitations are significantly affected by the wave direction cosine and the Mach number. The present studies might be helpful to understand the excitation of nonlinear ion-sound waves in dense plasmas such as those in superdense white dwarfs and neutron stars as well as in intense laser-solid density plasma experiments.


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The 90° problem of cosmic-ray transport theory is revisited in this paper. By using standard forms of the wave spectrum in the solar wind, the pitch-angle Fokker–Planck coefficient and the parallel mean free path are computed for different resonance functions. A critical comparison is made of the strength of 90° scattering due to plasmawave effects, dynamical turbulence effects and nonlinear effects. It is demonstrated that, only for low-energy cosmic particles, dynamical effects are usually dominant. The novel results presented here are essential for an effective comparison of heliospheric observations for the parallel mean free path with the theoretical model results.


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The nonlinear dynamics of longitudinal dust lattice waves propagating in a dusty plasma bi-crystal is investigated. A “diatomic”-like one-dimensional dust lattice configuration is considered, consisting of two distinct dust grain species with different charges and masses. Two different frequency dispersion modes are obtained in the linear limit, namely, an optical and an acoustic wave dispersion branch. Nonlinear solitary wave solutions are shown to exist in both branches, by considering the continuum limit for lattice excitations in different nonlinear potential regimes. For this purpose, a generalized Boussinesq and an extended Korteweg de Vries equation is derived, for the acoustic mode excitations, and their exact soliton solutions are provided and compared. For the optic mode, a nonlinear Schrödinger-type equation is obtained, which is shown to possess bright- (dark-) type envelope soliton solutions in the long (short, respectively) wavelength range. Optic-type longitudinal wavepackets are shown to be generally unstable in the continuum limit, though this is shown not to be the rule in the general (discrete) case.


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The propagation of acoustic nonlinear excitations in an electron-positron-ion (e-p-i) plasma composed of warm electrons and positrons, as well as hot ions, has been investigated by adopting a two-dimensional cylindrical geometry. The electrons and positrons are modeled by hydrodynamic fluid equations, while the ions are assumed to follow a temperature-parametrized Boltzmann distribution (the fixed ion model is recovered in the appropriate limit). This situation applies in the accretion disk near a black hole in active galactic nuclei, where the ion temperature may be as high as 3 to 300 times that of the electrons. Using a reductive perturbation technique, a cylindrical Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation is derived and its exact soliton solutions are presented. Furthermore, real situations in which the strength of the nonlinearity may be weak are considered, so that higher-order nonlinearity plays an important role. Accordingly, an extended cylindrical Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation is derived, which admits both soliton and double-layer solutions. The characteristics of the nonlinear excitations obtained are investigated in detail


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The nonlinear propagation of finite amplitude ion acoustic solitary waves in a plasma consisting of adiabatic warm ions, nonisothermal electrons, and a weakly relativistic electron beam is studied via a two-fluid model. A multiple scales technique is employed to investigate the nonlinear regime. The existence of the electron beam gives rise to four linear ion acoustic modes, which propagate at different phase speeds. The numerical analysis shows that the propagation speed of two of these modes may become complex-valued (i.e., waves cannot occur) under conditions which depend on values of the beam-to-background-electron density ratio , the ion-to-free-electron temperature ratio , and the electron beam velocity v0; the remaining two modes remain real in all cases. The basic set of fluid equations are reduced to a Schamel-type equation and a linear inhomogeneous equation for the first and second-order potential perturbations, respectively. Stationary solutions of the coupled equations are derived using a renormalization method. Higher-order nonlinearity is thus shown to modify the solitary wave amplitude and may also deform its shape, even possibly transforming a simple pulse into a W-type curve for one of the modes. The dependence of the excitation amplitude and of the higher-order nonlinearity potential correction on the parameters , , and v0 is numerically investigated.


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The nonlinear properties of two-dimensional cylindrical quantum dust-ion-acoustic (QDIA) and quantum dust-acoustic (QDA) waves are studied in a collisionless, unmagnetized and dense (quantum) dusty plasma. For this purpose, the reductive perturbation technique is employed to the quantum hydrodynamical equations and the Poisson equation, obtaining the cylindrical Kadomtsev–Petviashvili (CKP) equations. The effects of quantum diffraction, as well as quantum statistical and geometric effects on the profiles of QDIA and QDA solitary waves are examined. It is found that the amplitudes and widths of the nonplanar QDIA and QDA waves are significantly affected by the quantum electron tunneling effect. The addition of a dust component to a quantum plasma is seen to affect the propagation characteristics of localized QDIA excitations. In the case of low-frequency QDA waves, this effect is even stronger, since the actual form of the potential solitary waves, in fact, depends on the dust charge polarity (positive/negative) itself (allowing for positive/negative potential forms, respectively). The relevance of the present investigation to metallic nanostructures is highlighted.


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This paper presents two new approaches for use in complete process monitoring. The firstconcerns the identification of nonlinear principal component models. This involves the application of linear
principal component analysis (PCA), prior to the identification of a modified autoassociative neural network (AAN) as the required nonlinear PCA (NLPCA) model. The benefits are that (i) the number of the reduced set of linear principal components (PCs) is smaller than the number of recorded process variables, and (ii) the set of PCs is better conditioned as redundant information is removed. The result is a new set of input data for a modified neural representation, referred to as a T2T network. The T2T NLPCA model is then used for complete process monitoring, involving fault detection, identification and isolation. The second approach introduces a new variable reconstruction algorithm, developed from the T2T NLPCA model. Variable reconstruction can enhance the findings of the contribution charts still widely used in industry by reconstructing the outputs from faulty sensors to produce more accurate fault isolation. These ideas are illustrated using recorded industrial data relating to developing cracks in an industrial glass melter process. A comparison of linear and nonlinear models, together with the combined use of contribution charts and variable reconstruction, is presented.