32 resultados para misfit dislocation


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The films of Wes Anderson feature a peculiar attention to the representation of dwellings in relation to narrative development, filmic style and characters' identities. As is true of clothing, in Anderson's cinema homes with their architecture, furniture and objects strongly contribute to a nostalgic dislocation of the characters from contemporary time. Considering the house as the prime locus of identity and the core of the patriarchal family, the family home is often depicted by Anderson as the last physical trace left by the absent father; a utopian place that the characters aim to rebuild or to recall through its objectification. This paper aims to analyse the (re)construction of the family home in The Royal Tenenbaums, and will investigate its absence and surrogates in The Darjeeling Ltd.


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The influence of both compressive and tensile epitaxial strain along with the electrical boundary conditions on the ferroelastic and ferroelectric domain patterns of bismuth ferrite films was studied. BiFeO3 films were grown on SrTiO3(001), DyScO3(110), GdScO3(110), and SmScO3(110) substrates to investigate the effect of room temperature in-plane strain ranging from -1.4% to +0.75%. Piezoresponse force microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, x-ray diffraction measurements, and ferroelectric polarization measurements were performed to study the properties of the films. We show that BiFeO3 films with and without SrRuO3 bottom electrode have different growth mechanisms and that in both cases reduction of the domain variants is possible. Without SrRuO3, stripe domains with reduced variants are formed on all rare earth scandate substrates because of their monoclinic symmetry. In addition, tensile strained films exhibit a rotation of the unit cell with increasing film thickness. On the other side, the presence of SrRuO3 promotes step flow growth of BiFeO3. In case of vicinal SrTiO3 and DyScO3 substrates with high quality SrRuO3 bottom electrode and a low miscut angle of approximate to 0.15 degrees we observed suppression of the formation of certain domain variants. The quite large in-plane misfit of SrRuO3 with GdScO3 and SmScO3 prevents the growth of high quality SrRuO3 films and subsequent domain variants reduction in BiFeO3 on these substrates, when SrRuO3 is used as a bottom electrode.


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The magnetoelectric coupling in multiferroic materials is promising for a wide range of applications, yet manipulating magnetic ordering by electric field proves elusive to obtain and difficult to control. In this paper, we explore the prospect of controlling magnetic ordering in misfit strained bismuth ferrite (BiFeO3, BFO) films, combining theoretical analysis, numerical simulations, and experimental characterizations. Electric field induced transformation from a tetragonal phase to a distorted rhombohedral one in strain engineered BFO films has been identified by thermodynamic analysis, and realized by scanning probe microscopy (SPM) experiment. By breaking the rotational symmetry of a tip-induced electric field as suggested by phase field simulation, the morphology of distorted rhombohedral variants has been delicately controlled and regulated. Such capabilities enable nanoscale control of magnetoelectric coupling in strain engineered BFO films that is difficult to achieve otherwise, as demonstrated by phase field simulations.


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Patients with spontaneous lens dislocation and glaucoma can be challenging to manage. We present a forty-six year old Caucasian lady who was referred with bilateral high intraocular pressure, and was subsequently diagnosed with glaucoma in association with lens dislocation and Marfan syndrome. Baerveldt glaucoma drainage device tubes were inserted in both eyes due to poor response to medical therapy. However, this was complicated by recurrent vitreous occlusion of both glaucoma drainage tubes requiring further multiple surgical interventions. There have not been any further recurrences of vitreous incarceration or posterior segment complications since, but the patient remains under close follow-up. © 2010 Ang et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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3C–SiC (the only polytype of SiC that resides in a diamond cubic lattice structure) is a relatively new material that exhibits most of the desirable engineering properties required for advanced electronic applications. The anisotropy exhibited by 3C–SiC during its nanometric cutting is significant, and the potential for its exploitation has yet to be fully investigated. This paper aims to understand the influence of crystal anisotropy of 3C–SiC on its cutting behaviour. A molecular dynamics simulation model was developed to simulate the nanometric cutting of single-crystal 3C–SiC in nine (9) distinct combinations of crystal orientations and cutting directions, i.e. (1?1?1) <-1?1?0>, (1?1?1) <-2?1?1>, (1?1?0) <-1?1?0>, (1?1?0) <0?0?1>, (1?1?0) <1?1?-2>, (0?0?1) <-1?1?0>, (0?0?1) <1?0?0>, (1?1?-2) <1?-1?0> and (1?-2?0) <2?1?0>.

In order to ensure the reliability of the simulation results, two separate simulation trials were carried out with different machining parameters. In the first trial, a cutting tool rake angle of -25°, d/r (uncut chip thickness/cutting edge radius) ratio of 0.57 and cutting velocity of 10 m s-1 were used whereas a second trial was done using a cutting tool rake angle of -30°, d/r ratio of 1 and cutting velocity of 4 m s-1. Both the trials showed similar anisotropic variation.

The simulated orthogonal components of thrust force in 3C–SiC showed a variation of up to 45%, while the resultant cutting forces showed a variation of 37%. This suggests that 3C–SiC is highly anisotropic in its ease of deformation. These results corroborate with the experimentally observed anisotropic variation of 43.6% in Young's modulus of 3C–SiC. The recently developed dislocation extraction algorithm (DXA) [1, 2] was employed to detect the nucleation of dislocations in the MD simulations of varying cutting orientations and cutting directions. Based on the overall analysis, it was found that 3C–SiC offers ease of deformation on either (1?1?1) <-1?1?0>, (1?1?0) <0?0?1>, or (1?0?0) <1?0?0> setups.


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In this paper a multiscale simulation study was carried out in order to gain in-depth understanding of machining mechanism of nanometric cutting of single crystal copper. This study was focused on the effects of crystal orientation and cutting direction on the attainable machined surface quality. The machining mechanics was analyzed through cutting forces, chip formation morphology, generation and evolution of defects and residual stresses on the machined surface. The simulation results showed that the crystal orientation of the copper material and the cutting direction significantly influenced the deformation mechanism of the workpiece materials during the machining process. Relatively lower cutting forces were experienced while selecting crystal orientation family {1 1 1}. Dislocation movements were found to concentrate in front of the cutting chip while cutting on the (1 1 1) surface along the View the MathML source cutting direction thus, resulting in much smaller damaged layer on the machined surface, compared to other orientations. This crystal orientation and cutting direction therefore recommended for nanometric cutting of single crystal copper in practical applications. A nano-scratching experiment was performed to validate the above findings.


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We report a series of 706 patients (759 hip implants) with an average follow up of 10.5 years (range, 10-11 years) following total hip replacement (THR) using a cemented custom-made femoral stem and a cemented HDP acetabular component. The fate of every implant is known. One hundred and seventy-four patients (23%) were deceased at the time of their 10-year review all died with a functioning THR in situ. Four hundred and sixty-two patients (61%) were subsequently reviewed. One hundred and twenty three patients (16%) were assessed by telephone review, as they were too ill or unwilling to attend. Kaplan-Meier survival analysis (all components) demonstrated a median survival at 10 years of 96.05% or 95% Confidence Intervals (CI) for median survival of (94.41% to 97.22%). Revision surgery occurred in 30 cases (3.9%). Seventeen had full revisions (2.2%) and 13 (1.7%) socket revisions only. Twenty-one out of 30 revisions were for infection or dislocation. There were 2 cases (0.3%) of revision for aseptic loosening of the stem. The 10-year results of the custom femoral titanium stem are encouraging and compare well with other cemented systems.


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This paper presents novel advances on the deformation behaviour of polycrystalline and single crystal silicon using molecular dynamics (MD) simulation and validation of the same via nanoindentation experiments. In order to unravel the mechanism of deformation, four simulations were performed: Indentation of polycrystalline silicon substrate with a (i) Berkovich pyramidal and a (ii) spherical (arc) indenter, and indentation of a single crystal silicon substrate with these two indenters. The simulation results reveal that high pressure phase transformation (HPPT) in silicon (Si-I to Si-II phase transformation) occurred in all cases, however, its extent and the manner in which it occurred differed significantly between polycrystalline silicon and single crystal silicon, and was the main driver of differences in nanoindentation deformation behaviour between the two types of silicon. An interesting observation was that in polycrystalline silicon, the HPPT was observed to occur preferentially along the grain boundaries than across the grain boundaries. An automated dislocation extraction algorithm (DXA) revealed no dislocations in the deformation zone, suggesting HPPT to be the primary mechanism in inducing plasticity in silicon.


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The Glenn Research Centre of NASA, USA (www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/SiC/, silicon carbide electronics) is in pursuit of realizing bulk manufacturing of silicon carbide (SiC), specifically by mechanical means. Single point diamond turning (SPDT) technology which employs diamond (the hardest naturally-occurring material realized to date) as a cutting tool to cut a workpiece is a highly productive manufacturing process. However, machining SiC using SPDT is a complex process and, while several experimental and analytical studies presented to date aid in the understanding of several critical processes of machining SiC, the current knowledge on the ductile behaviour of SiC is still sparse. This is due to a number of simultaneously occurring physical phenomena that may take place on multiple length and time scales. For example, nucleation of dislocation can take place at small inclusions that are of a few atoms in size and once nucleated, the interaction of these nucleations can manifest stresses on the micrometre length scales. The understanding of how stresses manifest during fracture in the brittle range, or dislocations/phase transformations in the ductile range, is crucial in understanding the brittle–ductile transition in SiC. Furthermore, there is a need to incorporate an appropriate simulation-based approach in the manufacturing research on SiC, owing primarily to the number of uncertainties in the experimental research that includes wear of the cutting tool, poor controllability of the nano-regime machining scale (effective thickness of cut), and coolant effects (interfacial phenomena between the tool, workpiece/chip and coolant), etc. In this review, these two problems are combined together to posit an improved understanding on the current theoretical knowledge on the SPDT of SiC obtained from molecular dynamics simulation.


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6061 O Al alloy foils were welded to form monolithic and SiC fibre-embedded samples using the ultrasonic consolidation (UC) process. Contact pressures of 135, 155 and 175 MPa were investigated at 20 kHz frequency, 50% of the oscillation amplitude, 34.5 mm s sonotrode velocity and 20 °C. Deformed microstructures were analysed using electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). At all contact pressures deformation occurs by non-steady state dislocation glide. Dynamic recovery is active in the upper and lower foils. Friction at the welding interface, instantaneous internal temperatures (0.5-0.8 of the melting temperature, T), contact pressure and fast strain rates result in transient microstructures and grain size reduction by continuous dynamic recrystallization (CDRX) within the bonding zone. Bonding occurs by local grain boundary migration, which allows diffusion and atom interlocking across the contact between two clean surfaces. Textures weaken with increasing contact pressure due to increased strain hardening and different grain rotation rates. High contact pressures enhance dynamic recovery and CDRX. Deformation around the fibre is intense within 50 μm and extends to 450 μm from it. © 2009 Acta Materialia Inc.


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Unlike other BCC metals, the plastic deformation of nanocrystalline Tantalum during compression is regulated by deformation twinning. Whether or not this twinning exhibits anisotropy was investigated through simulation of displacement-controlled nanoindentation test using molecular dynamics simulation. MD data was found to correlate well with the experimental data in terms of surface topography and hardness measurements. The mechanism of the transport of material was identified due to the formation and motion of prismatic dislocations loops (edge dislocations) belonging to the 1/2<111> type and <100> type Burgers vector family. Further analysis of crystal defects using a fully automated dislocation extraction algorithm (DXA) illuminated formation and migration of twin boundaries on the (110) and (111) orientation but not on the (010) orientation and most importantly after retraction all the dislocations disappeared on the (110) orientation suggesting twinning to dominate dislocation nucleation in driving plasticity in tantalum. A significant finding was that the maximum shear stress (critical Tresca stress) in the deformation zone exceeded the theoretical shear strength of tantalum (Shear modulus/ 2π~10.03 GPa) on the (010) orientation but was lower than it on the (110) and the (111) orientations. In light to this, the conventional lore of assuming the maximum shear stress being 0.465 times the mean contact pressure was found to break down at atomic scale.


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This work demonstrates that instead of paraelectric PbTiO(3), completely c-oriented ferroelectric PbTiO(3) thin films were directly grown on (001)-SrTiO(3) substrates by pulsed-laser deposition with thickness up to 340 nm at a temperature well above the Curie temperature of bulk PbTiO(3). The influence of laser-pulse frequency, substrate-surface termination on growth, and functional properties were studied using x-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, and piezoresponse force microscopy. At low growth rates (frequency 8 Hz) a domains were formed for film thickness above 20-100 nm. Due to coherency strains the Curie temperature (T(c)) of the monodomain films was increased approximately by 350 degrees C with respect to the T(c) of bulk PbTiO(3) even for 280-nm-thick films. Nonetheless, up to now this type of growth mode has been considered unlikely to occur since the Matthews-Blakeslee (MB) model already predicts strain relaxation for films having a thickness of only similar to 10 nm. However, the present work disputes the applicability of the MB model. It clarifies the physical reasons for the large increase in T(c) for thick films, and it is shown that the experimental results are in good agreement with the predictions based on the monodomain model of Pertsev et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 1988 (1998)].


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A randomly distributed multi-particle model considering the effects of particle/matrix interface and strengthening mechanisms introduced by the particles has been constructed. Particle shape, distribution, volume fraction and the particles/matrix interface due to the factors including element diffusion were considered in the model. The effects of strengthening mechanisms, caused by the introduction of particles on the mechanical properties of the composites, including grain refinement strengthening, dislocation strengthening and Orowan strengthening, are incorporated. In the model, the particles are assumed to have spheroidal shape, with uniform distribution of the centre, long axis length and inclination angle. The axis ratio follows a right half-normal distribution. Using Monte Carlo method, the location and shape parameters of the spheroids are randomly selected. The particle volume fraction is calculated using the area ratio of the spheroids. Then, the effects of particle/matrix interface and strengthening mechanism on the distribution of Mises stress and equivalent strain and the flow behaviour for the composites are discussed.


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The dielectric properties of BaTiO3 thin films and multilayers are different from bulk materials because of nanoscale dimensions, interfaces, and stress-strain conditions. In this study, BaTiO3/SrTiO3 multilayers deposited on SrTiO3 substrates by pulsed laser deposition have been investigated by high-energy-resolution electron energy-loss spectroscopy. The fine structures in the spectra are discussed in terms of crystal-field splitting and the internal strain. The crystal-field splitting of the BaTiO3 thin layer is found to be a little larger than that of bulk BaTiO3, which has been interpreted by the presence of the internal strain induced by the misfit at the interface. This finding is consistent with the lattice parameters of the BaTiO3 thin layer determined by the selected area diffraction pattern. The near-edge structure of the oxygen K edge in BaTiO3 thin layers and in bulk BaTiO3 are simulated by first-principle self-consistent full multiple-scattering calculations. The results of the simulations are in a good agreement with the experimental results. Moreover, the aggregation of oxygen vacancies at the rough BaTiO3/SrTiO3 interface is indicated by the increased [Ti]/[O] element ratio, which dominates the difference of dielectric properties between BaTiO3 layer and bulk materials.