76 resultados para l1-regularized LSP


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Monomeric ruthenium(II) complexes [Ru(L)3]2+ containing unsymmetric bipyridine ligands [Where L = 5-methyl-2,2'-bipyridine (L1), 5-ethyl-2,2'-bipyridine (L2), 5-propyl-2,2'-bipyridine (L3), 5-(2-methylpropyl)-2,2'-bipyridine (L4), 5-(2,2-dimethylpropyl)-2,2'-bipyridine (L5) and 5-(carbomethoxy)-2,2'-bipyridine (L6)] have been studied and the meridional and facial isomers isolated by the use of cation-exchange column chromatography (SP Sephadex C-25) eluting with either sodium toluene-4-sulfonate or sodium hexanoate. The relative yield of the facial isomer was found to decrease with increasing steric bulk, preventing the isolation of fac-[Ru(L5)3]2+. The two isomeric forms were characterized by 1H NMR, with the complexes [Ru(L1-3)3]2+ demonstrating an unusually large coupling between the H6 and H4 protons. Crystals suitable for X-ray structural analysis of [Ru(L1)3]2+ were obtained as a mixture of the meridional and facial isomers, indicating that separation of this isomeric mixture could not be achieved by fractional crystallisation. The optical isomers of the complex [Ru(L3)3]2+ were chromatographically separated on SP Sephadex C-25 relying upon the inherent chirality of the support. It is apparent that chiral interactions can inhibit geometric isomer separation using this technique.


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Site characterization is an essential initial step in determining the feasibility of remedial alternatives at hazardous waste sites. Physicochemical and mineralogical characterization of U-contaminated soils in deeply weathered saprolite at Area 2 of the DOE Field Research Center (FRC) site, Oak Ridge, TN, was accomplished to examine the feasibility of bioremediation. Concentrations of U in soil–saprolite (up to 291 mg kg–1 in oxalate-extractable Uo) were closely related to low pH (ca. 4–5), high effective cation exchange capacity without Ca (64.7–83.2 cmolc kg–1), amorphous Mn content (up to 9910 mg kg–1), and the decreased presence of relative clay mineral contents in the bulk samples (i.e., illite 2.5–12 wt. %, average 32 wt. %). The pH of the fill material ranged from 7.0 to 10.5, whereas the pH of the saprolite ranged from 4.5 to 8. Uranium concentration was highest (about 300 mg kg–1) at around 6 m below land surface near the saprolite–fill interface. The pH of ground water at Area 2 tended to be between 6 and 7 with U concentrations of about 0.9 to 1.7 mg L–1. These site specific characteristics of Area 2, which has lower U and nitrate contamination levels and more neutral ground water pH compared with FRC Areas 1 and 3 (ca. 5.5 and


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Evidence for scattering closed orbits for the Rydberg electron of the singly excited helium atom in crossed electric and magnetic fields at constant scaled energy and constant scaled electric field strength has been found through a quantum calculation of the photo-excitation spectrum. A particular 3D scattering orbit in a mixed regular and chaotic region has been investigated and the hydrogenic 3D closed orbits composing it identified. To the best of our knowledge, this letter reports the first quantum calculation of the scaled spectrum of a non- hydrogenic atom in crossed fields.


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We consider a non-standard application of the Wannier model. A physical example is the single ionization of a hydrogenic beryllium ion with a fully stripped beryllium ion, where the ratio of the charge of the third particle to the charges of the escaping particles is 1/4; we investigate the single ionization by an electron of an atom comprising an electron and a nucleus of charge 1/4. An infinite exponent is obtained suggesting that this process is not tractable within the Wannier model. A modified version of Crothers' uniform semiclassical wavefunction for the outgoing particles has been adopted, since the Wannier exponents and are infinite for an effective charge of Z = 1/4. We use Bessel functions to describe the Peterkop functions u and u and derive a new turning point ?. Since u is well behaved at infinity, there exists only the singularity in u at infinity, thus we employ a one- (rather than two-) dimensional change of dependent variable, ensuring that a uniform solution is obtained that avoids semiclassical breakdown on the Wannier ridge. The regularized final-state asymptotic wavefunction is employed, along with a continuum-distorted-wave approximation for the initial-state wavefunction to obtain total cross sections on an absolute scale. © 2006 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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Fasciola hepatica secretes cathepsin L proteases that facilitate the penetration of the parasite through the tissues of its host, and also participate in functions such as feeding and immune evasion. The major proteases, cathepsin L1 (FheCL1) and cathepsin L2 (FheCL2) are members of a lineage that gave rise to the human cathepsin Ls, Ks and Ss, but while they exhibit similarities in their substrate specificities to these enzymes they differ in having a wider pH range for activity and an enhanced stability at neutral pH. There are presently 13 Fasciola cathepsin L cDNAs deposited in the public databases representing a gene family of at least seven distinct members, although the temporal and spatial expression of each of these members in the developmental stage of F. hepatica remains unclear. Immunolocalisation and in situ hybridisation studies, using antibody and DNA probes, respectively, show that the vast majority of cathepsin L gene expression is carried out in the epithelial cells lining the parasite gut. Within these cells the enzyme is packaged into secretory vesicles that release their contents into the gut lumen for the purpose of degrading ingested host tissue and blood. Liver flukes also express a novel multi-domain cystatin that may be involved in the regulation of cathepsin L activity. Vaccine trials in both sheep and cattle with purified native FheCL1 and FheCL2 have shown that these enzymes can induce protection, ranging from 33 to 79%, to experimental challenge with metacercariae of F. hepatica, and very potent anti-embryonation/hatch rate effects that would block parasite transmission. In this article we review the vaccine trials carried out over the past 8 years, the role of antibody and T cell responses in mediating protection and discuss the prospects of the cathepsin Ls in the development of first generation recombinant liver fluke vaccines. Author Keywords: Helminths; Trematodes; Parasites; Cathepsins; Proteases; Vaccines; Immunology; Biochemistry


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Slurries with high penetrability for production of Self-consolidating Slurry Infiltrated Fiber Concrete (SIFCON) were investigated in this study. Factorial experimental design was adopted in this investigation to assess the combined effects of five independent variables on mini-slump test, plate cohesion meter, induced bleeding test, J-fiber penetration test and compressive strength at 7 and 28 days. The independent variables investigated were the proportions of limestone powder (LSP) and sand, the dosages of superplasticiser (SP) and viscosity agent (VA), and water-to-binder ratio (w/b). A two-level fractional factorial statistical method was used to model the influence of key parameters on properties affecting the behaviour of fresh cement slurry and compressive strength. The models are valid for mixes with 10 to 50% LSP as replacement of cement, 0.02 to 0.06% VA by mass of cement, 0.6 to 1.2% SP and 50 to 150% sand (% mass of binder) and 0.42 to 0.48 w/b. The influences of LSP, SP, VA, sand and W/B were characterised and analysed using polynomial regression which identifies the primary factors and their interactions on the measured properties. Mathematical polynomials were developed for mini-slump, plate cohesion meter, J-fiber penetration test, induced bleeding and compressive strength as functions of LSP, SP, VA, sand and w/b. The estimated results of mini-slump, induced bleeding test and compressive strength from the derived models are compared with results obtained from previously proposed models that were developed for cement paste. The proposed response models of the self-consolidating SIFCON offer useful information regarding the mix optimization to secure a highly penetration of slurry with low compressive strength


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In this paper the parameters of cement grout affecting rheological behaviour and compressive strength are investigated. Factorial experimental design was adopted in this investigation to assess the combined effects of the following factors on fluidity, rheological properties, induced bleeding and compressive strength: water/binder ratio (W/B), dosage of superplasticiser (SP), dosage of viscosity agent (VA), and proportion of limestone powder as replacement of cement (LSP). Mini-slump test, Marsh cone, Lombardi plate cohesion meter, induced bleeding test, coaxial rotating cylinder viscometer were used to evaluate the rheology of the cement grout and the compressive strengths at 7 and 28 days were measured. A two-level fractional factorial statistical model was used to model the influence of key parameters on properties affecting the fluidity, the rheology and compressive strength. The models are valid for mixes with 0.35-0.42 W/B, 0.3-1.2% SP, 0.02-0.7% VA (percentage of binder) and 12-45% LSP as replacement of cement. The influences of W/B, SP, VA and LSP were characterised and analysed using polynomial regression which can identify the primary factors and their interactions on the measured properties. Mathematical polynomials were developed for mini-slump, plate cohesion meter, inducing bleeding, yield value, plastic viscosity and compressive strength as function of W/B, SP, VA and proportion of LSP. The statistical approach used highlighted the limestone powder effect and the dosage of SP and VA on the various rheological characteristics of cement grout


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We present Roche tomograms of the G5-G8 IV/V secondary star in the long-period cataclysmic variable BV Cen reconstructed from Magellan Inamori Kyocera Echelle spectrograph echelle data taken on the Magellan Clay 6.5-m telescope. The tomograms show the presence of a number of large, cool star-spots on BV Cen for the first time. In particular, we find a large high-latitude spot which is deflected from the rotational axis in the same direction as seen on the K3-K5 IV/V secondary star in the cataclysmic variable AE Aqr. BV Cen also shows a similar relative paucity of spots at latitudes between 40° and 50° when compared with AE Aqr. Furthermore, we find evidence for an increased spot coverage around longitudes facing the white dwarf which supports models invoking star-spots at the L1 point to explain the low states observed in some cataclysmic variables. In total, we estimate that some 25 per cent of the Northern hemisphere of BV Cen is spotted. We also find evidence for a faint, narrow, transient emission line with characteristics reminiscent of the peculiar low-velocity emission features observed in some outbursting dwarf novae. We interpret this feature as a slingshot prominence from the secondary star and derive a maximum source size of 75000 km and a minimum altitude of 160000 km above the orbital plane for the prominence. The entropy landscape technique was applied to determine the system parameters of BV Cen. We find M1 = 1.18 +/-0.280.16Msolar and M2 = 1.05 +/-0.230.14Msolar and an orbital inclination of i = 53° +/- 4° at an optimal systemic velocity of ? = -22.3 km s-1. Finally, we also report on the previously unknown binarity of the G5IV star HD 220492.


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The coordination of olefins to square-planar Pd(II) and Pt(II) complexes containing 2,9-dimethylphenanthroline (L1) often involves a change of color associated with a change of geometry at the metal center. In order to obtain suitable colorimetric detectors for ethylene gas, a series of new Pd(II) and Pt(II) compounds with a range of 2,9-disubstituted phenanthroline ligands [2,9-di-n-butyl-1,10-phenanthroline (L-2), 2,9-di-s-butyl-1,10-phenanthroline (L3), 2,9-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline (L4), and 2,9-dimethyl-4,7-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline (bathocuproine, L5)] have been prepared and their reactivity toward ethylene investigated both in solution and after depositing the detector compounds on a variety of solid supports. The Pd(II) complex [PdCl2(L2)] supported on silica undergoes a clear color change upon exposure to ethylene, while remaining stable toward air and water, and forms the basis for new simple colorimetric detectors with potential applications in ethylene pipe-leak detection and the monitoring of fruit ripening. Encouragingly, the detector is able to discriminate between fruit at different stages of ripening. The response of the detector to other volatiles was also examined, and specific color changes were also observed upon exposure to aromatic acetylenes. The crystal structures of four new derivatives, including the ethylene-Pt(II) complex [PtCl2(C2H4)(L2)], are also described.


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Bradykinin-related peptides (BRPs) represent one of the most widespread and closely studied families of amphibian defensive skin secretion peptides. Apart from canonical bradykinin (RPPGFSPFR) that was first reported in skin extracts of the European brown frog, Rana temporaria, many additional site-substituted, N- and/or C-terminally extended peptides have been isolated from skin extracts and secretions from representative species of the families Ranidae, Hylidae, Bombinatoridae and Leiopelmatidae. The most diverse range of BRPs has been found in ranid frog skin secretions and this probably reflects the diversity and number of species studied and their associated life histories within this taxon. Amolops (torrent or cascade frogs) is a genus within the Ranidae that has been poorly studied. Here we report the presence of two novel BRPs in the skin secretions of the Chinese Wuyi Mountain torrent frog (Amolops wuyiensis). Amolopkinins W1 and W2 are dodecapeptides differing in only one amino acid residue at position 2 (Val/Ala) that are essentially (Leu1, Thr6)-bradykinins extended at the N-terminus by either RVAL (W1) or RAAL (W2). Amolopkinins W1 and W2 are structurally similar to amolopkinin L1 from Amolops loloensis and the major BRP (Leu1, Thr6, Trp8)-bradykinin from the skin of the Japanese frog, Rana sakuraii. A. wuyiensis amolopkinins were separately encoded as single copies within discrete precursors of 61 amino acid residues as deduced from cloned skin cDNA. Synthetic replicates of both peptides were found to potently antagonize the contractile effects of canonical bradykinin on isolated rat ileum smooth muscle preparations. Amolopkinins thus appear to represent a novel sub-family of ranid frog skin secretion BRPs.


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The synthesis of three new homoleptic trischelate ruthenium( II) complexes bearing new 2,2'-bipyridine ligands, 5,5'-dibenzylamido-2,2'-bipyridine (L1) and 5-benzylamido-2,2'- bipyridine (L2) has been achieved. In the case of [Ru(L2)(3)](2+), the mer and fac isomers have been separated. H-1 NMR spectroscopic anion binding studies indicate that the two C-3-symmetric pockets provided by [ Ru(L1)(3)](2+) is conducive to receive a range of anions, although this is not readily reflected in the photophysical behaviour. The fac-isomer of [Ru(L2)(3)](2+) does appear to have an enhancement in the binding interactions over the mer form with dihydrogenphosphate salts, although the difference is much less marked with the spherical chloride ions. From X-ray crystallographic evidence, the ability to hold water in the "anion" binding cleft can inhibit the strength of the interactions with anions, giving rise to the observed selectivity for directional oxoanions such as dihydrogen phosphate.


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This letter proposes an efficient extension of the set partitioning embedded block (SPECK) algorithm to lossless multispectral image coding. Such a wavelet-based coder is widely referred to in the literature, especially for lossless image coding, and is considered to be one of the most efficient techniques exhibiting very low computational complexity when compared with other state-of-the-art coders. The modification proposed in this letter is simple and provides significant improvement over the conventional SPECK. The key idea is to join each group of two consecutive wavelet-transformed spectral bands during the SPECK coding since they show high similarities with respect to insignificant sets at the same locations. Simulation results, carried out on a number of test images, demonstrate that this grouping procedure considerably saves on the bit budget for encoding the multispectral images.


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The permeability of concrete is influenced by the porosity and the interconnectivity of the pores in the cement paste and the microcracks in concrete, especially in the interface of paste-aggregate. The movements of gases, liquids, and ions through concrete is important because of their interactions with concrete constituents, including pore water, which can alter the integrity of concrete directly and indirectly, leading to the deterioration of structures. This study reports the findings from an investigation carried out to study the effect of the mixture variations on the durability of medium- and high-strength self-consolidating concrete (SCC). The mixture variations studied include the type of mineral admixtures, such as limestone powder (LSP) and pulverized fuel ash (PFA), and viscositymodifying admixtures (VMA) for both medium- and high-strength SCC. Air permeability, water permeability, capillary absorption, and chloride diffusivity were used to assess the durability of SCC mixtures in comparison with normal, vibrated concretes. The results showed that SCC mixtures, for medium- and high-strength grades using PFA followed by LSP, have lower permeability properties compared with normal concretes. SCC made with VMA had a higher sorptivity, air permeability, and water permeability compared with other SCC mixtures, which can be attributed to higher watercement ratio (w/c) and lack of pore filling effect. An in-place migration coefficient was obtained using the in-place ion migration test. This was used to compare the potential diffusivity of different concretes. The results indicated that SCC, for both grades of strength, made with PFA showed much lower diffusivity values in comparison with other mixtures, whereas the SCC mixtures with VMA showed higher diffusivity.


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The paper explores the potential of applicability of Genetic programming approach (GP), adopted in this investigation, to model the combined effects of five independent variables to predict the mini-slump, the plate cohesion meter, the induced bleeding test, the J-fiber penetration value, and the compressive strength at 7 and 28 days of self-compacting slurry infiltrated fiber concrete (SIFCON). The variables investigated were the proportions of limestone powder (LSP) and sand, the dosage rates of superplasticiser (SP) and viscosity modifying agent (VMA), and water-to-binder ratio (W/B). Twenty eight mixtures were made with 10-50% LSP as replacement of cement, 0.02-0.06% VMA by mass of cement, 0.6-1.2% SP and 50-150% sand (% mass of binder) and 0.42-0.48 W/B. The proposed genetic models of the self-compacting SIFCON offer useful modelling approach regarding the mix optimisation in predicting the fluidity, the cohesion, the bleeding, the penetration, and the compressive strength.


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This letter investigates the optimum decision delay and tap-length of the finite-length decision feedback equalizer. First we show that, if the feedback filter (FBF) length N-b is equal to or larger than the channel memory upsilon and the decision delay Delta is smaller than the feedforward filter (FFF) length N-f, then only the first Delta + 1 elements of the FFF can be nonzero. Based on this result we prove that the maximum effective FBF length is equal to the channel memory upsilon, and if N-b greater than or equal to upsilon and N-f is long enough, the optimum decision delay that minimizes the MMSE is N-f - 1.