57 resultados para intrinsic conditional autoregression


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Au catalysis has been one of the hottest topics in chemistry in the last 10 years or so. How O-2 is supplied and what role water plays in CO oxidation are the two challenging issues in the field at the moment. In this study, using density functional theory we show that these two issues are in fact related to each other. The following observations are revealed: (i) water that can dissociate readily into OH groups can facilitate O-2 adsorption on TiO2; (ii) the effect of OH group on the O-2 adsorption is surprisingly long-ranged; and (iii) O-2 can also diffuse along the channel of Ti (5c) atoms on TiO2(1 10), and this may well be the rate-limiting step for the CO oxidation. We provide direct evidence that O-2 is supplied by O-2 adsorption on TiO2 in the presence of OH and can diffuse to the interface of Au/TiO2 to participate in CO oxidation. Furthermore, the physical origin of the water effects on Au catalysis has been identified by electronic structure analyses: There is a charge transfer from TiO2 in the presence of OH to O-2, and the O-2 adsorption energy depends linearly on the 02 charge. These results are of importance to understand water effects in general in heterogeneous catalysis.


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The photophysical properties of lanthanide complexes have been studied extensively; however, fundamental parameters such as the intrinsic quantum yield as well as radiative and nonradiative decay rates are difficult or even impossible to measure experimentally. Herein, a photoacoustic (PA) method is proposed to determine the intrinsic quantum yield of lanthanide complexes with lifetimes in the order of milliseconds. This method is used to determine the intrinsic quantum yields for europium (III)-containing metallomesogens as well as terbium(III) complexes. The results show that the PA signal is sensitive to both the lifetime and the ratio of the fast-to-slow heat component of the samples. It is found that there is an efficient ligand sensitization and a moderate intrinsic quantum yield for the complexes. The intrinsic quantum yield of Eu3+ in the metallomesogens exhibits an obvious increase upon the isotropic liquid to smectic A transition. The proposed PA method is quite simple, and con contribute to a clearer understanding of the photophysical processes in luminescent lanthanide complexes.


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In this paper we present the application of Hidden Conditional Random Fields (HCRFs) to modelling speech for visual speech recognition. HCRFs may be easily adapted to model long range dependencies across an observation sequence. As a result visual word recognition performance can be improved as the model is able to take more of a contextual approach to generating state sequences. Results are presented from a speaker-dependent, isolated digit, visual speech recognition task using comparisons with a baseline HMM system. We firstly illustrate that word recognition rates on clean video using HCRFs can be improved by increasing the number of past and future observations being taken into account by each state. Secondly we compare model performances using various levels of video compression on the test set. As far as we are aware this is the first attempted use of HCRFs for visual speech recognition.


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Many of the challenges faced in health care delivery can be informed through building models. In particular, Discrete Conditional Survival (DCS) models, recently under development, can provide policymakers with a flexible tool to assess time-to-event data. The DCS model is capable of modelling the survival curve based on various underlying distribution types and is capable of clustering or grouping observations (based on other covariate information) external to the distribution fits. The flexibility of the model comes through the choice of data mining techniques that are available in ascertaining the different subsets and also in the choice of distribution types available in modelling these informed subsets. This paper presents an illustrated example of the Discrete Conditional Survival model being deployed to represent ambulance response-times by a fully parameterised model. This model is contrasted against use of a parametric accelerated failure-time model, illustrating the strength and usefulness of Discrete Conditional Survival models.


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A recently generalized theory of perceptual guidance (general tau theory) was used to analyse coordination in skilled movement. The theory posits that (i) guiding movement entails controlling closure of spatial and/or force gaps between effecters and goals, by sensing and regulating the tau s of the gaps (the time-to-closure at current closure rate), (ii) a principal way of coordinating movements is keeping the rs of different gaps in constant ratio (known as tau-coupling), and (iii) intrinsically paced movements are guided and coordinated by tau-coupling onto a tau-guide, tau(g), generated in the nervous system and described by the equation tau(g) = 0.5(t-T-2/t) where T is the duration of the body movement and t is the time from the start of the movement. Kinematic analysis of hand to mouth movements by human adults, with eyes open or closed, indicated that hand guidance was achieved by maintaining, during 80-85% of the movement, the tau-couplings tau(alpha)-tau(t) and tau(t)-tau(g), where tau(t) is tau of the hand-mouth gap, tau(alpha) is tau of the angular gap to be closed by steering the hand and tau(g) is an intrinsic tau-guide.


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We address the question of the observed pinning of 1/2


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Ensembles of charged particles (plasmas) are a highly complex form of matter, most often modeled as a many-body system characterized by weak inter-particle interactions (electrostatic coupling). However, strongly-coupled plasma configurations have recently been produced in laboratory, either by creating ultra-cold plasmas confined in a trap or by manipulating dusty plasmas in discharge experiments. In this paper, the nonlinear aspects involved in the motion of charged dust grains in a one-dimensional plasma monolayer (crystal) are discussed. Different types of collective excitations are reviewed, and characteristics and conditions for their occurrence in dusty plasma crystals are discussed, in a quasi-continuum approximation. Dust crystals are shown to support nonlinear kink-shaped supersonic solitary longitudinal excitations, as well as modulated envelope localized modes associated with longitudinal and transverse vibrations. Furthermore, the possibility for intrinsic localized modes (ILMs) — Discrete Breathers (DBs) — to occur is investigated, from first principles. The effect of mode-coupling is also briefly considered. The relation to previous results on atomic chains, and also to experimental results on strongly-coupled dust layers in gas discharge plasmas, is briefly discussed.


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Discrete Conditional Phase-type (DC-Ph) models consist of a process component (survival distribution) preceded by a set of related conditional discrete variables. This paper introduces a DC-Ph model where the conditional component is a classification tree. The approach is utilised for modelling health service capacities by better predicting service times, as captured by Coxian Phase-type distributions, interfaced with results from a classification tree algorithm. To illustrate the approach, a case-study within the healthcare delivery domain is given, namely that of maternity services. The classification analysis is shown to give good predictors for complications during childbirth. Based on the classification tree predictions, the duration of childbirth on the labour ward is then modelled as either a two or three-phase Coxian distribution. The resulting DC-Ph model is used to calculate the number of patients and associated bed occupancies, patient turnover, and to model the consequences of changes to risk status.


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In this study, we investigated whether (a) carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), cytokeratin-20 (CK-20) and guanylyl cyclase C (GCC) are clinically useful markers for the molecular detection of submicroscopic metastases in colorectal cancer (CRC) and (b) whether overexpression of CEA, CK-20 and GCC can be reliably detected in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues as well as frozen lymph nodes. We studied 175 frozen lymph nodes and 158 formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded lymph nodes from 28 cases of CRC. CEA or CK-20 or GCC-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was carried out on mRNA transcripts extracted from the nodal tissues. Ten out of I I Dukes' B CRC cases had detectable CEA and CK-20 while 6 out of 11 Dukes' B CRC cases had detectable GCC. In general, the difference of re-staged cases when comparing frozen and paraffin-embedded samples was marked; the only statistically significant correlation between frozen and paraffin tissue was for the CEA marker. Our results indicated a high incidence (>50%) of detecting micrometastases in histologically-negative lymph nodes at the molecular level. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.