35 resultados para hadronic transport model


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A mathematical model for calculating the nonisothermal moisture transfer in building materials is presented in the article. The coupled heat and moisture transfer problem was modeled. Vapor content and temperature were chosen as principal driving potentials. The coupled equations were solved by an analytical method, which consists of applying the Laplace transform technique and the Transfer Function Method. A new experimental methodology for determining the temperature gradient coefficient for building materials was also proposed. Both the moisture diffusion coefficient and the temperature gradient coefficient for building material were experimentally evaluated. Using the measured moisture transport coefficients, the temperature and vapor content distribution inside building materials were predicted by the new model. The results were compared with experimental data. A good agreement was obtained.


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The many-electron-correlated scattering (MECS) approach to quantum electronic transport was investigated in the linear-response regime [I. Bâldea and H. Köppel, Phys. Rev. B 78, 115315 (2008). The authors suggest, based on numerical calculations, that the manner in which the method imposes boundary conditions is unable to reproduce the well-known phenomena of conductance quantization. We introduce an analytical model and demonstrate that conductance quantization is correctly obtained using open system boundary conditions within the MECS approach.


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Recent landmark experiments have demonstrated how quantum mechanical impurities can be created within strongly correlated quantum gases and used to probe the coherence properties of these systems. Here we present a theoretical model to simulate such an output coupler for a Tonks- Girardeau gas that shows excellent agreement with the experimental results for atom transport and output coupling. The solid theoretical basis our model provides allows us to explore non-equilibrium transport phenomena in ultra-cold quantum gases and leads us to predict a regime of atom blockade, where the impurity component becomes localised in the parent cloud despite the presence of gravity. We show that this provides a stable mixed-species quantum gas in the strongly correlated limit.


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By means of optimal control techniques we model and optimize the manipulation of the external quantum state (center-of-mass motion) of atoms trapped in adjustable optical potentials. We consider in detail the cases of both noninteracting and interacting atoms moving between neighboring sites in a lattice of a double-well optical potentials. Such a lattice can perform interaction-mediated entanglement of atom pairs and can realize two-qubit quantum gates. The optimized control sequences for the optical potential allow transport faster and with significantly larger fidelity than is possible with processes based on adiabatic transport.


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To assess the efficiency of different agro-environmental strategies used to reduce groundwater pollution by nitrates, transport modelling in soils and groundwater has been carried out on two withdrawal areas in an alluvial plain. In a first time, the agro-environmental model AgriFlux allowed the simulation of water and nitrates fluxes flowing to groundwater. This model was calibrated for each agro-pedological unit of the studied territory. In a second time, the application of the hydrogeological model MODFLOW-MT3D allowed the simulation of nitrate transport in groundwater for the 1980-2004 period. This soil-groundwater coupled modelling has shown that soil nature is the first factor that conditions the vulnerability to nitrates. Thus, nitrate leaching occurs preferentially under sandy soils. Efficiency of different agro-environmental operations for groundwater quality recovery was quantified. The best results are obtained by combination of (1) grassland re-installation on sandy agricultural lots located in near well protection perimeter and (2) fertilization reduction on sandy agricultural lots located in the well alimentation area upstream the near protection perimeter. On other soils, the effect of grassland on groundwater quality improvement is more limited. Nevertheless, the control of nitrate fertilisation remains essential and is justified in both near and far well protection perimeters. Modelling thus allows optimising and priorizing agro-environmental actions in alluvial agricultural zones. [Comte J.-C., Banton O., Kockmann F., Villard A., Creuzot G. (2006), Assessment of groundwater quality recovery strategies using nitrate transport modelling. Application to the Saône alluvial formations (Tournus, Saône-et-Loire), Ingénieries Eau-Agriculture-Territoires, 45, 15-28]


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A number of experiments have been undertaken at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory that were designed to investigate the physics of fast electron transport relevant to fast ignition inertial fusion. The laser, operating at a wavelength of 1054 nm, provided pulses of up to 350 J of energy on target in a duration that varied in the range 0.5-5 ps and a focused intensity of up to 10(21) W cm(-2). A dependence of the divergence of the fast electron beam with intensity on target has been identified for the first time. This dependence is reproduced in two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations and has been found to be an intrinsic property of the laser-plasma interaction. A number of ideas to control the divergence of the fast electron beam are described. The fractional energy transfer to the fast electron beam has been obtained from calibrated, time-resolved, target rear-surface radiation temperature measurements. It is in the range 15-30%, increasing with incident laser energy on target. The fast electron temperature has been measured to be lower than the ponderomotive potential energy and is well described by Haines' relativistic absorption model.


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Electron energy transport experiments conducted on the Vulcan 100 TW laser facility with large area foil targets are described. For plastic targets it is shown, by the plasma expansion observed in shadowgrams taken after the interaction, that there is a transition between the collimated electron flow previously reported at the 10 TW power level to an annular electron flow pattern with a 20 degrees divergence angle for peak powers of 68 TW. Intermediate powers show that both the central collimated flow pattern and the surrounding annular-shaped heated region can co-exist. The measurements are consistent with the Davies rigid beam model for fast electron flow (Davies 2003 Phys. Rev. E 68 056404) and LSP modelling provides additional insight into the observed results.


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This paper and its companion paper describe the comparison between a one-dimensional theoretical model of a hydrogen discharge in a magnetic multipole plasma source and experimental measurements of the plasma parameters. The discharge chamber, described here, has been designed to produce significant densities of H- ions by incorporating a weak transverse field through the discharge to obtain electron cooling so as to maximize H- production. Langmuir probes are used to monitor the plasma, determining the ion density, the electron density and temperature and the plasma potential. The negative density is measured by photo-detachment of the extra electron using an intense laser beam. The model, described in the companion paper, uses the presented source geometry to calculate these plasma quantities as a function of the major are parameters; namely the are current and voltage and gas pressure. Good agreement is obtained between theory and experiment as a function of position and arc parameters.


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Density, rheological properties, and conductivity of a homologous series of ammonium-based ionic liquids N-alkyl-triethylammonium bis{(trifluoromethyl) sulfonyl}imide were studied at atmospheric pressure as a function of alkyl chain length on the cation, as well as of the temperature from (293.15 to 363.15) K. From these investigations, the effect of the cation structure was quantified on each studied properties, which demonstrated, as expected, a decrease of the density and conductivity, a contrario of an increase of the viscosity with the alkyl chain length on the ammonium cation. Furthermore, rheological properties were measured for both pure and water-saturated ionic liquids. The studied ionic liquids were found to be Newtonian and non-Arrhenius. Additionally, the effect of water content in the studied ionic liquids on their viscosity was investigated by adding water until they were saturated at 293.15 K. By comparing the viscosity of pure ionic liquids with the data measured in water-saturated samples, it appears that the presence of water decreases dramatically the viscosity of ionic liquids by up to three times. An analysis of involved transport properties leads us to a classification of the studied ionic liquids in terms of their ionicity using the Walden plot, from which it is evident that they can be classified as "good" ionic liquids. Finally, from measured density data, different volumetric properties, that is, molar volumes and thermal expansion coefficients were determined as a function of temperature and of cationic structure. Based on these volumetric properties, an extension of Jacquemin's group contribution model has been then established and tested for alkylammonium-based ionic liquids within a relatively good uncertainty close to 0.1 %. © 2012 American Chemical Society.


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In-situ passive gradient comparative artificial tracer testing, undertaken using solutes (Uranine and Iodide), Bacteria (E.coli and P.putida) and bacteriophage (H40/1), permitted comparison of the mobility of different sized microorganisms relative to solutes in the sand and gravel aquifer underlying Dornach, Germany.
Tracer breakthrough curves reveal that even though uranine initially arrived at observation wells at the same time as microbiological tracers, maximum relative concentrations were sometimes less than those of microbiological tracers, while solute breakthrough curves proved more disperse.
Monitoring uranine breakthrough with depth suggested tracers arrived in observation wells in discrete 0.5m-1m thick intervals, over the aquifer’s 12m saturated thickness. Nearby exposures of aquifer material suggested that the aquifer consisted of sandy gravels enveloping sequences of open framework (OW) gravel up to 1m thick. Detailed examination of OW units revealed that they contained lenses of silty sand up to 1m long x 30cm thick., while granulometric data suggested that the gravel was two to three orders of magnitude more permeable than the enveloping sandy gravel.
Solute and microorganism tracer responses could not be simulated using conventional advective-dispersive equation solutions employing the same velocity and dispersion terms. By contrast solute tracer responses, modelled using a dual porosity approach for fractured media (DP-1D) corresponded well to observed field data. Simulating microorganism responses using the same transport terms, but no dual porosity term, generated good model fits and explained the higher relative concentration of the bacteria, compared to the non-reactive solute, even with first order removal to account for lower RR. Geologically, model results indicate that the silty units within open framework gravels are accessible to solute tracers, but not to microorganisms.
Results highlight the benefits of geological observations developing appropriate conceptual models of solute and micro organism transport and in developing suitable numerical approaches to quantifying microorganism mobility at scales appropriate for the development of groundwater supply (wellhead) protection zones.


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In this study, the genetic mapping of the tolerance of root growth to 13.3 muM arsenate [As(V)] using the BalaxAzucena population is improved, and candidate genes for further study are identified. A remarkable three-gene model of tolerance is advanced, which appears to involve epistatic interaction between three major genes, two on chromosome 6 and one on chromosome 10. Any combination of two of these genes inherited from the tolerant parent leads to the plant having tolerance. Lists of potential positional candidate genes are presented. These are then refined using whole genome transcriptomics data and bioinformatics. Physiological evidence is also provided that genes related to phosphate transport are unlikely to be behind the genetic loci conferring tolerance. These results offer testable hypotheses for genes related to As(V) tolerance that might offer strategies for mitigating arsenic (As) accumulation in consumed rice.


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High-affinity nitrate transport was examined in intact root hair cells of Arabidopsis thaliana using electrophysiological recordings to characterise the response of the plasma membrane to NO3-challenge and to quantify transport activity. The NO3--associated membrane current was determined using a three-electrode voltage clamp to bring membrane voltage under experimental control and to compensate for current dissipation along the longitudinal cell axis. Nitrate transport was evident in the roots of seedlings grown in the absence of a nitrogen source, but only 4-6 days postgermination. In 6-day-old seedlings, additions of 5-100 μm NO3-to the bathing medium resulted in membrane depolarizations of 8-43 mV, and membrane voltage (Vm) recovered on washing NO3-from the bath. Voltage clamp measurements carried out immediately before and following NO3-additions showed that the NO3--evoked depolarizations were the consequence of an inward-directed current that appeared across the entire range of accessible voltages (-300 to +50 mV). Both membrane depolarizations and NO3--evoked currents recorded at the free-running voltage displayed quasi-Michaelian kinetics, with apparent values for Km of 23 ± 6 and 44 ± 11 μm, respectively and, for the current, a maximum of 5.1 ± 0.9 μA cm-2. The NO3-current showed a pronounced voltage sensitivity within the normal physiological range between -250 and -100 mV, as could be demonstrated under voltage clamp, and increasing the bathing pH from 6.1 to 7.4-8.0 reduced the current and the associated membrane depolarizations 3- to 8-fold. Analyses showed a well-defined interaction between the kinetic variables of membrane voltage, pHo and [NO3-]o. At a constant pHo of 6.1, depolarization from -250 to -150 mV resulted in an approximate 3-fold reduction in the maximum current but a 10% rise in the apparent affinity for NO3-. By contrast, the same depolarization effected an approximate 20% fall in the Km for transport as a function in [H+]o. These, and additional characteristics of the transport current implicate a carrier cycle in which NO3-binding is kinetically isolated from the rate-limiting step of membrane charge transit, and they indicate a charge-coupling stoichiometry of 2(H+) per NO3-anion transported across the membrane. The results concur with previous studies showing a high-affinity NO3-transport system in Arabidopsis that is inducible following a period of nitrogen-limiting growth, but they underline the importance of voltage as a kinetic factor controlling NO3-transport at the plant plasma membrane. © 1995 Springer-Verlag New York Inc.


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This paper addresses the problem of optimally locating intermodal freight terminals in Serbia. To solve this problem and determine the effects of the resulting scenarios, two modeling approaches were combined. The first approach is based on multiple-assignment hub-network design, and the second is based on simulation. The multiple-assignment p-hub network location model was used to determine the optimal location of intermodal terminals. Simulation was used as a tool to estimate intermodal transport flow volumes, due to the unreliability and unavailability of specific statistical data, and as a method for quantitatively analyzing the economic, time, and environmental effects of different scenarios of intermodal terminal development. The results presented here represent a summary, with some extension, of the research realized in the IMOD-X project (Intermodal Solutions for Competitive Transport in Serbia).


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The ecological footprint of food transport can be communicated using carbon dioxide emissions (CO2 label) or by providing information about both the length of time and the mileage travelled (food miles label). We use stated choice data to estimate conventional unobserved taste heterogeneity models and extend them to a specification that also addresses attribute nonattendance. The implied posterior distributions of the marginal willingness to pay values are compared graphically and are used in validation regressions. We find strong bimodality of taste distribution as the emerging feature, with different groups of subjects having low and high valuations for these labels. The best fitting model shows that CO2 and food miles valuations are much correlated. CO2 valuations can be high even for those respondents expressing low valuations for food miles. However, the reverse is not true. Taken together, the results suggest that consumers tend to value the CO2 label at least as much and sometimes more than the food miles label.


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Cooling and sinking of dense saline water in the Norwegian–Greenland Sea is essential for the formation of North Atlantic Deep Water. The convection in the Norwegian–Greenland Sea allows for a northward flow of warm surface water and southward transport of cold saline water. This circulation system is highly sensitive to climate change and has been shown to operate in different modes. In ice cores the last glacial period is characterized by millennial-scale Dansgaard–Oeschger (D–O) events of warm interstadials and cold stadials. Similar millennial-scale variability (linked to D–O events) is evident from oceanic cores, suggesting a strong coupling of the atmospheric and oceanic circulations system. Particularly long-lasting cold stadials correlate with North Atlantic Heinrich events, where icebergs released from the continents caused a spread of meltwater over the northern North Atlantic and Nordic seas. The meltwater layer is believed to have caused a stop or near-stop in the deep convection, leading to cold climate. The spreading of meltwater and changes in oceanic circulation have a large influence on the carbon exchange between atmosphere and the deep ocean and lead to profound changes in the 14C activity of the surface ocean. Here we demonstrate marine 14C reservoir ages (R) of up to c. 2000 years for Heinrich event H4. Our R estimates are based on a new method for age model construction using identified tephra layers and tie-points based on abrupt interstadial warmings.