25 resultados para gènes Hox


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Homeobox gene expression was examined in the erythroleukaemic cell line TF-1. Expression of a number of HOX A, B and C genes, including HOX A7 was detected. Expression of this gene has not previously been reported in erythroleukaemic cell lines. A 2.1 kb full length cDNA of the HOX A7 gene was cloned. The predicted amino acid sequence C-terminal to the homeodomain consists of an alanine-rich region and a strongly negatively charged domain consisting entirely of aspartic and glutamic acid residues.


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Acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) is associated with a reciprocal and balanced translocation involving the retinoic acid receptor-alpha (RARalpha). All-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) is used to treat APL and is a potent morphogen that regulates HOX gene expression in embryogenesis and organogenesis. HOX genes are also involved in hematopoiesis and leukemogenesis. Thirty-nine mammalian HOX genes have been identified and classified into 13 paralogous groups clustered on 4 chromosomes. They encode a complex network of transcription regulatory proteins whose precise targets remain poorly understood. The overall function of the network appears to be dictated by gene dosage. To investigate the mechanisms involved in HOX gene regulation in hematopoiesis and leukemogenesis by precise measurement of individual HOX genes, a small-array real-time HOX (SMART-HOX) quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) platform was designed and validated. Application of SMART-HOX to 16 APL bone marrow samples revealed a global down-regulation of 26 HOX genes compared with normal controls. HOX gene expression was also altered during differentiation induced by ATRA in the PML-RARalpha(+) NB4 cell line. PML-RARalpha fusion proteins have been reported to act as part of a repressor complex during myeloid cell differentiation, and a model linking HOX gene expression to this PML-RARalpha repressor complex is now proposed.


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Hemopoietic progenitor cells express clustered homeobox (Hox) genes in a pattern characteristic of their lineage and stage of differentiation. In general, HOX expression tends to be higher in more primitive and lower in lineage-committed cells. These trends have led to the hypothesis that self-renewal of hemopoietic stem/progenitor cells is HOX-dependent and that dysregulated HOX expression underlies maintenance of the leukemia-initiating cell. Gene expression profile studies support this hypothesis and specifically highlight the importance of the HOXA cluster in hemopoiesis and leukemogenesis. Within this cluster HOXA6 and HOXA9 are highly expressed in patients with acute myeloid leukemia and form part of the "Hox code" identified in murine models of this disease. We have examined endogenous expression of Hoxa6 and Hoxa9 in purified primary progenitors as well as four growth factor-dependent cell lines FDCP-Mix, EML, 32Dcl3, and Ba/F3, representative of early multipotential and later committed precursor cells respectively. Hoxa6 was consistently higher expressed than Hoxa9, preferentially expressed in primitive cells and was both growth-factor and cell-cycle regulated. Enforced overexpression of HOXA6 or HOXA9 in FDCP-Mix resulted in increased proliferation and colony formation but had negligible effect on differentiation. In both FDCP-Mix and the more committed Ba/F3 precursor cells overexpression of HOXA6 potentiated factor-independent proliferation. These findings demonstrate that Hoxa6 is directly involved in fundamental processes of hemopoietic progenitor cell development.


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Relevant mouse models of E2a-PBX1-induced pre-B cell leukemia are still elusive. We now report the generation of a pre-B leukemia model using E2a-PBX1 transgenic mice, which lack mature and precursor T-cells as a result of engineered loss of CD3epsilon expression (CD3epsilon(-/-)). Using insertional mutagenesis and inverse-PCR, we show that B-cell leukemia development in the E2a-PBX1 x CD3epsilon(-/-) compound transgenic animals is significantly accelerated when compared to control littermates, and document several known and novel integrations in these tumors. Of all common integration sites, a small region of 19 kb in the Hoxa gene locus, mostly between Hoxa6 and Hoxa10, represented 18% of all integrations in the E2a-PBX1 B-cell leukemia and was targeted in 86% of these leukemias compared to 17% in control tumors. Q-PCR assessment of expression levels for most Hoxa cluster genes in these tumors revealed an unprecedented impact of the proviral integrations on Hoxa gene expression, with tumors having one to seven different Hoxa genes overexpressed at levels up to 6600-fold above control values. Together our studies set the stage for modeling E2a-PBX1-induced B-cell leukemia and shed new light on the complexity pertaining to Hox gene regulation. In addition, our results show that the Hoxa gene cluster is preferentially targeted in E2a-PBX1-induced tumors, thus suggesting functional collaboration between these oncogenes in pre-B-cell tumors.


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A number of epigenetic alterations occur in both the virus and host cellular genomes during human papillomavirus (HPV)-associated carcinogenesis, and investigations of such alterations, including changes in chromatin proteins and histone modifications, have the potential to lead to therapeutic epigenetic reversion. We report here that transformed HPV16 E6/E7-expressing primary human foreskin keratinocytes (HFKs) (E6/E7 cells) demonstrate increased expression of the PRC2 methyltransferase EZH2 at both the mRNA and protein levels but do not exhibit the expected increase in trimethylated H3K27 (H3K27me3) compared to normal keratinocytes. In contrast, these cells show a reduction in global H3K27me3 levels in vitro, as well as upregulation of the KDM6A demethylase. We further show for the first time that transformation with the HPV16 E6 and E7 oncogenes also results in an increase in phosphorylated EZH2 serine 21 (P-EZH2-Ser21), mediated by active Akt, and in a downregulation of the PRC1 protein BMI1 in these cells. High-grade squamous cervical intraepithelial lesions also showed a loss of H3K27me3 in the presence of increased expression of EZH2. Correlating with the loss of H3K27me3, E6/E7 cells exhibited derepression of specific EZH2-, KMD6A-, and BMI1-targeted HOX genes. These results suggest that the observed reduction in H3K27me3 may be due to a combination of reduced activities/levels of specific polycomb proteins and increases in demethylases. The dysregulation of multiple chromatin proteins resulting in the loss of global H3K27me3 and the transcriptional reprogramming in HPV16 E6/E7-infected cells could provide an epigenetic signature associated with risk and/or progression of HPV16-associated cancers, as well as the potential for epigenetic reversion in the future.


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The cytogenetically normal subtype of acute myeloid leukemia (CN-AML) is associated with Intermediate risk which complicates therapeutic options. Lower overall HOX/TALE expression appears to correlate with more favorable prognosis/better response to treatment in some leukemias and solid cancer. The functional significance of the associated gene expression and response to chemotherapy is not known. Three independent microarray datasets obtained from large patient cohorts along with quantitative PCR validation was used to identify a four gene HOXA/TALE signature capable of prognostic stratification. Biochemical analysis was used to identify interactions between the four encoded proteins and targeted knockdown used to examine the functional importance of sustained expression of the signature in leukemia maintenance and response to chemotherapy. An eleven HOXA/TALE code identified in an Intermediate risk (n=315) compared to a Favourable group of patients (n=105) was reduced to a four gene signature of HOXA6, HOXA9, PBX3 and MEIS1 by iterative analysis of independent platforms. This signature maintained the Favorable/Intermediate risk partition and where applicable, correlated with overall survival in CN-AML. We further show that cell growth and function is dependent on maintained levels of these core genes and that direct targeting of HOXA/PBX3 sensitizes CN-AML cells to standard chemotherapy. Together the data support a key role for HOXA/TALE in CN-AML and demonstrate that targeting of clinically significant HOXA/PBX3 elements may provide therapeutic benefit to these patients.


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Histone methylation is a dynamic and reversible process proposed to directly impact on stem cell fate. The Jumonji (JmjC) domain-containing family of demethylases comprises 27 members which can demethylate mono-, di- and tri-methylated lysine residues of histone (or non-histone) targets. To evaluate their role in regulation of hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) behaviour we performed a RNAi-based screen and found that demethylases JARID1B (H3K4) and JHDM1F (H3K9) play opposing roles in regulation of HSC activity. Decrease in Jarid1b levels correlated with an in vitro expansion of HSC with preserved long term in vivo lympho-myeloid differentiation potential. Jarid1b knockdown was associated with an increase in expression levels of 5’ Hoxa cluster genes and CxCl5 , and reduced levels of Pu.1, Egr1 and Cav1. shRNA against Jhdmlf, in contrast, impaired hematopoietic reconstitution of bone marrow cells. Together, our studies identified Jarid1b as a negative, and Jhdmlf as a positive regulator of HSC activity.


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HOX genes are master regulators of organ morphogenesis and cell differentiation during embryonic development, and continue to be expressed throughout post-natal life. To test the hypothesis that HOX genes are dysregulated in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) we defined their expression profile, and investigated the function, transcriptional regulation and clinical relevance of a subset of highly expressed HOXD genes. Two HOXD genes, D10 and D11, showed strikingly high levels in HNSCC cell lines, patient tumor samples and publicly available datasets. Knockdown of HOXD10 in HNSCC cells caused decreased proliferation and invasion, whereas knockdown of HOXD11 reduced only invasion. POU2F1 consensus sequences were identified in the 5' DNA of HOXD10 and D11. Knockdown of POU2F1 significantly reduced expression of HOXD10 and D11 and inhibited HNSCC proliferation. Luciferase reporter constructs of the HOXD10 and D11 promoters confirmed that POU2F1 consensus binding sites are required for optimal promoter activity. Utilizing patient tumor samples a significant association was found between immunohistochemical staining of HOXD10 and both the overall and the disease-specific survival, adding further support that HOXD10 is dysregulated in head and neck cancer. Additional studies are now warranted to fully evaluate HOXD10 as a prognostic tool in head and neck cancers.


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BACKGROUND: Hematopoiesis is a paradigm for developmental processes, hierarchically organized, with stem cells at its origin. Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) replenish progenitor and precursor cells of multiple lineages, which normally differentiate into short-lived mature circulating cells. Hematopoiesis has provided insight into the molecular basis of tissue homeostasis and malignancy. Malignant hematopoiesis, in particular acute myeloid leukemia (AML), results from impaired development or differentiation of HSCs and progenitors. Co-overexpression of HOX and TALE genes, particularly the HOXA cluster and MEIS1, is associated with AML. Clinically relevant models of AML are required to advance drug development for an aging patient cohort.

RESULTS: Molecular analysis identified altered gene, microRNA, and protein expression in HOXA9/Meis1 leukemic bone marrow compared to normal controls. A candidate drug screen identified the c-Met inhibitor SU11274 for further analysis. Altered cell cycle status, apoptosis, differentiation, and impaired colony formation were shown for SU11274 in AML cell lines and primary leukemic bone marrow.

CONCLUSIONS: The clonal HOXA9/Meis1 AML model is amenable to drug screening analysis. The data presented indicate that human AML cells respond in a similar manner to the HOXA9/Meis1 cells, indicating pre-clinical relevance of the mouse model.