137 resultados para ecological uti¬lization


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This paper evaluates how long-term records could and should be utilized in conservation policy and practice. Traditionally, there has been an extremely limited use of long-term ecological records (greater than 50 years) in biodiversity conservation. There are a number of reasons why such records tend to be discounted, including a perception of poor scale of resolution in both time and space, and the lack of accessibility of long temporal records to non-specialists. Probably more important, however, is the perception that even if suitable temporal records are available, their roles are purely descriptive, simply demonstrating what has occurred before in Earth’s history, and are of little use in the actual practice of conservation. This paper asks why this is the case and whether there is a place for the temporal record in conservation management. Key conservation initiatives related to extinctions, identification of regions of greatest diversity/threat, climate change and biological invasions are addressed. Examples of how a temporal record can add information that is of direct practicable applicability to these issues are highlighted. These include (i) the identification of species at the end of their evolutionary lifespan and therefore most at risk from extinction, (ii) the setting of realistic goals and targets for conservation ‘hotspots’, and (iii) the identification of various management tools for the maintenance/restoration of a desired biological state. For climate change conservation strategies, the use of long-term ecological records in testing the predictive power of species envelope models is highlighted, along with the potential of fossil records to examine the impact of sea-level rise. It is also argued that a long-term perspective is essential for the management of biological invasions, not least in determining when an invasive is not an invasive. The paper concludes that often inclusion of a long-term ecological perspective can provide a more scientifically defensible basis for conservation decisions than the one based only on contemporary records. The pivotal issue of this paper is not whether long-term records are of interest to conservation biologists, but how they can actually be utilized in conservation practice and policy.


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The microsporidian parasite, Pleistophora mulleri, infects the abdominal muscle of the freshwater amphipod Gammarus duebeni celticus. We recently showed that P. mulleri infection was associated with G. d. celticus hosts being more vulnerable to predation by the invasive amphipod Gammarus pulex. Parasitized G. d. celticus also had a reduced ability to prey upon other co-occurring amphipods. We suggested the parasite may have pervasive influences on host ecology and behaviour. Here, we examine the association between P. mulleri parasitism and parameters influencing individual host fitness, behaviour and interspecific interactions. We also investigate the relationship between parasite prevalence and host population structure in the field. In our G. d. celticus study population, P. mulleri prevalence was strongly seasonal, ranging from 8.5% in summer to 44.9% in winter. The relative abundance of hosts with the heaviest parasite burden increased during summer, which coincided with high host mortality, suggesting that parasitism may regulate host abundance to some degree. Females were more likely to be parasitized than males and parasitized males were paired with smaller females than unparasitized males. Parasitism was associated with reduction in the host's activity level and reduced both its predation on the isopod Asellus aquaticus and aggression towards precopula pairs of the invasive G. pulex. We discuss the pervasive influence of this parasite on the ecology of its host.


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Studies of biological invasions predominantly stress threats to biodiversity through the elimination and replacement of native species. However, we must realise that resident communities may often be capable of integrating invaders, leading to patterns of coexistence. Within the past ninety years, three freshwater amphipod species have invaded Northern Ireland the North American Gammarus tigrinus and Crangonyx pseudogracilis, plus the European G. pulex. These species have come into contact with the ubiquitous native species, G. duebeni celticus. This study examined spatiotemporal patterns of stability of single and mixed species assemblages in an invaded lake. Lough Beg and its associated rivers were surveyed in summer 1994 and winter 1995, and a selection of stations re-sampled in summer one and five years later. All possible combinations of the four amphipod species were found. Although species presence/absence was stable between seasons at the scale of the whole lough, it was extremely fluid at the scale of individual sites, 82% of which changed in species composition between seasons. Overall mean amphipod abundance was similar across 5 distinguishable habitat types, but there were differences in species compositions among these habitats. In addition, although co-occurrences of Gammarus species did not differ from random, there was a strong negative association between Gammarus spp. and C. pseudogracilis. This latter pattern was at least in part generated by the better tolerance of C. pseudogracilis to lower water quality. A review of previous studies indicates that the exclusion of C. pseudogracilis by Gammarus species from high water quality areas is likely to involve biotic interaction. Thus, overall, co-existence of the four species, which is clearly dynamic and scale-dependent, appears promoted by spatial and temporal habitat heterogeneity. However, biotic interactions may also play a role in local exclusions. Since the three introduced species have not eliminated the native species, and each successive invasion has not replaced the previous invader, this study demonstrates that freshwater invaders may integrate with native communities leading to coexistence and increased species diversity.


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Background: Oceans are high gene flow environments that are traditionally believed to hamper the build-up of genetic divergence. Despite this, divergence appears to occur occasionally at surprisingly small scales. The Galápagos archipelago provides an ideal opportunity to examine the evolutionary processes of local divergence in an isolated marine environment. Galápagos sea lions (Zalophus wollebaeki) are top predators in this unique setting and have an essentially unlimited dispersal capacity across the entire species range. In theory, this should oppose any genetic differentiation.
Results: We find significant ecological, morphological and genetic divergence between the western colonies and colonies from the central region of the archipelago that are exposed to different ecological conditions. Stable isotope analyses indicate that western animals use different food sources than those from the central area. This is likely due to niche partitioning with the second Galápagos eared seal species, the Galápagos fur seal (Arctocephalus galapagoensis) that exclusively dwells in the west. Stable isotope patterns correlate with significant differences in foraging-related skull morphology. Analyses of mitochondrial sequences as well as microsatellites reveal signs of initial genetic differentiation.
Conclusion: Our results suggest a key role of intra- as well as inter-specific niche segregation in the evolution of genetic structure among populations of a highly mobile species under conditions of free movement. Given the monophyletic arrival of the sea lions on the archipelago, our study challenges the view that geographical barriers are strictly needed for the build-up of genetic divergence. The study further raises the interesting prospect that in social, colonially breeding mammals additional forces, such as social structure or feeding traditions, might bear on the genetic partitioning of populations.


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CO hydrogenation is used as a model system to understand why multiphase catalysts are chemically important in heterogeneous catalysis. By including both adsorption and subsequent surface reactions, kinetic equations are derived with two fundamental properties, the chemisorption energies of C and O (Delta H-C and Delta H-O, respectively). By plotting the activity against Delta H-C and Delta H-O, a 3-D volcano surface is obtained. Because of the constraint between Delta H-C and Delta H-O on monophase systems, a maximum can be achieved. However, if multiphase systems are used, such a constraint can be released and the global maximum may be achieved.


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Describe the utilization of analgesic and sedative medications and documentation of pain scores in a cohort of critically ill infants in a neonatal intensive care unit.

A prospective, longitudinal, cohort study of infants with a predicted length of stay =28 days. Dosages and routes of administration of analgesic and sedative medications and documentation of pain scores were collected on a daily basis.

55 infants were enrolled into the study. Oral sucrose was administered to all 55 infants, 51 infants (93%) were administered enteral acetaminophen and 50 (91%) infants were administered morphine during their hospitalization. Sedatives were administered to 42 infants (76%); 36 (65%) were administered chloral hydrate and 32 (58%) were administered intravenous midazolam. With the exception of the first week of admission, when there was highest utilization of opioids and lower use of sucrose, acetaminophen and sedatives, the pattern of administration of analgesic and sedative agents remained relatively constant throughout the hospitalization. Pain scores were documented for 36 (65%) infants during their hospitalisation, however for these 36 infants, pain scores were infrequently recorded.

There was substantial and varied analgesic and sedative use in this cohort of infants, yet infrequent documentation of pain assessment scores. These practices highlight important clinical implications for sick infants requiring careful consideration of pain and distress management.


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Phosphonates are organic compounds that contain a C-P bond and are a poorly characterized component of the marine phosphorus cycle. They may represent a potential source of bioavailable phosphorus, particularly in oligotrophic conditions. This study has investigated the distribution of the phnA gene which encodes phosphonoacetate hydrolase, the enzyme that mineralizes phosphonoacetate. Using newly designed degenerate primers targeting the phnA gene we analysed the potential for phosphonoacetate utilization in DNA and cDNA libraries constructed from a phytoplankton bloom in the Western English Channel during July 2006. Total RNA was isolated and reverse transcribed and phosphonoacetate hydrolase (phnA) transcripts were PCR amplified from the cDNA with the degenerate primers, cloned and sequenced. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated considerable diversity with 14 sequence types yielding five unique phnA protein groups. We also identified 28 phnA homologues in a 454-pyrosequencing metagenomic and metatranscriptomic study from a coastal marine mesocosm, indicating that > 3% of marine bacteria in this study contained phnA. phnA homologues were also present in a metagenomic fosmid library from this experiment. Finally, cultures of four isolates of potential coral pathogens belonging to the Vibrionaceae contained the phnA gene. In the laboratory, these isolates were able to grow with phosphonoacetate as sole P and C source. The fact that the capacity to utilize phosphonoacetate was evident in each of the three coastal environments suggests the potential for widespread utilization of this bioavailable P source.


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The first examples of Room Temperature Ionic Liquids (RTIL) containing fused polycyclic N-alkylisoquinolinium cations ([C(n)isoq](+)) in combination with the bis(perfluoroethylsulfonyl) imide anion ([BETI](-)) have been synthesized, characterized, and utilized in liquid-liquid partitioning from water; these salts have unexpectedly low melting points and give high distribution ratios for aromatic solutes, especially chlorobenzenes, between the RTIL and water.


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The process of divorce as a family change process including outcomes and consequences has received considerable research attention in the western context. However, the experience of divorce for children within specific ethnic contexts has been rather limited leading to poor planning and practice provision with diverse families. By drawing upon an empirical qualitative study of British Indian adult children, this paper will make a case for recognising diverse needs within specific historical, socio-cultural and developmental contexts. There is a need to acknowledge these contexts in policy design to establish practice that is flexible, accessible and relevant to the needs of different and diverse communities. Results indicate that areas of impact may be similar to those identified by other studies within the literature review. However, the experiences, expressions, implications and larger consequences of impact are located within specific socio-cultural contexts. In support of this, major findings of the study (outlined below) will be discussed - Context: patriarchy, stigma, immigration; Impact: economic, social, emotional, career/education, physical; Coping: psychological strategies, physical strategies, social strategies, sources of support.