24 resultados para disease marker


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Engineering plasmonic nanomaterials or nanostructures towards ultrasensitive biosensing for disease markers or pathogens is of high importance. Here we demonstrate a systematic approach to tailor effective plasmonic nanorod arrays by combining both comprehensive numerical discrete dipole approximations (DDA) simulation and transmission spectroscopy experiments. The results indicate that 200×50 nm nanorod arrays with 300×500 nm period provide the highest FOM of 2.4 and a sensitivity of 310 nm/RIU. Furthermore, we demonstrate the use of nanorod arrays for the detection of single nucleotide polymorphism in codon 12 of the K-ras gene that are frequently occurring in early stages of colon cancer, with a sensitivity down to 10 nM in the presence of 100-fold higher concentration of the homozygous genotypes. Our work shows significant potential of nanorod arrays towards point-of-care applications in diagnosis and clinical studies.


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Objectives. To conduct a prospective evaluation to determine the utility of the BTA stat test in the detection of upper tract transitional cell carcinoma (UTTCC). Monitoring for UTTCC currently relies on invasive procedures such as upper tract imaging, ureteral washing cytology (UWC) and/or ureteroscopy, or voided urine cytology (VUC). The BTA stat test is a sensitive qualitative immunoassay that detects human complement factor H-related protein in voided urine.

Methods. A total of 81 patients participated, 27 with histopathologically confirmed UTTCC, 26 with upper tract calculi, and 28 with microscopic hematuria but no evidence of urologic disease. Voided specimens collected before surgery or treatment were tested with the BTA stat test and VUC. UWC was performed in specimens collected by a ureteral catheter.

Results. The BTA stat test was significantly more sensitive and specific than VUC or UWC. The overall sensitivity for each was 82%, 11%, and 48%; the specificity was 89%, 54%, and 33%. The positive predictive value for the BTA stat test was 79% and the negative predictive value was 91%, both the highest of the three tests.

Conclusions. The BTA stat test was superior to VUC and UWC in the detection of UTTCC. These results may support the adoption of a less aggressive follow-up policy when monitoring for UTTCC when the BTA stat result is negative. If cystoscopy is negative and the BTA stat test is positive, upper tract investigations should be expedited and, if the bladder is in place, bladder biopsies performed. (C) 2001, Elsevier Science Inc.


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Childhood wheezing is common particularly in children under the age of six years and in this age-group is generally referred to as preschool wheezing. Particular diagnostic and treatment uncertainties exist in these young children due to the difficulty in obtaining objective evidence of reversible airways narrowing and inflammation. A diagnosis of asthma depends on the presence of relevant clinical signs and symptoms and the demonstration of reversible airways narrowing on lung function testing, which is difficult to perform in young children. Few treatments are available and inhaled corticosteroids are the recommended preventer treatment in most international asthma guidelines. There is however considerable controversy about its effectiveness in children with preschool wheeze and a corticosteroid responder phenotype has not been established. These diagnostic and treatment uncertainties in conjunction with the knowledge of corticosteroid side-effects, in particular the reduction of growth velocity, has resulted in a variable approach to inhaled corticosteroid prescribing by medical practitioners and a reluctance in carers to regularly administer the treatment. Identifying children who are likely responders to corticosteroid therapy would be a major benefit in the management of this condition. Eosinophils have emerged as a promising biomarker of corticosteroid responsive airways disease and evaluation of this biomarker in sputum has successfully been employed to direct management in adults with asthma. Obtaining sputum from young children is time-consuming and difficult and it is hard to justify more invasive procedures such as a bronchoscopy in young children routinely. Recently, in children, interest has shifted to assessing the value of less invasive biomarkers of likely corticosteroid response and the biomarker 'blood eosinophils' has emerged as an attractive candidate. The aim of this review is to summarise the evidence for blood eosinophils as a predictive biomarker for corticosteroid responsive disease with a particular focus on the difficult area of preschool wheeze. 


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Wilms' tumor gene 1 (WT1) is overexpressed in the majority (70-90%) of acute leukemias and has been identified as an independent adverse prognostic factor, a convenient minimal residual disease (MRD) marker and potential therapeutic target in acute leukemia. We examined WT1 expression patterns in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), where its clinical implication remains unclear. Using a real-time quantitative PCR designed according to Europe Against Cancer Program recommendations, we evaluated WT1 expression in 125 consecutively enrolled patients with childhood ALL (106 BCP-ALL, 19 T-ALL) and compared it with physiologic WT1 expression in normal and regenerating bone marrow (BM). In childhood B-cell precursor (BCP)-ALL, we detected a wide range of WT1 levels (5 logs) with a median WT1 expression close to that of normal BM. WT1 expression in childhood T-ALL was significantly higher than in BCP-ALL (P<0.001). Patients with MLL-AF4 translocation showed high WT1 overexpression (P<0.01) compared to patients with other or no chromosomal aberrations. Older children (> or =10 years) expressed higher WT1 levels than children under 10 years of age (P<0.001), while there was no difference in WT1 expression in patients with peripheral blood leukocyte count (WBC) > or =50 x 10(9)/l and lower. Analysis of relapsed cases (14/125) indicated that an abnormal increase or decrease in WT1 expression was associated with a significantly increased risk of relapse (P=0.0006), and this prognostic impact of WT1 was independent of other main risk factors (P=0.0012). In summary, our study suggests that WT1 expression in childhood ALL is very variable and much lower than in AML or adult ALL. WT1, thus, will not be a useful marker for MRD detection in childhood ALL, however, it does represent a potential independent risk factor in childhood ALL. Interestingly, a proportion of childhood ALL patients express WT1 at levels below the normal physiological BM WT1 expression, and this reduced WT1 expression appears to be associated with a higher risk of relapse.


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Although Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia (CML) can be treated successfully with allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (BMT), leukaemia relapse remains a significant clinical problem. Molecular monitoring of the post transplant marrow can be useful in predicting relapse particularly in CML patients where the Philadelphia chromosome or its molecular counterpart, the BCR-ABL fusion messenger RNA can be used as a leukaemia specific marker of minimal residual disease (MRD). We have investigated chimaerism (using polymerase chain reaction of short tandem repeat sequences (STR-PCR)) and MRD status (using reverse transcriptase PCR of the BCR-ABL fusion mRNA) in a serial fashion in 18 patients who were in clinical and haematological remission post allogeneic BMT for chronic phase CML. Eleven patients exhibited complete donor chimaerism with no evidence of minimal residual disease. Five patients had transient or low level stable MC. Late MC and MRD was observed in two patients who relapsed > 6 years after T cell depleted BMT for CML. Thus STR-PCR is an appropriate screening test in the post transplant setting for CML patients, but those patients exhibiting mixed haemopoietic chimaerism should also be monitored using a leukaemia specific sensitive molecular assay.


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Neutrophil elastase (NE), a biomarker of infection and inflammation, correlates with the severity of several respiratory diseases including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). However, it’s detection and quantification in biological samples is confounded by a lack of reliable and robust methodologies. Standard assays using chromogenic or fluorogenic substrates are not specific when added to complex clinical samples containing multiple proteolytic and hydrolytic enzymes which have the ability to hydrolyse the substrate, thereby resulting in an over-estimation of the target protease. Furthermore, ELISA systems measure total protease levels which can be a mixture of latent, active and protease-inhibitor complexes. Therefore, we have developed a novel immunoassay (ProteaseTag™ Active NE Immunoassay) which is selective and specific for the capture of active NE in sputum and Bronchoalveolar Lavage (BAL) in patients with COPD. The objective of this study was to clinically validate ProteaseTag™ Active NE Ultra Immunoassay for the detection of NE in sputum from COPD patients. 20 matched sputum sol samples were collected from 10 COPD patients (M=6, F=4; 73 ± 6 years) during stable and exacerbation phases. Samples were assayed for NE activity utilising both ProteaseTag™ Active NE Ultra Immunoassay and a fluorogenic substrate-based kinetic activity assay. Both assays detected elevated levels of NE in the majority of patients (n=7) during an exacerbation (mean=217.2 μg/ml ±296.6) compared to their stable phase (mean=92.37 μg/ml ±259.8). However, statistical analysis did not show this difference to be significant (p=0.07, ProteaseTag™ Active NE Ultra Immunoassay; p=0.06 kinetic assay), most likely due to the low study number. A highly significant correlation was found between the 2 assay types (p≤0.0001, r=0.996). NE as a primary efficacy endpoint in clinical trials or as a marker of inflammation within the clinic has been hampered by the lack of a robust and simple to use assay. ProteaseTag™ Active NE Immunoassay specifically measures only active NE in clinical samples, is quick and easy to use (< 3 hours) and has no dependency on a kinetic readout. ProteaseTag™ technology is currently being transferred to a lateral flow device for use at Point of Care.


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Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the world. Despite this, a growing number of people are surviving the disease due to medical advancements and the development of numerous new therapies. Doxorubicin, a chemotherapeutic agent, is a widely-used and successful first-line anti-tumour treatment. However, the established toxic and deleterious effects of the drug on the cardiovascular system confer increased risk of congestive heart failure, thereby necessitating the use of reduced doxorubicin doses. In order to investigate how these events are initiated, mouse cardiomyocytes (HL-1) were treated in vitro with varying concentrations of doxorubicin (0.5-4.0 µmol/L). Following treatment (24h), a marked level of cell death was observed in comparison to untreated cardiomyocytes; the level of death appeared to correlate with the concentration of the drug used. Western blotting revealed the cleavage of full length Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) into 89 and 24kDa fragments, a process which is instrumental in triggering programmed cell death/apoptosis. Importantly, results suggested that this event may be independent of caspase 3 cleavage and thus activation. A number of previous studies have reported a functional role for both Mitofusin-2 (Mfn2) and NADPH oxidase 2 (Nox2) in the cardiotoxic response. Given that PARP cleavage is a validated indicator of cellular apoptosis, these results clearly indicate that this marker could be used in future studies when determining if depletion of the above proteins would cause a reduction in or eradicate the pro-apoptotic action of this agent on cardiomyocytes. Such investigations may lead to significant developments in ensuring that doxorubicin can achieve its full therapeutic anti-tumour potential without causing the subsequent deleterious effects on the cardiovascular system.


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The Colorectal Cancer (CRC) Subtyping Consortium (CRCSC) recently published four consensus molecular subtypes (CMS’s) representing the underlying biology in CRC. The Microsatellite Instable (MSI) immune group, CMS1, has a favorable prognosis in early stage disease, but paradoxically has the worst prognosis following relapse, suggesting the presence of factors enabling neoplastic cells to circumvent this immune response. To identify the genes influencing subsequent poor prognosis in CMS1, we analyzed this subtype, centered on risk of relapse.
In a cohort of early stage colon cancer (n=460), we examined, in silico, changes in gene expression within the CMS1 subtype and demonstrated for the first time the favorable prognostic value of chemokine-like factor (CKLF) gene expression in the adjuvant disease setting [HR=0.18, CI=0.04-0.89]. In addition, using transcription profiles originating from cell sorted CRC tumors, we delineated the source of CKLF transcription within the colorectal tumor microenvironment to the leukocyte component of these tumors. Further to this, we confirmed that CKLF gene expression is confined to distinct immune subsets in whole blood samples and primary cell lines, highlighting CKLF as a potential immune cell-derived factor promoting tumor immune-surveillance of nascent neoplastic cells, particularly in CMS1 tumors. Building on the recently reported CRCSC data, we provide compelling evidence that leukocyte-infiltrate derived CKLF expression is a candidate biomarker of favorable prognosis, specifically in MSI-immune stage II/III disease.


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The hypervariable regions of immunoglobulin heavy-chain (IgH) rearrangements provide a specific tumor marker in multiple myeloma (MM). Recently, real-time PCR assays have been developed in order to quantify the number of tumor cells after treatment. However, these strategies are hampered by the presence of somatic hypermutation (SH) in VDJH rearrangements from multiple myeloma (MM) patients, which causes mismatches between primers and/or probes and the target, leading to a nonaccurate quantification of tumor cells. Our group has recently described a 60% incidence of incomplete DJH rearrangements in MM patients, with no or very low rates of SH. In this study, we compare the efficiency of a real-time PCR approach for the analysis of both complete and incomplete IgH rearrangements in eight MM patients using only three JH consensus probes. We were able to design an allele-specific oligonucleotide for both the complete and incomplete rearrangement in all patients. DJH rearrangements fulfilled the criteria of effectiveness for real-time PCR in all samples (ie no unspecific amplification, detection of less than 10 tumor cells within 10(5) polyclonal background and correlation coefficients of standard curves higher than 0.98). By contrast, only three out of eight VDJH rearrangements fulfilled these criteria. Further analyses showed that the remaining five VDJH rearrangements carried three or more somatic mutations in the probe and primer sites, leading to a dramatic decrease in the melting temperature. These results support the use of incomplete DJH rearrangements instead of complete somatically mutated VDJH rearrangements for investigation of minimal residual disease in multiple myeloma.