20 resultados para dental treatment
Objectives: This study aimed to gather data on the nutritional status of older patients attending Cork University Dental School and Hospital for treatment in the Restorative Department. Information was also collected about the medical status of the patients including the prevalence of self-reported xerostomia.
Methods: Data was collected by a self-completion questionnaire followed by a brief clinical examination. Nutritional Status was measured using the short version of the Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) which recorded patients’ Body Mass Index (BMI). The MNA consists of 6 parameters (including questions relating to patients’ history and anthropometric data) with a maximum total of 14 points. Scores of 12-14 indicate “normal nutritional status” whilst those between 8 and 11 indicate a patient “at risk of malnutrition”. Scores lower than 8 are an indication a patient who is “malnourished”. All patients attending Cork University Dental School and Hospital aged 65 years and older were invited to participate in the study.
Results: A total of 22 subjects participated in this study. Twelve patients were partially dentate with 10 edentulous. The results from the MNA indicate that 11 patients were of “normal nutritional status” with 11 patients identified as being “at risk of malnutrition”. None of the subjects were “malnourished”. Edentate patients generally recorded lower MNA scores than partially dentate patients. In total, 9 patients reported experiencing xerostomia with 8 indicating that they needed to sip liquids to aid swallowing but only 3 had difficulty swallowing food.
Conclusion: This small study indicates that a number of the older patients attending Cork University Dental School and Hospital for dental care may be “at risk of malnutrition”. These findings suggest that nutritional advice and dental care should both be included in an overall package of care for older patients.
Objectives: Approximately 300 people are diagnosed with Head and Neck cancer annually in Northern Ireland. The management may include treatment by surgery or by chemotherapy and radiotherapy,
or a combination of modalities. Patients whose oral cavity, teeth, salivary glands and jaws that
will be affected by treatment, particularly radiotherapy should have a pre-treatment assessment. This should be done as early as possible to maximise the time available for dental management. However, this can be challenging owing to the complexities of cancer diagnosis, treatment planning and multidisciplinary management. At the Belfast Dental Hospital, a number of patients were referred post- radiotherapy with complications after not having received a pre-treatment assessment. The referrals for pre- treatment dental assessment were also late in patients’ multidisciplinary journey, limiting the time period
for dental input. The purpose of this audit was to examine the time period between dental assessment and commencement of radiotherapy and whether this was an adequate time frame for dental management. This audit will also examine the dental diseases present and the treatments required pre-radiotherapy. Methods: Data for this audit was collected over 4 months in 2012
by analysing the dental charts and referrals of new patients who were referred to and attended the dental head and neck oncology clinic. A standardised referral pro-forma was introduced from September 2013 to improve the referral process.
A re-audit was conducted over 4 months in 2014. Data was collected similarly as previous. The time period between dental assessment and commencement of radiotherapy was examined. The presence of dental disease and subsequent treatments required were also noted.
Results: 63 new patients were examined in the dental head and neck oncology clinic over 4 months in 2012. 48 (76.2%) were examined pre-radiotherapy. The average length of time between dental assessment and radiotherapy commencement was 11 days. A new standardised referral pro-forma was introduced in 2013. In the re-audit, 65 new patients were seen over 4 months in 2014.
60 (92.3%) patients were examined pre-radiotherapy. The average length of time between dental assessment and radiotherapy commencement was 18 days.
Conclusion: Given the high prevalence of pre-existing dental disease amongst head and neck cancer patients, prompt dental assessment and treatment is vital. Efforts aimed at improving the care pathway are on-going through the implementation of a mandatory referral pro-forma and a dedicated assessment clinic.
Objectives: To evaluate the placement of composite materials by new graduates using three alternative placement techniques.Methods: A cohort of 34 recently qualified graduates were asked to restore class II interproximal cavities in plastic teeth using three different techniques.
(i) A conventional incremental filling technique (Herculite XRV) using increments no larger than 2-mm with an initial layer on the cervical floor of the box of 1-mm.
(ii) Flowable bulk fill technique (Dentsply SDR) bulk fill placement in a 3-mm layer followed by an incremental fill of a microhybrid resin
(iii) Bulk fill (Kerr Sonicfill) which involved restorations placed in a 5-mm layer.
The operators were instructed in each technique, didactically and with a hands-on demonstration, prior to restoration placement.
All restorations were cured according to manufacturer’s recommendations. Each participant restored 3 teeth, 1 tooth per treatment technique.
The restorations were evaluated using modified USPHS criteria to assess both the marginal adaptation and the surface texture of the restorations. Blind evaluations were carried out independently by two examiners with the aid of magnification (loupes X2.5). Examiners were standardized prior to evaluation.
Results: Gaps between the tooth margins and the restoration or between the layers of the restoration were found in 13 of Group (i), 3 of Group (ii), and 4 of Group (iii)
Statistical analysis revealed a significant difference between the incrementally filled group (i) and the flowable bulk-fill group (ii) (p=0.0043) and between the incrementally filled (i) and the bulk fill groups (iii) (p=0.012) and no statistical difference (p=0.69) between the bulk filled groups Conclusions: Bulk fill techniques may result in a more satisfactory seal of the cavity margins when restoring with composite.
Factor XI is a serine protease that participates in the intrinsic pathway of blood coagulation. Patients deficient in factor XI exhibit varying degrees of post operative bleeding following invasive surgical procedures such as dental extractions. Objectives: The aim of the study was to identify the specific mutations in a patient from a family with known factor XI deficiency. Methods: Samples were obtained from the patient, his mother and his father and subjected to DNA sequencing. Each protein coding exon 2-15 of the factor XI gene was amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) followed by bidirectional sequencing utilizing di-deoxy chain termination chemistry. Results: The patient had a factor XI level of 20% of normal. Initial sequencing of factor XI from the patient identified a point mutation (646G>A) and a putative splice site mutation (1567+4A>T) in intron 13. These are novel previously unreported mutations. DNA sequence analysis of the mother revealed the 1567+4A>T mutation and the father exhibited the 646G>A mutation. As a consequence the treatment proceeded without serious bleeding complication and required administration only of transexamic acid though factor XI was available as haemostatic cover. Conclusion: The two mutations identified in this family are novel; further laboratory investigation of the functional consequences of those mutations is currently underway. Although factor XI deficiency is rare in the Northern Irish population this study highlights the techniques available to sequence and analyse this and similar haematological disorders.
This study aimed to collect data on the oral health status of patients undergoing treatment for head and neck oncology across Northern Ireland. Data were collected on all patients referred to the Northern Ireland Multidisciplinary Head and Neck Oncology Team for discussion and treatment planning. Each patient underwent pre-treatment dental assessment in the Centre for Dentistry, Queen’s University Belfast, between June 2013 and November 2014. Data were collected from clinical oral examinations supplemented with intra-oral radiographs. During the course of the study 96 patients were assessed and the levels of dental disease observed in this cohort were high. On clinical examination
43% were diagnosed with caries and 46% with periodontal disease. Ten patients were completely edentate. The disease profile of this patient group presents significant challenges to dental services tasked with rendering patients dentally fit prior to undergoing oncology treatment.