103 resultados para dense wavelength


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The transport of an intense electron-beam produced by the Vulcan petawatt laser through dense plasmas has been studied by imaging with high resolution the optical emission due to electron transit through the rear side of coated foam targets. It is observed that the MeV-electron beam undergoes strong filamentation and the filaments organize themselves in a ringlike structure. This behavior has been modeled using particle-in-cell simulations of the laser-plasma interaction as well as of the transport of the electron beam through the preionized plasma. In the simulations the filamentary structures are reproduced and attributed to the Weibel instability.


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The nonlinear propagation of ion-sound waves in a collisionless dense electron-ion magnetoplasma is investigated. The inertialess electrons are assumed to follow a non-Boltzmann distribution due to the pressure for the Fermi plasma and the ions are described by the hydrodynamic (HD) equations. An energy balance-like equation involving a new Sagdeev-type pseudo-potential is derived in the presence of the quantum statistical effects. Numerical calculations reveal that the profiles of the Sagdeev-like potential and the ion-sound density excitations are significantly affected by the wave direction cosine and the Mach number. The present studies might be helpful to understand the excitation of nonlinear ion-sound waves in dense plasmas such as those in superdense white dwarfs and neutron stars as well as in intense laser-solid density plasma experiments.


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Neutral gas depletion mechanisms are investigated in a dense low-temperature argon plasma-an inductively coupled magnetic neutral loop (NL) discharge. Gas temperatures are deduced from the Doppler profile of the 772.38 nm line absorbed by argon metastable atoms. Electron density and temperature measurements reveal that at pressures below 0.1 Pa, relatively high degrees of ionization (exceeding 1%) result in electron pressures, p(e) = kT(e)n(e), exceeding the neutral gas pressure. In this regime, neutral dynamics has to be taken into account and depletion through comparatively high ionization rates becomes important. This additional depletion mechanism can be spatially separated due to non-uniform electron temperature and density profiles (non-uniform ionization rate), while the gas temperature is rather uniform within the discharge region. Spatial profiles of the depletion of metastable argon atoms in the NL region are observed by laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy. In this region, the depletion of ground state argon atoms is expected to be even more pronounced since in the investigated high electron density regime the ratio of metastable and ground state argon atom densities is governed by the electron temperature, which peaks in the NL region. This neutral gas depletion is attributed to a high ionization rate in the NL zone and fast ion loss through ambipolar diffusion along the magnetic field lines. This is totally different from what is observed at pressures above 10 Pa where the degree of ionization is relatively low (


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The impedance and radiation pattern parameters of a lambda/2 quadrifilar helix antenna (QHA) with turn angles in the range 0 degrees to 235 degrees are analyzed. It is shown that by selecting the helix turn angle to satisfy the minimum bandwidth and beamwidth requirements, an improved electrical performance and a reduction in the physical size of the antenna is obtained. This is demonstrated by comparing the performance of a conventional half turn QHA with structures having a smaller pitch length. The computed results are validated by experimental data at L-band.


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One of the grand challenges of contemporary physics is understanding strongly interacting quantum systems comprising such diverse examples as ultracold atoms in traps, electrons in high-temperature superconductors and nuclear matter. Warm dense matter, defined by temperatures of a few electron volts and densities comparable with solids, is a complex state of such interacting matter. Moreover, the study of warm dense matter states has practical applications for controlled thermonuclear fusion, where it is encountered during the implosion phase, and it also represents laboratory analogues of astrophysical environments found in the core of planets and the crusts of old stars, Here we demonstrate how warm dense matter states can be diagnosed and structural properties can be obtained by inelastic X-ray scattering measurements on a compressed lithium sample. Combining experiments and ab initio simulations enables us to determine its microscopic state and to evaluate more approximate theoretical models for the ionic structure.


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In this paper we describe experimental results on angularly resolved x-ray scatter from a sample of warm dense aluminium that has been created by double sided laser-driven shock compression. The experiment was carried out on the Central Laser Facility of the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, using the VULCAN laser. The form of the angularly resolved scatter cross-section was compared with predictions based on a series of molecular dynamics simulations with an embedded atom potential, a Yukakwa potential and a bare Coulomb potential. The importance of screening is evident from the comparison and the embedded atom model seems to match experiment better than the Yukawa potential.


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A scheme to obtain brilliant x-ray sources by coherent reflection of a counter-propagating pulse from laser-driven dense electron sheets is theoretically and numerically investigated in a self-consistent manner. A radiation pressure acceleration model for the dynamics of the electron sheets blown out from laser-irradiated ultrathin foils is developed and verified by PIC simulations. The first multidimensional and integral demonstration of the scheme by 2D PIC simulations is presented. It is found that the reflected pulse undergoes Doppler-upshift by a factor 4?z2, where ?z = (1- vz2/c2)-1/2 is the effective Lorentz factor of the electron sheet al ong its normal direction. Meanwhile the pulse electric field is intensified by a factor depending on the electron density of the sheet in its moving frame ne/?, where ? is the full Lorentz factor.


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We have studied the dynamics of warm dense Li with near-elastic x-ray scattering. Li foils were heated and compressed using shock waves driven by 4-ns-long laser pulses. Separate 1-ns-long laser pulses were used to generate a bright source of 2.96 keV Cl Ly-alpha photons for x-ray scattering, and the spectrum of scattered photons was recorded at a scattering angle of 120 degrees using a highly oriented pyrolytic graphite crystal operated in the von Hamos geometry. A variable delay between the heater and backlighter laser beams measured the scattering time evolution. Comparison with radiation-hydrodynamics simulations shows that the plasma is highly coupled during the first several nanoseconds, then relaxes to a moderate coupling state at later times. Near-elastic scattering amplitudes have been successfully simulated using the screened one-component plasma model. Our main finding is that the near-elastic scattering amplitudes are quite sensitive to the mean ionization state Z and by extension to the choice of ionization model in the radiation-hydrodynamics simulations used to predict plasma properties within the shocked Li.