19 resultados para deformed nucleus


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Nanocomposites of poly(ethylene terephthalate) PET with a partially synthetic fluoromica were prepared by melt mixing and extruded into sheet and subjected to large-scale biaxial stretching. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis of the mica tactoids showed that biaxial stretching had caused the tactoids to be more orientated and with improved exfoliation. The moduli of the nanocomposites were enhanced with increasing mica loading and the reinforcement effect was higher when the stretch ratio was 2 or 2.5, accommodated by having more aligned tactoids and reduced agglomeration. Enhancement in modulus was less pronounced for a stretch ratio of 3. Storage modulus was enhanced more significantly above the glass transition temperature. The barrier properties were enhanced by addition of mica before and after stretching. The Halpin-Tsai theory underpredicted the relative modulus of the PET nanocomposites, whereas the Nielsen model over-predicted the relative permeability. POLYM. ENG. SCI., 2012. (c) 2011 Society of Plastics Engineers


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Deformed wing virus (DWV) represents an ideal model to study the interaction between mode of transmission and virulence in honey bees since it exhibits both horizontal and vertical transmissions. However, it is not yet clear if venereal-vertical transmission represents a regular mode of transmission for this virus in natural honey bee populations. Here, we provide clear evidence for the occurrence of high DWV titres in the endophallus of sexually mature drones collected from drone congregation areas (DCAs). Furthermore, the endophallus DWV titres of drones collected at their maternal hives were no different from drones collected at nearby DCAs, suggesting that high-titre DWV infection of the endophallus does not hinder the ability of drones to reach the mating area. The results are discussed within the context of the dispersal of DWV between colonies and the definition of DWV virulence with respect to the transmission route and the types of tissues infected.


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Context. Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko is the target of the European Space Agency Rosetta spacecraft rendez-vous mission. Detailed physical characteristation of the comet before arrival is important for mission planning as well as providing a test bed for ground-based observing and data-analysis methods. Aims: To conduct a long-term observational programme to characterize the physical properties of the nucleus of the comet, via ground-based optical photometry, and to combine our new data with all available nucleus data from the literature. Methods: We applied aperture photometry techniques on our imaging data and combined the extracted rotational lightcurves with data from the literature. Optical lightcurve inversion techniques were applied to constrain the spin state of the nucleus and its broad shape. We performed a detailed surface thermal analysis with the shape model and optical photometry by incorporating both into the new Advanced Thermophysical Model (ATPM), along with all available Spitzer 8-24 μm thermal-IR flux measurements from the literature. Results: A convex triangular-facet shape model was determined with axial ratios b/a = 1.239 and c/a = 0.819. These values can vary by as much as 7% in each axis and still result in a statistically significant fit to the observational data. Our best spin state solution has Psid = 12.76137 ± 0.00006 h, and a rotational pole orientated at Ecliptic coordinates λ = 78°(±10°), β = + 58°(±10°). The nucleus phase darkening behaviour was measured and best characterized using the IAU HG system. Best fit parameters are: G = 0.11 ± 0.12 and HR(1,1,0) = 15.31 ± 0.07. Our shape model combined with the ATPM can satisfactorily reconcile all optical and thermal-IR data, with the fit to the Spitzer 24 μm data taken in February 2004 being exceptionally good. We derive a range of mutually-consistent physical parameters for each thermal-IR data set, including effective radius, geometric albedo, surface thermal inertia and roughness fraction. Conclusions: The overall nucleus dimensions are well constrained and strongly imply a broad nucleus shape more akin to comet 9P/Tempel 1, rather than the highly elongated or "bi-lobed" nuclei seen for comets 103P/Hartley 2 or 8P/Tuttle. The derived low thermal inertia of


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Rosetta is ESA's new comet orbiter mission, launched in March 2004 and currently en route to Jupiter-family comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. The probe will rendezvous with the comet in 2014 and remain in orbit around the nucleus for on-going detailed physical and compositional analysis. Pre-encounter observations of the target are important for characterization of the heliocentric light-curve behaviour and the physical properties of the nucleus, information that is critical for mission planning. The nucleus was first characterized using HST observations in 2003 (Lamy et al. 2006) and observed directly in May 2005 by ground based telescopes (Lowry et al. 2006) when it was at 5.6 AU from the Sun. An extensive database of nucleus observations have since been acquired, not only from large ground-based telescopes like the ESO VLT (Tubiana et al. 2008 & 2011), but also from Spitzer (Kelley et al. 2006 & 2009; Lamy et al. 2008).