54 resultados para access and availability of healthful food choices


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This study assessed access to Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) therapies for people with cancer within the British National Health Service. CAM units were identified through an internet search in 2009. A total of 142 units, providing 62 different therapies, were identified: 105 (74.0%) England; 23 (16.2%) Scotland; 7 (4.9%) each in Wales and Northern Ireland. Most units provide a small number of therapies (median 4, range 1–20), and focus on complementary, rather than alternative approaches. Counselling is the most widely provided therapy (available at 82.4% of identified units), followed by reflexology (62.0%), aromatherapy (59.1%), reiki (43.0%), massage (42.2%). CAM units per million of the population varied between countries (England: 2.2; Wales: 2.3; Scotland: 4.8; Northern Ireland: 5.0), and within countries. Better publicity for CAM units, greater integration of units in conventional cancer treatment centres may help improve access to CAMs.


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EUROCHIP (European Cancer Health Indicators Project) focuses on understanding inequalities in the cancer burden, care and survival by the indicators "stage at diagnosis," "cancer treatment delay" and "compliance with cancer guidelines" as the most important indicators. Our study aims at providing insight in whether cancer registries collect well-defined variables to determine these indicators in a comparative way. Eighty-six general European population-based cancer registries (PBCR) from 32 countries responded to the questionnaire, which was developed by EUROCHIP in collaboration with ENCR (European Network of Cancer Registries) and EUROCOURSE. Only 15% of all the PBCR in EU had all three indicators available. The indicator "stage at diagnosis" was gathered for at least one cancer site by 81% (using TNM in 39%). Variables for the indicator "cancer treatment delay" were collected by 37%. Availability of type of treatment (30%), surgery date (36%), starting date of radiotherapy (26%) and starting date of chemotherapy (23%) resulted in 15% of the PBCRs to be able to gather the indicator "compliance to guidelines". Lack of data source access and qualified staff were the major reasons for not collecting all the variables. In conclusion, based on self-reporting, a few of the participating PBCRs had data available which could be used for clinical audits, evaluation of cancer care projects, survival and for monitoring national cancer control strategies. Extra efforts should be made to improve this very efficient tool to compare cancer burden and the effects of the national cancer plans over Europe and to learn from each other. © 2012 UICC.


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Timely and convenient access to primary healthcare is essential for the health of the population as delays can incur additional health and financial costs. Access to health care is under increasing scrutiny as part of the drive to contain escalating costs, while attempting to maintain equity in service provision. The objective was to compare primary care services in Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, and to report on perceived and reported access to GP services in universal access and mixed private/public systems. A questionnaire study was performed in Northern Ireland (NI) and the Republic of Ireland (ROI). Patients of 20 practices in the ROI and NI were contacted (n = 22,796). Main outcome measures were overall satisfaction and the access to GP services. Individual responses and scale scores were derived using the General Practice Assessment Questionnaire (G-PAQ). The response rate was 52% (n = 11,870). Overall satisfaction with GP practices was higher in ROI than in NI (84.2% and 80.9% respectively). Access scores were higher in ROI than in NI (69.2% and 57.0% respectively) Less than 1 in 10 patients in ROI waited two or more working days to see a doctor of choice (8.1%) compared to almost half (45.0%) in NI. In NI overall satisfaction decreased as practice size increased; 82.8%, 80.4%, and 75.8%. In both systems, in large practices, accessibility is reduced when compared to smaller practices. The faster access to GP services in ROI may be due to the deterrent effect of the consultation charge freeing up services although, as it is the poorest and sickest who are deterred by the charge this improved accessibility may come at a significant cost in terms of equity. The underlying concern for policy makers centres around provision of equitable services.


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The rate of species loss is increasing on a global scale and predators are most at risk from human-induced extinction. The effects of losing predators are difficult to predict, even with experimental single species removals, because different combinations of species interact in unpredictable ways. We tested the effects of the loss of groups of common predators on herbivore and algal assemblages in a model benthic marine system. The predator groups were fish, shrimp and crabs. Each group was represented by at least two characteristic species based on data collected at local field sites. We examined the effects of the loss of predators while controlling for the loss of predator biomass. The identity, not the number of predator groups, affected herbivore abundance and assemblage structure. Removing fish led to a large increase in the abundance of dominant herbivores, such as Ampithoids and Caprellids. Predator identity also affected algal assemblage structure. It did not, however, affect total algal mass. Removing fish led to an increase in the final biomass of the least common taxa (red algae) and reduced the mass of the dominant taxa (brown algae). This compensatory shift in the algal assemblage appeared to facilitate the maintenance of a constant total algal biomass. In the absence of fish, shrimp at higher than ambient densities had a similar effect on herbivore abundance, showing that other groups could partially compensate for the loss of dominant predators. Crabs had no effect on herbivore or algal populations, possibly because they were not at carrying capacity in our experimental system. These findings show that contrary to the assumptions of many food web models, predators cannot be classified into a single functional group and their role in food webs depends on their identity and density in 'real' systems and carrying capacities.


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A rapid screening assay (9 min/sample) has been developed and validated for the detection of deoxynivalenol in durum wheat, wheat products, and maize-based baby foods using an SPA biosensor. Through a single laboratory validation, the limits of detection (LOD) for wheat, wheat-based breakfast cereal, and maize-based baby food were 57, 9, and 6 mu g/kg, respectively. Intra-assay and interassay precisions were calculated for each matrix at the maximum and half-maximum European Union regulatory limits and expressed as the coefficient of variation (CV). All CVs fell below 10% with the exception of the between-run CV for breakfast cereal. Recoveries at the concentrations tested ranged from 92 to 115% for all matrices. Action limits of 161, 348, and 1378 mu g/kg were calculated for baby food, wheat-based breakfast cereal, and wheat, respectively, and the linear range of the assay was determined as 250-2000 mu g/kg.


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A rapid surface plasmon resonance (SPR) screening assay has been developed for the combined detection of T-2 and HT-2 toxins in naturally contaminated cereals using a sensor chip coated with an HT-2 toxin derivative and a monoclonal antibody. The antibody raised against HT-2 displayed high cross-reactivity with T-2 toxin while there was no cross-reaction observed with other commonly occurring trichothecenes. A simple extraction procedure using 40% methanol was applied to baby food, breakfast cereal, and wheat samples prior to biosensor analysis. Limits of detection (LOD) for each matrix were determined as 25 mu g kg(-1) for baby food and breakfast cereal and 26 mu g kg(-1) for wheat. Intra-assay precision (n = 6) was calculated for each matrix. The results were expressed as the relative standard deviation and determined as 2.8% (100 mu g kg(-1)) and 1.8% (200 mu g kg(-1)) in breakfast cereal, 4.6% (50 mu g kg(-1)) and 3.6% (100 mu g kg(-1)) in wheat and 0.97% (25 mu g kg(-1)) and 6.3% (50 mu g kg(-1)) in baby food. Between run precision (n = 3) performed at the same levels yielded relative standard deviations of 6.7% and 3.9% for breakfast cereals, 3.3% and 1.6% for wheat and 6.8% and 0.08% for baby food, respectively. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This work analyzes the relationship between large food webs describing potential feeding relations between species and smaller sub-webs thereof describing relations actually realized in local communities of various sizes. Special attention is given to the relationships between patterns of phylogenetic correlations encountered in large webs and sub-webs. Based on the current theory of food-web topology as implemented in the matching model, it is shown that food webs are scale invariant in the following sense: given a large web described by the model, a smaller, randomly sampled sub-web thereof is described by the model as well. A stochastic analysis of model steady states reveals that such a change in scale goes along with a re-normalization of model parameters. Explicit formulae for the renormalized parameters are derived. Thus, the topology of food webs at all scales follows the same patterns, and these can be revealed by data and models referring to the local scale alone. As a by-product of the theory, a fast algorithm is derived which yields sample food webs from the exact steady state of the matching model for a high-dimensional trophic niche space in finite time. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.