46 resultados para Zinc smelting


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A convenient microwave method in preparation of zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnONPs) using an ionic liquid, trihexyltetradecylphosphonium bis{(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl}-imide, [P-66614][NTf2], as a green solvent is described in this paper. To the best of our knowledge, there is no report for synthesizing any nanoparticle using this ionic liquid. Trihexyltetradecylphosphonium bis{(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl}-imide has low interface tension and thus it can enhance the nucleation rate, which is favorable to the formation of smaller ZnONPs. The fabricated ZnONPs were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and UV-vis spectroscopy. The XRD pattern reveals that the ZnONPs have hexagonal wurtzite structure. The strong intensity and narrow width of ZnO diffraction peaks indicate that the resulting nanoparticles are of high crystallinity. The synthesized ZnONPs show direct band gap of 3.43 eV. The UV-vis absorption spectrum of ZnONPs dispersed in ethylene glycol at room temperature revealed a blue-shifted onset of absorption. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study describes the thermorheological, mechanical and drug release properties of novel, light-activated antimicrobial implants. Hydrogels, based on N-isopropylacrylamide (NIPAA) and hydroxyethyl methacryl ate (HEMA) and either devoid of or containing zinc tetraphenylporphyrin, were prepared by free radical polymerisation and characterised using oscillatory rheometry and texture profile analysis. Drug release was studied at both 20 and 37 degrees C. Hydrogels containing NIPAA exhibited a sol-gel temperature (Tin), which increased as the proportion of HEMA increased and was


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Background: Small molecule inhibitors of the zinc finger domain (ZFI) in the nucleocapsid protein (NCp7) of HIV-1 are potent inhibitors of HIV and SIV
replication and may have utility as topical products to prevent infection. Furthermore, intravaginal rings (IVRs) were developed as coitally-independent,
sustained release devices which could be used for administration of HIV microbicides. The aims of these studies were to demonstrate that IVRs sized for
macaques are practical and compatible with the current generation of thioester-based NCp7 inhibitors.

Methods: Non-medicated silicone elastomer vaginal rings of various sizes thought to be applicable for macaques were prepared and tested for vaginal fit in Pigtailed and Chinese Rhesus macaques. Macaques were monitored for 8 weeks for mucosal disruption by colposcopy and proinflammatory cytokine markers in cervical vaginal lavages (CVL) using Luminex bead-based technology. Three different ZFIs (compounds 52, 89 and 122, each derived from an N-substituted S-acyl-2-mercaptobenzamide thioester scaffold) were loaded at 50 mg into an optimal matrix-type ring design. In vitro continuous release studies were then conducted over 28 days and analyzed by HPLC. Rate of release was determined by linear regression analysis.

Results: Qualitative evaluation at the time of ring insertion suggested that the 25 mm ring provided optimal fit in both macaque species. All rings remained in
place during the study period (2 to 4 weeks), and the animals did not attempt to remove the rings. No tissue irritation was observed, and no signs of physical
discomfort were noted. Also, no significant induction of cervicovaginal proinflammatory markers was observed during the 8-week period during and following ring insertion. One Pigtailed macaque showed elevated IL-8 levels in the CVL during the period when the ring was in place; however, these levels were comparable to those observed in two control macaques. In vitro release of the ZFIs peaked at day 1 and then continually declined to near steady-state rates between 20-30 mcg/day. The percent release after 14 days was 2.9, 2.0 and 0.9 for ZFI 89, 52 and 122, respectively.

Conclusions: IVRs of 25mm diameter, determined to be the optimal size for macaques, were well tolerated and did not induce inflammation. Release of all ZFI compounds followed t 0.5 kinetics. These findings suggest that efficacy testing in primate models is warranted to fully evaluate the potential to prevent


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A facile sonochemical method has been developed to prepare very small zinc sulfide nanoparticles (ZnS NPs) of extremely small size about 1. nm in diameter using a set of ionic liquids based on the bis (trifluoromethylsulfonyl) imide anion and different cations of 1-alkyl-3-methyl-imidazolium. The structural features and optical properties of the NPs were determined in depth with X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), high-resolution TEM (HRTEM), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, dynamic light scattering (DLS) analysis, and UV-vis absorption spectroscopy. The energy band gap measurements of ZnS NPs were calculated by UV-vis absorption spectroscopy. One of the interesting features of the present work is that the wide band gap semiconductor ZnS nanocrystals were prepared which are used in the fabrication of photonic devices.


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On 25 April 1998, a breach of the tailings dam of the Los Frailes pyrite mine in southwestern Spain resulted in the release of 6 million m(3) of acidic water and toxic sludge high in heavy metals. Contaminated material extended 40 km downstream, affecting agricultural land and parts of the wildlife-rich Donana Natural and National Parks, including the Entremuros, a very important area for birds. We report on the concentrations, distributions and bioavailability of zinc and cadmium in soil and vegetation from the Entremuros in November 1998 and October 1999, following 2 'cleanup' operations. Levels of Zn and Cd in soil increased significantly over this period, although this was not reflected consistently in metal concentrations in emergent macrophytes. We recommend monitoring of further cleanup attempts in order to develop means of minimizing potential impacts to wildlife in the area.


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A reconnaissance of 23 paddy fields, from three Bangladesh districts, encompassing a total of 230 soil and rice plant samples was conducted to identify the extent to which trace element characteristics in soils and irrigation waters are reflected by the harvested rice crop. Field sites were located on two soil physiographic units with distinctly different As soil baseline and groundwater concentrations. For arsenic (As), both straw and grain trends closely fitted patterns observed for the soils and water. Grain concentration characteristics for selenium (Se), zinc (Zn), and nickel (Ni), however, were markedly different. Regressions of shoot and grain As against grain Se, Zn, and Ni were highly significant (P <0.001), exhibiting a pronounced decline in grain trace-nutrient quality with increasing As content. To validate this further, a pot experiment cultivar screening trial, involving commonly cultivated high yielding variety (HYV) rice grown alongside two U.S. rice varieties characterized as being As tolerant and susceptible, was conducted on an As-amended uniform soil. Findings from the trial confirmed that As perturbed grain metal(loid) balances, resulting in severe yield reductions in addition to constraining the levels of Se, Zn, and Ni in the grain.