90 resultados para U-NB-O FRAMEWORKS


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It is argued widely that the academy today is in the process of significant change—in the institutional assumptions of what constitutes the university and the construction of knowledge and in its relations with the city and the world. This article addresses the evolution of the modern university in the context of the discourses of contemporary globalizing institutions. Further, it empirically assesses the organizational priorities of U.S. research universities in light of the application of these discourses to their objectives and practices, finding that they are playing a key role in the formal representation of the institutional direction, goals, and values of American higher education.


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The first enantiopure 4,4'-bipyridyls, 6, 8, and 9 have been prepared in four or five steps via bacterial dioxygenase-catalysed cis-dihydroxylation of 4-chloroquinoline 1 and C-C coupling; ligands 6 and 9 are found to be effective building blocks for the preparation of chiral metal-organic frameworks as demonstrated with the rational synthesis of two pillared-grid structures [Zn-2(fumarate)(2)(L)], which exhibit interesting structural and dynamic aspects.


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Published ab-initio and pseudopotential calculations for the dialkali halide systems suggest that the preferred co-linear geometry is for the metal to approach the metal end of the alkali halide. Here, ab-initio calculations on the Li2F system reveal that the well depth on the halide side in this radical is much deeper and is a local saddle-point associated with the ionic non-linear global minima. Although many features of the pseudopotential surfaces are confirmed, significant differences are apparent including the existence of a linear excited state instead of a triangular one, a considerably deeper global minimum some 50% lower in energy and a close approach between the X2A1 and the states, with the minimum 87 kJ mol-1 below the ground state asymptote. All the results can be rationalised as the avoided crossings between a long range, covalent potential dominant within the LiLiF geometry and an ionic state that forms the global minimum. Calculations on the 3rd 2A' potential indicate that even for Li + LiF collisions at ultracold temperatures the collision dynamics could involve as many as three electronic states.


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This paper presents the results of recent palaeoentomological research carried out in the Humberhead Levels, South Yorkshire, UK, including the discovery of fossils of five species of beetle previously unknown in the British Isles. The significance of these and other Urwaldrelikt species is discussed in relation to the fragmentation of forest habitats, particularly those associated with Pinus sylvestris L. The Holocene history of this tree and its associated taxa is examined. The importance of fire habitats and the dependence of some pinicolous taxa on these habitats suggests that the decline of fire ecosystems may have had some impact on the changing biogeography of some species.


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This article examines the complex interactions between British national identity and the territorial identities of Northern Ireland and Scotland. We argue that the current literature on national identities in Britain misunderstands the nature of British identities in Northern Ireland and Scotland. Indeed, much of this literature wrongly defines Unionists in both of these areas. By examining the content of British national identity, a comparison of Scotland and Northern Ireland reveals that Unionism finds political significance through an ideological project committed to the Union. However, we also have to account for the differences in the Unionist ideology of Scotland and Northern Ireland. We argue that the institutional framework in which these identities and ideologies are exercised explains this variation. Overall, we argue that the debate on nationalism in the United Kingdom has not adequately shown how the integrative functions of British national identity can co-exist with the separatist nature of territorial national identity.


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This paper discusses the introduction of a short ethics component into a first-year undergraduate accounting information systems course at a UK university. The influence of this ethics component on students’ ethical perceptions – where ethical perceptions are represented by the extent to which students’ conclusions regarding unethical actions coincide with those of experts in the field – is then assessed using computer-based scenarios to represent seven categories of ethical norms. The ethical perceptions in each of the scenarios are then statistically compared between two groups of students, namely those who have studied the ethics component and those who have not. Results indicate no significant difference in ethical perceptions between the two groups across all of the ethical norms. Possible explanations for this result are discussed and implications for future ethics teaching are considered.


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This article contributes towards redefining school improvement more broadly than conventional outcomes sometimes imply, and describes original and practical applications of school self-evaluation models. The significance of the work has been acknowledged by reviewers in the school improvement and peacebuilding and development fields. As a result of the research reported here, Smith was invited to support the work of the Department for Education Northern Ireland Schools Community Relations Panel and the Community Relations officers representing the five Education and Library Boards. The latter used the self-evaluation framework as a model for developing a regional whole-school self-evaluation document. Smith was the lead author of the paper.